My Personal Philosophy of Technology in Education
My Personal Philosophy of Technology in Education
My Personal Philosophy of Technology in Education
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to present the lesson to the students which will reduce the time of dictating or writing on
a board. Teachers say the internet and other digital tools add new demand on their lives.
They feel the internet and other digital tool requires them to acquire a broad range of
content and skills related to teachers learning how to use and implement new
technologies, or whether teachers felt they need to know more to keep up with the
massive amounts of content that students can now access online. So there is no question
that the Internet and other digital technologies have required teachers to learn more and
stay up to date with more than just pedagogy (Hertz, 2013).
I believe traditional testing methods are inadequate for measuring student achievement
and knowledge. Teachers need to assess all aspects of a student, not just their testing
ability. Alternative assessment is defined as "a process of gathering evidence and
documenting a student's learning and growth in an alternative context." These
assessments can be used in a formative manner, to guide student learning during the
lesson, as well as in a summative manner to assess learning at the end of a lesson. More
advanced students could develop a portfolio, electronic or paper, to display their
knowledge of a particular topic or lesson. We as teachers can also use rubrics to assess
students' work. Rubrics can be used to assess the majority of students' work, such as,
word processing assignments, spread sheets, power point presentations, and educational
software assignments.
The use of technology in the classroom is growing and changing each year. With this
change, it is the teachers responsibility to be educated on how best to utilize this
technology. Most importantly, technology should complement a teacher's lesson .It is the
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teachers responsibility to integrate technology into the curriculum and instructional
programmed in order to enhance students achievement. It is the ` The integration of
technology into the curriculum and the classroom that allows for the development of reallife skills and knowledge on the students' behalf. Like Lev Vigotsky in his theory said the
classroom should provide a variety of learning materials (including electronics). Each
student should be provided with equal access to technology in the school setting. We as
teachers need to facilitate and encourage this development so students will be successful
in all aspects of their education, as well as in their future.
Ethical and appropriate use of technology
I believe that as responsible teachers we must give the students the understandings an
skill they need for safety not just in school, but in other places such as on the internet.
Three ethical practices a teacher must teach her student are that:
Articulate personal values when using technology.
Talk to students about ethical online conduct and set clear limits about what
is allowed and what is not allowed. Teachers need to be knowledgeable
about the schools Acceptable Use Policy and work to help their students
understand it. A districts current acceptable use policy should include
language about posting private information about both oneself and others.
This private information includes home addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and labeled photographs. Any bullying policies you might
have should cover electronic bullying as well as physical bullying.
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Teach the students that when they are accessing information from the internet
they should give credit to the author. Teach them that plagiarism is wrong.
Make it clear that there are times when device use is permitted and times
where the entire class will be required to unplug. Create classroom rules
about device usage together, print them out like a contract and have
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everyone sign. If students cant follow the rules which is admittedly
difficult when they are using their own devices and carriers like T-Mobile
offers free data for tablets collect phones and tablets in a basket any time
students need to focus on what is in front of them, like during a presentation
or exam (Instructional Tech Talk, 2015).
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Hertz, M.B. (2013). How Teachers use Technology the Latest Research. Edutopia.
Retrieved from:
Instructional Tech Talk, (2015). Managing technology in the Classroom. Retrieved from: