De La Salle Brothers' Open Letter To COMELEC
De La Salle Brothers' Open Letter To COMELEC
De La Salle Brothers' Open Letter To COMELEC
Electoral Process:
An Open Letter to COMELEC
Can the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) ensure that the fraud. COMELEC’s inability to fulfill this most basic requirement
coming elections will be credible and truthful? We hope so. As amounts to a dereliction of its solemn duty to the voting public
educators and Filipino citizens, however, we wish to make public and to the nation as a whole.
our grave concerns regarding COMELEC’s less-than-sterling We call on COMELEC to redeem its credibility and the
performance, thus far, in the preparations leading to the May 2010 credibility of the election process by doing the following:
elections. As Christian educators and Filipino citizens, we the 1. Restore all the built-in security safeguards and use the digital
De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines regard the promotion of signature facility of the PCOS machines so as to ensure the
truth, justice and the common good as integral to our educational proper verification of votes cast and counted in time.
ministry in the country. If we choose to speak at this time, it is 2. Make known and explain to the public the process by which
because we see the common good threatened by COMELEC’s electoral protests and issues of disenfranchisement are to be
seeming ineptitude. handled and adjudicated fairly on the basis of evidence.
Over the past year, despite concerns, fears, and legitimate 3. Make available the inventory and deployment of the PCOS
criticisms raised by the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee machines allowing independent inspectors to account and
(JCOC), the Association of Major Religious Superiors in the verify these activities.
Philippines (AMRSP), the Center for People Empowerment in 4. Publish the list of voters and their respective precincts two
Governance (CenPEG), the University of the Philippines’ National to three weeks before May 10 so as to minimize election
College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG), the day confusion.
Automated Election System Watch 2010 (AES Watch), the Asian 5. Immediately release guidelines for the random manual
Network for Free Elections (ANFREL), the Washington-based audit (RMA) and comply with the best practices of RMA.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and 6. Create a system by which disenfranchised voters can register
other credible bodies, the COMELEC has failed to put in place their complaints in an official record.
the needed safeguards to ensure the credibility of the upcoming All of these safeguards are worthy of attention and are
political exercise. This is why, impelled by our individual and considered critical to the success of the May 2010 elections.
collective consciences, we have deemed it urgent to call attention Should COMELEC neglect these safeguards, we will be forced
to the negligence, unintended or otherwise, that puts this most to conclude that COMELEC’s commitment to clean elections is
basic and sacred of political rights—the right to suffrage—in grave a sham.
danger. In the elections of 1986, Filipinos proved that they could work
Recent events have put into question the credibility of the together to protect the ballot in the face of seemingly unassailable
election process. In particular, we are deeply concerned about the odds. In particular, the heroism of the IT professionals who acted
following: on their conscience and walked out of the Philippine International
1. the disabling of vital security safeguards of the Precinct Convention Center (PICC) rather than participate in massive
Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machine to assure the proper fraud and cheating, is a shining example of the kind of integrity
counting and verification of ballots; and concern for the common good that is extremely needed today.
2. the negation of the digital signature facility as stated in In choosing to heed their consciences, these men and women were
Resolution No. 8786 section 40-g; bowing to a higher call—that of One who reminds us that “We
3. the apparent lack of transparency regarding the inventory must obey God rather than human authority” (Acts 5:9).
of the PCOS machines, survey of the telecoms service, In these days, it behooves us to remind all people of goodwill
electrical power availability survey, and the clustering of that the change we want to see in this country we love will not come
precincts; about unless we heed the call of God in our consciences, the call
4. the high possibility of voter disenfranchisement due to place duty to God and the needs of the country above personal
to the clustering of precincts, the inadequacy of voters’ security and self-interest. Such obedience demands that men and
education activities, and the failure of the COMELEC to women of goodwill ACT NOW to ensure that the May elections
truly conduct an end-to-end simulation of the automated will be conducted with probity, transparency, and accountability.
election process; We call on like-minded individuals and groups to support efforts
5. the absence of clear guidelines on the conduct of the random to ensure that the May elections will be clean and honest.
manual audit (RMA) and the execution of manual election While we take no pleasure in drawing attention to COMELEC’s
as part of the continuity plan; and, shoddy stewardship of the pre-election process, we would have no
6. the absence of an officially publicized mechanism for settling peace of mind if we allowed the common good to suffer because
and addressing the complex nature of electoral protests. we chose to keep silent. We urge all who want clean elections in
In the present set-up, there seems to be no clear way of May to exercise their responsibility as citizens and demand more
verifying whether the votes cast are the actual votes counted and of those who purport to serve the public interest.
transmitted or indeed of even verifying the authenticity of a ballot.
This violates COMELEC’s own guidelines as well as the omnibus April 7, 2010
election code and opens the door to the possibility of massive Feast of St. John Baptist de La Salle
Br. Dante Jose Amisola FSC Br. Jaime Dalumpines FSC Br. Jose Peter Vincent Fernandez FSC Br. Joaquin Martinez FSC Br. Antonio Cesar Servando FSC
Br. Jerico Blanquisco nFSC Br. Francisco de la Rosa VI FSC Br. Victor Franco FSC Br. Rey Mejias FSC Br. Emmanuel Gerardo Sia FSC
Br. Felipe Belleza Jr. FSC Br. Alexander Ervin Diaz FSC Br. Emmanuel Hilado FSC Br. Hans Stephen Moran FSC Br. Raymundo Suplido FSC
Br. Augustine Boquer FSC Br. Rolando Dizon FSC Br. Jose Mari Jimenez FSC Br. Crisanto Moreno FSC Br. Eugenio Tianco FSC
Br. Allan Buenavista FSC, Br. Normandy Dujunco FSC Br. Ricardo Angel Laguda FSC Br. Bernard Oca FSC Br. Michael Valenzuela FSC
Br. Ruben Caluyong FSC Br. Narciso Erguiza Jr. FSC Br. Arianwen Dagmar Androu Lopez FSC Br. Manuel Pajarillo FSC Br. Richie Yap FSC
Br. Roberto Casingal FSC Br. Lawrence Aikee Esmeli FSC Br. Armin Luistro FSC Br. Rafael Reyes FSC Br. Thomas Mabol Yapo FSC
Br. Michael Cua FSC Br. Leonilo Estrellas Jr. FSC Br. Dennis Magbanua FSC Br. Iñigo Riola FSC
Br. Mario Dacanay FSC Br. Edmundo Adolfo Fernandez FSC Br. Pedro Victor Maralit FSC Br. Johnny Pius Rombo FSC