Personal Philosophy of Teaching A
Personal Philosophy of Teaching A
Personal Philosophy of Teaching A
choices they made and what choices they could have made, in a
positive tone.
Like Duikers, I believe in finding the underlying causes of student
misbehavior. His theory suggests that students challenging behavior is
caused by the student seeking attention, power, revenge or displaying
inadequacy. Students should have those mistaken goals met in positive
ways such as offering the student choices in their work and using
encouragement to give students positive attention. Teachers should be
seeking improvement, not perfection and should address all major
behavior problems by talking to the student about the perceived
Lastly, a classroom teacher can be the source of many behavior
issues in the classroom. I discovered this during my undergraduate
experience. Teachers need to keep to a schedule and make sure their
lessons are fluid and the students are easily transitioned from task to
task. Teachers should focus on the task at hand, not move back and
forth between activities or overwhelm students with unrelated
My overall classroom management style is a mix of moderate
control and high control. I believe during certain types of lessons and
classroom situations such as resource rooms, if the teacher sets up
appropriate procedures that the students can follow it is okay to loosen
the reins a bit, as long as students know what is expected of them and
know their logical consequences for their actions. In certain situations,
such as lectures, or very structured activities, I think high control is
necessary so that students are focused and can learn everything they
need to know for that lesson.
Lastly, my ethical obligations to my students, parents, school and
community are that I should set high, but realistic goals for my
students with special needs. I should inform my instruction based on
data and research based practices. I will protect the physical and
psychological needs of my students and not engage in any behavior
that will harm my students. I will also work closely with those who help
the students through related services and the families of the student.
All people involved in a childs life have the ability to impact their
education in a positive way.