Depository System: This System Came in To Force With Effect From
Depository System: This System Came in To Force With Effect From
Depository System: This System Came in To Force With Effect From
Bank Depository
1.Holds funds in an account 1.Holds securities in an
on behalf of a customer account on behalf of an
2.Transfer funds between 2.Transfer securities between
accounts on the instruction accounts on the instruction
of the account holder. of the account holder.
3.Physical handling of funds 3.Physical handling of
is avoided. securities is avoided.
4.Provides safe custody of 4.Provides safe custody of
fund securities.
Who Is Depository Participant:
Who is registered owner
The registered owner is that person whose name is
registered in the register of members of the
company (issuer)
For the securities dematerialized, NSDL/CDSL is
the Registered Owner in the books of the issuer.
But Registered Owner does not enjoy any right
and liability attached with the security.
Who is the Beneficial owner
Beneficial owner is that person who enjoys all rights,
duties, and liabilities attached with the security.
It means voting right, dividend right, bonus share right
, right share right etc are all exercised by the Beneficial
Benefits of depository system/holding securities
in dematerialized form
1. In order to avail of depository facilities, an investor has to open
a beneficiary account with a depository participant of his
choice.This is similar to opening a bank account to use the
banking services.
Just as one can hold funds in a bank account and transfer funds
across accounts without actually handling cash;one can hold
securities in a depository account and transfer securities across
depository accounts without actually handling share certificates.
The account holder is called 'beneficial owner' in a depository
system and the account is known as 'beneficiary account'.
Features of Beneficiary Account
Features of Beneficiary Account
No minimum balance is required to be retained in a
beneficiary account.
An investor can close a beneficiary account with one DP and
open an account with another DP.
To dematerialise existing physical holdings, the beneficiary
account must be opened in the same ownership pattern in
which the securities are held in the physical form e.g:
If one certificate is in individual name and another certificate
is jointly held by X & Y, two different accounts should be
Procedure of Opening An Account: