Literature Review Assignment)
Literature Review Assignment)
Literature Review Assignment)
Table of Contents
Introduction ………………………………………………………….........03
Purpose …………………………………………………………………………..04
Importance ……………………………………………………………………04
References …………………………………………………………..16
You can even have literature sources in works such as stories, comments, project,
speech, article, novel, poem, essay, program, theory, and others. This is why
literature review involves scanning the pages of any published literature like books,
newspaper, magazine, website, webpage, collection, paper, pamphlet, and the like
where you may be able to find any reference to the same topic that you are
researching on. This time, “literature’” does not exclusively refer to the poetic
rendition of words, like that of Shakespeare alone.
There are many reasons why literature review is rendered as a significant part of
any research or dissertation paper. You may ask what makes it as such if it is only
supposed to contain tidbits of other related works. Literature review is the part of
the paper where the researcher will be given the opportunity to strengthen your
paper for you will be citing what other reliable authors have said about your topic.
This will prove that you are not just writing about any random subject but that
many others have also poured their thoughts on the topic.
You may also ask what makes literature review a necessary part of the paper. This
question can be answered by trying not to include the review in your paper.
Obviously, it affects the length of your paper but this is not the noticeable part.
What would most certainly be lacking is the fact that your paper, without the
literature review, only contains all of your opinions about the facts that you have
discovered through your research. Thus, how can you further convince the readers,
in this case, the committee who will scrutinize your paper? This is the need that is
answered only by the literature review. By the mere fact that you are using
“referencing” by citing what more credible people had said about the topic will
build a stronger foundation for your paper.
With a literature review, you need to establish
A clear tie between the works that you have cited and the topic that you
are writing about. You should be able to justify the inclusion of a certain work in
your review so as to make everything that you have written useful. The more you
include useless points in your paper, the more that the committee will think that
you have not put in a lot of thinking into your paper.
Literature review is also unique from the rest of the paper. While you have to fill
most of the paper with your own analysis, in a literature review alone, you will have
to write purely about related works of other people.
Literature Search
1. Developing a search strategy
Defining the topic - In order to begin your literature review you must first
define your research question. What is the purpose? What does it mean?
What are the key words? Are there other words which could be used, such
as synonyms, variations in spelling? What do you already know about the
topic? What is the scope? Do you need everything ever written in English
on this topic, or just the last ten years?
Reference Materials Indexes/Abstracts Printed
Journals Electronic Databases
Conference Papers Government publications
Dissertations Theses
1) Selecting a topic
2) Searching the literature
3) Developing arguments
4) Surveying the literature
5) Critiquing the literature
6) Writing the literature review
The articles used must be from professional journals, which mean we can trust
that the authors are trained professionals, and others have examined their work.
Some studies are more easily read and summarized than others. Be sure you feel
comfortable with your choices, since it is difficult to summarize ideas you don't
Once you have found the articles, read them and take notes. Write the literature
review from your notes.
A literature review usually has three sections although they will not be identified
as such in the paper.
1) Introduction: Introduce your topic and briefly explain why this is a significant
or important area for study. Define terms if necessary.
2) Summary of articles: In a paragraph or two for each study, briefly explain the
purpose, how it was conducted (how information was gathered), and the major
findings. When referring to an article, use the last name of author or authors and
date of publication in the text. Example: Calvin and Brommel (1996) believe family
communication . . .
4) References: List the studies used on a separate page according to APA style
o As a Teaching Tool
The determination of the book review is to communicate to the reader's mind the
ideas and sensations the reviewer experienced while researching the content. In
this way, the reader knows what the author sought to transmit, or what the
reviewer experienced while reading. The reviewer, then, takes three
roles: reporter, in informing the third party of the events; analyst, in making
judgments based on experience; and sideline observer, in pretending to act as the
reader should by expressing their own opinion, desires and expectations.
o Textbooks
In reviewing a textbook, the reviewer has a different set of considerations. Unlike
the language in a monograph, that in a textbook must not be technical and jargon
must be avoided. The reader will be a student, not a peer of the scientist who
wrote the book. Technical terms will be used, of course, but each should be
carefully defined at first use. The function of the book reviewer is to determine
whether the subject of the text is treated clearly, in a way that is likely to enable
students to grasp and to appreciate the knowledge presented. The textbook
reviewer has one additional responsibility. If other texts on the same subject
exist, which is usually the case; the reviewer should provide appropriate
o As Professional Work
Book reviews require special skills and oblige the reviewer with precise
responsibilities. The professional reviewer does not just have to read and
scrutinize the text, but to realize concealed, implied meaning the author obviously
had dropped hints about. Skilled book reviewers' explanations make the reader
feel confident in their perception of the book or change it entirely. The reviewer
must also state the main points of the reviewed book. While some aspects are less
meaningful, others have to be marked out as prerogative issues. The task is even
more complicated as the writer could unintentionally imply the idea the reviewer of
the book can notice.
Then, the book reviewer has to decide upon author’s point’s validity. The reviewer
has to be the judge and say “did the writer persuade the audience, or were his/her
evidences not sufficient and weak.” The reviewer here makes a judgment on the
adequacy of the book topic to the content. The book review is also the expertise of
the contents authenticity. By comparing the reviewed book to other materials in
the given category the reviewer work implies potential danger for those writers,
who admit plagiarism. If the reviewer finds the book authentic and, perhaps,
unique, the points and attitudes of the reviewer are discussed.
1. Problem Formulation:
2. Literature Search:
Finding materials are collected relevant to the subject being explored to write the
literature review.
3. Data Appraisal:
4. Analysis:
Finally, the findings of relevant literature are analyzed to conclude and include in
literature review.
vi. Divide the literature review into different thematic parts which will help you
to focus.
vii. Read the leading published material and search for the current issues for
the latest information.
Resources to Develop Review of Literature
Define the topic, together with your reason for selecting the topic. You could also
point out overall trends, gaps, particular themes etc.
1. Body:
In body, you discuss your sources. There is some way to in which you could
organize your discussion:
a. Chronologically:
For example: If writers' views have a tendency to change over time.
There is little point in doing the review by order of publication unless
this demonstrates a clear style.
b. Thematically:
Here you can decide particular themes in the literature. For example
in the literature review of poverty and disability, the writer can take
the themes of the prevalence and structure of disability, education,
employment, income and poverty, causes of disability, the path from
poverty to disability and vice versa, and finally, policies for disabled
c. Methodologically
In this way, the focus is on the methods of the researcher. For
example, qualitative versus quantitative approaches.
2. Conclusion:
Summarize the major contributions, evaluating the current position, and
pointing out flaws in methodology, gaps in the research, contradictions, and
areas for further study.
Literature Review Revision
To revise and check of any flaw or lack in literature review, answer to these
your topic’s significance. Then you can summarize the contents of book portions to
help you manage your chapter.
You can also find other research papers that were already published. You may try
looking for them from your friends who have already graduated from school, or
from teachers in your academy. There are some faculties that can lend you some
materials when you are about to write a dissertation paper.
It is also important that you know how to utilize the resources on the Internet.
You have an option to simply retrieve files from any websites. But be careful when
you do this because not all sites are reliable. There are some that will only require
you to pay in exchange of a literature review sample. Others will simply give you
lousy samples and will force you to order some more research paper files and then
you will be charged. These websites are not worth your time and effort.
On the other hand, we can provide you a high quality literature review
example anytime. These materials are for free and you can easily download them
anytime you wish. They are really helpful in writing any types of literature review
1. Article: Literature Review Writing (Uncover the Secrets to Write an
Excellent Literature Review)
2. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3. Article: The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success by Lawrence A. Machi,
Brenda T. McEvoy)
4. Online F.D. Bluford Library
5. Adapted from Dr. Hellmann's Family Communication class handout.