Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Attempt any one question in each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
Unit - I
1. What are the objectives, significance, and applications of Work Study? Discuss briefly.
2. Describe various recording techniques in Method Study. Explain in brief.
Unit - II
3. Discuss the criteria in selection of the task for conducting time study,
4. In a time study for a job done by a worker whose rating is 90, the data are as follows:
Observed time = 20 minutes, Personal needs allowances = 4% of Basic time,
Fatigue allowance = 2.5% of Basic time , Contingency work allowance = 2% of
Basic time, Contingency delay allowance = 1% of Basic time. Find:
i) Basic time
ii) Work content and
iii) Standard time
Unit - III
5. "Incentives are necessary for smooth and efficient running of a factory". In this
context discuss the significance and relevance of Incentive schemes.
6. Explain the method of job evaluation with the help of suitable example.
Unit - IV
7. Discuss the ergonomic considerations for the design of work place layout.
8. What do you understand by Man-Machine system? Explain its characteristics.
Unit - V
9. What do you understand by 'display' and hence describe various types of visual
display and visual indicators.
10. What is importance of warning signals; factorial and graphic display?