Csit 64801
Csit 64801
Csit 64801
Jorge F Hernandez1, Victor M Larios1, Manuel Avalos1 and
Ignacio Silva-Lepe2
jorge.hernandez.mx@ieee.org, victor.m.lariosrosillo@ieee.org,
Sustainability, appropriate use of natural resources and providing a better quality of life for
citizens has become a prerequisite to change the traditional concept of a smart city. A smart city
needs to use latest generation Information Technologies, IT, and hardware to improve services
and data, to offer to create a balanced environment between the ecosystem and inhabitants. This
paper analyses the advantages of using a private cloud architecture to share hardware and
software resources when it is required. Our case study is Guadalajara, which has seven
municipalities and each one monitors air quality. Each municipality has a set of servers to
process information independently and consists of information systems for the transmission and
storage of data with other municipalities. We analysed the behaviour of the carbon footprint
during the years 1999-2013 and we observed a pattern in each season. Thus our proposal
requires municipalities to use a cloud-based solution that allows managing and consolidating
infrastructure to minimize maintenance costs and electricity consumption to reduce carbon
footprint generated by the city.
Smart Cities; Cloud Architectures; Cost Estimation; City Services
Improving the services offered by a city and promoting a balance between the environmental
sustainability and citizens quality of life has become an important goal of what we define today
as Smart Cities [1]. IT offer a convenient way to connect processes in a city, optimize resources
for the benefit of communities and forecast dynamics of the urban environment to better adapt
solutions towards the well-being of citizens. However, citizens in smart cities have to deal with
the physical and digital dimension.
Jan Zizka et al. (Eds) : CCSIT, SIPP, AISC, CMCA, SEAS, CSITEC, DaKM, PDCTA, NeCoM - 2016
pp. 0112, 2016. CS & IT-CSCP 2016
DOI : 10.5121/csit.2016.60101
During the living activities in the urban fabric, inhabitants have a unique identity to access and
engage services such as energy, water, communication, and transport, among others. In addition,
cities need to offer secure digital platforms for their inhabitants and IT infrastructure becomes
vital in terms of communication and processing capabilities and availability. One solution to
adapt and scale to the cities services demand is to shift city IT departments to the Cloud
Computing paradigm [8].
The Cloud allows grouping various types of hardware and to merge them into a single entity for
better and efficient management. Hence, Cloud Computing can work in three categories of
services. First, we have the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) which provides of virtualization for
using hardware resources and this category can offer sensors, storage or processing capacities on
demand. Second is the Platform as a Service (PaaS) where users can run Web applications
without the complexity of maintaining and running the associated infrastructure, this is critical
for e-government service portals. Third, Software as a Service (SaaS) where licenses for critical
software in processes such as analytics can be used on demand.
A key aspect of the cloud is the use of virtual machines to achieve its elasticity; a virtual machine
is a software application that emulates be a real computer with software and hardware features
limited to execute some task. Cloud computing provides a set of principles establishing the rules
and principles among suppliers and customers. An important aspect of Cloud is the use of
resources based on a pay as you go basis, in which the customer must pay for the time that a
service, platform or software license is executed/used on a cloud provider.
A service as a process for a Smart City may need hardware, software or a combination of them.
Cloud computing proposes benefits of elasticity, resilience, performance, productivity, scalability
etc. Hence, this technology offers a better strategy for city governments to manage IT services.
This paper is based on the Guadalajara Smart City project selected as IEEE pilot project to share
the experience of best practices for smart cities worldwide. Moreover, Guadalajara is not only a
city but also a metropolitan area composed of seven interconnected municipalities and we
observed and analysed that each municipality has a traditional IT infrastructure consisting of a
cluster of servers, routers and intranet access to communicate with other municipalities. In its
current state, the data centers on each municipality are isolated infrastructure because they are not
interconnected and sharing information and processing capabilities for the metropolitan area.
Our proposal is to consolidate municipal infrastructure by setting up a private cloud for the
metropolitan area with the existing infrastructure. The benefits of using a cloud computing
architecture allows the acquisition of any hardware configuration (supported by virtualization) in
a few minutes. To better understand how Cloud Infrastructure can bring value for Smart Cities,
we introduce a Use Case that is based on historical data about pollution in the metropolitan area;
an alert system executed in the cloud can inform citizens when bad conditions can expose them to
health threats. In Fig 1 we can see the core of the city which is deployed on a typical cloud
computing architecture, in which a set of mobile devices or computers are interacting with users
continuously to figure out how an alert system for city services can work on the cloud.
In the previous section, we discussed the benefits of Cloud Computing in its different layers
(IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) for Smart Cities. We also referred to the case of Guadalajara Smart City
looking to shift from traditional IT infrastructure to a cloud computing environment to deal with
the city dynamics.
We should mention that an additional important project is the interconnection of all government
offices with optical fiber as per the project Connected Mexico, which offers to municipalities the
conditions to share their IT infrastructure as a cloud entity. In Mexico, it is possible to process
data outside the environment where they occur, i.e., each municipality can analyse data of
citizens in another municipality; if and only if the citizen is informed how it will be used his
personal data, thanks transparency and access to information law [11].
Current challenges in data centers include identifying the best practices to support a cloudcomputing environment. Thus, we propose basic building blocks for this to migrate the
traditional IT datacenters to a private cloud as shown in Fig 2. The hardware layer represents the
physical resources (routers, computers, switches, hard drives, RAM memory, video cards, etc.)
owned by the IT Municipal Datacenters. The second layer is the Virtualization, which enables
create virtual machines when a process required it, with its own resources and its own operating
system. The third layer has the software tools to complete integrate layers one and two.
For managing virtual machines can use applications such as OpenStack, VMware vSphere,
CloudStack, Xen, among others. Government entities usually use open source solutions to
minimize licensing costs nonetheless; they could use paid software to manage their virtual
We can identify the Administrator as the process of monitoring the behaviour of each virtual
machine in the cloud and to perform operations such as: increase or decrease resources hardware
or software, delete, or create a new virtual machine. OpenStack Dashboard is an option for this
type of module to support a better management. Given the layers in Fig. 2, Fig. 3 shows how the
cloud service categories already explained fit into the Smart Cities cycles.
The city deploys sensors and actuators that can be connected to the cloud as an IaaS, offering a
global management, security and capacity to scale on demand. In particular, sensors produce data
to be curated and stored in the open data city repository. Cloud PaaS is the most indicated to
curate and provide storage as well as processing capabilities for analytics. To deal with the
complexity of Open Data repositories, specialized software for analytics should be used requiring
a SaaS service to use licenses on demand.
One of the key elements of Smart Cities [4] is to break the silos of information among the
different government offices offering to share all in a common open data city platform. This
action allows avoiding duplicated efforts and investments to understand the city dynamics and
provide solutions.
In order to provide more efficient services, it is possible to correlate information datasets from
different indicators. Moreover, a Smart City needs to have a strategy for metrics to understand its
performance and where to invest to reach its sustainability.
Metrics for smart cities need to have Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as well as a subset of
indicators for example in Cohens Wheel there is a section called: Smart Gov, which contains
infrastructure, this option could generate alternative metrics such as latency, multitenancy and
others. This means that Smart Cities should work with a holistic vision integrating KPIs [5] and
indicators to understand city dynamics and decide how the services should adapt. This concept is
based on a systemic approach where a city is a System of Systems or can be modelled and
understood as a Complex System.
For this reason, the city should decide how to select KPIs and indicators. Given our work at the
IEEE Smart Cities initiative, the model used is shown in Fig. 4 based in the Cohen Wheel. The
model proposes five important KPIs related to Smart Economy, Smart Government, Smart
People, Smart Living, Smart Mobility and Smart Environment [2][3]. Each KPI has a subset of
actions and indicators in a secondary ring. It depends on the amount of sources of information
available to feed indicators to be provided by the city, there could be more outer rings, which
themselves induce more external rings.
This means that the more the city deploys sensor/actuator networks, the more rings that will
appear, resulting in more accurate models to analyse the behaviours and dynamics of the city.
That is the reason to have a good cloud strategy in order to scale the KPIs, Indicators and Actions
management [6]. Hence, the Smart City project in Guadalajara, following the principles of
Metrics based in the Cohen Wheel KPIs, requires an architecture to migrate the metropolitan area
of Guadalajara to the cloud. This is the main problem and challenge presented in this paper.
A new issue to introduce is that the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, and for every city that is
composed of interconnected municipalities, each one has autonomous infrastructure and budgets.
Since all municipalities are interconnected, a challenge is to connect all data centers respecting
their autonomy them. A proposed solution is to create a private cloud to support the three types of
cloud services. As a use case to create a methodology to estimate the performance and cost of the
private cloud integration among the interconnected municipalities, we identified sensors, open
data and processing requirements as an example that can be used as reference for all KPIs of the
Smart City in Guadalajara.
The sensors are real devices in the city creating datasets of air pollution in various zones of the
city. The created datasets are stored in an open web service, and we propose a system that
analyses the air pollution data flows to identify harmful pollution levels in zones of the
metropolitan area to provide actions for the benefit of citizens (alarms, transport re-routing, etc.).
The contribution of this paper is to process and analyse the information produced by an alert
system. The system will be fully supported by the Cloud resulting in a consolidation of
infrastructure across municipalities in the metropolitan area.
Finally, we propose a methodology to estimate costs of cloud services, which is based in the
current municipalities data center
enter infrastructure modelled and extended with a plug in created for
the Cloud Simulation Tool Cloudsim [7].
We use Java framework to simulate the behaviour of a cloud, CloudSim.. CloudSims goal is to
provide a generalized and extensible simulation framework that enables modelling, simulation,
and experimentation of emerging Cloud computing infrastructures and application services,
allowing its users to focus on specific system design issues that they want to investigate, without
getting concerned with the low-level
level details related to Cloud
based infrastructure and services.
Also, ann additional goal of our simulation was to generate an equation to create the actual cost of
implementing the service using the cloud, we considered aspects such as payment of electricity,
preventive and corrective maintenance, and key and support staff. Wee decided to group the
different environments that are necessaries to get the real cost of a specific service. These groups
1. Physical configuration: itt represents the required configuration to execute correctly the
service (i.e. hard disk, memory ram, video target, bandwidth, kind of network).
2. Software configuration: it refers to the set of programs that the service needs (i.e.
operating system, database, file system, simulation programs and parallelism).
3. Supplies: items that the provider needs to active the mentioned above services (i.e.
electrical power, cables,
ables, air conditioning, license fees, space, staff, payment to other
This aggrupation allowed us to understand the elements to be evaluated in each process and we
made an equation as follows:
= a service/process
= the total amount required resources
= a specific used resource from physical or software configuration
= fixed cost of used resource finished by the provider
= execution time of each resource
= execution time needed to complete all the proc
= sub process of
= the total sub process of
M () = maintenance cost of
Using this formula, we can obtain the cost computation of each resource in a specific
time. We decided to use a recursive function to recover the used re
sources of a certain
process/service that required a distribution of its job ((parallel tasks). The primary goal of our
formula is used to specify the economic cost in each process to have a log of all the physical
resources (hardware) used in a service. Each municipality has its autonomy to decide what kind
of software and hardware is needed to accomplish the tasks. With this equation we could also
determine the efficiency of a process versus another for each municipality to identify the fastest
execution and best low price service for the same service.
Guadalajara is located in western Mexico; it has a current population of about 4,299,000
according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI for its initials in Spanish)
[9] in 2008. It is one of the three main cities in Mexico for its economic growth, technological
and demographic region.
Atmospheric Jalisco), which contains various levels, see Table 2. Guadalajara has registered as an
open dataset, the information collected about pollution levels from 1996 to 2013, it is in a excel
format and files contain data for each metropolitan area and its levels of pollution sensed per day
and time (0 - 23 hours).
0 50
51 100
101 150
151 200
Very Bad
Extremely Bad
Registered contaminants are: O3, NO, NO2, NOx, SO2, CO, PM10, direction and wind speed
and temperature. In our case study, we considered the use of CO as a contaminant, because most
Guadalajara inhabitants are in direct contact with it. The CO is an odourless and invisible toxin,
thus constant attention is required to monitor its level and to detect when it is higher than
environmental health standards in Mexico, to activate contingency plans for the population. The
extracted information on the levels of contamination of the ZMG, which is in Excel format, it
was migrated to a MySQL database, we normalized the information and we analysed the
behaviour of the contamination by zone based on hours, days, months and seasons.
These levels allow us to identify when a municipality zone needs to share resources among others
through the private cloud to manage services. When a level is in phase 1, the municipality may
process its information by itself, in phase 2, it could need the assistance of one or more
municipalities to improve response time, and the last phase this municipality requests the
intervention of others to process the high demand for information to be processed in the shortest
possible time. Once the simulation has been performed, we create nine datacenters with
hardware features provided by each zone also. The purpose of representing the nine
municipalities in a cloud environment, it is to verify that sharing the resources of each
infrastructure, improving quality of service to the city, maintenance costs are optimize and the
purchase of computer equipment benefits all municipalities and not just one. That is reason, we
generated a mechanism to share resources between each area and we built a coordinator agent,
which monitors the workload of each area to grant access to other data centers when is necessary.
After we configured a datacenter with the following characteristics: 16 Memory Ram, 4 Tb Hard
Drive, Two Xeon X3430 processors and multi-node optical fiber with 100 Mbps transfer rate.
This configuration represents the average of resources that a municipality has. The application
was executed in two phases: the first, it was using the traditional scheme of each municipality and
phase two: it used a cloud-based scheme. In the Fig. 9 we show the workflow, we did for this
extraction, interpretation and results obtained.
In Fig 10, we show on the left side the number of milliseconds that a service took to execute
during a certain time in a traditional scheme, and on the right side the result of our proposal
where we suggested use of resources using a private cloud. A considerable decrease is observed
and thus electric power consumption was reduced and the cost of use is lower than with other
The work described in this paper was supported by CONACYT through University of
Guadalajara in collaboration with Smart Cities Innovation Center.
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Jorge F. Hernandez, he was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, in 1975. He received the
B.E. degree in computation engineering from the University of Guadalajara,
Mexico, in 1998, and the Master in Computer Science in 2000 from Cinvestav. In
2004, he joined the Department of Computer Science, University of Guadalajara, as
a teacher. He had published 4 articles in different congress and he had been thesis
advisor in bachelor and master level. In 2012, he was admit- ted in CUCEA to study
Postgrade IT and he is working with cloud computing to estimate cost and planning
time processing.
Vctor M. Larios, has received his PhD and a DEA (French version of a MS
program) in Computer Science at the Technological University of Compigne,
France and a BA in Electronics Engineering at the ITESO University in Guadalajara,
Mexico. He works at the University of Guadalajara (UDG) as Professor Researcher
and as consultant directed the Guadalajara Ciudad Creativa Digital Science and
Technology program during 2013. His research insteres are related to distributed
systems, visual simultaitons and smart cities. He is a Senior IEEE member and
current chair of the Computer Chapter at the IEEE Guadalajara Section at Region 9.
His role in the IEEE-CCD Smart Cities initiative is to lead the working groups.
Manuel Avalos, graduated from Computer Science Engineering from Universidad
Autonoma de Guadalajara (UAG) back in 1991. In December 2006 Manuel
finished his Master Degree on Information Technology by ITESM institution.
Manuel is currently a PhD Data Science student at Universidad de Guadalajara
campus CUCEA. Manuel joined IBM in 1991 as a Testing Software Engineer and
since then Manuel had several Technical, Management and Executive positions in
different IBM Divisions, currently he has a Global responsibility for SystemsStorage brand.
Ignacio Silva-Lepe is a Research Staff Member at IBM. His areas of interest
include (1) Component Software, designing and building application server
infrastructure for distributed components, (2) Distributed Messaging Systems, (3)
Advanced Enterprise Middleware, and (4) PaaS Research, designing and building
infrastructure for on-boarding and instantiating platform as a service offering onto a
compute cloud. Before joining IBM Research, Ignacio was a Member of Technical
Staff at Texas Instruments' Corporate Research and Development, subsequently
acquired by Raytheon. Prior to that he was a Research Assistant at Northeastern
University, where he earned a PhD in Computer Science.