This document discusses color theory terms including the color wheel, warm and cool colors, analogous colors which are next to each other on the color wheel, complementary colors which are opposite each other, and how to create tints by mixing with white and shades by adding black or a complement color. It instructs the reader to create primary color value scales in sketchbook by drawing rectangles and blending analogous and complementary colors from dark to light within each rectangle without using black.
This document discusses color theory terms including the color wheel, warm and cool colors, analogous colors which are next to each other on the color wheel, complementary colors which are opposite each other, and how to create tints by mixing with white and shades by adding black or a complement color. It instructs the reader to create primary color value scales in sketchbook by drawing rectangles and blending analogous and complementary colors from dark to light within each rectangle without using black.
This document discusses color theory terms including the color wheel, warm and cool colors, analogous colors which are next to each other on the color wheel, complementary colors which are opposite each other, and how to create tints by mixing with white and shades by adding black or a complement color. It instructs the reader to create primary color value scales in sketchbook by drawing rectangles and blending analogous and complementary colors from dark to light within each rectangle without using black.
This document discusses color theory terms including the color wheel, warm and cool colors, analogous colors which are next to each other on the color wheel, complementary colors which are opposite each other, and how to create tints by mixing with white and shades by adding black or a complement color. It instructs the reader to create primary color value scales in sketchbook by drawing rectangles and blending analogous and complementary colors from dark to light within each rectangle without using black.