Limbo Script
Limbo Script
Limbo Script
Screen Write
Slow fade in:
Cut back to brief shot of plants back in the field blowing in the
Over shoulder of nameless sprinting towards the exit of the forest
*camera spins round to look at his front as he runs revealing the 2
hit men standing a few metres behind him as he slows down with
exhaustion running up hill*
Music cuts abruptly as nameless is shot in the back by hitman 2 and
falls out of frame.
Cut to worms eye view of nameless hitting the ground, the life
draining from his face camera looks up at hunters walking towards
namelesss body, snatching the bag and walking out of shot. *meanwhile
soundtrack plays quietly sounding diegetic.
Song re enters loudly as the title is displayed in large letters and
is held for a few seconds.
Sun rise is played backwards creating the effect of a sunset as music
begins to quieten.
Mid shot/ tracking/ over- shoulder of nameless awaking in the spot he
was shot down with blood down his stomach from the exit wound. He
struggles to his feet and limps out of the forest and away from the
camera. Shot of him slowly walking away into the field beyond the