Caribbean Studies 2011#6
Caribbean Studies 2011#6
Caribbean Studies 2011#6
2011 #6
Culture has many definitions, but essentially culture refers to the material and nonmaterial institutions each ethnic group brought with them to the Caribbean.
During the plantation era in colonialism there was ethnocentrism, where the African
slaves went through the process of African Seasoning( I.e. their culture was
stripped from them and the Europeans religion was forced upon them and made
them believe that their religion was inferior). As such many of the people of African
descent are Christians( Roman Catholic, Anglican) and they have English last
names. However with the passing of time the Caribbean island moved from
homogenous(with the Amerindian only) to a culturally diversified place with the
coming of each group( Africans, East Indians, Chinese etc). As such we live in
Creolized countries and the Africans creating syncretic religions (such as: Vodoo in
Haiti, Shouter Baptisite in Trinidad) or still following Christianity.
Pre independence the Europeans influenced our dress, in that each ethnic group
did not wear their tradition clothing. For e.g. the Africans did not wear Dashiki and
the East Indians did not wear sarees and dhuti but instead wore western clothing.
Post- Independence these ethnic group still today wear the western dress( pants
,jacket, shirt and tie, t-shirts) to conduct their daily trades or activities. The East
Indian would only wear their traditional outfits( sarees etc.) to attend a Hindu
wedding, temple or prayers. Whilst the African would only wear their traditional
outfit( Dashiki etc ) for Emancipation celebrations.
The Caribbean is known for its dialect language. However, the European speak
Standard English and it is the only socially accepted language in the Caribbean,
whilst Creole Dialect English is viewed as inferior in society. As such when a person
is attending an interview or any formal setting the required language in the English
speaking territories are Standard English. Even in our examination before the
establishment of the Caribbean Examination Council( CXC). The Caribbean had
General Certificate Examination and Advanced Level Examination, which was all in
Standard English, putting the Caribbean people at a disadvantage because it it is
not the language of the low socio economic group which is the mass population of
the society. With the CXC body in the English A paper they are made space for the
use of dialect in the essay, and have dialect passages to analysize. Even in our
literature, the CXC governing body added novels written by Caribbean authors . Now
we dont only use Wiliam Shakespeare, but books like Wine of Astonishment by Earl
Lovelace, which is more reflective of the Caribbean through its plots, themes( of
oppression, freedom etc). Even in our History which is now called Caribbean History
where we learn about the people from the Caribbean , their contributions.
At present day, in Trinidad may parents and student still desire to attend the
denominational school which are viewed as prestigious school that are governed by
the some Christin church. At these prestigious schools the students are taught how
to play the violin, piano and are not taught our national instrument steelpan at all.
They are aware not the Europeans instruments but not their own instruments.
Although the Anglo Caribbean Territories have gained Independence from British, we
adopted their Parliamentary system The West Minister System of goverence. As
such we follow a capitalist and socialist ideology. Hence we elect a Prime Minister
every five years through the process of voting. As such although we have gained
Independence the British still has the control on how we rule our land, as we cannot
change our political ideologies from capital to communist. Take Guyana for instance
when they saw Cuba doing economically and socially stable they decided to adopt
the communist model and as the poem This is the Dark time my Love states, the
British soldiers were in Guyana and there was a war taking place there with Guyana
and the British, which lead to Guyana coming back to the capitalist model.
Additional with our Independence we established our own judicial system, to
maintain law and order apart from other things in society. In Trinidad and Tobago we
established the Magistrate, the High and the Supreme Court. As well as the
Industrial Court. However the Highest court of the land is the Privy Council. As such
it creates some doubt on these British ruled island as we gained independence from
the British but still go back the British for assistance with our legal matters, it says
that we have some level of uncertainty with our legal framework. Hence the
Caribbean Court of Justice was established to sort of replace the Privy Council.
The highest honor of Trinidad and Tobago actually had an European name. Even
though we gained Independence from them. We name of highest honor after the
Europeans just demonstrates the level of influence the held upon us. It was
renamed a while back to the highest honor of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
In conclusion the European have influenced our culture and society with their
cultural institutions. However the Caribbean have redeemed in some of its cultural
institutions such as religion with the syncretic religions, in terms of our judicial
courts the establishment of the Caribbean Court of Justice. The changes to the
syllabus to assist the future generations to better comprehend the trial and
tribulations that our ancestor have faced to give us a better life. On the other hand
only thing that they have held major influence upon us with in the Caribbean apart
from the Standard English being the most acceptable language for formal settings,
was the western wear for day to day activities, and only wear their traditional outfits
for specific occasions.