Carbon Capture Technology
Carbon Capture Technology
Carbon Capture Technology
NADYA AMALIA (20213042)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a natural gas that allows sunlight to reach the Earth
but also prevents some of the sun's heat from radiating back into space, thus
warming the planet. Scientists call this warming the greenhouse effect. When this
effect occurs naturally, it warms the Earth enough to sustain life. In fact, if we had no
greenhouse effect, our planet would be in average temperature of minus 22 degrees
Fahrenheit (minus 30 degrees Celsius) [1, 2].
the planet to slowly rise as illustrated in Fig. 1. Consequently this enhances the
greenhouse gas effect leading to climate change.
The vast majority of scientists agree that global climate change is occurring
and that to prevent the most serious effects we must begin immediately to
significantly reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Actually, CO2 is not the only
GHG, others include water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons,
perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. Scientists estimate that global GHG
emissions due to human activities increased 70 percent between 1970 and 2004, but
CO2 emissions alone grew 80 percent in the same period [2, 4].
At present, fossil fuels are the dominant source of the global primary energy
demand, and will likely remain so for the rest of the century. Fossil fuels supply over
85% of all primary energy; the rest is made up of nuclear- and hydro-electricity, and
renewable energy (commercial biomass, geothermal, wind and solar energy) [3].
Therefore, there is a need to find a technology that allows us to continue the use of
fossil fuels but with minimal or zero CO2 emission, which can prevent large quantities
of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. One such technology is Carbon Capture
and Storage or CCS. Fig. 2 shows the CCS lifecycle. The basic principle of CCS is by
capturing and isolating CO2 produced by emission sources, and then storing it [5].
Capture is the most costly and energy-intensive step of the CCS process. This
paper tries to give a plain explanation about the carbon capture technology and
another approach to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. The way in which
CO2 can be captured depends fundamentally on the way that CO2 is produced. In
power generation and some other industrial processes (e.g. cement manufacture and
fluid catalytic cracking in refining), CO2 is the product of combustionburning of
fossil fuel which generates heat that turns into steam and that steam turns the
turbine connected to an electricity generatorand is present in the mixture of
exhaust gases leaving the plant. The separation of this CO 2 requires modification of
the traditional processes, often by adding an extra process step. In some other
industrial processes, CO2 separation is an integral part of the process. In both cases,
additional steps will almost always need to be taken to remove some unwanted
components from the separated CO2 (e.g. water) and to compress it for transport [7].
There are three main groups of technologies employedtheir applicability varies
according to the CO2 source: post-combustion, pre-combustion and oxy-fuel
combustion capture [2].
1. Post-combustion Capture
The burning of fossil fuels produces exhaust gases which is also called as flue
gases. Flue gases include CO2, water vapor, sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides [2].
Post-combustion CO2 capture refers to removal of CO2 from the flue gas produced
from fossil fuel combustion. A simplified process schematic of post-combustion CO2
capture is shown in Fig. 3.
2. Pre-combustion Capture
In pre-combustion carbon capture, CO2 is captured before the fossil fuel is
burned [2]. Capturing CO2 before combustion offers some advantages. First, CO2 is
not yet diluted by the combustion air. Second, the CO2 containing stream is usually at
elevated pressure. Therefore, more efficient separation methods can be applied, e.g.
using pressure-swing-absorption in physical solvents, such as methanol or
polyethylene glycol (commercial brands are called Rectisol and Selexol) [3].
Pre-combustion capture is usually applied in coal gasification combined cycle
(IGCC) power plants. This process includes gasifying the coal by applying heat under
pressure in the presence of steam and oxygen to produce a synthesis gas (syngas)
composed of CO and H2; reacting the CO with water (water-gas shift reactionWGS)
to produce CO2 and H2; capturing the CO2; and sending the H2 to a turbine to produce
electricity. Since the primary fuel sent to the gas turbine is now hydrogen, some can
be bled off as a fuel for separate use, such as in hydrogen fuel cells to be used in
transportation vehicles [3]. A simplified process schematic for pre-combustion CO2
capture is shown in Fig. 4.
Solid Sorbents
H2/CO2 Membranes
3. Oxy-fuel Combustion
When a fossil fuel is combusted in air, the fraction of CO 2 in the exhaust gas
ranges from 3-15%, depending on the carbon content of the fuel and the amount of
excess air necessary for the combustion process. The separation of CO 2 from the rest
of the flue gases (mostly N2) by chemical or physical means is capital and energy
intensive. An alternative is to burn the fossil fuel in pure or enriched oxygen. In such
a fashion the flue gas will contain mainly CO2 and H2O. A part of the flue gas needs to
be recycled into the combustion chamber in order to control the flame temperature.
From the non-recycled flue gas, water vapor can be readily condensed, and the CO2
can be compressed and piped directly to the storage site [3]. A simplified process
schematic for oxy-fuel CO2 capture is shown in Fig. 5.
Of course, the separation process has now shifted from the flue gas to the
intake air: one has to separate oxygen from nitrogen of the air. The air separation
unit (ASU) alone may consume about 15% of a power plants electric output,
requiring a commensurate increase of fossil fuel to be consumed for achieving the
rated electric output of the plant. In the ASU, air is separated into liquid oxygen,
gaseous nitrogen, argon and other minor ingredients of air. The latter are saleable
byproducts of the oxy-fuel plant. Pilot scale studies indicate that the oxy-fuel method
of capturing CO2 can be retrofitted to existing pulverized coal (PC) plants [3].
emissions to atmosphere
visual impact
water usage
consequence of accidents
be substantially reduced (in terms of CO2) and other fuel-derived emissions may be
reduced slightly. There will be some release of chemical solvents, if used for capture,
due to slippage in the separation process but this release will be up the stack so
should have no local impact and will be dispersed along with the stack gases.
Releases to water may occur if water is used in the process, for example to
remove traces of solvent and products of degradation from the gas stream. The
increase in traffic to/from the site should be marginal (once construction has been
completed). Noise from plant may be increased slightly because of the extra rotating
equipment in use for capture and, especially, for compression of CO 2 but this can be
handled by suitable design of the enclosures. There may be some increase in visual
impact, mainly because of the height of the absorber and regenerator of the capture
unit, but this should not make a substantial difference in view of the visual impact of
the power plant itself.
Raw material usage will be increased substantially: there is likely to be a 10 30% increase in fuel use as well as the use of solvents. The main environmental
impact seems likely to be from the disposal of solid residues arising from use of
chemical solvents, especially MEA, depending on whether they are classified as
hazardous or not. Thus, chemical solvent absorption seems likely to have more
environmental impact than other capture schemes, although none will have large
impact [11].
Alternate Approaches
The carbon capture technologies which have been explained above can reduce
the CO2 emissions into the atmosphere significantly. However, there are conflicting
viewpoints on CCS. Greenpeace Internationalan environmental non-profit
organizationbased on peer-reviewed independent scientific research on 2008
reported that [12]:
CCS cannot deliver in time to avoid dangerous climate change. The earliest
possibility for deployment of CCS at utility scale is not expected before 2030.
To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, global greenhouse gas emissions
have to start falling after 2015, just seven years away.
CCS wastes energy. The technology uses between 10 and 40% of the energy
produced by a power station. Wide scale adoption of CCS is expected to erase
the efficiency gains of the last 50 years, and increase resource consumption by
one third.
Storing carbon underground is risky. Safe and permanent storage of CO2 cannot
be guaranteed. Even very low leakage rates could undermine any climate
mitigation efforts.
CCS carries significant liability risks. It poses a threat to health, ecosystems and
the climate. It is unclear how severe these risks will be.
Thus some alternative approaches that have been proposed for CO 2 capture
and/or storage are briefly identified. They are ones that have received significant
publicity and/or funding. Their inclusion is in no way an endorsement, just as the
exclusion of any approach is not a rejection.
1. Capture by Microalgae
The concept is to grow algae in artificial ponds, add the necessary nutrients
and fertilize the ponds with CO 2 from flue gas. Under these conditions it is possible to
enhance the growth of microalgae, harvest the algae biomass and convert it to food,
feed or fuel. At present, about 5000 tonnes of food and feed-grade microalgae
biomass are produced annually in large open pond systems. As such, this approach
cannot be considered as a sequestration method because the CO2 will be returned to
the atmosphere upon digestion and respiration of the food or feed. What is even
worse, when used as a feed to ruminating animals, some of the ingested carbon may
be converted to methane, which is a stronger greenhouse gas than CO2. But if the
biomass is converted to bio-fuel and subsequently combusted, then it replaces fossil
fuel, and thus the commensurate emission of fossil fuel generated CO 2 is avoided [3].
2. Capture by Ocean
CCS may seem to be a new technology to us but in fact it has been occurring
naturally throughout history. The ocean has the natural ability to absorb atmospheric
CO2. Actually it is the marine microorganism. According to a report by RSC (Royal
Society of Chemistry), about 90 gigatonnes of carbon are exchanged between the
Carbon Capture Technology
ocean and the atmosphere each year with a net uptake by the ocean of 2.2 gigatonnes.
It is because of this ability and also with the increase in CO 2 emission that is causing
ocean acidification.
It has been hypothesized that by fertilizing the ocean with limiting nutrients
such as iron, the growth of marine phytoplankton will be stimulated, thus increasing
the uptake of atmospheric CO2 by the ocean. The presumption is that a portion of the
phytoplankton will eventually sink to the deep ocean. Researchers have targeted
high-nutrient-low-chlorophyll (HNLC) ocean regions, specifically the eastern
Equatorial Pacific, the northeastern Subarctic Pacific, and the Southern Oceans [3].
3. Mineral Storage
Several minerals found on the surface of the earth uptake CO2 from the
atmosphere with the formation of carbonates, and thus permanently storing the CO 2.
Such minerals are calcium and magnesium silicates. For example, the following
reaction occurs with serpentine, a magnesium silicate:
Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 + 3CO2(g) 3MgCO3 +2SiO2 + 2H2O(l)
from air with acceptable energy penalties and costs. If so, it almost surely will take
development of a capture process very different from those that exist today [3].
5. Utilization
CO2 from fossil fuel could be utilized as a raw material in the chemical industry
for producing commercial products that are inert and long-lived, such as vulcanized
rubber, polyurethane foam and polycarbonates. Only a limited amount of CO2 can be
stored in such a fashion. Estimates of the worlds commercial sales for CO2 is less
than 0.1 GtC equivalent, compared to annual emissions of close to 7 GtC equivalent. It
has been suggested that CO2 could be recycled into a fuel. This would create a market
on the same scale as the CO2 emissions. However, to recycle CO2 to a fuel would
require a carbon-free energy source. If such a source existed, experience suggests
that it would be more efficient and cost-effective to use that source directly to
displace fossil fuels rather than to recycle CO2 [3].
For all applications where CO2 separation is an inherent part of production,
CO2 capture processes are commercially available and in common use. In other
applications, such as coal-fired electricity generation, CO2 separation processes are
less advanced or require considerable redesign of traditional processes. This
roadmap makes a distinction between industrial processes with mature CO 2 capture
processes (first-phase) and industrial processes that require further technical
development and demonstration (second-phase) (Table 3). In general, first-phase
industrial applications are more mature than those in the power sector and are ready
for deployment, while second-phase applications are lagging behind the power sector
Carbon capture has been clearly demonstrated at pilot scale. The vital next
step is the successful demonstration of fully-integrated, large-scale CCS systems at
commercial scale. The technology already works, but more research is required to
reduce the cost and energy penalties for the next generations of technologies to be
made commercially available [5].
Table 3. Routes to CO2 capture in power generation (by fuel) and industrial applications (by
sector) [7]
Fig. 6 presents a research and development (R&D) funnel that portrays the
down-selection and corresponding scale up process. In this funnel example, a
successful outcome for the carbon capture R&D program is the development of two
commercially available CO2 capture technologies after a four-step down-selection
process that progresses from a large portfolio of laboratory/bench-scale projects
with high risk/low probability of success to a small portfolio of full-scale
demonstration projects with low risk/high probability of success. The progressive
down-selection process accompanying the technology scale up is necessary because
there is no practical means to predict eventual commercial success based on
laboratory/bench-scale test results [10].
Works. (October 9, 2013)
H. Herzog and D. Golomb. Carbon Capture and Storage from Fossil Fuel Use 1.
Contribution to Encyclopedia of Energy, Laboratory for Energy and the
Environment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
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Greenpeace. False Hope: Why carbon capture and storage wont save the
climate. (October 9, 2013)