The document discusses careers in civil service in India. It defines a civil servant as a person employed by a government department or agency. It describes the roles and responsibilities of IAS officers in India, which include framing and implementing policy at the central level, representing the government internationally, and overseeing law and order, administration and development at district and divisional levels. It lists some prominent coaching institutes in India that provide training to civil service aspirants, such as Actwel IAS Study Center in Bihar and IAS Training Centre Presidency College in West Bengal.
The document discusses careers in civil service in India. It defines a civil servant as a person employed by a government department or agency. It describes the roles and responsibilities of IAS officers in India, which include framing and implementing policy at the central level, representing the government internationally, and overseeing law and order, administration and development at district and divisional levels. It lists some prominent coaching institutes in India that provide training to civil service aspirants, such as Actwel IAS Study Center in Bihar and IAS Training Centre Presidency College in West Bengal.
The document discusses careers in civil service in India. It defines a civil servant as a person employed by a government department or agency. It describes the roles and responsibilities of IAS officers in India, which include framing and implementing policy at the central level, representing the government internationally, and overseeing law and order, administration and development at district and divisional levels. It lists some prominent coaching institutes in India that provide training to civil service aspirants, such as Actwel IAS Study Center in Bihar and IAS Training Centre Presidency College in West Bengal.
The document discusses careers in civil service in India. It defines a civil servant as a person employed by a government department or agency. It describes the roles and responsibilities of IAS officers in India, which include framing and implementing policy at the central level, representing the government internationally, and overseeing law and order, administration and development at district and divisional levels. It lists some prominent coaching institutes in India that provide training to civil service aspirants, such as Actwel IAS Study Center in Bihar and IAS Training Centre Presidency College in West Bengal.
A civil servant or public servant is a person in the public
sector employed for a government department or agency. The extent of civil servants of a state as part of the "civil service" varies from country to country. In the United Kingdom, for instance, only Crown employees are referred to as civil servants whereas county or city employees are not. Many consider the study of service to be a part of the field of public administration. Workers in "non-departmental public bodies may also be classed as civil servants for the purpose of statistics and possibly for their terms and conditions. Collectively a state's civil servants form its civil service or public service.
Job Prospects
The IAS Officers handle affairs of the government. At the
central level, this involves the framing and implementation of policy. They also represent the government in other countries and in International forums. They are even authorized to sign agreements on behalf of the government. At the district level, it is concerned with district affairs, including development functions. At the divisional level, the IAS officers look after law and order, general administration and development work. In IAS cadre you can be submagistrate, district magistrate, joint secretary, deputy secretary etc.
Actwel IAS Study Center, Bihar.
IAS Training Centre Presidency College, West Bengal.
Krishna Coaching Institute, Uttar Pradesh. Universal Coaching Centre, Karnataka.