Bank of India Project Report
Bank of India Project Report
Bank of India Project Report
MBA (Semester - II) 2010-2011
Enrollment No: 107160592050
Gujarat Technological University
I also declare that all the information collected from various secondary sources has been duly
acknowledged in this project report.
Mayank Tailor
This is to certify that Mr. MAYANK TAILOR has satisfactory completed the project work
entitled, CREDIT APPRAISAL IN SURAT, GUJARAT. Based on the declaration made by
the candidate and me association as a guide for carrying out this project work, I
recommended this project for evaluation as a part of the MBA programme of Gujarat
Technological University.
Place: VAPI
Place: VAPI
Dr D.S.Sarupria
My debts are many and I acknowledge them with much pride and delight. This summer
project was undertaken as a part of MBA Programme pursuing at GIDC RAJJU SHROFF
Rofel Institute of Management Studies, Vapi. (GRIMS). I would like to thank my institute
and Central Bank of India which has provided me with the infrastructure and opportunity for
doing this project work.
I am very great full to Mr. P.K.VESUNA (Loan/Advances), who has given me the permission
to carry out this project work at their esteemed organization.
I am extremely great full to Dr. Dalpat Sarupria, Director of GIDC RAJJU SHROFF Rofel
Institute of Management Studies, Vapi. (GRIMS), for his invaluable help and guidance
throughout my work. He kindly evinced keen interest in my work and furnished some useful
comments, which could enrich the work substantially.
I am very much thankful to my internal guide Prof. NUPUR ANGIRISH for her keen
guidance and support.
In fact it is very difficult to acknowledge all the names and nature of help and encouragement
provided by them. I would never forget the help and support extended directly or indirectly
to me by all.
I had a valuable experience doing my summer internship at Central Bank of India in Surat.
The duration for my internship was 23 days, starting from 7 th july 2011 to 29th july 2011 in
Surat Main branch and, I was working on the CREDIT APPRISAL
My Project Guide was Mr.P.K.VESUNA for SURAT branch, respectively of his department.
This was my First exposure to the corporate world and had an experience of working in a
banking. I was directly working under loan/advances : I was working on the credit appraisal,
which I feel is the basic requirement of any bank. While working I observed the significance
of the loan/advances in a bank, its working. I also got to observe various functions of the
bank department.
The project, which was given to me in this period of my summer internship, project was to
know the credit appraisal. For that, I have to talk to manager and try to understand concept of
credit in the bank.
Thus during this internship-period working on project and simultaneously observing has
proved to be a great experience in all as I have got to see and understand various situations of
the employees. I would like to conclude by saying that it is been a great learning for me
through this internship. I understand some realities of the bank , as, I was part of the everyday
activities of the organization. I also learned the fact that no department can work on its own
each department have to depend on other in one-way or the other.
Credit appraisal means investigation/assessment done by the bank before
providing any loans and advances/project finance and also checks the
commercial, financial &industrial viability of the project proposed its funding
pattern and further checks the primary & collateral security cover available for
recovery of such funds.
To study the credit appraisal system in SME sector, at Central bank of India.
To study the credit appraisal methods.
To understand the commercial, financial & technical viability of the proposal
proposed and its finding pattern.
Primary data:
Informal interview with manager and other staff members at Central bank of India
Secondary data:
database at Central bank of India
library research
This report will help researchers improving knowledge about the credit appraisal
system and to have practical exposure of the credit appraisal system at Central
bank of India.
Management Students:
The project will help the management student to know the patterns of credit
appraisal in Central bank of India.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), as the central bank of the country, closely
monitors developments in the whole financial sector.
The word bank has originated from English word Banco, Bancus or Banque. Its
meaning is bench or table. In Europe in the middle age, the money transactions
were undertaken sitting on a bench.
As per Indian Banking Act, A service to accept deposits from people with the
intention to invest or lend with the condition of returning it immediately
whenever demanded at any predetermined time. An institute this service is
Banking is a service helpful to the business, its function is to borrow money from
people and further lend the same.
While analyzing definition of bank as per Indian Banking Act, below mentioned
matters are clarified:
(3) The function of accepting deposit or lending money is made under the condition that
on demand or as predetermined otherwise the same amount has to be refunded
(4) The institution doing this type of business is called bank.
The banking sector is dominated by Scheduled Commercial Banks (SBCs). As at
end March 2002, there were 296 Commercial banks operating in India. This
included 27 Public Sector Banks (PSBs), 31 Private, 42 Foreign and 196 Regional
Rural Banks. Also, there were 67 scheduled co-operative banks consisting of 51
scheduled urban cooperative banks and 16 scheduled state co-operative banks.
State Bank of India is still the largest bank in India with the market share of 20%
ICICI and its two subsidiaries merged with ICICI Bank, leading creating the
second largest bank in India with a balance sheet size of Rs. 1040bn.
Higher provisioning norms, tighter asset classification norms, dispensing with the
concept of past due for recognition of NPAs, lowering of ceiling on exposure to a
single borrower and group exposure etc., are among the measures in order to
improve the banking sector.
Retail Banking is the new mantra in the banking sector. The home Loans alone
account for nearly two-third of the total retail portfolio of the bank. According to
one estimate, the retail segment is expected to grow at 30-40% in the coming
Net banking, phone banking, mobile banking, ATMs and bill payments are the
new buzz words that banks are using to lure customers.
The RBI is now planning to transfer of its stakes in the SBI, NHB and National
bank for Agricultural and Rural Development to the private players. Also, the
Government has sought to lower its holding in PSBs to a minimum of 33% of total
capital by allowing them to raise capital from the market. Banks are free to
acquire shares, convertible debentures of corporate and units of equity oriented
mutual funds, subject to a ceiling of 5% of the total outstanding advances
(including commercial paper) as on March 31 of the previous year.
After the second phase of financial sector reforms and liberalization of the sector
in the early nineties, the Public Sector Banks (PSB) s found it extremely difficult
to complete with the new private sector banks and the foreign banks. The new
private sector banks first made their appearance after the guidelines permitting
them were issued in January 1993. Eight new private sector banks are presently
in operation. These banks due to their late start have access to state-of-the-art
technology, which in turn helps them to save on manpower costs and provide
better services.
During the year 2000, the State Bank of India (SBI) and its 7 associates
accounted for a 25% share in deposits and 28.1% share in credit. The 20
nationalized banks accounted for 53.5% of the deposits and 47.5% of credit
during the same period. The share of foreign banks ( numbering 42 ), regional
rural banks and other scheduled commercial banks accounted for 5.7%, 3.9%
and 12.2% respectively in deposits and 8.41%, 3.14% and 12.85% respectively in
credit during the year 2000
The Indian banking industry, which is governed by the Banking Regulation Act
of India 1949 can be broadly classified into two major categories, nonscheduled
and scheduled
commercial banks can be further grouped into nationalized banks, the State
Bank of India and its group banks, regional rural banks and private sector banks
(the old / new domestic and foreign). These banks have over 67,000
branches spread across the country. The Indian banking industry is a mix of
the public sector, private sector and foreign banks. The private sector banks
are again spilt into old banks and new banks.
Regional Rural
SBI Groups
Foreign Bank
Recent time has witnessed the world economy develop serious difficulties in
terms of lapse of banking & financial institutions and plunging demand.
Prospects became very uncertain causing recession in major economies.
However, amidst all this chaos Indias banking sector has been amongst the few
to maintain resilience.
Thus, it has become far more imperative to contemplate the role of the Banking
Industry in fostering the long term growth of the economy. With the purview of
economic stability and growth, greater attention is required on both political and
regulatory commitment to long term development programmed. FICCI conducted
a survey on the Indian Banking Industry to assess the competitive advantage
offered by the banking sector, as well as the policies and structures that are
required to further the pace of growth. The results of our survey are given in the
following sections.
The pace of development for the Indian banking industry has been tremendous
over the past decade. As the world reels from the global financial meltdown,
Indias banking sector has been one of the very few to actually maintain
resilience while continuing to provide growth opportunities, a feat unlikely to be
matched by other developed markets around the world. FICCI conducted a
survey on the Indian Banking Industry to assess the competitive advantage
offered by the banking sector, as well as the policies and structures required to
further stimulate the pace of growth.
A majority of the respondents, almost 69% of them, felt that the Indian banking
Industry was in a very good to excellent shape, with a further 25% feeling it was
in good shape and only 6% of the respondents feeling that the performance of
the industry was just average. In fact, an overwhelming majority (93.33%) of the
respondents felt that the banking industry compared with the best of the sectors
of the economy, including pharmaceuticals, infrastructure, etc.
Most of the respondents were positive with regard to the growth rate attainable
by the Indian banking industry for the year 2009-10 and 2014-15, with 53.33% of
the view that growth would be between 15-20% for the year 2009-10 and greater
than 20% for 2014-15.
On being asked what is the major strength of the Indian banking industry, which
makes it resilient in the current economic climate; 93.75% respondents feel the
regulatory system to be the major strength, 75% economic growth, 68.75%
Change is the only constant feature in this dynamic world and banking is not an
exception. The changes staring in the face of bankers relates to the fundamental
way of banking-which is going through rapid transformation in the world of today.
Adjust, adapt and change should be the key mantra. The major challenge faced
by banks today is the ever rising customer expectation as well as risk
management and maintaining growth rate. Following are the results of the
biggest challenge faced by the banking industry as declared by our respondents
(on a mode scale of 1 to 7 with 1 being the biggest challenge):
They also asked their respondents to rate India on certain essential banking
parameters (Regulatory Systems, Risk Assessment Systems, Technological
System and Credit Quality) in comparison with other countries i.e. China, Japan,
Brazil, Russia, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK and USA.
The global meltdown started as a banking crisis triggered by the credit quality.
Indian banks seem to have paced up in terms of Credit Quality. Credit quality of
banks has been rated above par than China, Brazil, Russia, UK and USA but at
par with Hong Kong and Singapore and 85.72% of the respondents feel that we
are at least at par with Japan. Thus, they see that the resilience the Indian Banks
showed at the time of financial crisis has led to an attitudinal shift of our
respondents with the past survey indicating Credit quality of Indian banks being
below par than that of US and UK.
The idea of creating bigger banks to take on competition sounds attractive but
one must realize even the biggest among Indian banks are small by global
standards. The lack of global scale for Indian banks came into sharp focus during
the recent financial crisis which saw several international banks reneging on their
funding commitments to Indian companies, but local banks could not step into
the breach because of balance sheet limitations.
In this light, 93.75% of all respondents to their survey are considering expanding
their operations in the future. They further asked participants on the methods
that they consider suitable to meet their expansion needs. They divide them into
organic means of growth that comes out of an increase in the banks own
business activity, and inorganic means that includes mergers or takeovers.
We see from the above graph that amongst organic means of expansion, branch
expansion finds favor with banks while strategic alliances is the most popular
inorganic method for banks considering scaling up their operations. On the other
hand, new ventures and buyout portfolios are the least popular methods for bank
81.25% also felt that there was further scope for new entrants in the market, in
spite of capital management and human resource constraints, as there continue
to remain opportunities in unbanked areas. With only 30-35% of the population
financially included, and the Indian banking industry unsaturated with CAGR of
well above 20%, participants in their survey felt that the market definitely has
scope to accommodate new players.
While there has been prior debate, they questioned banks on NBFCs and
Industrial houses being established as banking institutions and find opinion to be
marginally against the notion, with 35.71% in favour while 42.86% were against
them being established as banks.
However, on further questioning, 57.14% of respondents feel that the above may
be allowed but only if it is along with specific regulatory limitations. Banks felt
that limitations regarding track record, ensuring adequate capitalization levels, a
tiered license that enables new entrants to enter into specific areas of the
business only after satisfactorily achieving set milestones for the prior stages,
cap on promoter's holdings and wider public holding in addition to a common
banking regulator on a level playing field are essential before they may set
themselves up as banks.
Over the last three decades, there has been a remarkable increase in the size,
spread and scope of activities of banks in India. The business profile of banks has
transformed dramatically to include non-traditional activities like merchant
banking, mutual funds, new financial services and products and the human
resource development.
Their survey finds that within retail operations, banks rate product development
and differentiation; innovation and customization; cost reduction; cross selling
and technological up gradation as equally important to the growth of their retail
operations. Additionally a few respondents also find pro-active financial inclusion,
credit discipline and income growth of individuals and customer orientation to be
significant factors for their retail growth.
There is, at the same time, an urgent need for Indian banks to move beyond
retail banking, and further grow and expand their fee- based operations, which
has globally remained one of the key drivers of growth and profitability. In fact,
over 80% of banks in their survey have only up to 15% of their total incomes
constituted by fee- based income; and barely 13% have 20-30% of their total
income constituted by fee-based income.
Out of avenues for non-interest income, we see that Banc assurance (85.71%)
and FOREX Management (71.43%) remain most profitable for banks. Derivatives,
understandably, remains the least profitable business opportunity for banks as
the market for derivatives is still in its nascent stage in India.
Transition from class banking to mass banking and increased customer focus is
drastically changing the landscape of Indian banking. Expansion of retail banking
has a lot of potential as retail assets are just 22% of the total banking assets and
contribution of retail loans to GDP stands merely at 6% in India vis--vis 15% in
China and 24% in Thailand. All banks in their survey weigh Cost effective credit
delivery mechanisms (100%) as most important to the promotion of financial
inclusion. This was followed by factors such as identifying needs and developing
relevant financial products (75%), demographic knowledge and strong local
relations (62.5%) and ensuring productive use and adequate returns on credit
employed (43.75%) in decreasing levels of importance. In fact, India has an
expanding middle class of 250 to 300 million people in need of varied banking
services. While 60% of our population has access to banks, only 15% of them
have loan accounts and an overwhelming 70% of farmers have no access to
formal sources of credit, reflective of immense potential for the banking system
This is mirrored in the fact that while our survey finds no discernible shift in the
lending pattern of banks across Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities over the last two
years, 93% Indian Banking System: The Current State & Road Ahead Page | 20
participants still find rural markets to be to be a profitable avenue, with 53% of
prepaid cash cards, derivatives, interest rate futures and credit default swaps as
a means to further the financial inclusion and expansionary process.
India Inc is completely dependent on the Banking System for meeting its funding
requirement. One of the major complaints from the industry has in fact been high
lending rates in spite of massive cuts in policy rates by the RBI. We asked the
banks what they felt were major factors responsible for rigid prime lending rates.
None of the banks in their survey considered the cap on bank deposit rates to be
one of the causes of inflexible lending rates. Due to long-term maturity, the trend
seems to be changing. However, there are other factors which have led to the
stickiness of lending rates such as wariness of corporate credit risk (33.33%),
competition from government small savings schemes (26.67%). Benchmarking of
SME and export loans against PLR (20.00%) on the other hand, do not seem to
have as significant an influence over lending rates according to banks
The great Indian industrial engine has nevertheless continued to hum its way
through most of the year long crisis. We asked banks about the sectors that they
consider to be most profitable in the coming years (Fig. 12). All respondents were
confident in the infrastructure sector leading the profitability for the industry,
followed by retail loans (73.33%) and others
Competitive Forces Model:
(Porters Five Force Model):
Potential Entrants is
high as development
financial institutions as
well as private and
Foreign Banks have
Organizing power of
the supplier is high.
With the new financial
instruments they are
asking higher return on
the investments
Bargaining power
of buyers is high as
corporate can raise
funds easily due to
high Competition.
substitute product is
very high like credit
unions and investment
houses. There are other
substitutes as well banks
like mutual funds, stocks,
With the process of liberalization, competition among the existing banks has
increased. Each bank is coming up with new products to attract the customers
and tailor made Loans are provided. The quality of services provided by banks
has improved drastically.
Potential Entrants
finance and development activities. But they now entered into retail banking
which has resulted into stiff competition among the exiting players.
Corporate can raise their funds through primary market or by issue of GDRs,
FCCBs. As a result they have a higher bargaining power. Even in the case of
personal finance, the buyers have a high bargaining power. This is mainly
because of competition.
phased manner. The suppliers demand a higher return for the investments.
Overall Analysis
The key issue is how banks can leverage their strengths to have a better
future. Since the availability of funds is more and deployment of funds is less,
banks should evolve new products and services to the customers. There should
be a rational thinking in sanctioning Loans, which will bring down the NPAs. As
there is a expected revival in the Indian economy Banks have a major role
to play.
The banking sector is also taken as a proxy for the economy as a whole. The
performance of bank should therefore, reflect Trends in the Indian Economy.
Due to the reforms in the financial sector, banking industry has changed
drastically with the opportunities to the work with, new accounting standards
new entrants and information technology. The deregulation of the interest rate,
participation of banks in project financing has changed in the environment of
Compared to other investment options banks since its inception has been a
better avenue in terms of securities. Due to satisfactory implementation of RBIs
prudential norms banks have won public confidence over several years.
2. Banking network
After nationalization, banks have expanded their branches in the country, which
has helped banks build large networks in the rural and urban areas. Private
banks allowed to operate but they mainly concentrate in metropolis.
This is mainly attributed to the large network of the banking sector. Depositors in
rural areas prefer banks because of the failure of the NBFCs.
Corporate prefers borrowing money from banks because of low cost of capital.
Middle income people who want money for personal financing can look to banks
as they offer at very low rates of interests. Consumer credit forms the major
source of financing by banks.
1. Basel Committee
The banks need to comply with the norms of Basel committee but before that it
is challenge for banks to implement the Basel committee standard, which are of
international standard.
2. Powerful Unions
To uplift the society, priority sector lending was brought in during nationalization.
This is good for the economy but banks have failed to manage the asset quality
and their intensions were more towards fulfilling government norms. As a result
lending was done for non-productive purposes.
1. Universal Banking
Banks have moved along the value chain to provide their customers more
products and services. like home finance, Capital Markets, Bonds etc.
Indian bank has an opportunity to become universal bank, which provides every
financial service under one roof.
As RBI control over bank reduces, they will have greater flexibility to fix their own
interest rates which depends on the profitability of the banks.
5. Interest Banking
The advance in information technology has made banking easier. Business can
Effectively carried out through internet banking.
The change in the government policy has proved to be a threat to the banking
sector. Due to some major changes in policies related to deposits mobilization
credit deployment, interest rates- the whole scenario of banking industry may
3. Inflation
The interest rates go down with a fall in inflation. Thus, the investors will shift his
investments to the other profitable sectors.
4. Recession
Due to the recession in the business cycle the economy functions poorly and this
has proved to be a threat to the banking sector. The market oriented economy
and globalization has resulted into competition for market share. The spread in
the banking sector is very narrow. To meet the competition the banks has to grow
at a faster rates and reduce the overheads. They can introduce the new products
and develop the existing services.
Establish in 1911, Central Bank of India was the first Indian commercial bank
which was wholly owned and managed by Indians. The establishment of the
Bank was the ultimate realization of the dream of Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala,
founder of the Bank. Sir Pherozesha Mehta was the first Chairman of a truly
'Swadeshi Bank'. In fact, such was the extent of pride felt by Sir Sorabji
Pochkhanawala that he proclaimed Central Bank of India as the 'property of
the nation and the country's asset'. He also added that 'Central Bank of India
lives on people's faith and regards itself as the people's own bank'.
During the past 99 years of history the Bank has weathered many storms and
faced many challenges. The Bank could successfully transform every threat
into business opportunity and excelled over its peers in the Banking industry.
A number of innovative and unique banking activities have been launched by
Central Bank of India and a brief mention of some of its pioneering services
are as under:
192 Introduction to the Home Savings Safe Deposit Scheme to build
Subsequently, even after the nationalisation of the Bank in the year 1969,
Central Bank continued to introduce a number of innovative banking services
as under:
1976 The Merchant Banking Cell was established.
1980 Centralcard, the credit card of the Bank was introduced.
1986 'Platinum Jubilee Money Back Deposit Scheme' was launched.
1989 The housing subsidiary Cent Bank Home Finance Ltd. was started with
its headquarters at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh.
1994 Quick Cheque Collection Service (QCC) & Express Service was set up to
enable speedy collection of outstation cheques.
Further in line with the guidelines from Reserve Bank of India as also the
Government of India, Central Bank has been playing an increasingly active role
in promoting the key thrust areas of agriculture, small scale industries as also
medium and large industries. The Bank also introduced a number of Self
Employment Schemes to promote employment among the educated youth.
Among the Public Sector Banks, Central Bank of India can be truly described as
an All India Bank, due to distribution of its large network in 27 out of 29 States
as also in 3 out of 7 Union Territories in India. Central Bank of India holds a
very prominent place among the Public Sector Banks on account of its network
of 3656 branches and 178 extension counters at various centres
throughout the length and breadth of the country.
Customers' confidence in Central Bank of India's wide ranging services can
very well be judged from the list of major corporate clients such as ICICI, IDBI,
UTI, LIC, HDFC as also almost all major corporate houses in the country.In surat
central bank have total 11 branches are works.
In the Indian context, the small and medium enterprises (SME) sector is broadly
a Term used for small scale industrial (SSI) units and medium-scale industrial
units. Any industrial unit with a total investment in its fixed assets or leased
assets or hire-purchase asset of up to Rs 10 million, can be considered as an SSI
unit and any investment of up to Rs 100 million can be Termed as a medium unit.
An SSI unit should neither be a subsidiary of any other industrial unit nor be
owned or controlled by any other industrial unit.
An SME is known by different ways across the world. In India, a standard
definition surfaced only in October 2, 2006, when the Ministry of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises, Government of India, imposed the Micro, Small and Medium
enterprises Development (MSMED) Act,2006.
This definition, however was changed according to the changing economic
scenario and thus has separate definitions to it. For instance, an SME definition
for manufacturing enterprises is different from what an SME definition for service
enterprises has to say.
Small and Medium Enterprises or SMEs are vital for the growth and well being of
the country. This sector was recognized and given importance right from
independence and is being encouraged ever since then.
Though, it commenced on a small scale, it gradually gained significance,
because it employed a considerable number of people.
When it started gaining momentum, this sector was defined as an enterprise
with investment in plant and machinery of up to Rs 1 lakh and situated in towns
and villages with strength of less than 50,000 people. The policy statement put
in place special legislation to recognize and protect self employed people in
cottage and home industries. District industries canters (DICs) were set up and
made the focal point of SSI development, bypassing large cities and state
capitals. Also, the government started providing special services akin to product
standardization, quality control and marketing surveys in order to assist the SSIs
in enabling them to market their products in an underdeveloped market.
The scenario for the small-scale sector changed with the Industrial Policy of July
1991, which, for the first time in Indias development history spoke of
liberalization. What this meant was that medium and large enterprises would no
longer need licenses to run. Export-oriented enterprises could be wholly foreign
owned and foreign equity participation was selectively allowed. Industries could
import capital goods with much fewer restrictions.
1996 saw the government involved in the setting up of a higher level committee,
known as the Abid Hussain Committee, to review policies for small industries and
recommend measures to help formulate a strong and innovative policy package
for the rapid development of SMEs. With liberalization, rapid changes were seen
in the Indian economy. Indian companies were no longer insulated from the
global economy. In fact, there was an urgent need to make them, especially
SMEs, more competitive and resilient.
In 1991, the growth rate of SSIs was almost three times that of the total
industrial sector at 3.1 percent. From 1991 to 1995, the growth rate of SSIs
exceeded that of the total industrial sector. Yet, in 1995-96, the growth rate of
SSIs was slightly lower than the total industrial sector, however it increased
again in 1996 and continued to be higher than the total industrial growth rate till
1999. till 2006, the SME segment saw a lot more development and support from
the government.
A micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not
exceed Rs 25 lakh.
The investment in plant and machinery in a small enterprise is more than Rs 25 lakh,
but does not exceed Rs 5 crore.
A medium enterprise is one where the investment in plant and machinery is more than
Rs 5 crore, but does not exceed Rs 10 crore.
In all these, the cost excludes that of land, building and the items specified by
the Ministry of Small Scale Industries with its notification No SO 1722 (E) dated
October 5, 2006.
A service sector enterprise is defined as one involved in providing services. The
following points will explain how.
Small road and water transport operators that can now own a fleet of vehicles not
exceeding ten in number.
Small business, whose original cost price of equipment used for business, does not
exceed Rs 20 lakh.
Professional and self-employed persons, whose borrowing limits do not exceed Rs 10
lakh of which not more than Rs 2 lakh should be for working capital requirements
Professionally qualified medical practitioners setting up a practice in semi urban and
rural areas, whose borrowing limits should not be less than Rs 15 lakh with a subceiling of Rs 3 lakh for working capital requirements.
The challenges being faced by the small and medium sector may be briefly set
out as
Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), particularly the tiny segment of the small
enterprises have inadequate access to finance due to lack of financial information and
non-formal business practices. SMEs also lack access to private equity and venture
capital and have a very limited access to secondary market instruments.
SMEs face fragmented markets in respect of their inputs as well as products and are
vulnerable to market fluctuations.
SMEs lack easy access to inter-state and international markets.
The access of SMEs to technology and product innovations is also limited. There is
lack of awareness of global best practices.
SMEs face considerable delays in the settlement of dues/payment of bills by the large
scale buyers. With the deregulation of the financial sector, the ability of the banks to
service the credit requirements of the SME sector depends on the underlying
transaction costs, efficient recovery processes and available security. There is an
immediate need for the banking sector to focus on credit and SMEs
Credit Appraisal is a process to ascertain the risks associated with the extension
of the credit facility. It is generally carried by the financial institutions, which are
involved in providing financial funding to its customers. Credit risk is a risk
related to non-repayment of the credit obtained by the customer of a bank. Thus
it is necessary to appraise the credibility of the customer in order to mitigate the
credit risk. Proper evaluation of the customer is performed this measures the
financial condition and the ability of the customer to repay back the Loan in
future. Generally the credits facilities are extended against the security know as
collateral. But even though the Loans are backed by the collateral, banks are
normally interested in the actual Loan amount to be repaid along with the
interest. Thus, the customer's cash flows are ascertained to ensure the timely
payment of principal and the interest.
However the 3 C of credit are crucial & relevant to all borrowers/ lending, which
must be kept in mind, at all times.
If any one of these is missing in the equation then the lending officer must
question the viability of credit. There is no guarantee to ensure a Loan does not
run into problems; however if proper credit evaluation techniques and monitoring
are implemented then naturally the Loan loss probability / problems will be
minimized, which should be the objective of every lending Officer.
Credit allows you to buy goods or commodities now, and pay for them later. We
use credit to buy things with an agreement to repay the Loans over a period of
time. The most common way to avail credit is by the use of credit cards. Other
credit plans include personal Loans, home Loans, vehicle Loans, student Loans,
small business Loans, trade. A credit is a legal contract where one party receives
resource or wealth from another party and promises to repay him on a future
date along with interest. In simple Terms, a credit is an agreement of postponed
payments of goods bought or Loan. With the issuance of a credit, a debt is
There are four basic types of credit. By understanding how each works, you will
be able to get the most for your money and avoid paying unnecessary charges.
Loans let you borrow cash. Loans can be for small or large amounts and for a
few days or several years. Money can be repaid in one lump sum or in several
regular payments until the amount you borrowed and the finance charges are
paid in full. Loans can be secured or unsecured.
Credit cards are issued by individual retail stores, banks, or businesses. Using a
credit card can be the equivalent of an interest-free Loan- end of each month.-if
you pay for the use.
Fund Base:
Working capital
The objective of running any industry is earning profits. An industry will require
funds to acquire fixed assets like land, building, plant, machinery, equipments,
vehicles, tools etc., & also to run the business i.e. its day-to-day operations.
Funds required for day to-day working will be to finance production & sales. For
production, funds are needed for purchase of raw materials/ stores/ fuel, for
employment of labor, for power charges etc. financing the sales by way of
sundry debtors/ receivables.
Which is higher
( A or B)
Term Loan
A Term Loan is granted for a fixed Term of 3 years to 7 years intended normally
for financing fixed assets acquired with a repayment schedule normally not
exceeding 8 years.
A Term Loan is a Loan granted for the purpose of capital assets, such as
The security is not the readily saleable goods & commodities but the
fixed assets of the units.
It may thus be observed that the scope & operation of the Term Loans are
entirely different from those of the conventional working capital advances. The
Banks commitment is for a long period & the risk involved is greater. An element
of risk is inherent in any type of Loan because of the uncertainty of the
repayment. Longer the duration of the credit, greater is the attendant
uncertainty of repayment & consequently the risk involved also becomes greater.
However, it may be observed that Term Loans are not so lacking in liquidity as
they appear to be. These Loans are subject to a definite repayment programmed
unlike short Term Loans for working capital (especially the cash credits) which
are being renewed year after year. Term Loans would be repaid in a regular way
from the anticipated income of the industry/ trade.
These distinctive characteristics of Term Loans distinguish them from the short
Term credit granted by the banks & it becomes necessary therefore, to adopt a
different approach in examining the applications of borrowers for such credit &
for appraising such proposals.
The repayment of a Term Loan depends on the future income of the borrowing
unit. Hence, the primary task of the bank before granting Term Loans is to assure
itself that the anticipated income from the unit would provide the necessary
amount for the repayment of the Loan. This will involve a detailed scrutiny of the
scheme, its capital assets. Financial aspects, economic aspects, technical
aspects, a projection of future trends of outputs & sales & estimates of cost,
returns, flow of funds & profits.
Cost of machineries
Cost of accessories/equipment
Total cost of machines
Non-fund Base:
Letter of credit
The expectation of the seller of any goods or services is that he should get the
payment immediately on delivery of the same. This may not materialize if the
seller & the buyer are at different places (either within the same country or in
different countries). The seller desires to have an assurance for payment by the
purchaser. At the same time the purchaser desires that the amount should be
paid only when the goods are actually received. Here arises the need of Letter of
Credit (LCs). The objective of LC is to provide a means of payment to the seller &
the delivery of goods & services to the buyer at the same time.
A Letter of Credit (LC) is an arrangement whereby a bank (the issuing bank)
acting at the request & on the instructions of the customer (the applicant) or on
its own behalf,
Is to make a payment to or to the order of a third party (the beneficiary),
or is to accept & pay bills of exchange (drafts drawn by the beneficiary); or
Authorizes another bank to effect such payment, or to accept & pay such
bills of exchanges (drafts); or
Authorizes another bank to negotiate the Terms & conditions of the credit
are complied with. against stipulated document(s), provided that
Bank Guarantees:
Beneficiary: Person to whom the guarantee is given & who can enforce it
in case of default.
Bank Guarantees are used to for both preventive & remedial purposes. The
guarantees executed by banks comprise both performance guarantees &
financial guarantees. The guarantees are structured according to the Terms of
agreement, viz., security, maturity & purpose.
Receipt of documents
(Balance sheet, KYC papers, Different govt. registration no., MOA, AOA,
and properties documents
Pre-sanction visit by bank officers
Check for RBI defaulters list, willful defaulters list, CIBIL data, ECGC,
Caution list etc
Title clearance reports of the properties to be obtained from
Proposal preparation
Appraisal, Assessment and Sanction functions
Assessment of proposal
1. Appraisal
of proposal by appropriate sanctioning authority
Preliminary appraisal
Sound credit appraisal involves analysis of the viability of operations of a
business and Documentations,
the capacity of the
promoters mortgages
to run it profitably and repay the
bank the dues as and when they fall
Disbursement of Loan
Towards this end the preliminary appraisal will examine the following aspects
of a proposal.
B. Detailed Appraisal
The financial analysis carried out on the basis of the companys audited
balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for the last three years should
help to establish the current viability.
Project financing:
For the purpose of inter-firm comparison and other information, where necessary,
source data from Stock Exchange Directory, financial journals/ publications,
professional entities like CRIS-INFAC, CMIE, etc. with emphasis on following
Also examine and comment on the status of approvals from other Term lenders,
market view (if anything adverse), and project implementation schedule. A presanction inspection of the project site or the factory should be carried out in the
case of existing units. To ensure a higher degree of commitment from the
promoters, the portion of the equity / Loans which is proposed to be brought in
by the promoters, their family members, friends and relatives will have to be
brought upfront. However, relaxation in this regard may be considered on a case
to case basis for genuine and acceptable reasons. Under such circumstances, the
promoter should furnish a definite plan indicating clearly the sources for meeting
his contribution. The balance amount proposed to be raised from other sources,
viz., debentures, public equity etc., should also be fully tied up.
statements, Financial
Follow-up Reports, renewal data, etc.
Stock turnover, realization of book debts
Value of account with break-up of income earned
Pro-rata share of non-fund and foreign exchange business
Concessions extended and value thereof
Compliance with other Terms and conditions
Action taken on Comments/observations contained in RBI Inspection
Reports: CO Inspection & Audit Reports
D. Credit risk rating: Draw up rating for (i) Working Capital and (ii) Term Finance.
E. Opinion Reports: Compile opinion reports on the company, partners/ promoters
and the proposed guarantors.
F. Existing charges on assets of the unit: If a company, report on search of charges
with ROC.
J. Assistance to Assessment:
Interact with the assessor, provide additional inputs arising from the assessment,
incorporate these and required modifications in the draft proposal and generate
an integrated final proposal for sanction.
2. Assessment:
Indicative List of Activities Involved in Assessment Function is given below:
Review the draft proposal together with the back-up details/notes, and the
borrowers application, financial statements and other reports/documents
examined by the appraiser.
Interact with the borrower and the appraiser.
Carry out pre-sanction
visit to the
project/factory site.
Peruse the financial analysis (Balance Sheet/ Operating Statement/ Ratio
Fund Flow Statement/ Working Capital assessment/Project cost & sources/
Break Even analysis/Debt Service/Security Cover, etc.) to see if this is
prima facie in order. If any deficiencies are seen, arrange with the
appraiser for the analysis on the correct lines.
Examine critically the following aspects of the proposed exposure.
Banks lending policy and other guidelines issued by the Bank from time to
RBI guidelines
Background of promoters/ senior management
Inter-firm comparison
Technology in use in the company
Market conditions
Projected performance of the borrower vis--vis past estimates and
Viability of the project
Strengths and Weaknesses of the borrower entity.
Proposed structure of facilities.
Adequacy/ correctness of limits/ sub limits, margins, moratorium and
repayment schedule
Adequacy of proposed security cover o Credit risk rating
Pricing and other charges and concessions, if any, proposed for the
Risk factors of the proposal and steps proposed to mitigate the risk
Deviations proposed from the norms of the Bank and justifications there
3. Sanction:
Indicative list of activities involved in the sanction function is given below:
Peruse the proposal to see if the report prima facie presents the proposal
in a comprehensive manner as required. If any critical information is not
provided in the proposal, remit it back to the Assessor for supply of the
required data/clarifications.
The post-sanction credit process can be broadly classified into three stages viz.,
follow-up, supervision and monitoring, which together facilitate efficient and
effective credit management and maintaining high level of standard assets. The
objectives of the three stages of post sanction process are detailed below.
Business entities can have various types of borrowing arrangements. They are
One Borrower One Bank
One Borrower Several Banks (with consortium arrangement)
One Borrower Several Banks (without consortium arrangements
Multiple Banking
One Borrower Several Banks (Loan Syndication)
One Bank
The most familiar amongst the above for smaller loans is the One Borrower-One
Bank arrangement where the borrower confines all his financial dealings with
only one bank.
Sometimes, units would prefer to have banking arrangements with more than
one bank on account of the large financial requirement or the resource constraint
of his own banker or due to varying terms & conditions offered by different banks
or for sheer administrative convenience. The advantages to the bank in a
multiple banking arrangement/ consortium arrangement are that the exposure to
an individual customer is limited & risk is proportionate. The bank is also able to
spread its portfolio. In the case of borrowing business entity, it is able to meet its
funds requirement without being constrained by the limited resource of its own
banker. Besides this, consortium arrangement enables participating banks to
save manpower & resources through common appraisal & inspection & sharing
credit information.
The various arrangements under borrowings from more than one bank will differ
Consortium Lending
When one borrower avails loans from several banks under an arrangement
among all the lending bankers, this leads to a consortium lending arrangements.
In consortium lending, several banks pool banking recourses & expertise in credit
management together & finance a single borrower with a common appraisal,
common documentation & joint supervision & follow up. The borrower enjoys the
advantage similar to single window availing of credit facilities from several
banks. The arrangement continues until any one of the bank moves out of the
consortium. The bank taking the highest share of the credit will usually be the
leader of consortium. There is no ceiling on the number of banks in a consortium.
Multiple Banking Arrangement is one where the rules of consortium do not apply
& no inter se agreement among banks exists. The borrower avails credit facility
from various banks providing separate securities on different terms & conditions.
There is no such arrangement called Multiple Banking Arrangement & the term
is used only to denote the existence of banking arrangement with more than one
bank. Banking Arrangement has come to stay as it has some advantages for the
borrower & the banks have the freedom to price their credit products & non-fund
based facility according to their commercial judgment. Consortium arrangement
occasioned delays in credit decisions & the borrower has found his way around
this difficulty by the multiple banking arrangements. Additionally, when units
were not doing well, consensus was rarely prevalent among the consortium
members. If one bank wanted to call up the advance & protect the security,
another bank was interested in continuing the facility on account of group
Credit Syndication
A syndicated credit is an agreement between two or more lending institutions to
provide a borrower a credit facility using common loan documentation. It is a
convenient mode of raising long-term funds.
The borrower mandates a lead manager of his choice to arrange a loan for him.
The mandate spells out the terms of the loan & the mandated banks rights &
Central bank of India provides credit to SME sector under following Schemes
SME Schematic (Fast Track)
Power Rent:
The product generally known in market parlance as Lease Rental Discounting is
aimed at providing a Term Loan to owners of properties against their lease rental
receivables. The Loan amount is assessed on the basis of the net present value of
the rental receivables over the lease period (after deducting margin and taxes). The
lease rentals are hypothecated in banks favor and the Loan is further
collateralized by charge over the property. The product specifies a minimum-
security coverage of 1.5 times. Maximum Loan amount under the product is Rs.
20 crores.
Power Trade:
The product aims to provide both working capital and Term finance requirements
of a trade enterprise. The facility is in the form of a cash credit (for working
capital requirements) and Term Loan (financing capital expenditure). The facility
is secured by hypothecation of working capital assets and further collateralized by
charge over an immovable property/ financial asset. Non- fund based facilities can
also be granted under the product. The maximum Loan amount under the product
is Rs. 2.5 crores.
Card Power:
This is a scheme for financing credit/debit card receivables of units installing pour
EDC machines. Both demand loan & term loan facilities are offered to the
borrowers, subject to a maximum of Rs. 2.5 crores. All trading/ retailing activities
(with a few exceptions like liquor, tobacco, seasonal business etc.), where credit/
debit cards are used are eligible for the loans.
Enterprise Power:
This product has been developed to meet the credit needs of the Micro and small
enterprises covering both manufacturing and the service sectors. The facilities
offered include CC Rupee export credit; pre & post shipment credit & non-fund
based facilities like LC & BG. The maximum limit is restricted to Rs. 1.00 Crore.
Business Power:
Business Power is an unsecured Term Loan (Maximum loan amount under the
product is Rs. 35 lacs) to be repaid by way of EMIs over a maximum period of 4
For a business on the growth phase with a wide range of opportunities to explore, timely
availability of credit is an integral ingredient needed to scale new heights. Central Bank
understands this and endeavor to be not just a bank but also financing partner, so that focus
on business needs becomes possible whereas Bank cater to meet financing needs.
Their services ranging from Funded to Non-Funded, from Short Term to Long Term and
from Credit to Trade Services ensures to get finance the way it is best suited for business.
Cash Credit
Working Capital Demand Loan
Export Finance
Short Term Loan
Term Loan
Clean Bill Discounting
LC Backed Bill Discounting
Co-Acceptance of Bills
Credit Facilities against Guarantee or Stand By Letter of Credit issued by Foreign
Letter of Credit
Bank Guarantee
Solvency Certificates
Cash Credit:
Bank offer Cash Credit facilities to meet day-to-day working capital
needs. Cash Credit is provided against the primary security of stock,
debtors, other current assets, etc., and/or collateral security of
movable fixed assets, immovable property, personal or corporate
guarantee, etc. Interest is charged not on the sanctioned amount but
on the utilized amount
Export Finance:
Bank provides finance for export activities in the form of Pre-Shipment
Credit against firm order and or Letter of Credit and Post shipment
credit. Credit is available for procuring raw materials, manufacturing
the goods, processing and packaging the goods and shipping the
goods. Finance is provided in Indian or foreign currency depending
upon the need of the borrower.
Term Loan:
When there is need of long-Term funds for capacity expansions or plant
modernization and so on. Keeping these requirements in mind Bank
provides Term Loans up to acceptable tenor with suitable moratorium,
if required, and repayment options structured on the basis of
customers estimated cash flows. These Loans are primarily secured
by a first charge on the fixed assets acquired through the Loan
amount. Suitable collateral security is also taken whenever required.
Co-Acceptance of Bills:
Bank also provides co-acceptance of trade bills depending upon the
need of the borrower.
Letter of Credit:
Apart from fund based working capital facilities Bank provides a range
of Non-Fund Based facilities such as Letter of credit, Bank Guarantees,
Solvency certificates, etc. Letter of Credit is provided to meet trade
purchases. These are generally provided for 3-6 months depending
upon Trade cycle. Apart from this it provides Import Letter of Credit for
importing machinery or capital goods. Such LCs are for tenure ranging
from 1-3 years depending upon the need of the borrower.
Bank Guarantee:
Bank provides Bank Guarantee on behalf of its client to various other
entities such as Government, quasi government bodies, corporate and
so on. it provides a range of guarantee such as Performance
guarantee, financial guarantee, EPCG etc. The tenure of Bank
Guarantee range from 1 year to 10 years depending upon the purpose
of the guarantee.
Solvency Certificates:
Bank also provides solvency certificate depending upon the need of
the borrower.
Sanctioning powers for schematic Loans under MSME and Mid Corporate:
In order to have better control over the portfolio, it is felt that the budget for
schematic advances should be allotted only to select branches, where the
potential and manpower support exist for such business.
Accordingly, the budget for FY 11 has been restricted to select branches, to be
decided by Advances Cells. The Branch Heads of branches located at centers
where Advances Cells have been set up will not have any sanctioning powers.
Branch Heads of stand-alone branches where budgets have been allocated will
have sanctioning powers as per delegation of powers given below. The Branch
Heads of other stand-alone branches where budgets have not been allocated will
not have any sanctioning powers. These branches would, however, continue to
source business and such proposals would be processed / sanctioned at the
respective Advances Cells. Review / renewal of existing Loans at such branches
would also be done at the Advances Cells.
Branches would continue to be responsible for all post sanction formalities,
maintaining quality of assets held in their books, periodic updating of drawing
power, and obtention of stock statements and periodical inspection of borrowed
All requests for interest rate concessions are to be forwarded to the Advances
The bank aims at minimizing this risk that could arise from individual borrowers
or the entire portfolio. The former can be addressed by having well-developed
systems to appraise the borrowers; the latter, on the other hand, can be
minimized by avoiding concentration of credit exposure with a few borrowers
who have similar risk profiles. Credit risk management becomes even more
relevant in the light of the changes that have been brought about in the
economic environment, including increasing competition and thinning spreads on
both the sides of Balance sheet
Given that the banks have very little control over such external factors, the bank
can minimize the credit risk that it faces mainly by managing the internal factors.
These include the internal policies and processes of the bank like Loan policies,
appraisal processes, monitoring systems etc. These internal factors can be taken
care of, partly, via effective rating and monitoring systems, entry level criteria
The Bank has developed tools for better credit risk management. These focus on
the areas of rating of corporate (pre-sanctioning of Loans) and monitoring of
Loans (post-sanctioning). The focus of this manual is to familiarize the user with
the credit rating tool.
Use in decision-making
Credit rating helps the bank in making several key decisions regarding credit
It should, however, be noted that credit rating is one of the inputs used in taking
credit decisions. There are various other factors that need to be considered in
taking the decision (e.g., adequacy of borrowers cash flow, collateral provided,
and relationship with the borrower). The rating allows the bank to ascertain a
probability of the borrowers default based on past data.
The SME rating tool has been developed for the purpose of assigning a credit
rating to the SME borrower of the Bank. The aim of the tool is to provide a
standardized system for the bank to evaluate the credit risk of different
borrowers. It should, however, be noted that this tool is not the standalone
exercise for the purpose of sanctioning of Loan to a SME borrower. It should be
supplemented with other inputs important in the sanctioning process.
The following broad areas have been considered for determining the rating of
borrowers in the SME category:
Financial performance
Business performance
Industry outlook
Quality of management
Conduct of account (after roll out of the Monitoring tool)
Within each of these broad areas, various parameters have been used for
obtaining an overall rating of the borrower. In the following sections, we shall
discuss in greater detail the structure of the tool and the methodology of using it.
Financial performance
The tool in its current form uses various parameters for rating a borrower
on its financial strength. These various sub-parameters give us an idea of
the different sources of risk being faced by a company in different areas.
Quality of management
Quality of the management of a borrower unit has a direct impact on the
performance of the unit. Also, it would have a direct impact on the
integrity of the borrower especially in Terms of its willingness to repay its
In order to undertake the credit rating of any borrower, it is important to
assess the riskiness of the industry to which that borrower belongs.
Borrowers, which are similarly ranked in Terms of financial performance,
operating performance of business and quality of management may have
different credit ratings due to the risks inherent in their industry. The risk
assessment in industry sectors is done at the Central Office level and
appropriate score for each industry has been allocated in the tool. On
selection of the relevant industry sector, the tool will automatically reckon
the allocated score.
The rating tool for SME has an 9-point rating scale, which ranges from A++ to
Borrower Rating
Range of Scores
Risk Level
Above 90
Lowest risk
Lower risk
Low risk
Low risk
Moderate risk
Moderate risk
High risk
Higher risk
Below 45
Highest risk
Office Address
Line of activity
Dealing with us
New Connection
The Company was incorporated on 15th june 2004 as Private Limited Company.
The Company was promoted with the objective of carrying on the business of
manufacturing S.P.C.P, the raw material for Food Color, reactive & Raazole Dyes.
In the Year 2008 the company acquired the running business of M/s Safforn Dye
Stuff Industries and started manufacturing wide range of food colors at the
premises 3709/6, GIDC Estate, Ankleshwar having plot area of admeasuring 3700
As the company aims to provide entire range qualitative and quantitative service
to food industry, as its Unit I. The company commenced manufacturing of food
colors namely Tratrazine in the year 2007-08. Both the units at Ankleshwar are
Ultra modern and have eco friendly plants with in house testing facilities to
control quality at every level of manufacturing. The Company gained goodwill in
the short span of time due to its quality product. The company has well equipped
state of art in house laboratory which conduct test of every parameter of food
color & Dye intermediates laid down under national and international authorities.
The Company has a pro-active Management and Promoters who have
hands on experience in manufacturing of Dyes Intermediaries and Food
Profit making Company since last 5 years.
The company has obtained certificate of approval From Bureau Verities
Quality International (BVQI) for achievement of ISO 9001: 2000 quality
standards, the Company has also received certificate of approval from
Bureau Verities Quality International (BVQI) for achievement of
14001:1996 and 14001:2004 quality standards for both its units
satiated at Ankleshwar.
The company was awarded with trophy for export performance of more
than Rs. 6.00 & 8.00 Crore for Self.
Exports Sales
Local Sales
Exports Sales:
and Europe. Almost all export customers are dealing with company for
many years.
The Company has region wise Export Managers who can cater the need of
customers individually. Due to the quality and timely delivery of the
material the company have less competition from these countries.
Local Sales:
al for
(Rs. in lacs)
Type of Facility
+ Inc /
Corporate Loan
As a sub limit of Cash
Credit Limit
LC(Inland /Foreign) - As a
sub limit of Cash Credit
WC/LC/LER : To meet working capital requirements.
Corporate Loan : For NWC built up.
WC/LC/LER : 12 months.
WC/LC/LER : On Demand.
Corporate Loan : 23 monthly instalments of Rs. 834000 each and last
instalment of Rs. 818000.
Ankleshwar, Dist.Bharuch
Personal Guarantee of :
BPLR - 3.50% i.e. 11.25% p.a. with monthly rests (presently BPLR @
Processin Rs. 1 lacs for the sanctioned facilities plus applicable taxes.
g fees
Unit visit
The unit was visited Mr. Asim Bhaduri (VP SME and Center Head), Mr. P.C.Dash (AVP
and SCO SME) and Mr. Kuntal Bhatt (Manager and RM - SME) on 13th November 2009
and the overall operations of the unit were found to be satisfactory.
(Proj.) (Proj.)
Gross Sales
Net Sales
32.35% 15.38%
Rate %
Operating Profit
621.29 729.97
Other Income
881.74 1018.09
110.94 107.00
149.50 181.12
676.29 794.97
446.42 524.76
Cash Profit
424.83 499.22
Margin %
PBDIT Margin %
13.57% 13.57%
PAT Margin %
Unadjusted TNW
Unadjusted TOL
Adjusted TNW
Adjusted TOL
Interest Coverage
Current Ratio
NOCF / Interest
Financing 0.08
(No. of years)
The rating of the company as per SME Rating Tool comes to SME - 3 (ABS 31.03.2009). The
segment wise scoring is as under:
Overall Scoring
Financial scoring
Business scoring
Management scoring
Industry scoring
Reference Check
Reference check was made through some of Banks clients in the same line of
activity financed by Axis bank and the same was reported to be satisfactory.
a) The promoters of the company are having rich experience of more than 5
years in various Industries.
f) The sale of the company has been showing an increasing trend throughout
the years under consideration. The sale of the company was increased
from Rs. 3231.12 lacs in FY06-07 (Aud) to Rs. 3657.70 lacs (Aud) in FY0708 and further to Rs. 4911.20 lacs in FY08-09 (Aud ).
g) Since the company is into Manufacturing of Food Colours, the net margin
normally remains between 5.00% - 9.00%. The net profit of the company
was decreased from Rs. 266.95 lacs in FY06-07 (Aud) showing margin of
8.26% to Rs. 184.99 lacs in FY07-08 (Aud) showing margin of 5.06%.
However, the same was maintained at Rs. 190.03 lacs in FY08-09 (Aud)
showing margin of 3.87% due to decrease in margins in the chemical
industry on account of raw material price fluctuations worldwide. The
same was an aberration. But, now the industry is on revival and boom
path. Considering the same, the company has estimated the profit of Rs.
446.42 lacs for FY09-10 @ margin of 6.87%, which may be accepted.
i) The current ratio of the company was 1.76 in FY06-07 (Aud) which
decreased to 1.34 in FY07-08 (Aud) and which further plummeted to 0.94
in FY08-09 (Aud), on account of capex expansion which will be completed
in the current fiscal. The company has estimated its current ratio at 1.13
and 1.24 for FY09-10 and FY10-11, which is reasonably acceptable as
regards to the liquidity position of the company.
j) The NOCF is positive during FY 2008-09 (Aud) by Rs. 654.38 lacs. NOCF is
estimated negative in FY 2009 10 at Rs. 269.99 lacs, as per projected
financials submitted by the company on account of increase in stock and
receivables which is keeping in line with the increase in turnover and the
holding levels are as per the industry practice.
k) The overall conduct of the account, repayment status etc. at Sutex Bank
and HDFC is satisfactory.
l) The main director is dynamic and has rich experience of more than 15
years in his line of activity.
In individuals
to create
relationship between bank and customers with minimum balance which is Rs.
1000/- . In saving account bank will be give interest @ 3.50% on balance
amount. Also nominee facility available for this account. There are no limits
of numbers of withdrawal/deposit money in the bank.
Demand Draft
DD stands for Demand Draft. Demand draft is a cheque written by one bank to
its representative
by one
bank to
another on its
(issuing banks) credit. There is an order to pay the amount to the person
mentioned in the draft. It is safe
easy to send
money to outstation
through draft. The person who is sending money can get the draft issued from
his bank drawn in the name of receiver on the bank of the receivers
village/town. For this sender has to request the banker to issue draft by paying
draft amount and its commission. The issuing bank orders the addressed bank to
make payment of the draft amount to the person indicated in the draft. The
person making payment collects the draft issued and sends it to the person,
whom he to make payment. The respective individual can get the draft amount.
Draft can be crossed. Payment of such crossed draft is credited to the respective
ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine. If any person with his fixed
deposit/saving account/current account has given guarantee for his financial
soundness bank gives ATM card / Debit card. In certain branches of the bank the
machines are installed which can accept such cards. The card holder can
withdraw the amount greater than minimum decided and lesser than the credit
he has in his account with the help of such card. The required amount can be
received for 24 hours by operating buttons of the machines. This machine can
pay cash, accept deposit and can handle other simple banking transactions.
Credit is the core activity of the banks & important source of their earnings
which go to pay interest to depositors, salaries to employees & dividend to
Banks main function is to lend funds/ provide finance but it appears that
norms are taken as guidelines not as a decision making
The Credit Appraisal process adopted by the bank take into account all
possible factors which go into appraising the risk associated with a loan
The norms of the bank for providing loans are not stringent, i.e. even if a particular
client is not having the favorable estimated and financial performance, based on its
past record and future growth perspective, the loan is provided.
Finance management is the backbone of any organizations and hence
yields a number of job options ranging from strategic financial planning to
From the study of Credit appraisal of SME, it can be concluded that credit
appraisal should therefore be based on the following factors, the same are
applied at Central bank of India:
Financial performance
Business performance
Industry outlook
Quality of management
Conduct of account
Central Bank of India loan policy contains various norms for sanction of
different types of loans. These all norms do not apply to each & every
case. Central bank of India norms for providing loans are flexible & it may
differ from case to case.
In all, the viability of the project from every aspect is analyzed, as well as
type of business, industry, promoters, past records, experience, projected
data and estimates, goals, long term plans also plays crucial role in
increasing chances of getting project approved for loan.
Credit and banking By: K. C. Nanda