Assessment Plan 3
Assessment Plan 3
Assessment Plan 3
Students will have completed all steps under Assessment Plan #1 prior to reading the text. This
assessment plan will be carried out at the conclusion of reading the text.
(5 minutes) At the start of the period, will be asked to retrieve their copy of the Anticipation
Guide they received at the start of reading of the text.
(7 minutes) The students will independently read statements and mark if they agree or disagree.
Students will fill out the right column of the Anticipation Guide asking whether they agree or
disagree with the statements after finishing the novel.
(5 minutes) For each question, students will raise hands for questions based on whether they
changed their answers or stayed the same.
Each student will receive a rubric.
(13 Minutes) The question which the most students changed will be discussed in an open
discussion, students will be required to use only textual evidence to back up their arguments
about whether they agree or disagree. They will be encouraged to utilize notes from their
notebook taken throughout reading.
(20 Minutes) After discussion, the students will be asked to independently write a reflection on
how the themes of the text evolved in relation to the Anticipation Guide. They will be instructed
to use the rubric as a guiding point for their reflection and will be allowed to use one or multiple
statements from the Anticipation Guides. They will turn in their reflections as they leave class.
Anticipation Guide
After reading each statement, write in the blank space on the left if you agree or disagree.
Keep this guide in your notes.
Before Reading
After Reading
_________ 1. The individual should sacrifice for the well-being of the group. __________
_________ 2. Actions taken by an individual to ensure survival are morally legitimized.
_________ 3. Human nature is innately cruel.
Assessment Tool:
Rubric for discussion/reflection:
t Able