Refrigerator Thesis
Refrigerator Thesis
Refrigerator Thesis
This thesis describes the design, construction, and testing of a solar thermal powered thermoacoustically
driven thermoacoustic refrigerator. This device uses an 18 inch diameter Fresnel lens to concentrate
sunlight at 500°C directly onto the hot end of a heat driven prime mover stack, thereby eliminating the need
for a hot heat exchanger. The one inch diameter prime mover and refrigerator stacks are located at opposite
ends of a 12 inch long half-wave resonator pressurized to six atmospheres absolute with helium and argon,
and operating at 600 Hz. The prime mover is capable of producing peak sound pressure levels of up to
5.5% of the resonator’s ambient mean pressure, while the refrigerator has produced a maximum of four
Watts of cooling power with an ultimate cold temperature of 5°C and a temperature span of 18°C. This
refrigerator requires no external power to operate, and uses solar voltaic cells to run electric cooling fans to
reject heat from the ambient heat exchangers.
Electro-optic techniques for analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) are being developed for wideband signal
collection and analysis. They have the capability of being used for direct signal reception and ADC at an
antenna. A fundamental requirement for these designs is a high-frequency optical pulse train with uniform
amplitude and pulse spacing. A mode-locked fiber laser can provide pulse rates and pulsewidths suitable
for these high bandwidth applications. In this thesis an accurate method for calculating and characterizing
both the amplitude and timing jitters of the NPS active mode-locked sigma laser was designed and
demonstrated. The method utilizes a wide bandwidth photodetector and a microwave spectrum analyzer
toobtain data for analysis. Labview 4.0 software was used to extract and store the data displayed on the
spectrum analyzer. Matlab 5.1 software was then used to analyze the Labview data and to perform
calculations for the amplitude and temporal jitter. Measurements were made for a microwave sweep
oscillator and a cw generator, then again with the fiber laser operating with each signal source. Final
measurements were taken with variable laser diode pump powers by varying the controller currents.
Results show that the calculation of the laser jitter is not dependent on the upper limit of the noise power
integral calculation above 10 kHz; however, the jitter is highly dependent on the value of the lower
frequency limit and decreases dramatically as the lower limit is increased. Laser amplitude jitter was found
to decrease by 30% and timing jitter by 0.85 ps when the laser was operated with the cw generator instead
of the sweep oscillator. Also, it was found that as pump power was increased, laser timing jitter decreased.
This thesis examines acoustic transient discrimination and Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) estimation
for the purposes of estimating the position of a submarine in a sonabuoy field. Transient discrimination, for
this thesis, is the process of telling different transients apart. Two algorithms are evaluated. One method is
based on higher order statistics while the other is based on signal subspace techniques. Extensive
simulations using synthetic transients were conducted to establish the performance of each algorithm in
terms of discrimination and TDOA estimation. It was found that the bispectral algorithm gave better
TDOA estimation at low SNRs while the subspace algorithm gave better TDOA estimation at high SNRs.
For discrimination, it was found that the subspace algorithm gave consistant false alarm rates at all SNRs
while the false alarm rate for the bispectral algorithm grew with increasing SNR.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Sensors, Surface/Under Surface Vehicles - Ships and Watercraft,
Modeling and Simulation
This thesis evaluates the ability of the IRTOOL computer simulation program to predict mirages. Using
identical input conditions taken from the MAPTIP experiment database, predicted Minimum Mirage Range
(MMR) and Maximum Intervision Range (MIVR) from both the IRTOOL and IRBLEM models were
extracted and compared with the measurements recorded in the database. By comparison of the algorithms
it was found that discrepancies in IRTOOL mirage prediction could be ascribed to the input function for
significant ocean wave height, which gave values much greater than measured or used in IRBLEM. For a
significant wave height close to the measured value the IRTOOL predictions were in very close agreement
with observation and with IRBLEM. IRTOOL predictions were in all cases within 2.7 km and in most
cases within 1.3 km of the measurements for all ranges varying from about 7-26 km. The strong
temperature gradient predicted by the model within a few meters of the water surface, uncertainties in the
measured range, and the variation of 0.8 to 2°C in Air Sea Temperature Difference are sufficient to account
for the observed deviations. Differences between predictions of different models are discussed.
KEYWORDS: Refraction, Marine Boundary Layer, Atmosphere, IRTOOL, IRBLEM, Mirage, MAPTIP
This thesis attempts to improve, prepare for release, and verify the accuracy of the expert system code
entitled "Design Simulation for Thermoacoustic Research" (DSTAR) created previously by LT Eric Purdy.
DSTAR allows a unique new approach for the rapid design and simulation of thermoacoustic devices
utilizing a Microsoft Windows™ compliant interface to construct any given thermoacoustic model at
runtime. The approach to simulation involves the solution of a one-dimensional acoustic wave equation
simultaneously with an energy flow equation from one end of the specified device to the other, including
additional lumped elements. The resulting solution is available as both a graphical and text -based output.
In order to prepare for release, significant additions to the engine code and interface were completed.
Additionally, theoretical results obtained by the DSTAR system code were compared to actual measured
values in order to demonstrate potential engineering design applicability.
This thesis addresses the optimization of all types of space electrical propulsion thrusters. From the
Langmuir-Irving payload mass fraction formulation, a “dual-optimum” solution is defined, yielding a
minimum overall mass for a specified payload consistent with minimum transfer time. This solution fixes
the ideal payload mass ratio (mpl / mo ) at a value of 0.45, establishing the ratios of effective exhaust velocity
(v / vc) and incremental change of vehicle velocity (∆u / vc) to characteristic velocity at 0.820 and 0.327
respectively. The characteristic velocity (v c) includes thrust time as well as engine efficiency (ηt ) and
specific power (α). A range of mass ratios from 0.35 to 0.55 is used in order to allow the system designer
some flexibility while remaining close to optimal. Nine examples are presented which demo nstrate that
mission profiles can be optimized by profile-to-thruster matching. A comprehensive list of currently
available electric propulsion engines is provided. This list details important parameters such as the specific
power, which “sizes” an engine in terms of power provided to the thruster at the cost of additional mass.
Allowance is also made for a fuel tank mass penalty, and examples show that this can also noticeably
influence the optimum design.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Aerospace Propulsion and Power, Space Vehicles
KEYWORDS: Space Propulsion, Electric Propulsion, Ion Engines, Hall Thrusters, Optimum Specific
Impulse, Minimum Thrusting Time
The objective of this research was to quantify the effects of fuel fire and the follow-on fire extinguishing
actions on wireless shipboard communications in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. Directional and non-directional
antennas with horizontal and vertical polarization, and a PC-controlled scalar network analyzer, were used
onboard ex-USS SHADWELL to measure the attenuation of 2.4 - 2.485 GHz signals transmitted through
diesel and heptane fire, water mist created by the fire extinguishing system, and subsequently developed
steam. A MATLAB code has been used to analyze the data statistically.
The attenuation for directional antennas exhibits relatively small variations with time and frequency,
but fire and the follow-on fire-extinguishing phases create severe non-stationary frequency selective fading
for non-directional antennas. Therefore standard communication techniques effective against frequency
selective fading (non-stationary but slowly varying with time) are recommended for use with
communication systems intended for shipboard indoors use. Even in normal conditions, without fire, water
mist, or steam, it was determined that frequency selective fading would be a problem for non-directional
antennas used in shipboard compartments and thus a system with anti-fading capability should be
considered for shipboard use.
KEYWORDS: Instrumentation Scientific Medical (ISM) Band, Radio Frequency (RF) Propagation,
Attenuation, Fire Extinguishing System, Plasma, MATLAB
One of the United States Navy Oceanographic community’s roles is to keep an accurate worldwide
database of oceanic bathymetry. In the littoral zones, much of the data is out of date or is unavailable.
Stuffle et al. (1996) utilized a method addressing shallow water areas using the Hyperspectral Digital
Imagery Collection Experiment (HYDICE) sensor on a small region in Lake Tahoe. As a follow-on, this
work used a different sensor, the Airborne Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) sensor, and
covered a much larger area on the opposite side of the lake. Principle components analysis (PCA) of the
region of interest (ROI) revealed nine spectrally unique water classes. A priori knowledge of one bottom
type in this ROI allowed insertion of a known bottom reflectance spectrum into a derived computer
algorithm that, using also diffuse attenuation coefficients from HYDROLIGHT and reflectance just below
the water surface derived from AVIRIS data, allowed computation of the bottom depth. Results compared
within 30% of depth from a USGS bathymetric chart. This method holds much promise in clear waters,
and next needs to be tested in the coastal ocean environment.
For over two decades, the United States Army has conducted research in the field of electromagnetic
launch railguns. With the advent of electric propulsion ships, the Navy is now considering the use of
electric power to launch projectiles in support of maritime land attack. Bore wear is the most significant
challenge for a naval railgun program. The interface between the armature and rails is the most stressed
point of a railgun because it transitions to liquid under high current densities. This liquid interface causes
rail and projectile material to redistribute unevenly and produces rail degradation. The focus of this thesis is
to test different interface materials to minimize damage to the rail and armature during firing. A railgun
test bench with a 4-inch long rail was designed, constructed, and operated to investigate rail wear and rail-
armature interface dynamics. Various combinations of tungsten, copper, and silver alloys were tested for
rail and armature materials. The least degradation of rail and projectile was observed with a silver-tungsten
projectile and copper-tungsten rails: 10% loss in projectile mass for a current density of approximately 200
kA/cm2 . Indium at the interface protected the rails and projectile from damage at current densities under 45
kA/cm2 .
The diversity of infrared system performance prediction models currently used by different services
conflict with the concept of ‘joint operations’ where all services must share the common resources to
survive. In this respect this study presents an analysis and a comparison of two operational performance
models, the U.S. Army’s ACQUIRE and the infrared module of the Navy/Air Force Tactical Decision Aid
(TDA), WinEOTDA. Differences in the modeling of underlying physical principles, input parameters, and
treatments are analyzed. A comparison of the predicted detection ranges is made using a data set collected
in the Gulf of Oman as the meteorological input. Suggestions are sought for the modification of the codes
that will lead to the same outputs. Finally the possibility of adopting one of the codes as a standard TDA is
analyzed. For the same scenario inputs and with a user-defined sensor model WinEOTDA predicted longer
ranges for 100% of the time. WinEOTDA was observed to be more accurate in predicting detection ranges
than ACQUIRE because of the improved target modeling.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Sensors, Modeling and Simulation, Battlespace Environment
A scanning Ebert-Fastie spectrometer was designed and built for the Optical Physics and Sensors
Laboratory of the Naval Postgraduate School. Optical design was done with two commercially available
optical design software packages, OSLO LT by Sinclair Optics, Inc., and Optica by Wolfram Research, Inc.
Several components for the spectrometer were designed and built at the Naval Postgraduate School Physics
Department machine shop to include grating mount, motor mount, entrance and exit slits, gearbox, and
spacers. Electronic interfaces included the motor, motor controller, and personal computer to control the
diffraction grating angle, and a detector, data logger, lock-in detection system, and personal computer to
record data. Data was measured from a Fe hollow cathode source to demonstrate proper operation. The
recorded spectral lines were graphed in Microsoft Excel and tentatively identified as those tabulated in the
published literature. Future work includes optimization of the resolving power and of the fore optics.
Upon completion, the spectrometer will prove to be a very useful instructional aid in the optics and
optoelectronics classes taught at the school, and as a medium resolving power visible and near ultraviolet
instrument for future student thesis research.
The most difficult problem in shallow underwater acoustic communications is considered to be the time-
varying multipath propagation because it impacts negatively on data rates. Computationally intensive and
complex signal processing algorithms are required to compensate for symbol overlapping. This thesis
presents results of a tank scale experiment to test Time-Reversal Acoustics (TRA) approach for high data
rate binary transmissions. TRA can environmentally adapt the acoustic propagation effects of a complex
medium. Our results show the suitability of the TRA approach in underwater acoustic communications.
The results also show good focusing properties at an intended target location. The focal region extends
over a few wavelengths, outside of which scrambling of the message occurs, offering natural encryption.
Range shifts of the focal region could be achieved by frequency shifting. We found that the time focusing
is aperture–size independent, but the spatial focusing is aperture–size dependent. Overall, we showed that
our algorithm can accomplish a fast, secure, and stable communication scheme with low computational
The development of a computer program that is capable of localizing transient cavitation events within a
scale-model submarine propulsor, for the Naval Surface Warfare Center Acoustic Research Detachment, is
presented. The program focuses a 21-element, crossed-line array, by applying exact phase weights in the
frequency domain and evaluating the resultant coherence across all of the sensors in the time domain.
Localization is determined by a comparison of normalized coherent summations from many different points
within a volume enclosing the source.
The program is general, in that the method used is capable of conducting near-field localization using
any array, provided the sensor locations are well-known. The source is assumed to be a spherical spreading
source with a direct path to the array. A method of rejecting portions of the time series that are
contaminated by reflected paths is incorporated. An evaluation of the method using synthetic data is
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Computing and Software, Surface/Under Surface Vehicles - Ships
and Watercraft, Other (Submarine Stealth)
Thermal infrared spectral imagery provides the opportunity to perform material identification on targets.
The Aerospace Corporation’s SEBASS High Altitude Research Project (SHARP) collects thermal imagery
data in both midwave infrared (MWIR) and longwave infrared (LWIR) regions of the electromagnetic
spectrum. This thesis explored the ability to perform specific material identification of targets from
SHARP acquired LWIR data from the DESERT RADIANCE III exercise conducted in Yuma, Arizona in
February 1999. Data were atmospherically compensated using both an in-scene method (ISAC) and an
empirical line method (ELM). The ELM was needed due to the lack of in-scene blackbodies, which limited
the performance of ISAC. After calibration, an inverse minimum noise fraction rotation was used to
correct a noticeable calibration error in the data. Alpha residual and emissivity normalization methods
were used to separate emissivity from temperature. Both alpha residual and emissive data sets were
analyzed using the spectral angle mapper algorithm. Spectral angle results were poor for alpha residuals,
therefore only the emissive data was further examined using the spectral matched filter algorithm and the
K-Means classification method. Only results from the spectral matched filter demonstrated an ability to
positively identify materials based on specific thermal emissivity.
A toroidal bubble is a vortex ring with a gas core in a liquid. Current interest in toroidal bubbles is partially
due to the discovery that small toroidal bubbles can occur in the cavitation collapse of a spherical bubble
near the surface of a solid. This can occur near a propeller blade, causing both damage and acoustic
emission. Another motivation is that dolphins generate a rich variety of large vortex bubbles. The
objectives of this thesis are the construction of an apparatus that generates large toroidal bubbles in a tank
of water, and the establishment of the parameter space in which toroidal bubbles occur. The apparatus
employs a variable electrical input, interchangeable solenoid valve, interchangeable needle valve, and
pressurized nitrogen gas. The tank is an acrylic cylinder with diameter one foot and height four feet. It is
observed that whether or not a toroidal bubble forms is highly stochastic. This is studied by varying several
parameters of the apparatus. Preliminary results of possible acoustic emission are presented. Future work
with the apparatus is discussed, including digital photography of toroidal bubble formation and the effect of
ensonification on the motion.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREA: Surface/Under Surface Vehicles - Ships and Watercraft
Turbulence in the atmosphere drives the formation of temperature inhomogeneities that scatter and diffract
propagating electromagnetic waves, adversely affecting laser weapons and high-resolution optical systems.
Military operations require reliable turbulence profiles for the development and validation of turbulence
prediction models.
This research investigated the false turbulence contribution caused by well-known temperature steps in
the vertical profile of the atmosphere, especially in the stratosphere. The homogeneity and isotropy
requirements of structure functions were used to develop a technique to remove the false contribution to the
temperature structure constant, C 2 .
Both 1.54 cm and 5.82 m vertical resolution profiles with 0.001 to 0.01 K temperature resolution were
collected from a balloon flight. Steps of 0.1 to 1 K in the vertical temperature profile produce abrupt
changes in the mean temperature that obscure the measurement of the actual turbulent fluctuations.
Removing these anomalies exposed the underlying C 2 distribution. Application of the new technique for
several sampling intervals revealed a Kolmogorov inertial subrange extending from ~25 cm to ~10 m. The
potential of this technique to compute the isoplanatic angle, ?0 , coherence length, r0 , and Greenwood
frequency, fg , reliably by using inexpensive balloons should benefit airborne and space-based laser
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Battlespace Environments, Directed Energy Weapons, Modeling
and Simulation
The biomechanical response of a finite element model of the human thorax and a protective body armor
system was studied under impact loading from a projectile. The objective of the study was to create a
viable finite element model of the human thorax. This objective was accomplished through the
construction of a three-dimensional finite element model in DYNA3D, a finite element analysis program.
The model was validated by comparing the results of tests of body armor systems conducted on cadavers to
results obtained from finite element analysis. A parametric study was undertaken to determine the essential
components of the model. The results from this investigation determined that the path of force propagation
from a body armor system to the thorax upon bullet impact is directly through the vest to the sternum and
then through the skeleton to the rest of the body. Thus, any parameters that affect the components in this
pathway were essential to the model. This included the muscles, their geometries, material properties, and
viscosity, as well as the Young’s modulus of the sternochondral cartilage and the bones themselves.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Clothing, Textiles, and Food, Modeling and Simulation, Other
The Physics Department at the Naval Postgraduate School is developing a concept to overcome the
problems that keep present rail guns from being practical weapons. The rails must be replaced often if the
rail gun operation is to be continuous. Replacing the rails in present rail gun configurations is time
consuming. The Physics Department’s design concept uses a rectangular barrel as part of the solution to
the problem of replacing the rails. The projectile will require flat surfaces to maintain electrical contact
with the flat rails and aerodynamic stabilization because of the lack of angular momentum. This thesis
develops one possible model of a projectile for a rectangular barreled rail gun, which could be used to
replace the standard five-inch gun found on most warships. The proposed projectile is successfully
modeled as a five inch projectile with flat areas planed onto opposite sides and long chord, short span fins
attached in a cruciform configuration. The computer programs used to develop the projectile model are
included to allow evaluation of alternate configurations.
The purpose of this thesis is to provide an analysis of the Waterhammer concept design. Waterhammer is a
device intended to generate repetitive shock waves to clear a path through the very shallow water region for
amphibious operations. These repetitive shock waves are intended to destroy obstructions and mines alike.
This thesis analyzes the energy budget of the deflagration processes and the basic principles of shock
waves and acoustic saturation. When the source amplitude is increased to very high levels, acoustic
saturation sets in, a state in which the amplitude of the received signal approaches a limiting value,
independent of the source amplitude. Acoustic saturation thus will set physical constraints in the design of
Waterhammer. Furthermore, as the pulse propagates in the shallow water environment, reflections from
the water’s surface and bottom floor will spread the energy in the water column thus reducing the energy
density. These combined effects can affect the intended performance of Waterhammer. The results of the
analysis in this thesis lead to the conclusion that Waterhammer may not be viable in its present concept
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Conventional Weapons, Surface/Under Surface Vehicles-Ships and
Watercraft, Manufacturing Science and Technology (MS&T)
KEYWORDS: Waterhammer Performance, Acoustic Saturation Limits, Nonlinear Effect in Water Due to
Very High Source Levels
The purpose of this work was to investigate the use of an Emispec Vision System to analyze energy
dispersive x-ray spectra (EDS) obtained with the Topcon 002B transmission electron microscope (TEM) in
the Materials Science Laboratory at the Naval Postgraduate School.
A series of tests performed with a standard NiO sample revealed that the TEM column and EDS
detector were operating in a satisfactory fashion. NiO spectra acquired with different sample tilt-angles
were used to test the Emis pec software. An improved setup configuration, in which accurate quantification
is obtained with the sample at zero tilt-angle, was developed.
Quantification tests performed with TiO2 , Cu-Al2 O3 and alumina-YAG (with 2.5% TiO2 ) samples
confirmed the accuracy of the new software setup. Line profiles across the alumina-YAG interfaces were
also recorded to verify the performance of the Emispec system for spectrum profile acquisition and to
investigate the Ti distribution at the interface of the alumina-YAG heat-treated sample.
KEYWORDS: Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectra, EDS Quantitative
A reverberation model based on the parabolic approximation is developed that includes sediment interface
and volume perturbations. A multiple forward/single backscatter approximation is made, and the structure
of the solution is found to depend on the two-way propagation with a scattering strength scaling dependent
on the local properties of the perturbation. The model is implemented for continuous wave (CW) signals to
predict mean reverberation pressure levels and for broadband pulse signals to generate complex
reverberation structures in the time-domain. The spatial correlation and statistical properties of these
predicted signals are then analyzed in an attempt to extract information on the underlying characteristics of
the perturbation. Preliminary analysis suggests that reverberation due to the volume perturbations
decorrelates more rapidly over depth than the reverberation due to interface fluctuations, although the
differences appear small. Additionally, the statistical character of the reverberation structure due to the
interface appears as a relatively flat spectrum, while the spectrum of the volume reverberation tends to
appear colored. Attempts to correlate these characteristics with the structure of the perturbations is
Abstract is classified.
A miniature thermoacoustic refrigerator is being developed for the purpose of cooling integrated circuits
below their failure temperature when used in hot environments. This thesis describes the development of
an electrically powered acoustic driver that powers the thermoacoustic refrigerator. The driver utilizes a
flexural tri-laminar piezoelectric disk to generate one to two Watts of acoustic power at 4 kHz in 15 bar of
He-Kr gas mixture.
This thesis also provides a cost analysis of the Mini TAR and a comparison with other cooling
methods in terms of cost and benefits. It estimates the unit cost of a Mini TAR and compares it with other
existing microchip coolers in terms of cost and benefits.
KEYWORDS: Thermoacoustics, Refrigeration, Acoustic Driver, Piezoelectric Driver, Cost and Benefit
Military intelligence has researched various scenarios in which the submarine is the only platform available
to engage hostile waterborne infiltration forces. Torpedoes are meant for large ships and cruise missiles are
strategic weapons not to be wasted on small craft. Therefore, the submarine does not have a weapons
capability to engage and destroy high-speed marine craft (HSMC) that would be used for coastal
The most practical scenario would utilize a torpedo stow for a weapon system that would be tube
launched, thus ensuring the maximum cruise missile capability of the submarine with a minimal sacrifice to
its anti-surface and anti-submarine capabilities. The maintaining of submarine stealth will be paramount,
therefore, an off-hull launcher is desired. The weapon needs to be highly discriminative due to high
shipping traffic in the coastal environment. In all, the major factors associated with the design and
employment of a sub-launched weapon system for engaging HSMC are the threat, the missile, the launcher
and the deployment method.
In a hostile coastal environment, there are numerous targets ranging from surface threats to air threats.
Missile design is dependent on the threat and can be varied for different scenarios. However, the launcher
and deployment of a tube launched weapon system are only restricted by the dimensions of the torpedo
tube and the buoyancy and stability of the designed launcher. These parameters can be quantified and
modeled. This thesis focused on designing a weapon system, SEABAT, to meet the basic buoyancy and
stability requirements. The results of the SEABAT design prove its feasibility as a torpedo tube launched
weapon system.
KEYWORDS: High Speed Marine Craft, Buoyancy, Stability, Submarine Launched Weapon System
Military image analysts primarily use panchromatic and radar images to aid situational awareness in
preparing a mission plan. Although analysts rely on these two formats, there are situations where these two
sensors are unable to detect potential threats, i.e., buried mines. The Department of Defense has proposed
using a hyperspectral sensor to detect threats that otherwise may not be detected by existing sensors. In
order to determine the utility of hyperspectral imagery for mission planning, a task analysis was conducted
at two Joint Intelligence Centers to measure image analysts’ preferences to infrared, radar, panchromatic,
and hyperspectral imagery during an amphibious planning process. The results showed that the image
analysts were most confident using panchromatic imagery for the majority of the planning tasks; however,
the analysts exhibited uncertainty for other tasks, such as detecting buried mines. Further analysis showed
that image analysts could reduce their uncertainty in detecting buried mines and producing bathymetric
maps by using hyperspectral imagery. Although hyperspectral imagery reduced uncertainty during mission
planning, operators report that this imagery is confusing. To integrate hyperspectral imagery in mission
planning, image analysts must be trained to interpret a hyperspectral scene and understand how to exploit
its’ spectral characteristics.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Visual Information Processing, Hyperspectral Imagery, Spectral Imagery, Image
Interpretation, Amphibious Planning
The Naval Postgraduate School’s Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (NUVIS) is a hyperspectral sensor with
a spectral response of 300 to 375 nanometers. This thesis research concentrates on the operation and
calibration of NUVIS in the detection of effluent sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) plumes. NUVIS is capable of
detecting and quantifying SO2 emissions in the form of effluent smokestack plumes by exploiting SO2 ’s
unique UV absorption signature. Laboratory comparison UV spectra of SO2 were recorded and used to
calculate curves of growth for four different SO2 spectral features. Laboratory results were employed to
analyze field data taken of a coal-burning power plant. Analysis of this plume data yielded a mean plume
SO2 mixing ratio of 365 ± 200 ppm, in agreement with the in situ stack value of 400 ppm. Further
assessment of NUVIS indicates that its lower limit for SO2 detection in typical field applications is
approximately 70 ppm.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Chemical and Biological Defense, Environmental Quality, Sensors
A nonradiating wave source is one that drives waves over a region of a medium, where no waves propagate
outside the region due to complete destructive interference at the boundary. This thesis describes the first
observations of an acoustical source of this type. Physical observations are made with a current-carrying
wire that is transversely driven by several types of magnetic field distributions. The wire glows as a result
of the current, and the wave pattern can be observed due to the cooling caused by the motion of the wire.
The predicted standing wave response in the source region is confirmed. Numerical simulations of a one-
dimensional mass-and-spring lattice show that dissipation, nonuniformity, and nonlinearity each cause
radiation to escape from the source region. The radiation amplitude relative to the standing wave amplitude
is substantially reduced for sources that are distributed over a region rather than lumped over the same
region. In addition, it is possible to make adjustments to the drive parameters to substantially minimize the
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Modeling and Simulation, Other (Nonradiating Wave Sources)
Spectral imagery provides a new resource in remote sensing, which can be used for defeating camouflage,
concealment and detection, as well as terrain categorization. A new sensor, the Night Vision Imaging
Spectrometer (NVIS), provides VNIR/SWIR (0.4-2.5 m) spectra, which are used to study such
applications. NVIS has a nominal GSD of 0.5-1.5 meters in operational modes utilized for this work,
which make the data well suited for studying mapping and classification algorithms. Data taken at Ft. A.P.
Hill on April 29, 2000 are studied here.
A Principal Components Transformation was performed on the NVIS data. From this new data set,
target spectra were collected for use in classification algorithms. The NVIS data was converted from
radiance to reflectance in two different ways: Empirical Line Method and Internal Average Relative
Reflectance. Using this data, various standard algorithms were performed. It was found that while none of
the algorithms correctly classified all of the selected targets, the Mahalanobis Distance and Mixture Tuned
Matched FilterTM algorithms were the most successful.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Air Vehicles, Computing and Software, Sensors
The introduction of gas bubbles into a liquid decreases the average density, and thus decreases the buoyant
force on a floating body. This thesis investigates the critical average density required to sink a buoyant
body in water with rising bubbles. A volume of bubbly water is created in a clear acrylic tube of inner
diameter 30 cm and height 60 cm, that is closed at the bottom and open at the top. An array of diffusers at
the bottom produces 2 mm diameter bubbles that are uniform over the cross section of the tube. A 10-cm
diameter hollow steel ball whose average density is varied from 0.70 to 0.99 g/cm3 is employed as the
buoyant body. A theory of the critical density for sinking is developed, and predicts that the average fluid
density is greater than the ball density for sinking. The experimental data, which include a quantitative
error analysis, agree well with the theory for average ball densities from 0.94 to 0.99 g/cm3 , but show a
definite trend of fluid densities that are smaller than those predicted for ball densities varying from 0.70 to
0.94 g/cm3 .
KEYWORDS: Water, Density, Specific Gravity, Volume Fraction, Bubbles, Buoyancy, Nonnewtonian
The feasibility of utilizing detonations for air-breathing propulsion is the subject of a significant research
effort headed by the Office of Naval Research. Pulse Detonation Engines (PDE) have a theoretically
greater efficiency than current combustion cycles. However, pulse detonation technology must mature
beginning with research in the fundamental process of developing a detonation wave. This thesis explores
various ignition conditions which minimize the deflagration-to-detonation transition distance (XDDT) of a
single detonation wave in a gaseous mixture.
Specifically, the minimum XDDT was determined for different Ethylene and Oxygen/Nitrogen gaseous
mixtures under varying ignition energy (0.33-8.31 Joules), mixture equivalence ratios (0.6-2.0), and ignitor
locations. To conduct the experiments a 6 feet long, 3 inch diameter tube combustor, support equipment,
and operating software was built. Four independent test scenarios were investigated and trends developed
to determine the minimum XDDT while reducing oxidizer blend ratios.
Results show that XDDT significantly depends on mixture equivalence ratio (ϕ) and was minimized at ϕ
= 1.1. No dependence on ignition energies greater than 0.5 Joules was observed. A further reduction in
XDDT was observed with the ignitor located one combustor diameter from the head wall. These results will
be useful in future designs of pre-detonators for larger PDEs.
The objective of this work was to design and construct a prototype imager for the NPS remote sensing
satellite. This project is a low-earth orbiting satellite designed to image the earth in VNIR and LWIR at a
resolution of 100–200 m.
The specific imager design considered here is the VNIR instrument, designed to image the daylit earth
and atmosphere, as well as the relatively dim aurora (northern lights) at multiple discrete wavelengths. This
project defined the desired wavelengths to be: 427.8 nm, 470.9 nm, 557.7 nm, 630.0 nm, 636.4 nm, and
844.6 nm.
A Kodak 763 X 512 CCD was implemented into a push-broom scanner design appropriate for our
mission. Design optics are for a nominal F/2, 90 mm Leica lens. The prototype was completed and
demonstrated to operate.
Measurements of the soot mass loading in the exhaust of a small liquid rocket engine burning gaseous
oxygen with kerosene and kerosene with additive mixtures have been made. The rocket engine was
operated over a high soot-producing regime, to simulate the film-cooling region of an actual system, which
covered an oxygen-to-fuel ratio (O/F) range of 0.6 to 1.3 and produced a nearly uniform plume distribution.
Using a dual fuel tank system, the fuel source was switched during the runs to allow both kerosene and
kerosene with additive measurements to be conducted during the same run to ensure nearly identical engine
operating conditions. A multi-wavelength optical transmission technique was used to determine the
amount of soot present and utilized the transmission ratio of six wavelengths from the near UV to the
visible through the plume of the engine. The experimental technique was analyzed to determine the
potential error introduced when the transmission values were extremely low (<5%) and what potential
effect any organic absorbers (PAHs) may have had on the transmission ratios for the near UV wavelengths.
Experimental results show that the addition of as little as 1% by mass of an additive can significantly
reduce the amount of soot present in the engine exhaust, and therefore alter the associated IR radiation from
the plume.
Spaceborne multispectral imaging for terrain classification has been used successfully to identify types of
crops and ground cover for agricultural and land management purposes. The information derived from
combining multiple sensors operating in different spectral bands into a single image has proven more
valuable than that derived from a single band. Although multispectral imaging has not traditionally been
associated with military reconnaissance satellites, the ability to automatically identify terrain type has
military applications in battlefield characterization and target location. This thesis constructs a
multispectral image by combining data from different sensors, and then uses this image for
terraincategorization, or TERCAT. One military location in Southern California, San Clemente Island, was
imaged using both civilian and National Technical Means (NTM) spacecraft. The civilian images were
merged and analyzed using commercial imagery analysis software, producing classification maps of high
quality and compared with the results of the same process performed on the NTM data. The military utility
of TERCAT products was explored, with emphasis on the intelligence value of the products.
This thesis is part of a larger project that is attempting to address the drastic decline of foundries producing
radiation hardened electronics for mil-aerospace applications. Wafer substrates containing certain buffer
layers are known to improve the radiation tolerance of circuits built on them. Manufacturers potentially
can use these substrates to build radiation tolerant devices with minimal or no changes to the design of a
COTS device. This research documents the DC characteristics of standard Vitesse EFETs. Using a
computer model built with Silvaco software, predictions for the DC operation of Vitesse EFETs built on a
substrate with layers of AlGaAs over LT GaAs(Be) are made. Finally, an equation expressing the fermi
level as a function of Be doping in LT GaAs(Be) is developed.
In August, 1999, observations with a non-imaging satellite revealed an aircraft (not in afterburner) flying
over the ocean. Although this initial detection was made quite by chance, a specialized sensor
configuration was devised, and several additional aircraft observations were performed. The precise
parameters required for such remote detection are still unclear due to the processing and analysis
limitations of current system algorithms. Nevertheless, the successful collections made thus far do provide
valuable insight into the phenomenon behind these observations. Furthermore, they point to specific
hardware and software shortcomings which may be improved in the near future. This thesis includes a full
explanation of the sensor and processing systems, a compilation of accomplished collections, and a
thorough analysis of data. It explains the current status of this emerging capability and identifies the steps
that are necessary to make remote aircraft detection and tracking into a tactical tool in the future.
Self-generated magnetic fields up to 109 Gauss have been predicted in overdense plasmas irradiated with
ultra-intense laser light pulses. It was found that the laser absorption can be significantly enhanced by the
oscillation of electrons across these fields. There is then a very large Lorentz force, which can strongly
accelerate electrons into the plasma and can lead to generation of harmonics in the reflected light. It was
shown that large magnetic fields can be significantly amplified to even larger values by the pressure of the
light pulse. Potential applications are discussed. All data used in the simulations was unclassified.
Several algorithms based on autocorrelation matching of multiple hydrophone elements in a vertical line
array have been developed to localize a broadband transient signal. An earlier developed frequency-
domain autocorrelation matching (FACM) algorithm was based on autocorrelation matching of only a
single hydrophone. The success and robustness of this algorithm in the presence of environmental
mismatch was the motivation to adapt it to include the additional information of multiple hydrophones.
The new algorithms developed were based on joint autocorrelation matching, specifically depth- and
frequency-domain autocorrelation matching (ZFACM), wavenumber- and frequency-domain
autocorrelation matching (KzFACM), and an incoherent summation of the FACM results of all the
elements in a vertical line array (IFACM). These algorithms were tested in simple, shallow water
environments with and without mismatch in the specification of acoustic parameters (e.g., bathymetry and
sound speed). The results suggest that the use of the additional information from multiple elements does
improve both the accuracy and robustness of the localizations. Furthermore, the IFACM and the KzFACM
algorithms produced similar results that appeared to perform slightly better than the ZFACM algorithm in
the presence of mismatch. However, the relative performance of the algorithms appeared to be sensitive to
the environment and placement of the source and receivers in the waveguide.
An ever-present problem in analyzing thermal images for target signatures is the influence of atmospheric
effects in the signature observed at significant range. The compensation for these effects, mostly
atmospheric absorption and scattering and path radiance requires accurate knowledge of the meteorological
parameters for the area involved at the time of the measurements.
Based both on infrared image files taken during the Electro-Optical Propagation Assessment in Coastal
Environments (EOPACE) experiment together with the EOPACE environmental data base and on the
SeaRad propagation code to generate radiance, a range compensation algorithm is proposed in this thesis.
Applying SeaRad output adjusted for the sky path radiance, an 11 by 11 matrix of the apparent sea
temperatures is constructed in which each row corresponds to a different zenith angle and therefore range,
and each column to a different sea apparent black body temperature. By interpolation all sea pixels in the
image are range compensated. The ship pixels are range compensated by imposing continuity in the sea
ship interface. The magnitude of scene temperature correction required is of the order of -2.3 ± 1.7 °C
which is comparable to the precision of the recorded data.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Battlespace Environments, Sensors, Modeling and Simulation
This thesis examines two implementations of the parabolic equation approximation to the acoustic wave
equation aimed at removing three errors inherent to the wide-angle parabolic equation (WAPE) model.
First, the selection of the range-step size used by the split-step Fourier algorithm affects the convergence of
the solution. Second, in certain ocean environments WAPE incorrectly computes the down-range
transmission loss. Finally, WAPE does not reproduce the standard normal mode basis set as defined by
normal mode theory. A double-precision implementation of the WAPE (DP-WAPE) is developed to
evaluate the dependence of solution convergence on the numerical precision of the model. Finally, an
implementation that is insensitive to the choice of the reference sound speed (COIPE) is evaluated for its
ability to reduce or remove the latter two of these three errors. The stability of the WAPE solution was
found to be unaffected by the DP-WAPE implementation. The range-step dependence is inherent to the
split-step algorithm. The COIPE corrects the transmission loss anomaly and satisfactorily reproduces the
standard normal mode basis set.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Modeling and Simulation, Other (Underwater Acoustics)
To reduce the number of phase sampling comparators in a direction finding (DF) interferometer antenna, a
new array based on a robust symmetrical number system (RSNS) is described. The RSNS is used to
decompose the spatial filtering operation into a number of parallel sub-operations that are of smaller
computational complexity. Each sub-operation (interferometer) symmetrically folds the phase with folding
period equal to 2Nmi where N is the number of channels that are used and mi is the channel modulus. A
small comparator ladder mid-level quantizes each folded phase response. Each sub-operation only requires
a precision in accordance with that modulus. A much higher DF resolution is achieved after the N different
RSNS moduli are used and the results of these low precision sub-operations are recombined. The parallel
use of phase waveforms increases the antenna resolution without increasing the folding rate of the system.
The new antenna is constructed and tested in an anechoic chamber, and the results are compared with the
experimental results of a previously tested optimum symmetrical number system (OSNS) array. Although
the dynamic range of the RSNS is somewhat less than the OSNS, the inherent Gray code properties make it
attractive for error control in phase sampling interferometry.
KEYWORDS: Robust Symmetrical Number Systems, Optimum Symmetrical Number Systems, Phase
Sampling Interferometery, Direction Finding, Ambiguity Resolution
The ability to employ effectively an active sonar system in the littoral regions is of great interest to the
United States Navy. Time-varying multi-path propagation introduces significant problems that must be
overcome in the employment of shallow water active sonar. The phenomenon of time-reversal acoustics
(TRA) has provided hope for a solution to this problem by undoing much of the multipath spreading
without the need to have knowledge of the environment in these littoral regions. When an active sonar
return is time-reversed and retransmitted, this second signal focuses in time and space back at the original
source location. This thesis investigates the phenomenon of TRA as it applies to an idealized shallow
water environment. Numerical modeling was performed for a variety of source and target apertures and
ranges. Results demonstrate a significant enhancement in received active sonar signal strength due to the
TRA acoustic field focusing effect. Furthermore, the signal strength enhancement remains significant even
when the source to target range changes between active sonar transmissions. The results presented in this
thesis demonstrate that the use of TRA may provide substantial signal-to-noise ratio improvements over
current active sonar systems. Further modeling and real world experiments could ultimately lead to the
development of a practical active TRA sonar system.
DoD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Surface/Under Surface Vehicles - Ships and Watercraft, Modeling
and Simulation
The Naval concepts Operational Maneuver from the Sea (OMFTS) and Ship to Objective Maneuver
(STOM) will not succeed unless mines and obstacles can be located, identified and cleared from the
amphibious approaches. The US Navy’s Mine Warfare Plan and the Navy Investment Strategy for
Development of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Systems in Support of naval Very Shallow Water and
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mine Countermeasures Missions have defined specific strategies for
achieving a very shallow water mine clearance capability. This thesis examines the potential for various
technologies (sensors) to support very shallow water minefield clearance in the re-acquisition and
identification of mines and obstacles. First, the mission is defined and current capabilities are reviewed.
Second the requirements for the Very Shallow Water Mine Countermeasures mission are examined from
the point of view of a notional concept of operations, the operating environment, and required performance
characteristics, and, criteria are developed to evaluate potential detection and identification systems.
Finally, detection and identification technologies are examined and evaluated against derived criteria. The
results are two tables that can be used together as a tool to determine optimum combinations of sensors
based upon mission priorities (precise identification, object location, neutralization, area survey) and
vehicle capability (incremental energy available for sensors, payload capacity, mission portability, mission
DOD KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Sensors, Surface/Under Surface Vehicles - Ships and Watercraft,
Conventional Weapons, Other (Mine Countermeasures)
KEYWORDS: Electro Optics, VSW MCM, EOD, AUV, STOM, OMFTS, Mine Hunting, UUV