Afc2105lesson Plan Template ltc4240
Afc2105lesson Plan Template ltc4240
Afc2105lesson Plan Template ltc4240
Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Leaving Behind Our Stories Using Art
Lesson Overview/Summary*: (This is like an abstract of the structure and procedures section)
In this lesson students will be given background information of cave painting and will be shown
pictures of real cave paintings, then they will create their own. Students will be asked to think
about the stories behind the artwork and what they would paint on their walls to share with future
Key Concepts for each area (1-2 each): What you want the
students to know.*
1. Visual Art: Art can still be used to tell stories today.
Art was once one of the only forms of communication and
2. Literacy: Books are not the only way hear and learn stories.
Books can give us background information to learn more about
our topic.
3. Social Studies: Cave paintings are from more than 35,000
years ago and they did not have paint or tools, so they had to
create their own.
Cave paintings were a way for people to show how they
hunted, share stories, and religious ideas.
1.The lesson will begin with a read out loud of the book The
Cave Painter of Lascaux which is a picture book about a girl
discovering cave paintings and meeting the painter of them.
This will start the students brains working and begin the
investigation of cave paintings.
2. Next I will show the class pictures of cave paintings and
give them background knowledge about what stories they
told and why they were made.
3. While looking at the photos of paintings, the class will
engage in a discussion about what they see in the paintings,
textures, colors, potential meanings, etc. This will get the
class thinking about the time period of the paintings and
what they see in them.
4. Next I will pose the question What story would you want
to leave behind for future generations? Students will be
able to think about things that are happening in our present
day lives and how that is different from what people in the
After each student has created a cave painting they will share
with the class the story the chose to tell and how they
represented it. We will talk as a class about how important it
is to know about other time periods and what we can learn
from what they leave behind.
What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? (what do they need to already know)
This lesson will require students to draw on their knowledge of their generation and the world events around them. The will be
representing stories as art, so they will need to think back on their lives about what stories are important to tell.
Technology Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning
To show the students pictures of real cave paintings I will use the internet and project the pictures to the class.
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
This requires students to think about their lives and the world they live in and analyze how that life if different from the past
and will be different from the future. This project also allows kids to think about how they can tell stories without words.
When we think of story telling we think of voices and written language, but this project requires kids to express a story through
visual art.
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? (How will the students know they have learned something?)
As a part of the assessment students must think back on the project and share two things they have learned (one must be
about the Stone Age). The hope is that by seeing cave paintings, learning about their history, and then creating their own
students will learn the importance of leaving something behind for other generations to learn from.
Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences,
cultural and language differences, etc.
A lot of the work is guided, other than the art project itself, but there are many ways to differentiate. If a student is an English
Language Learner, a teacher could use Text to Speech software to read the book to the student. The teacher could also allow
more time for the project if a student struggles with concentration. Finally, by giving the students many different options of
art supplies to create their project, the hope is that it will make the creating aspect easier and more enjoyable.
Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):