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Field Study Episode1 1

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Experiencing the

Teaching Learning Process

Episode 1


Name of FS Student: Christine Joy Bernardino Sibugan
Course:BSED Math
Year & Section: 3-1
Resource Teacher:Mr. Alido, Mrs. Vergel, Mrs.Belina
Signature: ___________
Cooperating School: Gent. T De leon National High School
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be able to identify the principles in Teaching-Learning
activities, manuals and other instructional materials used by the teacher in selected subjects.
Your Way
Learning how to apply the teaching principles in a classroom setting is something you aspire
for: Initially, you would need to observe and describe how it is manifested in the real classroom.
To hit you Target, work your way through this steps:
Step 4.Reflect on your Experience.
Step 3.List down the instructional
materials used by the teacher to
facilitate learning.
Step 2.Observe the cognitive,
metacognitive, and
Motivational processes in the
Step 1.Observe at least three classes
and Describe the
Principles of Teaching and learning used

Your Tools
As you visit a school and observe classes, use the activity forms to document your observation
and write your insights of reflections.
Name of School Observed: General Tiburcio De Leon National High School
School Address: Mercado St. cor. Gen. T. de Leon Rd., Brgy. Gen. T. de Leon
Date of Visit: August 17, 2015
Grade/Year Level: Grade 9
Subject Is: Mathematics
As I observed the three classes, they have different way in terms of teaching the
subject matter which is the Mathematics, but all of the teachers I was observed
relates their topic in true to life situations and as we all know when we relate it in
the daily experiences of students they much easy cope up the lesson being taught.
And I n this field of teaching, as a professional teacher we must k now first the
feelings of individual students that we are teaching, by caring them will gave them
motivation to learn more from you as long as you know them and you take good
care for them.
As a student, I love and we all love to play and think logically, like the teacher I
was observed he gave some logic to students and student might think why it would
happen. The students are motivated to think also if they are given a motivational
The three teachers I observed used very small visual aids , which is bad
because this kind of learning material cannot be seen by the students at the back.
This observation will help me to analyze which one I have to do when I am in
the field of teaching, this will help me to realize the wrong deeds of some teachers I
observed with.

1. What principles in teaching-learning were community applied:

In the teaching-learning principle, I observed that they used to apply their lessons
in true to life situations, to make students understand well the topic being discussed. In a
particular topic the teacher discussed, I observed that after a 2-3 examples they will give
another examples which answered by the students, at least 10 examples are given then the
students will explain their answer in the board after that, students take their seatwork, that
is the daily routine of the three teachers I observed.
2. What instructional materials were used in teaching?
In teaching quadratic equation, teacher used visual aids which is small and also the
teacher give small paper to students which is the student individual seatwork. Then they also
used chalk and board in emphasizing their lessons for the examples.
Mr. Alvido used chalk and eraser in teaching then each student has their own Xerox
workbook that they are going to answer in their houses.
All in all, teachers I was observed used the chalk and board in explaining their lesson to
3. Which of the principles in teaching facilitate the cognitive, metacognitive and positive
motivational processes of learning?
Teachers in General Tiburcio De Leon National High School used some
praises that will motivate their students to answer the questions of their teachers, and
also they give some logics to students that will help them to think logically and help
their cognitive skills. They always relate their topic in true to life situations so that
students much cope up the lessons in an easy way.

Read an article on your answer. Paste a copy of such article here.

Teachers could then open themselves up to new practices

honestly. Surely they would be more willing to do so when the
pressure on them to perform and conform to someone elses
preconceived notions were taken away. When such pressures are
eased, they can spend time on teaching students to be learners
rather than just recipients of dispensed knowledge. When students
have learnt to be learners, they too will see the benefits of those
activities they now resist. Only then will they be truly empowered.
Its true because if you want your students to learn you dont have to pressure
yourself because it might cause to wrong deeds. You have to relate activities that will
truly encouraged them. You have to teach them how to be able to learn, but first you
have to teach them how to be a learner and thats true because how you can teacher a
person which is in the very first is not motivated to learn.

Scribble a brief reflection of your feelings and insight from your observation
When it regards to my feelings and insights in observing a class discussion, I realized that, by observing
the teachers will help me not to do wrong deeds that they have made in teaching their students, like: used
small visual aids in teaching, this particular situation is wrong because the students will not see clearly the
lesson or the questions given to them. It will really help me someday because this will help me when I am in
the field of teaching Mathematics. The feeling while observing in a class discussion is, I am Happy. Why?
Because I see myself teaching at the front, facing my students and act as a doctor that will heal to their fear in
learning Mathematics. And I want my lessons related to real life situations. In teaching I also want to set
difference that will help them be successful in life. I want them to be what they wanted to be. And using my
knowledge and skills in teaching, I will do my very best to make them feel that they can do anything as long
as they want it to be happen.
I feel so inspire in every teacher teaching Mathematics, because they try to remove all the fear and
what-so-called MathaPhobia or the phobia in Mathematics when it comes in solving problems involving
Someday, I want to help my students to improve and set difference in their own future life and even in
our country. Of course, this also needs their cooperation if they also want better future for them to be happen.

Experiencing the
Teaching Learning Process
Episode 2

Name of FS Student Christine Joy Bernardino Sibugan

Course BSED Math

Year & Section 3-1

Resource Teacher:Mr. Alido, Ms. Vergel, Ms.BelinaSignature _____________________

Cooperating School GenaralTiburcio De Leon National High School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, the students will be able to identify and describe the teachers activity and the
behaviour of the learners in these activities.

Your Way
After observing the principles of teaching and learning in the classroom setting, you will now start to journey
through the methods, strategies and approaches of teaching and learning by first observing actual classroom

To hit your target, work your way through these steps:

Step 4: Reflect on your experience.
Step 3: Confer with the teacher regarding observable and
Step 2: Record and highlight
significant event(s) in
such teaching-learning activities and events.

Step 1: Make a journal about the tasks performed by the teachers as they
their lesson noting patterns and variety.

Name of the School Observed: GenaralTiburcio De Leon National High School
School Address: St. cor. Gen. T. de Leon Rd., Brgy. Gen. T. de Leon
Valenzuela City
Date of Visit: August 17, 2015
Year Level:Grade 9
Subject Area: Mathematics
Topic: Quadratic Equation
Description of Teaching Strategies:
The three teachers I was observed is more on teacher centered approach or strategy because as I
observed they give directly the formula that the students be used in solving a equations. As we all
know the students much learn if they teacher first give the examples and then they are going to
give their feedback in the examples that the teacher give, by just comparing or knowing the
difference between the examples.

Description of Learning Strategies:

Most of the teachers I was assigned to observed always want to give group activities wherein each
group has one representative that will explain their work at the front of his and her classmates.
This activity must be improved by creating activities that all members of the group must
participate, because as I observed only the leader of the group will make the work, so that not all
the students will function in this activity.

Description of Learners Participation (proportion of learners who participated and quality

The learners participation in the activities that their teacher made is quite hard to explain
because not all of the students are participating in the activity that the teacher held. As I
observed the quality of participation of students inside the room is not totally good because some
students didnt think or cooperate with their seatmates, or simply I can say that the leader of the
group answers all the question that their teacher given to them.
All I can say is that not all of the students enjoy group activity and I think they much prefer
in individual activities that they give their very best in a activity.

Christine Joy Sibugan__________

Signature over Printed Name of FS Student

Attested by:

Cooperating Teacher

Scribble a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experience.
According to my own feelings and insights as a student, I much appreciate the activities that
the teacher or professors give to us. Because I much enjoy individual activities although it is also fun
doing some activities with partner or by group. But I must exert more efforts truly in an individual
activity. This quite hard for teachers to think a activities that they make relate to their topic and at
the same time their students enjoy the activity so that they may not able to feel bored at the subject,
but as we all know students think that Mathematics is the very hard subject at all and to be able to
make it much easy they must relate it to true to life situations.

As I experience Demo Teaching wherein my classmates serves as my students, I teach them

how to multiply polynomials, and for this experience , I can say that it is too hard to do or think
activity that will catch the attention of my student. As a reflection, its hard to think ideas in terms of
giving activities to students.

Experiencing the
Teaching Learning Process
Episode 3

Name of FS Student Christine Joy Bernardino Sibugan

Course BSED Math

Year & Section 3-1

Resource Teacher:Mr. Alido, Ms. Vergel, Ms.BelinaSignature _____________________

Cooperating School GenaralTiburcio De Leon National High School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, the students will be able to identify and describe the teachers activity and the
behaviour of the learners in these activities.

Your Way
After observing the principles of teaching and learning in the classroom setting, you will now start to journey
through the methods, strategies and approaches of teaching and learning by first observing actual classroom

To hit your target, work your way through these steps:

Step 3: Reflect on the reasons given by the
teacher interviewed.
Step 2: Interview the teacher on the reason behind
the use of observed learning activities and
instructional materials.
Step 1: Observe a class and identify the lesson objectives,
learning activities, instructional materials and assessment
tools used by the teacher.

Your Tools
For this visit, document your observations and the responses to the interviews you conduct by using
the activity forms provided for you.
An Observation Guide for Assisting Teacher

1. What are the objectives of the lesson?

2. How do the learners participate in the learning objectives?

3. What instructional materials are employed?

Sir Alido used workbooks that are answered by his students.
Sometimes, he used visual aids that will emphasized the topicor some
important formulas in the topic quadratic equation and also in converting
a quadratic equation in its vertex form.
4. How does the teacher assess the learning in the lesson? Is the assessing the
process or the product?
Sir Alido discussed the lesson well, then after he have discussed atleast two
to three examples he will ask her students to answer the next few examples
then hell give a activity using the workbooks.
5. What reasons does the teacher give in having such learning activities?
He wants his students to know more about the topic he discussed and he
always let the students to answer examples but he always guide his students
who answer on the board and the goo thing is he correct his students but this
didnt offend his students.

Christine Joy B. Sibugan

Signature over Printed Name of FS Student


Describe the
behaviors of the

Theories of
learning applied
by the teacher

Your own
materials, or
assessment that
is more

Reasons for our

materials or

1. Graphing

Most of the
students wants
to answer and

Cartesian plane

All of the
students can see
the graph


Students are
focused on their

Let the students Student can

to write and
understand more
explain their
the topic
answer on the


Students share
their ideas to
their classmates

Let the students Student can

to write and
understand more
explain their
the topic
answer on the

Observe a class and identify the lesson objectives, learning activities, instructional materials, and
assessment tools employed by the teacher. Accomplish the matrix below.
Subject Matter

Lesson Objectives

1. Standard form of To write the

the equation
equation in standard

Learning Activities
and Instructional


Assessment Tools


2. Sum and
Product of the

To find the sum and Chalk-board

product of roots of
the equation


3. Vertex form of
the Equation

To find the vertex

of the equation



After going through the process of observation, thinking and reflection of your experience,
you surely have drawn some insights and new understanding of teaching and learning processes.
Please express your thoughts, feelings, insights or new understanding through creative visual
representation here. Then share your reflection with your FS Teacher.

In observing in a school with at least 17 hours, I really appreciate and understand the
teaching and learning process of the teacher I was observed. In the three teachers I was observed, I
can actually say that they are all good in teaching students, and good thing is they mastered the
topic they are discussing. They are all approachable because they accommodating students who
didnt understand some part of the topic they discussed. Then they correct students without
offending them.
I remember when I was a high school, I remember my teacher he kept on asking some
questions that related to a real life situations. She always has visual aids and appreciates the time
that she made it. Those visual aids are really help in our improvements in her subject matter.
In our Field Study teacher, I understand why he doing this to us because he wants us to see
the true events inside the classroom and how the instructional materials affect the students. And
according to the principles of teaching, The Instructional Materials are aids to instruction and
they do not replace the teacher.

Table of contents
Student Resume
Purpose of Portfolio
Organization of Portfolio Entries
a. Episode 1
b. Episode 2
c. Episode 3
Pictures of Teacher and Students
Personal Reflection of Portfolio
Rubric for portfolio
Student Self Rating Competency checklist
Daily time record



1.Contents of the

Has 9-100%
of the needed

Has 75-89%
of the needed

Has 60-74%
of the needed

Has less than

59% of the

2.Objectives of the

and cover the
whole course

but covers
only 75% of
the course

but cover
only less than
75% of the

are not
do not cover
the whole

3.Quality of the

Entries are
of best
quality, well
selected and

Entries are
of best
many are
well selected

Entries are
quality, some
are well
selected and

Some entries
selection and

4.Presentation of the

neat and has
a very strong

neat and has
a strong

neat and has
an average

neat and

Has less
than 40%
of the
and cover
only a
of the
entries are
not well
and very
no impact

5.Promptness in the

ahead of


1.Determines an environment
that provides social,
psychological and physical
environment supportive of
2.Differentiates learner of varied
learning characteristics and
3.Manages time, space and
resources to provide an
environment conducive of
4.Recognizes multi-cultural
background of learners when
providing learning
5.Determines teaching
approaches and techniques
appropriate to learners.
6.Determines, understands, and
accepts the learners diverse
7.Relates the learners
background to their
performance in the classroom.
8.Relates on the impact of home
and family life to learning.
9.Expounds on ones
understanding of the learning
processes and the role of the
teacher in facilitating these
processes in their students.
10.Accepts personal
accountability to learners
achievement and performance.

Submitted on Submitted 10
days after

I cannot do
this yet

I learn in
doing this

11-30 days

I can do this
but I need to
learn more
and improve

31 or more
days after

I can do this
very well

observed the
strategies and methods that the teacher
uses, even the instructional materials that they have

used. Most of the

teachers use workbooks for their assignments and


lessons about Principles of
by my professor are being reflect to the school I



of teacher, on
the way they


Teaching discussed
was observed.

manage students. I am happy when I am observing the school campus,

teachers, students and staffs. And I came one hour early just to observe how
the student acts before entering the room. There so many happenings in the
school I was observe.
This Portfolio compiles all of my opinions and observations for
seventeen (17) hours in General Tiburcio De Leon National High School

In observing three teachers, I observed that they have their own way in teaching Mathematics,
some gives some logics and for them to cooperate to the class discussion sometimes they give extra
points. By giving extra points to students they are much motivated to think or answer the question
that their teacher ask because they might think that this extra points will help them increase their
grades or averages.
Some teachers relate their lessons in true to life situations, for students to acquired knowledge based
on their own experiences, because as we all know, we much learn when we are involved in a
particular scenario or situation.

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