Baking and Pastries
Baking and Pastries
Baking and Pastries
1.Scaling Ingredients
Definition: Scaling is the method of weighing ingredients for precise accuracy
and consistency, rather than measuring in cups or spoons.
Importance: All ingredients must be weighed accurately. Water, Milk, and eggs
must be measured by Volume.
2. Mixing
Ingredients are combined into a smooth, uniform dough; the yeast and other
ingredients are evenly distributed through the dough, the gluten is developed,
and fermentation is initiated.
3. Fermentation
- Process in which yeast acts on the sugars and starches in the
- Produces CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and alcohol.
4. Punching
Punching is not hitting the dough with your fist.
It is a method of deflating the dough that:
Expels Carbon Dioxide
Redistributes the yeast for further growth
Relaxes the gluten
equalizes the temperature throughout the dough
Addition fermentation and punching may or may not be necessary
depending on the product.
5. Scaling
Using a Bakers scale, divide the dough into pieces of the same weight
according to the product being made.
During scaling allowance is made for weight loss due to evaporation.
Actual baking loss depends on baking time, size of the unit and whether it is
baked in a pan or freestanding.
Scaling should be done rapidly and efficiently to avoid overfermenting the
6. Rounding
After scaling, the pieces of dough are shaped
into smooth, round balls. This procedure forms
a kind of skin by stretching the gluten on the
outside of the dough into a smooth layer.
7. Benching
Benching (Relaxing)
The rounded portions of dough are covered and allowed to relax for 10 to 20
minutes. This relaxes the gluten and makes the shaping of the dough easier.
In large operations, the rounded dough is placed in special proofers for this
9. Proofing
Proofing is a continuation of the process of
yeast fermentation that increases the volume of
the shaped dough.
Overproofing results in coarse texture and
some loss of flavor
Underproofing results in poor volume and
dense texture.
Before putting in the oven put a water or egg
wash or a starch paste. But starch paste is
used for rye breads. Egg wash gives it a
shiny brown crust.
After baking the bread it must be removed
from the pans and cooled on racks to allow
the escape of the excess moisture and
alcohol created during fermentation.
15. Storing
Breads to be served within 8 hours may be
left on racks. For longer storage wrap cooled
breads in moisture-proofing bags to retard