Design & Detailing of Steel Shelters: by Abir Mallick

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Design & Detailing of Steel Shelters

By Abir Mallick1
 This presentation is
developed as to provide a
basic guideline of Oil &
Gas Plant Shelters.
 Its objective is to provide
technical knowledge and
information for design of
Steel Shelters/ Buildings.
 The information provided
is based on common design
and construction practices
for steel structures.

What Will You Gain From This
 Basic idea of different types of shelters normally encountered
in oil & Gas Plants
 An understanding of different types of structural steel frames
used in shelters
 Different types of loading for which the structure has to be
 Basic idea of analysis of Portal frame
 Understanding of detailing work of steel Portal frames and
other necessary elements of shelters
 Different types of foundation used for shelters

Different types of Shelters
 Almost all Oil & Gas Plants will have Shelters to cater to the
need of equipment, personnel or as an enclosure for
production, storage.
 Shelters can be open/ partially closed or fully closed. Choice
of whether to provide closed or open shelter depends upon
requirement of equipment, outside environment, personnel
and client requirements. Closed shelters are also termed as
 Shelters can be made of Steel Structures or Concrete
Structures or even composite structures as well.
 From operation point of view, Shelters can be categorised
into two:
 Plant Shelters related to direct operation of plant equipment
e.g. Compressor House, Substation etc.
 Utility buildings like Workshop, Warehouse, Admin Building,
Guard house etc.

Different Types of Steel Shelters
 Open Shelter:  Partially closed Shelters
Only roofing, no side cladding. Roofing and partially closed side

Different Types of Steel Shelters
 Fully closed Shelters/ Buildings
Roofing and full side cladding to provide controlled environment inside the
Shelter. Normally proper HVAC systems are installed to provide controlled
environment. Claddings are also made insulated to keep HVAC system effective.

Different Types of Steel Shelters
 Portal frame type shelters
- Because of their clean lines, good
overhead clearance and relatively
low cost, portal- frame shelters
have become very popular and
widely used in oil & Gas Plants. They
make up a large percentage of the
small to medium size single-storey
industrial buildings in current use

 Truss type shelter

- This type of structures are used
when width of the shelter is quite
high and at roof level, space for
HVAC ducting, Electrical/
Instrumentation equipments
installation are not required. Truss
type sometimes found out to be
quite economical if designed properly

Portal Frame Shelters
 Depending upon the requirements, Portal framed shelters
can be varied in shapes, sizes, arrangements etc.

• Shelters with mono pitch roof

• Shelters with duo pitch roof
• Shelters with multi pitch roof
• Shelters with flat roof
• Shelters with Multi bays
• Shelters with Multi story

Portal frame Shelters
 Portal framed steel clad structures
are the most common types of
industrial Buildings.
 Major components of a portal frame
building are a series of parallel
portal shaped frames as the major
framing elements. Each frame is
rigid, and resists horizontal wind
forces and gravity loads in the plane
of the frame by flexural action.
 Longitudinal wind forces that are
perpendicular to the frames are
resisted by triangulated bracing
systems (in braced bays) in the roof
and walls which prevent the frames
from failing over.
 Depending upon the length of the
structure, one or more braced bays
can be provided in a shelter.

Major parts of Portal framed Shelter
 Main frame (column & Rafter):
carry bending, compression, tension
and transverse shear forces
 Longitudinal Tie Beams : carry
axial loads
 Vertical Bracings at Braced
Bays: carry longitudinal horizontal
forces and provide overall stability
 Horizontal Bracings: carry
horizontal forces and provide lateral
 Purlin, Horizontal Girts: beam
members carrying roof and wall
cladding respectively
 Crane/ Monorail Supports: carry
vertical, transverse and longitudinal
forces due to movement of crane and
 Cladding : provide proper enclosure
to shelter from adverse environmental
 Sag Rods : provide lateral stability
to purlins

Structural elements of a shelter
 Portal Framed Shelter with all the
major elements

Portal frame Structural Elements
 Large clear spans of abut
40m can be achieved
economically using I
sections column and Beam
Rafters. The columns are
generally larger than the
rafter because the
rafters are haunched near
the columns to cater for
the peak bending moments
at the columns.
 Length wise building can
vary 30m to 100m or
 Sometimes expansion
joints in building becomes
necessary if building
length is more to avoid
undue temperature stress.

Design of Portal Frame Shelters
 Building design nowadays usually carried out by a multi-
discipline design team. An architect draws up plans for a
building to meet the client’s requirements. The structural
engineer examines various alternative framing
arrangements and may carry out preliminary designs to
determine which is the most economical. This is termed the
‘conceptual design stage’. For a given framing arrangement,
the problem in structural design consists of:
a) Estimation of loading;
b) Analysis of main frames, trusses or lattice girders, floor
systems, bracing and connections to determine axial loads,
shears and moments at critical points in all members;
c) Design of the elements and connections using design data
from step (b);
d) Production of arrangement and detail drawings from the
designer’s sketches.

Structural Framing Scheme
 Size of the Shelter depends on several aspects like space required for
equipment, lay-down area, space for maintenance, requirement for
different utility/ service rooms, control area, crane excess etc.
 Generally size requirement comes from other disciplines with close co-
ordination with structural engineers.
 After finalization of size, spacing of frames (position of columns) are
decided keeping all the above requirements in mind. Keeping spacing
around 7.5m found out to be a good industrial practice.
 Slope of the roof also depends upon various aspects like roof access,
protection against extreme weathers etc. The standard practice is to
keep slope around 6 to 15 degree (depending upon the cladding type).
This cambering also helps the Portal frame to counter deflection
against vertical loads.
 Depending upon length of the building, number of braced bays are
chosen. Up to 50-60m length one braced bay found out to be sufficient.
The positioning of braced bay should be such a way to avoid any undue
deflection and stress concentration.

Different types of Loads on Shelters
 The loading of a building structure can take on a wide variety of forms. In many
cases the exact loading will not fit neatly into a specific category. Yet, loads can
usually be considered to be:

1. Primary Loads – Main loads which are normally used for design like
• Dead Load
• Live Load
• Snow/ Sand Load
• Wind load
• Seismic Load
• Crane load etc.

2. Secondary Loads - Loads are those due to

• Temperature load
• Test load
• Construction Eccentricities
• Shrinkage of structural materials
• Settlement of foundation etc.

Dead Load on Shelters
 Dead Load:

Dead Loads are those loads which are considered to act permanently; they
are "dead," stationary, and unable to be removed. The dead loads acting on a
portal-framed industrial building arise from the following items:

• Self Weight
• Fireproofing
• Masonry Walls (Brick and Block Walls)
• Concrete Walls and Floor
• Wall Cladding
• Roof Cladding
• Finishing
• Other permanent loads (Equipment and Piping Empty Weight, Cable Tray load,

These loads should be estimated as per unit weight of materials used in the
construction. Weight of equipment, piping and cables should be furnished by
respective disciplines.

Live Load on Shelters
 Live Load:

Live Loads are not permanent and can change in magnitude. They include items
found within a shelter such as human weight, machinery, or stored materials.
Different types of live load normally considered in Shelter are:
 Floor Live Load
 Roof Live Load
 Operating Load (Product , Content of Pipe , etc)
 Maintenance Load
 Storage Load
 Other Temporary Loads

These loads should be estimated as per human occupancy loads, Operating weight of
equipment, piping and cables tray loads which should be furnished by respective
Following codes are usually used to estimate common dead/ live loads:
1-UBC 1997 Chapter 16
2-IBC 2006 Chapter 16
3-ASCE 7-05 Chapters 3,4 and C3,C4
4-BS 6399 Part 1 & 3
 Note that civil/structural specification of client is the main reference for calculation of
dead/ live load along with above mentioned codes and standards.
Snow/ Sand Load on Shelters
 Snow/ Sand Load:

Snow load in nature is a live load but because of great importance of this
load which is responsible for collapse of roofs of industrial buildings in
cold areas, its effect is taken separately.
Similarly in desert areas accumulated weight of sand on roof can cause
same problem as that due to snow load.
 Snow load on the roof of industrial buildings depends on geometry of
roof and location of buildings. All international codes define this load
based on these two parameters.

Following codes are frequently used to

estimate snow loads:
1-ASCE 7-05 Chapters 7 and C7
2-UBC 1997 Chapter 16
3-IBC 2006 Chapter 16
4-BS 6399 Part 3

Snow/ Sand Load on Shelters
 This sketch shows how Snow
load is taken for calculation
purpose on gable roofs as per
ASCE 7-05.
 Note that civil/structural
specification of client is the
main reference for minimum
snow load in the location of
project as per available
meteorological data and local
 It is also advisable to check the
chance of snow accumulation on
one side of roof because of wind
effect which can result to
unbalanced loading on roof. Both
ASCE 7 and BS 6399 are
addressing this matter.

Ice load in very cold areas is also a concern and should be calculated as per
requirements of codes (e.g. ASCE 7-05 Chapters 10 and C10).

Crane Load on Shelters
 Crane/ Monorail Load:

Cranes, including runway beams, brackets, bracing, and connections, shall be

designed to support the maximum wheel load of the crane and the vertical
impact, lateral, and longitudinal forces induced by the moving crane. Also, the
runway beams shall be designed for crane stop forces. The methods for
determining these loads vary depending on the type of crane system and

Crane Load on Shelters
 Crane loads on industrial
Buildings falls in to three
1. Vertical load plus impact
(Static + Dynamic Effect):
Vertical Dynamic effect of
crane in most of building codes
has been defined as an
increasing factor to static
load of wheels called impact
factor. Normally for
Electrically operated Cranes
(EOT) this factor is taken as
25%. For manually operated
monorail this factor is taken
as 10%.

Crane Load on Shelters
2. Lateral Force (Surge load): This is
due to lateral movement of crane wheels.
The lateral force shall be assumed to act
horizontally at the traction surface of a
runway beam, in either direction
perpendicular to the beam. Normally the
force is calculated as 10% of the sum of
rated capacity of the crane and the
weight of the hoist and trolley.

3. Longitudinal Load (Braking load):

This is due to movement of crane along
the length of building. Longitudinal forces
shall be assumed to act horizontally at
the top of the rails and in each direction
parallel to each runway beam. Normally
this force is taken as 5% of maximum
wheel load excluding impact.
 In case of monorail, because of
unidirectional nature of movement,
horizontal force will be only along one

Typical Crane Girder Section
Crane Load on Shelters

At each end of gantry girder crane stop is

provided to stop the movement of crane
and avoid any damage to the building
structure due to impact 23
Wind Load on Shelters
 Wind Load:
 Wind load generally is the major
influence in the design of Industrial
 As per aerodynamics, wind tunnel test
and other experiments, all international
codes furnish similar methods to
calculate wind load on low-rise and
rectangular shaped buildings.
 All these methods can be summarized
Wind flow around a low-rise building as below:
 Get Basic Wind Speed at site as
per meteorological data.
 Basic Wind Pressure calculated
from Wind Basic Speed and type
of terrain.
 Calculate Wind Pressure at the
required height. Calculate effect
of Geometry of Structure defined
as shape factors. This effect can
be pressure or suction.

Instantaneous external pressure distributions on the frame

of a low-rise building and simplified code distributions
Wind Load on Shelters
Following International codes are usually used to estimate common wind
1-UBC 1997 Chapter 16
2-IBC 2006 Chapter 16
3-ASCE 7-05 Chapters 6 and C6
4-BS 6399 Part 2
 Two basic types of forces due to wind
• External Pressure (Cpe)
• Internal Pressure (Cpi)

Wind Load on Shelters
 Wind loads are well codified,
and are function of local climate
condition, building height,
building geometry and exposure
as determined by the
surrounding environment &

Depending upon the direction

of wind and severity of
magnitude, total building
structure is divided into
different zones ( A, B, C, D, E
etc…) and accordingly pressures
are found out.

Wind Load on Shelters

 Both sketches shows how wind in

Transverse direction is taken in
roof and wall of Building. Forces
due to transverse wind are
• Transverse pressure force
• Longitudinal suction force

Wind Load on Shelters
 Wind in Longitudinal direction
• Longitudinal pressure force
• Transverse suction
 Wind Longitudinal drag force

Suction due to Longitudinal wind

Seismic Load on Shelters
 Seismic/ Earthquake Loads:
 The main cause of damage to structures during an earthquake is their response to
ground motions which are input at the base. In order to evaluate the behavior of
the structure under this type of loading condition, the principles of structural
dynamics must be applied to determine the stresses and deflections, which are
developed in the structure.
 When considering the analysis of structures for dynamic motions, the term
dynamic simply means “time-varying”. Hence the loading and all aspects of the

response vary with time.

 Seismic loads are established by building codes and are based on:
• Degree of seismic risks
• The degree of potential damage
• The possibility of total collapse
• The feasibility of meeting a given level of protection

Seismic Load on Shelters
 Seismic loads are generally a function of:
• Geographic and geological location of building
• The use of the building
• The nature of the building structural system
• The dynamic property of the site
• The weight of the building and the distribution of the weight
Following International codes are commonly usually used to estimate
seismic loads:
1-UBC 1997 Chapter 16
2-IBC 2006 Chapter 16
3-ASCE 7-05 Chapters 11 to 23 and C11 to C23
 There are two commonly used procedures for specifying seismic design
• Equivalent Static Force
• Dynamic Analysis

Seismic Load on Shelters
 In the equivalent static force procedure, the inertial forces are
specified as static forces using empirical formulas. The empirical
formulas do not explicitly account for the "dynamic characteristics" of
the particular structure being designed or analyzed. The formulas were,
however, developed to adequately represent the dynamic behavior of
what are called "regular" structures, which have a reasonably uniform
distribution of mass and stiffness. For such structures, the equivalent
static force procedure is most often adequate.
 A dynamic analysis can take a number of forms, but should account for
the irregularities of the structure by modeling its "dynamic
characteristics" including natural frequencies, mode shapes and
 Two method commonly used for dynamic analysis:
• Time History Method
• Response Spectrum Method
 Unless specified by Client, equivalent static method is normally followed
to calculate seismic loading on single storey portal framed shelters.

Other Loads for Shelters
 There are other types of load also which sometimes required to be
calculated while designing the Shelter structures:
 Blast Load :For ballast and effects of blast overpressure refer to (ASCE
Document: Design of Blast Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities).
• Note that the concept of design of buildings against blast in general is to
reduce damages and losses as per project specification and ASCE
 Soil/Hydrostatic Load
 Erection Load
 Test Load
 Temperature / Thermal Load: Only thermal loads resulted from expansion
or contraction of structure should be considered under this load.
 Thermal loads magnitude in structural elements basically depends on the
rigidity of structure.
 To reduce the effect of load, avoid using more than one braced bay in
structure and as a good practice of engineering, in every 45-60 m consider
an expansion joint in the structure.

Temperature Load

 The best bracing system for structures under severe temperature variation is
Chevron (inverted V), K and V bracings. The outcome of using X bracing will be a
severe axial load in the braced bay elements. Braced bays are also kept approx. at the
middle of the structure to avoid excessive deflection and tie force at the longitudinal
Load combinations
 Load combinations are formed by adding the effects of loads from each of the
load sources cited above.
 Codes or industry standards often give specific load combinations which must be
satisfied. It is not always necessary to consider all the loads at full intensity. Also,
certain loads are not required to be combined at all.
 Fr example : Wind load is not considered acting simultaneously with Seismic load.
 In some cases only a portion of a load must be combined with other loads.
 When a combination does not include loads at full intensity, it represents a
judgment as to the probability of simultaneous occurrence with regard to the time
and intensity.

Following International codes are usually used to estimate combinations of

different loads:
1-UBC 1997
2-IBC 2006
3-ASCE 7-05 Chapters 3 and C3

 Dead + Live load, which is usually the load combination that dictates the choice of
column and rafter sizes from a strength point of view.
 Dead + Wind load, however, is often the combination that governs from a
deflection point of view

Load Combination
 A typical strength design load
combination is given as per UBC

Design Methods
 Analysis and Design of Building is based on three design theories:
(1) Elastic design;
(2) Plastic design;
(3) Limit state design.
 The aim of structural design is to produce a safe and economical
structure that fulfills its required purpose.
 Elastic design is the traditional method and is still commonly used.
Steel is almost perfectly elastic up to the yield point and elastic
theory follows this methodology. Structures are analyzed by elastic
theory and sections are sized so that the permissible stresses are
not exceed.
 Plastic theory developed to take account of behaviour past the yield
point is based on finding the load that causes the structure to
collapse and formation of plastic hinges at different portions of the
 Finally, limit state design has been developed to take account of all
conditions that can make the structure become unfit for use. The
design is based on the actual behaviour of materials and structures
in use.
Design Methods
 Normally elastic analysis is carried out
for building structures followed by limit
state design. However, plastic analysis
may in some cases lead to more
economical structures.
 Sometimes if required, second order
analysis (P-Delta analysis) is also done to
cater the additional forces induced in the
frame due to the axial forces acting
eccentrically to the assumed member
centroids as the frame deflects under
 Two types of checks are done to ensure
the stability of structure:
Potential problems to excessive deflection are:
• Strength check: this takes care the most
• Damage in cladding severe load combinations
• Serviceability check : It is to make sure
•Objectionable sag in rafter and suspended the structures behave satisfactory and
ceiling etc. can perform its intended function at
service load. It also limit excessive
•Damage to external/ internal masonry walls, deflection of structure and some cases
mezzanine floor concrete slabs and other prevent excessive vibration.
architectural finishes. • Normally Building specification will
provide proper deflection limits to be
•Excessive deflection of column at crane gantry considered for each elements of the
level may cause damage to the alignment of crane structure.
bridge. 37
Structural Analysis & Design
 Analysis and Design can be done as per any of the following widely
popular software:
 Sap 2000

Analysis of Building

 Analysis of shelter is done by modeling the structure in 3D space frame with

proper support conditions, member releases etc.
 Above sketch shows one 3D Model of closed Shelter generated in Staadpro
Bending Moment Patterns

Loading and BMD for WL (Suction

force due to long. wind)

Loading and BMD for Transverse Wind

Bending Moment Patterns
Typical Output from Staadpro Analysis

Loading and BMD for DL/LL/SL etc. Loading and BMD for Crane Load
Building Detailing
Basic details of different sections/ plans which are normally used in shelters are
shown here

Transverse Elevation

Roof Plan bracing Pattern

Longitudinal Elevation 42
Base Plate & Gable Frame
 Column Base:  Gable Frame:
 The great majority of portal frames are  Where buildings are not designed
designed with nominally pinned bases. for future lengthwise extension,
This is for reasons of economy and simple there is no need for portal frames
design. Not only are fixed bases more
expensive because of the need for to be provided at the ends. A more
thicker and larger base plates and the economical alternative is to supply a
stiffening that is necessary, but the light I- or channel section rafter
foundations require to be much larger to spanning across the tops of the
resist the base moments. gable posts and tied laterally into
 Only in cases of large lateral deflection, the rafter bracing system.
or possibly where brick walls are built  Both the rafter and the corner
into the columns, is it necessary to resort
to fixed bases. These should be kept as columns can be much lighter than
simple as possible that of a portal, but more
importantly the high cost of the
portal eaves and apex haunches can
be saved. It is necessary, though, to
provide lateral support and this can
be done by means of a simple bracing

Steel Connections
 Holding Down Bolts (Anchor
Bolts): Anchorage of the holding-
down bolts into the concrete
foundation should be sufficient to
cater for any uplift forces and to
provide for any shears applied to the
bolts. The most commonly used
anchor bolts are of grade 4.6/ 5.6.
 Connection Bolts: The most
frequently used bolts in steel
connections are non preloaded bolts
of strength grade 4.6 and 8.8 (high
strength) used in 2mm clearance
holes. There may be a situation
where engineer may encounter large
load reversal in the joint (in high
seismic zone, supporting vibrating
equipment), in those cases high
strength friction grip bolts are used
to avoid any failure due to fatigue.

Steel Connections
 The most important aspect of structural
steelwork for buildings is the design of
the connections between individual frame
 Basically there are three types of
connection, each defined by its structural
• Simple connection- It transmit negligible
bending moment across the joint. The
connection is detailed to allow the beam
to rotate. The beam behaves as simply
supported beam.
• Continuous connection- The connection is
designed to transmit shear force and
bending moment across the joint. This
connection will have sufficient stiffness
to take moment.
• Semi-continuous connection- It is in
between the first two connections where
it can take some amount of moment along
with shear.

Eaves & Ridge Connections
 The types of eaves and apex haunches
shown in Figure are the ones almost
universally used because of their
relative simplicity and the ease with
which the frame can be erected. The
critical design condition is usually
gravity loading with the rafter-to-
column connection having to sustain a
high negative moment and the apex
connection a smaller positive moment.
 The moment at the eaves produces a
high tensile force in the upper flange of
the rafter that is transmitted through
the upper tension bolts and the end
plate to the inner flange of the column.
The compressive force in the lower
flange of the haunch is transferred in
bearing through the end plate onto the
column flange and into the web.
 The transfer of moment at the apex is
similar, except that here the moment is
positive so the forces are reversed. The
haunch and apex regions are vitally
important parts of the frame and must
be carefully proportioned.
Connection Details of Portal Frame
 Another type of rafter-to-column
connection (shown in this Figure) is
widely used for portal frames. Here
normally the rafter and column have
the same section size and are shop-
welded with their flanges beveled to
receive complete penetration groove
welds. This is a simple connection and is
supplemented by a site-bolted splice
some way up the rafter, at a point of
reduced bending moment. The location
of the splice should be such that the
length of the column-rafter
component, as appropriate, is within
transport limitations.
 The apex joint is also shop-welded.
The length of the rafter to the
opposite splice should meet transport
 In these type of connections, proper
protection need to be observed to
avoid drilling holes at the location of
weld for connection for ridge/ Eaves
Bracing Details of Portal Frame

Bracings: These structural system
are used to resist lateral loads.
These can be continuous or wind-
moment frames or braced- bay or
combinations of both
 Braced Bay: These are positioned in
such a way to provide minimal impact
in upon planning of the building.
Braced bay act as vertical trusses
which resist the wind loads by
cantilever action.
 The bracing member can be
arranged in various fashion designed
to carry solely tension or
alternatively tension & compression.
 “X” is the most common form of
tension bracing and “K” is the most
common type of compression

Connections of different elements

Bracing connection for heavy compressive loading

Beam splice connection Beam to column simple shear connection

Connections of different elements

Gable end middle column connection

• Sometimes sliding connection is

provided to ensure that vertical
load from gable rafter should not
transfer to mid column.
Crane Gantry bracket connection
Detailing of Crane Girder

Side sway due to crane load Different arrangements to absorb crane surge force

Gantry Girder showing bumper location Stiffeners to avoid local failure

Purlins & Girts
 Purlins & Girts are immediate
supporting members of roof and wall
sheeting respectively.
 They act principally as beams, but
also performs as struts and as
compression braces in resisting
rafters and columns laterally against
torsional buckling.
 In some buildings purlins and girts
act as axial members to transfer end
wall wind loads to the braced bays,
while in some small shelters they may
even act as the struts of the
triangulated roof bracing system.
 Depending upon the load it is
carrying, purlins and girts can be hot
rolled channel/ I sections or cold
rolled Z or C section.
 As Purlins are inclined members,
these are designed to withstand bi-
axial forces.

Purlins & Girts
 Strength is not the only criteria when
designing purlins. Purlin spacing must be
chosen to suit the type of roof
sheeting and ceiling system.
 Purlin deflection aspect also need to be
taken into consideration while deciding
the spacing.
 Purlin spacing can vary from 1.2m to

Fly bracing helps to reduce purlin span and

also it helps to provide lateral restraint to
compression flange of rafter
Sag Rods

 Sag rods are generally provided to give

sufficient lateral restraint and stability to
 It is a standard practice to provide sag rods
at roof-purlin level when purlin span is high.
 Sag rods are designed for axial tension force
 For duo-pitch roof, at the ridge portion
sometimes plate/ angle (diaphragm plate) is
provided to take compression and to provide
proper stability to roof sag rod system.
Architectural Details of Shelters
 Cladding: Cladding is required to be
weather tight, to provide insulation, to
have penetration for daylight and access,
to be aesthetically pleasing and last the
maximum time with a minimum
maintenance consistent with the budget.
 Two types of cladding are broadly used
for both roofing and wall sheeting
• Single skin steel sheeting
• Double skin insulated sandwich steel

Architectural Details of Shelters
 Roof/ wall sheeting spanning is the most
important data to have before structural
detailing work.
 Sheeting can span horizontally as well as
 Accordingly purlin spacing, requirement
of girts and their spacing are worked
 Generally cladding manufacturer
provides data for minimum roof pitch,
maximum allowable spanning, support
requirements etc.
 Other details like fixing door, window,
gutter, rain water down-comer etc. can
be finalized and details as per respective
manufacturer’s data and catalogues.
 Accordingly finish schedule, door-window
schedule, secondary wall (masonry) detail
drawings need to be prepared.

Miscellaneous Structures inside Shelters

 Maintenance Platforms surrounding

Equipment Foundations (e.g.
 Mezzanine floor supporting
Equipments (e.g. AHU)
 Fan supports outside building

Miscellaneous Structures inside Shelters
 HAVC ducts hanging from Roof
ties and purlins.
 Other equipment supports and
access Platforms attached to
 Pipes and cable trays supported
from Building structure.

Shelter Foundation
 Foundation Design:
 Depending upon the soil property
shelter foundations can be
• Shallow footings (isolated,
combined, strip etc.) or
• Piled foundation
 Different checks to be
performed for shallow
foundations are
• Bearing pressure check
• Sliding check
• Overturning check
• Buoyancy check
 For pile foundation design, normally
individual pile capacities are given
by Client/ Soil investigation reports
and accordingly rigid pile
foundations are designed as per
Piled Foundation (3 & 5 piled Pile caps) standard codal provisions.
Shelter Foundation

Foundation layout drawing Plan & Sectional views

showing isolated footings with of isolated footings
tie beams
Plan & Sectional views
of combined footings

Shelter Foundation

Inside shelter grade slab model and 2D

drawing showing position of different
equipments, supports, trenches etc.

Shelter Foundation

Slab on Grade- Design of grade slab is an important aspect of Building design as the actual
loading for design is unknown. Normally UDL is assumed for design of slab and nominal
reinforcement is provided for crack control as bending moment will not develop due to UDL.
Sometimes, loads due to forklift movement, maintenance work, pipe or other platform supports
need to be considered for slab design as those are non-uniform and concentrated in nature.
Extra precautions need to taken to cater those concentrated loads on slab. Generally local
thickening of slab with extra reinforcement surrounding those supports/ areas are done to
avoid punching failure. 62



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