Stop Dare Lesson Plan 1 2
Stop Dare Lesson Plan 1 2
Stop Dare Lesson Plan 1 2
Content Area:
Grade level: 11 -12
Dianne Duncan
Core Standard(s): Writing Standard 5Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing
on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.
Writing Standard 1a.
Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that
logically sequences claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Instructional Objective(s):
Students will write the STOP & DARE mnemonic and state what each letter represents.
Students will identify parts in an essay in class as well as previously written essays.
Behavioral Objective(s):
Student will raise hand in class before speaking 4 out of 5 times. Student will not play with toy or electronics until
work is finished. Student will remain in seat for 20 minutes in class before taking a break. Student will follow
instructions within 3 minutes.
Content (concepts, information, skills, new vocab, etc.)
STOP & DARE, reading, writing, listening
Instructional Materials Needed: STOP & DARE mnemonic, STOP & DARE worksheet, paper, internet access, computer,
writing examples, STOP & DARE flash cards
Procedures/Activities (add additional rows of Teacher [T] and Student [S] roles for each activity as needed):
1. Get students attention:
a. Teacher: Students
will begin with their daily starter. The self-started is for students to think about what
makes a good essay. I will ask the students What makes a good paragraph? Then I will prompt students
to think about the question and write their answer on a sheet of paper. Students will be given less than 3
minutes to write down their response. I will then ask if any students want to share their ideas on the
b. Student: Students will think about the question and then write their thoughts on a sheet of paper. If called
upon students will share their response with class.
2. Academic review /Gather background knowledge
a. T: I will say Who can tell me what qualities that a good argumentative essay has?
instructional objectives
a. T: I will say, Before we begin the lesson, lets review our behavior expectations for this class, who can tell
me one of the expectations?
b. S: Students will help review and explain behavior expectations Example One of the expectations is to be
actively listening and to be in your seat
5. Instruction
a. Model
T: I will began by handing out/pulling up the
STOP & DARE mnemonic. This will give the students a clear
definition of what the STOP & DARE mnemonic. I will then read each part of the mnemonic and
example what/why each part is important to writing augmentative papers. I will pull up 3 different
papers and we as a class will go over all 3. I will show students how we can break up the paper using
the mnemonic and making sure the paper as all parts. I will show how students can break up the
papers by using different colors of highlighters. I will show I am highlighting the right parts by using the
Stop & Dare checklist. I will check them off as I go.
b. Guided Practice
T. I will read
the mnemonic with the class and then ask them what each letter stand for. When we go
over the example papers I will ask students about different parts of the papers. . I will show I am
highlighting the right parts by using the Stop & Dare checklist. I will check them off as I go.
S: Students will respond with what each letter stands for in the mnemonic. They will be activity listening if they are not
called on to answer.
T: I will ask the students to get into groups and quiz each other on the STOP & DARE mnemonic. This will help students
check their understand of the mnemonic. They will also make flash cards at this time.
S: Students will pair off and quiz each o other on the STOP & DARE mnemonic. This will help students check their
understand of the mnemonic.
d. Independent practice
T: Students will
individually break up a paper using the STOP & DARE mnemonic. They will use different
colored highlighters to stand for different parts of STOP & DARE .S: Students will be highlighting different parts
of a paper to show they understand STOP & DARE. They will use the STOP and DARE checklist to make sure
they are highlighting the right parts.
T: If students make a mistake on one of the questions, I will prompt the student about the difference
STOP & DARE mnemonic. I will then break down the quote they are having trouble with. We will focus
on the having students explain their reasons.
S: Students will restate the STOP & DARE mnemonic that they got wrong; this will help students focus
on if they are fulfilling the part in the mnemonic. Then they will explain why that part of the paper
stands for that letter in the mnemonic.
6. Wrap up
a. Review key concepts/ Check for understanding
i. T: Review the STOP & DARE mnemonic and why it helps with writing.
ii. S: Students will be activity listening
b. Review objectives
i. T: I will say Today we learned about the STOP & DARE mnemonic and how it helps when writing argumentative essays.
You are able to pick out parts of the essay that falls under STOP & DARE.
ii. S: Students will be activity listening.
c. Clean up
This will be helpful for my students that may be ELLs I will also make sure to have student be able to ask their peer
tutor or me to read the worksheet/ quotes to them. This will help me check for understanding of the concept rather
than focusing on the reading level of the student.
Reinforcement Procedures: I will verbal praise students who following the behavior expectations. I will also verbally
praise students for answering questions that are asked in class and who stay on task
Daily Evaluation
a. Before lesson: I will see what my students know about argumentative essays before the lesson by looking at there
extended writing prompts.
b. During lesson: I will know what my students understand the concepts by using their responses and group work
by walking around and hearing/see their answers. They will be able to explain each part of STOP & DARE and
fill out an organizer.
Post Evaluation (data-based decision making):
the specific skills/areas to be assessed; TWW and CWS
-frequency of progress monitoring; Weekly
-amount of time to progress monitor before making a decision; 4 weeks to see progress
-possible instructional changes that will be implemented if student is below the goal or aimline
if student is not achieving above aim line I will provide additional models of sentence structure , 1:1.
Follow-up Activities:
Students who finish early will think about their self-starter entry. They will determine what they learned about opined
writing today that they didnt know before. Students would finish early will be asked to review work to look over any
mistakes they have made.