Reflection 2 Brandihillmon
Reflection 2 Brandihillmon
Reflection 2 Brandihillmon
Tiger P.R.I.D.E (physical education, recreation, inclusion, development and
COTS for the catching and throwing unit while
participating in MVPA with 50% success rate and
Cognitive (C):
SWBAT to accurately recite the the
cues of the skill and demonstrate the COTS taught in
HR Fitness (H):
SWBAT remain actively engaged in
MVPA at least 50% ofthetimeduringtheduration of
and their ability to perfectly and successfully recite and demonstrate the cues and
definitions of the academic terms we learned that day. I believe that their needs to be
more improvement inmy instruction.Ifelt as thoughIwasnotconfidentinthematerial
that I was teaching therefore could have leadthestudentsto notpayattention as much
during my lesson.. I also think that the transitions could have gotten a little more
smoother and I will try to improve on that. Also, lastly I need to improve on my
activities so that there is at least MVPA abovea 50%.Though therewas improvement
than last week so that slightly increased the quality of thet learning environment. During the
lessonitseemedthatstudentshave learned thisconcept beforeandperformedverywell.Ithink
thekeywasto providemore challenging activities that reallychallenged theirabilities andwhat
they learned..Asthelesson continued they wereable toidentifyandrecitetheCOTSoftheskill
correctly through repetition which made it easier for them to identify or describe/ help other
studentsand themselveswiththemovements. Inusing thecotsstudentswereableto improve
there skills through out the class through practice and challenges. In addition, The
psychomotor, cognitive, and affective learning domains were not in my opinion
completed successfully throughoutthelesson.Inthe lesson itseemedthat mylessondid
improve an increase in MVPA than last week and less time in instruction and
management. Though I should behappyaboutthisimprovementIfeelthatthereneedsto
be improvement in increasing the activity of thelesson.Duringthelessonthepercentage
of time that my students were involved in the activity was more active and moderate in
instructional or management time. ButIdefinitelyneedto increasemy activitytimejust
a little bit more. I think I need to improvemyplanningofmylessonsothattherewillbe
more MVPA in the lesson. Overall, I hope that I can have a 510 %ofmanagementand
instruction and 90% of activity will be my goal for the next class. In addition, I didnot
give my students an optionto practice practicethrowingandcatchingatahighlevelora
low skill level though they were present if needed. If students were struggling with the
activity I did bring bigger softer balls and I could have adjusted the hoopsandthecircle
activity to be closer and smaller. I learned like in mypreviouslesson toslowlyprogress
them to high level actions slowly by going through stepsof levelsofeasy,medium,then
hard. It seemed to work better that way. I tried to not tell them that thisismoredifficult
or hard to do but rather tell them to lets try this movement or this skill. In order to
improve my students progress level and/or improve their skill development I let them
practice all levels of the skill at least a couple of times since practice and experience
For the next lesson Ibelieve that I mayhavetomovearoundtocorrectandaidestudents
but for this particular unit because I wasparticipatingand beinga demonstratorduring
the lesson. The COTS for the course were explained and reinforced but I feel that I
should have less assessed my students more on the COTS since they seemed to have
learned this lesson before and it sortofbored them alittlebit.My instructionIbelieve
need to still practice on clarity.Since I know some of my students may be English
learners. Next time I will try tocontinue toimprovemy speech with utilizing breathing
techniquesthatI learnedfromaspeech instructorinthepast.Inregardstofeedback,Idid
very well in providing feedback to all students when possible. In addition, I think it
wouldbe betterifIknew therenames better sometimes Ifindmy selfhesitatingtogive
feedbackifIcannotremember theirnames which isaproblem.In apositivenote,Idid
provide demonstrations throughout the activity. Studentswere able tofollow alongand
understand the activities we were doing. And it seemedto be clearandunderstandable
based on their successful assessment aftertheclass. IwasveryhappythatI did well in
utilizing the wholepartwhole method. Also, I did use students to reproduce a skill
during instructionwhichwasgreat. At theendofthelessondispersingandcollectingthe
equipmentwasa lotmoreeffectivethistime.Sincemystudentswereableto assistmein
placingtheequipmentaway.Overall,thelessonwasgreatandIhadsomuch funwithmy
students.ThisweekIhadlessdisruptionswhichwas great.I alsolearnedthatifyourare
enthusiastic aboutyourlesson they will be too. Mythreebestskillsfortheweekwasmy
little increase in MVPA, organization, reinforcing my students to succeed. The three
weaknesses I found was myspeech, taking to muchtimein managementandinstruction,
The strategies I would like to improve on is my management/instruction,
Psychomotor Objective
: Students will be able to
successfully demonstrate the COTS for the jumping unit
5/10 times throughout the lesson.
Cognitive Objective:
Students will be able to to accurately recite thethecues
of the skill and demonstrate it in class with 75%
accuracy at the end of the lesson.
HR Fitness
Objective: Students will be able to remain actively
engaged in MVPA at least 50% of the time during the