Process Report Pop Culture
Process Report Pop Culture
Process Report Pop Culture
Methodology V
Curriculum Design
Table of Content
Needs Analysis....................................................................................................................... 3
Project Plan............................................................................................................................. 6
Development Process............................................................................................................. 8
Presentation Feedback.........................................................................................................10
Individual Contributions......................................................................................................... 11
Needs Analysis
Our curriculum will be designed for havo 2 students. This means ours students are on A2
level and are around 13/14 years old. We have looked at our students needs in many
different ways.
Our students needs
First of all, we looked at a suitable topic for our curriculum. We wanted a topic that would fit
our target group. We believe that students will like learning a language when what they need
to learn is mixed with something they like. Therefore, we have chosen a topic and themes
which all the students will like: Pop Culture, including themes like sports, technology,
entertainment and fashion. We want to have various different subjects that the students will
come across in their daily life and probably plays a major part within their lives. We dont
want to have boring texts and videos on our website, but fun and challenging texts and
videos. This way, our students will be motivated to learn the English language.
We also looked at what the students need in order to function in everyday life. We kept the
topic of our curriculum in mind: Pop Culture. Students should be able to talk to others about
social subjects in the form of a discussion (like a debate). In everyday life, people often
discuss social subjects, like sports events, movies, their new gadget etc. With this also
comes the ability of talking about your day or routines or habits. Therefore, we also want our
students to learn the past and present simple, which they can use in speaking and writing
about events, movies, books, gadgets etc. In everyday life, you should also be able to
express your likes and dislikes. Thats why we want to focus on expressing opinion as well.
Connected with this, is agreeing and disagreeing with others. We want to put all these
abilities in learning objectives, which we can use for our lessons.
How are we going to get them there
We want our curriculum and website to be fun and interactive. Thats why we want to include
a variety of skills in our lessons. Also, we will use a lot of different interactions, such a pair
work, whole class and team work. To make our curriculum more interesting and fun for the
students, we want to work with a social media platform, like Facebook. Due to the fact that
our curriculum will be available for the students online, without the need for books, we will
have the freedom to design our own curriculum without any coursebook in mind. This means
that we will not be restricted at all and should be able to provide our students with a wide
variety of exercises and input that they might not have on a normal school day using books.
During our analysis we found that students mainly liked being active in some way. This didnt
come as a surprise to us as students usually try to come up with all kinds of reasons not to
study in a traditional way. However, we believe that, through an active way, we can motivate
students to still learn form (grammar/vocab) within our lessons.
We have also seen our students work together. Which brought us to the idea to implement
quite a few exercises that favour group effort. Even though these exercises ask for
cooperation in class, they do not require this. This means the exercises are flexible enough
to be made by only one student, or in pairs if needed. To ease up the tension of having to
read a lot of text in a lesson, we decided to write fun, entertaining introductions for our
lessons. This way we think everyone can relate and feel motivated to start the lesson;
whether youre making the exercises alone, in pairs or in a group.
In the end we also analysed a lesson on one of our internship schools to make sure we were
completely on the right track regarding our students needs. The classroom analysis can be
viewed on the next page.
Classroom analysis
Description: What did I see?
The class was very distracted. Some students were really loud and distracting each
other. Students were on their phones and not paying any attention to their teacher. Some
students were on their phones upon entering the classroom and it was difficult to get their
attention. Other students seemed really zappy and active upon entering. The assignment is
unclear. There are some new situations in play that are not yet understood by the students.
There were 2 new assistants who were needed to read with the students.
Hypotheses: What could help?
Writing a schedule on the board could help the student feel organized. Knowing
exactly what to do and when might make the student more relaxed. By giving them a clear
goal students might feel more responsible and be therefore more eager to work well. You
could create this by having a visual image on who is going to do what, for example with a
Classroom Analysis Student Interview.
1. Ask pupils:
a. What are you doing?
Students are making a comic about a book they read.
b. Why are you doing it other than because the teacher told you to?
Student A: We are drawing the comic to show that we understood the English in the book,
the story.
Student B: The teacher wants to know that I understood the story.
Student C: To show that we understood the details of the story and that we understood the
c. What will it bring you/what will you have learnt when youve finished the task?
Student A: I feel like Im going to have improved my reading skills, and English skills and
drawing skills by making a comic on the story. I really wanted to understand the Oliver story
and now I feel like I do.
Student B: I guess Ill know the story better and I will have learned some words. I guess I
will improve my drawing skills. And that I will remember the story better. And I will have
improved my English skills.
Student C: I will know more words that I didnt know before. I will know and remember the
Although most students were very distracted and loud they were very aware of why they
were doing the exercises. Most students knew what the exercises would bring them. A little
more organization from the teachers part might bring more peace to the classroom. The
students might work harder towards the goal when they are aware of its existence and feel
Project Plan
This project plan includes our ideas before we started working on our lessons.
What do you want your students to learn/be able to do?
The students are working towards the following A2 level goals:
A2 Listening: Understand & extract essential information from short passages
A2 Reading: Specific predictable information in simple everyday material
A2 Speaking: Communicating in simple language about simple standard
A2 Writing: Short notes, messages and forms for immediate need.
A2 Goal-oriented cooperation
Also, we want the students to learn about the influences and different aspects of pop culture.
The significance of the subject as well as learning to express their opinion. They also learn
how to properly retrieve and exchange information regarding pop culture individually or as a
pair or group.
How are they going to show you what they have learned?
The students will make their own brand and have to complete a test which covers all goals
set for this course.
What do they need to be able to complete the task?
The students will get vocabulary that fits our subject and the themes within these subjects.
This means theyll get vocabulary regarding sports, entertainment, fashion and technology.
For the end project they wont necessarily need all the vocab, but they will need the vocab of
one theme at least. They choose the theme after they have finished the lessons, so they will
have learned everything we want to teach them before deciding on a subject on their own.
Language structures
The students will need to use comparatives and superlatives to promote their brand. The
students will need the present simple to promote their brand.
The students need to be able to present their brand, therefore they need presentation skills.
The students need to be able to sell their brand, therefore they need a compelling
Other language skills
The students need to be able to write a convincing commercial.
Cultural information
The students have looked at many different themes and subjects within these themes,
therefore they have gained knowledge regarding the different themes and how to create a
brand within these themes.
Development Process
The first thing we all agreed on was that we wanted to pick a topic that all the students would
like. Therefore, we wanted to pick a very diverse topic with subjects which would be liked by
every student. We thought of possible topics by thinking about the CLIL subject we would like
to be in our curriculum the most. We had a debate about the subjects history and social
studies, but we decided to go for social studies since this includes subjects every student will
come across in their lives. Because we wanted a topic that our students would be interested
in, we decided to go for pop culture. Pop culture is all about what people are interested in at
the moment, people like our students. Also, with this topic we could choose from a wide
range of themes.
When we had decided on our topic, we could move on to our themes. We wanted to pick
themes suitable for boys as much as for girls. Therefore, we decided to go for technology
and entertainment, which would be suitable for both. Furthermore, we went for sports for
boys and fashion for girls, so the two sexes would have a theme more up their alley.
Of course we agreed on making these themes likeable for the opposite sex as well.
Every member of the group picked a theme he/she liked best. Fortunately, we were done
really quickly, because every member had his/her preference already. Our themes suited the
members of our group really well. After this, we brainstormed about possible themes within
the four main themes. Each member of our group was allowed some freedom to come up
with the subjects within their theme. In the end, we decided to go for the following subthemes:
- Olympic Games
- Soccer/Tennis
- Baseball/Basketball
- Fanatics/Hooligans
- Gadgets
- Social Media
- Games
- Technological growth
- Movies
- Television
- Music
- Literature
- Fashion movements
- Fashion chains and houses
- Hair and make-up
- Shoe wear
When we started working on our lessons, we faced the problem of not having enough time in
our lessons to properly include all steps of the penta-pie. Therefore, we have chosen to
implement Flipping the Classroom in most of our lessons. This allowed us to move the first
step of a lesson, activating the pre-knowledge, from the classroom to the students houses.
In most of our lessons the students need to do some exercises at home, like listening to a
video clip or answering questions, which will prepare them for the lesson. This way, the
teachers have more time available in the lesson to really dive into the subject and let all the
steps of the penta-pie be present in the lesson.
During designing our lessons we kept the backward design in mind. The first step of creating
our lesson, was picking goals from the CEFR. After this, we would decide on an exercise
(output) that would allow the students to show that they have mastered the goals. The only
thing left to design would be the exercises that would guide the students towards the end
exercise, letting them process the form and the content. Also, we decided to use Task Based
Learning in most of our lessons. In most of our lessons the students work towards a task at
the end of the lesson, like writing a letter or debating. The end task fits the goals of the
Presentation Feedback
Before we had to present our website at the Dragons Den presentation, we had a dry run in
class. Our peers could comment on the work we had done so far as well as our teacher. It
was still quite informal but we did our best. Our fellow classmates really liked our subject, but
had no comment on the website as it seemed our group was the only group who had more
than one lesson ready to present. We received positive feedback on how accessible the
website is and took that into account to make it even more accessible and more appealing to
the eye. We stuck to a site theme that was a challenge to work with for quite some time, but
one day we plunged in the deep with our eyes closed and picked a different theme for our
site without knowing if our progress up to that point would be saved or lost. Our progress was
saved and we showed the new design to our peers - which they loved even more than the
old one.
On January 28 we presented our curriculum at the HU to several teachers which were called
dragons during this presentation. Therefore, we will address them as dragons during the
entire document. Afterwards we got feedback we have used to improve our curriculum.
Most of dragons wrote down that they really liked the topic of our curriculum. This was mainly
because it was a very authentic topic which fits in perfectly with students lives. We also use
diverse up to date exercises which keep up with current trends. Another positive note of
feedback that we got was that our website was very easy to use and self-explanatory. This is
probably also because of the clear buttons that we use with which allows the students to
jump from page to page. The dragons were also very enthusiastic about our use of
Facebook. Because the dragons were so positive about it, we decided to make the link to our
Facebook page even more noticeable to put it at the top of each lesson.
We showed the dragons an assignment on the entertainment - television page. As feedback,
a dragon had written down that the your own talkshow exercise might be too difficult for
havo 2 students. We have taken this feedback into account and added more guidelines to the
exercises which will help the students a lot. This way, the exercise fits our target group better.
They also said that some pages had a lot of text. We improved this by putting the texts we
use for reading in a document. This way, the text isnt in its full length on the page but in a
document which the students can scroll down. This saves a lot of space on the lesson pages.
Also, we added quite a bit more pictures to the pages which should also make it more
entertaining for the students to work with.
We added buttons to each theme which are inviting for the students to press and with
pressing the buttons continuing along the lessons. Also, we added a menu at the top of the
page which allows the students and teachers for easier navigation through our website. The
dragons noted that it should be more effective if we were to put the skill that was present in
the lesson at the top of the lesson. We did this by adding the skills practiced in the lesson
right under the title of the lesson. This should make it very clear and easy for the students to
see which skills are present during this lesson.
Individual Contributions
We have divided all the task for designing our curriculum in such a way that everyone
contributes equally. We created a website and made sure everyone had access to the
website. We also made sure everyone had access to our mindmap, so it could be updated
weekly by all of the group members. After this, we divided the four themes in our curriculum: