Cinderella Syndrome and Homoeopathy

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Cinderella's stepmother

syndrome and Homoeopathy

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Dr. Swati Vishnoi BHMS
Dr. Preetika Lakhera BHMS

Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

syndrome and Homoeopathy
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma M.D. (Homoeopathy)
Dr. Swati Vishnoi B.H.M.S.
Dr. Preetika Lakhera B.H.M.S.
Homoeo Cure & Research Institute
NH 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur (Uttaranchal) INDIA
Pin- 244713 Ph. 05947- 260327, 9897618594
E. mail-

Loneliness and Estrangement....................................................................................3
Relational Tendencies................................................................................................3
Disempowering double standards.............................................................................3
Punching bag syndrome............................................................................................3
Unsupportive husbands.............................................................................................3
Professional preference and bad advice....................................................................4

Cinderellas stepmother syndrome is named after Cinderella who was fairy-tale
character oppressed by her stepfamily until she magically attends a ball and
ultimately marries a prince. During this tenure, she suffers with a lot of abuses,
anxieties and depression. In this way she represents a syndrome often seen in day to
day life.

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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

Cinderella's stepmother syndrome is the term used to describe the behaviors that stepmothers
display in order to become more accepted by the family. (Causa occasionalis/ Psora/ Syphilis/

Cinderella complex - fear of being independent causes unconscious desire to
be taken care of by others.
Cinderella syndrome - false accusations made by adopted children of being
mistreated or neglected by their stepmothers.
Cinderella dermatosis - skin disease characterized by ash-gray macules
occurring most often on palms, extremities, buttocks, and scalp.
Cinderella stepmother syndrome - overcompensation by a stepmother in an
effort to be accepted into new family.
Cinderella-in-reverse syndrome - the stepmothers sacrifice to be better than
best and her tendency to overcompensate at her expense.
Mini wife syndrome the extraordinarily attached daughter becomes insecure and
depressed after entry of a stepmother.

Super Stepmom Syndrome - Stepmothers feel the pressure and expectations

from all angles; their husband, his kids, the ex-spouse and her kids as well (if she
has any). As a result, some have a tendency to react to the emotional stresses
within the stepfamily by becoming over-involved.
Evil stepmother syndrome - stepmother feels pleasure in teasing and
neglecting her step children.

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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

Step mothering is itself the seamless hurricane for depression. The main causes are
as below-

Loneliness and Estrangement

Stepmothers often feel detached from their husbands over stepfamily issues. (Psora)

When people ruminate, they over-think or obsess about situations or life events,
such as work or relationships. There starts a cycle of rethinking the past, worrying
excessively about the future, not taking action, going over and over the same issues,
letting concern spread to other issues, until there is a rush of concern and a feeling
of being stunned. (Psora/ Syphilis)

Relational Tendencies

The combination of the stepmothers relational tendencies with that of her often less
emotional or relational husband and a bunch of annoyed step children may cause a
lot of depression. (Psora)

The stepmothers sacrifice to be better than best and her tendency to
overcompensate at her expense may lead to Cinderella-in-reverse syndrome. (Psora/

Disempowering double standards

Stepchildren are allowed and supported to dislike and resent their stepmothers,
while a stepmother must always show unconditional love for her stepchildren. (Psora/

Punching bag syndrome

Often, stepmothers get blamed for things they are not responsible for. (Psora/

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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

Unsupportive husbands
Remarried men with children may expect their wives to be more maternal than they
were with their children. Such expectations can crash with womens schedules and
desires. (Psora)

Professional preference and bad advice

Stepmothers often face a lot of bad advices and forced acts which they never expect.

The monoamine-deficiency theory postulates that the underlying pathophysiological
basis of depression is a reduction of the neurotransmitters (Psora/ Syphilis)
serotonin, norepinephrine or dopamine in the central nervous system. Serotonin is
the most extensively studied neurotransmitter in depression.

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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

Role of neurotransmitters in depression

Psychosocial stress and stress hormones like neurotransmitters such as serotonin,
norepinephrine, dopamine, glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as well
as neurocircuitry, neurotrophic factors, and circadian rhythms are responsible for


Preoccupation with position in the family

Feeling of rejection
Feeling if ineffectiveness
Feeling of guilt
Feeling of hostility
Loss of self-esteem

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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

Cinderella syndrome- Acet-ac. achy. ACON. Act-sp. adam. aeth. agar. agath-a. agn. aids.
all-c. aloe Alum-p. alum-sil. ALUM. Am-c. am-m. AMBR. Aml-ns. ANAC. androc. ang. anh.
ant-c. ant-t. anthraci. anthraq. antip. Apis Apoc. Arg-met. ARG-N. arge-pl. arizon-l. ARN.
Ars-i. ars-met. Ars-s-f. ARS. Art-v. asaf. asar. aster. atro. aur-ar. aur-br. Aur-m-n. Aur-m.
Aur-s. AUR. aven. Bamb-a. bapt. bar-act. Bar-c. bar-i. bar-s. BELL. Benz-ac. bism. bit-ar.
bora-o. borx. bov. bros-gau. bruc. BRY. Bufo bung-fa. cact. cadm-s. cael. calad. calc-i.
Calc-p. calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. camph. cann-i. cann-s. cann-xyz. canth. caps. carb-an. Carbv. carbn-s. CARC. Carl. CAUST. CHAM. CHEL. chin. chinin-s. cic. Cimic. cina cist. clem. cobn. cob. coca Cocc. Coff. colch. COLOC. colum-p. Con. cop. Cortico. cot. Crat. croc. crot-c.
crot-h. cupr-act. CUPR. cur. cycl. cygn-be. cypr. cypra-eg. dendr-pol. des-ac. DIG. Dios.
diosm. dioxi. dream-p. dros. Dulc. dys. elaps Epig. epiph. euon-a. euph. euphr. falco-pe.
ferr-ar. ferr-p. Ferr. fic-m. fl-ac. form. fum. GELS. Germ-met. gink-b. Glon. Glycyr-g. goss.
gran. granit-m. Graph. grat. guaj. haliae-lc. HAM. hecla HELL. helon. hep. hip-ac. hippock. hura hydrog. HYOS. Hyper. IGN. ilx-a. indg. iod. Ip. irid-met. iris Kali-bi. Kali-br. Kali-c.
KALI-I. kali-n. Kali-p. Kali-s. kalm. kiss. Kola kreos. Lac-c. lac-del. lac-e. lac-h. lac-leo. laclup. Lach. lachn. lath. laur. led. lil-t. limest-b. lob-c. lob-s. loxo-recl. luna LYC. Lyss. mambo. M-arct. m-aust. mag-c. Mag-m. mag-p. mag-s. maias-l. Manc. mang. Med. melalalt. meny. MERC. MEZ. Moni. Morph. mosch. Mur-ac. musca-d. myos-a. myric. Naja Nat-ar.
NAT-C. NAT-M. nat-p. Nat-s. Nat-sil. neon nept-m. nicc-met. nicc. Nit-ac. NUX-M. NUX-V.
Oci-sa. ol-an. ol-eur. olib-sac. olnd. Onos. OP. opun-s. Orig-v. Orig. oxal-a. ozone PALL. Par.
paull. pers. petr-ra. Petr. PH-AC. phel. PHOS. phys. Pic-ac. pieri-b. pin-con. pip-m. pitu-a.
plac. PLAT. plb. plut-n. Podo. positr. pot-e. psil. PSOR. ptel. PULS. pyrid. pyrus rad-br. ranb. ran-s. Rheum rhod. Rhus-g. Rhus-t. rib-ac. ribo. ros-d. RUTA sabad. sabal sabin. saccha. sacch. Sal-fr. Samb. sanguis-s. sanic. sarr. sars. scut. sec. sel. Seneg. SEP. seq-s. Sil.
Sol-o. Spig. spira. spirae. SPONG. squil. stann. STAPH. Stram. stront-c. suis-em. sul-ac.
SULPH. SYMPH. syph. taosc. tarax. tarent. tax-br. teucr. thuj. til. toxo-g. TRITIC-VG. TUB.
ulm-c. Uran-n. urol-h. valer. vanad. VANIL. Verat. verb. vib. vinc. viol-o. viol-t. vip. visc.
zinc-o. zinc-p. Zinc.

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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

MIND ABSORBED acon. agar. aloe alum. am-c. am-m. ambr. androc. anh. ant-c. arge-pl.
arizon-l. Arn. Aur-m-n. aur-s. bar-c. bell. bov. bros-gau. bruc. bufo calc. cann-i. cann-s.
canth. Caps. carb-an. Carl. caust. cham. chin. cic. clem. Cocc. con. cupr. cycl. dendr-pol.
dream-p. dulc. elaps euphr. falco-pe. fic-m. germ-met. grat. guaj. ham. HELL. hydrog.
hyos. ign. indg. ip. irid-met. kali-s. kiss. Kola kreos. lach. lil-t. limest-b. loxo-recl. mag-m.
mang. merc. MEZ. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. nat-sil. nit-ac. NUX-M. Nux-v. ol-an.
olib-sac. Onos. Op. petr-ra. phel. phos. plb. Puls. pyrid. ran-b. rheum Rhus-t. ribo. ruta
sabad. sars. sel. sep. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront-c. SULPH. thuj. tritic-vg.
vanil. verat. viol-o. vip.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being children carc.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being - indignation; with carc.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being - marriage; in Anac. ARG-N. aur. carc. chin.
hura hyos. Lach. lyc. Lyss. Naja Nat-m. puls. Sep. stram.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being am-m. ambr. anac. calc-p. carc. caust. coff.
cur. Hyos. Lac-c. lyc. Lyss. Med. NAT-M. petr-ra. Staph. stram. thuj.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - ambition deceived aur. bell. merc. nat-m. Nux-v. plat. puls.
verat. zinc.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger suppressed acon. agar. anac. ars. Aur-m-n. aur-s. aur.
bamb-a. carc. cham. cocc. COLOC. colum-p. Cortico. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. falco-pe. fum.
Germ-met. gink-b. haliae-lc. hell. hep. Ign. ilx-a. Ip. kali-c. lachn. LYC. lyss. mag-m. Moni.
Nat-m. phos. pin-con. podo. pot-e. puls. ruta sep. spong. STAPH. stront-c. tritic-vg. ulm-c.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anxiety - prolonged; from aur. carc. pic-ac.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM anxiety aur. calc-p. calc. carc. cimic. cocc. hyos. ign. kali-p. lyc.
nit-ac. op. ph-ac. RUTA samb. SIL. Spong. staph.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - cares, worries - loved one; over a COCC. vanil.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - cares, worries Ambr. arg-n. ars. Calc. carc. Caust. COCC. con.
cygn-be. cypra-eg. germ-met. hippoc-k. ign. kali-br. kali-p. lyc. mag-c. nat-m. nit-ac. NUXV. Ph-ac. Phos. pic-ac. sanic. Staph. Vanil.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM contradiction anac. aur-ar. Aur. cael. cham. elaps ham. helon.
ign. LYC. med. nux-v. olnd. sil. spong.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - criticized; from being agar. gels. ign.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM disappointment acon. agath-a. all-c. alum. ant-c. apis ars. aster.
Aur-m-n. Aur-s. AUR. bell. Bry. calc-p. caps. carb-v. carc. caust. cham. cocc. colch. Coloc.
dig. Gels. grat. hyos. IGN. kali-c. Lach. Lyc. MERC. NAT-M. nat-s. Nux-v. Op. PH-AC. phos.
plac. plat. Podo. PULS. ruta sep. spig. STAPH. Tritic-vg. vanil. verat.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - embarrassment - poor job performance; of lac-e.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM embarrassment Ambr. Bar-c. bar-s. bung-fa. carb-v. chin. coloc.
crot-c. dig. dys. ferr. gels. germ-met. hydrog. hyos. Ign. kali-br. lac-e. lac-h. loxo-recl.
melal-alt. Merc. Nat-m. Op. petr-ra. ph-ac. phos. plat. plut-n. puls. sep. staph. SULPH.
tarent. vanil.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - emotions sad calc. caust. nit-ac. ph-ac.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM emotions Acon. aloe alum. am-m. Aml-ns. ant-t. ARG-N. arn.
ars. asar. Aur. bar-c. Bell. Bry. calc. camph. caps. carb-an. Caust. Cham. chin. cic. cimic.
cist. Cocc. Coff. colch. COLOC. con. croc. cupr. cycl. ferr. Gels. graph. hep. HYOS. IGN. ip.
kali-c. kali-n. Lach. laur. Lyc. m-ambo. m-arct. m-aust. mag-c. mag-m. merc. mosch. nat-c.
Nat-m. nit-ac. Nux-m. NUX-V. olnd. Op. petr. PH-AC. Phos. plat. podo. Psor. PULS. ran-b.
rhus-t. samb. sars. sec. sel. seneg. sep. Sil. spong. stann. STAPH. Stram. stront-c. sulph.
teucr. Verat. verb. zinc.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - failure - social failures pers.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM fear ACON. Act-sp. arg-met. Arg-n. ars. Bell. calc-sil. calc. carc.
Caust. cocc. coff. cupr. GELS. glon. graph. Ign. kali-p. lac-del. lyc. med. nat-m. Op. ph-ac.
phos. puls. sil. Spong. stram. verat.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - fortune; from reverse of ambr. con. dig. lach. stann. staph.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - friendship; deceived aur-m-n. aur. ign. mag-c. mag-m. nux-v.
ph-ac. rhus-g. sil. sulph.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM fright ACON. act-sp. agar. anac. androc. Apis arg-met. Arg-n.
arn. ars. Art-v. aster. aur-m. Aur. Bell. bry. Bufo calc-sil. calc. camph. carb-v. carbn-s. carc.

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Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

Caust. cham. cic. cimic. cina cocc. Coff. coloc. crot-h. Cupr. dulc. GELS. Glon. Graph. ham.
hep. Hyos. Hyper. Ign. iod. Kali-br. kali-c. kali-p. lac-del. Lach. laur. LYC. lyss. mag-c. Manc.
merc. Morph. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. OP. Petr. PH-AC. PHOS. Plat. PULS. ran-b.
Rhus-t. sabad. samb. sec. Sep. SIL. spong. stann. Stram. sulph. Vanil. verat. verb. vib.
visc. zinc-p. zinc.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - grief prolonged aur-s. carc. caust. cocc. kali-p. ph-ac.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - grief - silent grief anthraci. carc. NAT-M. tub.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM grief Acet-ac. acon. alum-p. alum. am-m. AMBR. aml-ns. anac.
ant-c. Apis Arn. ars. art-v. aur-ar. Aur-m-n. aur-s. AUR. bar-s. Bell. Bry. cadm-s. cael. Calcp. calc. caps. carc. CAUST. cham. chin. clem. Cocc. coff. colch. Coloc. con. Crat. crot-h.
cycl. cypr. cypra-eg. dig. Dros. elaps Gels. Graph. hippoc-k. Hura Hyos. IGN. ip. Kali-br.
kali-c. kali-p. LACH. laur. lob-c. lob-s. lyc. mag-c. naja nat-c. NAT-M. nat-p. nat-s. nit-ac.
nux-m. Nux-v. Op. paull. PH-AC. PHOS. phys. pic-ac. Plat. psor. Puls. pyrus rhus-t. Samb.
Sep. seq-s. Sol-o. spig. STAPH. stram. sulph. tarent. tritic-vg. tub. Uran-n. VANIL. verat.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - honor; wounded agath-a. aur-m-n. Aur-s. aur. bamb-a. carc.
cham. ign. kola lac-leo. Nat-m. nat-s. nux-v. pall. plat. podo. Staph. sulph. verat.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM indignation acon. ambr. Ant-c. aur-m-n. bell. bry. carb-v. carc.
chinin-s. Coloc. ferr-p. ferr. gels. hecla Ign. ip. lac-leo. led. Nat-m. Nux-v. oci-sa. plat. salfr. STAPH.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - love; disappointed acon. androc. ant-c. asaf. Aur-m-n. Aur-s.
AUR. Bell. Bufo cact. Calc-p. carc. Caust. Cimic. Coff. Con. cypra-eg. dig. ham. Hell.
hippoc-k. HYOS. IGN. iod. kali-c. kali-p. Lach. NAT-M. Nat-sil. nux-m. nux-v. oci-sa. orig.
ozone petr-ra. PH-AC. phos. pitu-a. PLAT. psor. rhus-g. sacch. sal-fr. sep. seq-s. STAPH.
stram. sulph. tarent. til. tub. vanil. verat.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mental exertion agar. Alum-p. alum-sil. ambr. Anac. arg-n. arn.
Ars-i. ars-met. ars. aven. bar-act. bell. Calc-p. calc-sil. calc. caps. Carc. chin. coca cocc.
con. cupr-act. CUPR. cypr. Epig. epiph. fl-ac. Gels. graph. HAM. hyos. ign. iod. iris kali-br.
Kali-c. KALI-I. Kali-p. Kali-s. Lach. lyc. mag-p. med. melal-alt. mur-ac. NAT-C. nat-m. nat-p.
nux-m. NUX-V. Ph-ac. phos. Pic-ac. pip-m. psor. rhus-t. rib-ac. ruta sabad. sabal scut. sel.
sep. Sil. SPONG. STAPH. TUB. vinc.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM mortification Acon. agath-a. all-c. alum. am-m. ambr. anac.
Apoc. Arg-n. ars. aster. Aur-m-n. Aur-m. Aur. bell. Bry. calc. camph. carb-an. carb-v. Carc.
caust. Cham. Chin. cocc. COLOC. con. Dulc. falco-pe. form. gels. graph. haliae-lc. ham.
IGN. ip. kali-br. lac-c. Lach. LYC. Lyss. m-ambo. merc. Mur-ac. NAT-M. nit-ac. Nux-v. oci-sa.
Op. PALL. Petr. PH-AC. phel. phos. plac. plat. podo. positr. Puls. ran-b. Rhus-g. rhus-t.
sacch-a. Seneg. sep. sil. spong. STAPH. stram. Sulph. symph. Tritic-vg. vanil. verat. vip.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - neglected; being sacch.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - offended; being acon. ANAC. ang. calc. Cham. cocc. Coloc. dros.
glon. gran. Ign. lyc. Merc. Nat-m. nit-ac. Op. Pall. Seneg. Staph. stram. sulph.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - position; loss of bry. glon. Ign. nux-m. Nux-v. op. pers. petr. Plat.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - pride of others grat.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - protection - parental protection; excessive bar-c. calc. sil.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - rejected; from being Aur-s. Aur. carc. Caust. LYC. Nat-m. Pall.
sep. Sil. sul-ac. Sulph. thuj. TRITIC-VG.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM reproaches agar. AMBR. Aur. bell. cadm-s. calc-sil. carc. Cham.
cina coloc. croc. dulc. dys. gels. germ-met. ham. Ign. lach. med. mosch. nat-m. nit-ac.
nux-v. OP. ph-ac. Plat. sep. Staph. Stram. sulph. tarent.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - responsibility unusual aur-m-n.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM responsibility aur. carc. mag-m.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - scorned; being acon. adam. alum. ang. Aur-m-n. Aur. bell. BRY.
carc. CHAM. coff. Coloc. falco-pe. ferr. ham. hyos. ip. lyc. lyss. NAT-M. NUX-V. olnd. Par.
Phos. Plat. podo. sep. Staph. stront-c. sulph. Tritic-vg. verat.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM unhappiness Acon. ambr. Ars. carc. caust. Cham. coff. dig. Ign.
lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. Nux-v. phos. Plat. sep. sil. spong. stram. sulph. verat.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - unusual; anything ambr.

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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

MIND - ANXIETY - conscience; anxiety of achy. adam. agath-a. aids. alum-p. alum-sil.
ALUM. Am-c. am-m. ANAC. androc. arizon-l. arn. Ars-s-f. ARS. aster. atro. aur-ar. aur-br.
Aur-m-n. aur-s. AUR. Bamb-a. Bell. bry. cact. calc. canth. carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-s. Carc.
Caust. cham. CHEL. chin. cina cob. Cocc. Coff. Con. croc. crot-c. cupr. cycl. DIG. dioxi.
dream-p. falco-pe. ferr-ar. ferr-p. Ferr. Germ-met. granit-m. Graph. Hell. hip-ac. Hyos. Ign.
irid-met. Kali-bi. kali-br. kalm. lac-e. lac-h. Lach. limest-b. M-arct. m-aust. mag-c. mag-s.
Med. Merc. Moni. myric. Nat-m. neon nit-ac. Nux-v. olib-sac. Orig-v. Orig. ozone petr-ra.
Ph-ac. phos. pieri-b. Plat. positr. PSOR. Puls. rheum Rhus-t. ruta sabad. Sal-fr. sanguis-s.
sarr. Sil. Spig. spira. spirae. staph. Stram. stront-c. SULPH. symph. Thuj. Tritic-vg. vanad.
vanil. Verat. zinc-o. Zinc.
MIND - ANXIETY - duty; as if he had not done his alum. ars. maias-l.
MIND - ANXIETY - family; about his acet-ac. Aeth. ambr. apis ars. aur-m-n. bora-o. calc-i.
calc-sil. calc. carc. Cocc. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. Dulc. falco-pe. form. hep. lac-del. oxal-a.
petr. phos. plat. podo. puls. rhus-t. sulph. taosc. tax-br.
MIND BROODING acon. alum. androc. anh. arn. Aur-m-n. aur-s. aur. bamb-a. bar-i. bell.
bit-ar. calc-s. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. carc. caust. cham. chel. clem. cocc. con. cycl.
cygn-be. dulc. euphr. Gels. goss. hell. IGN. ip. kali-p. kali-s. Kola lach. lil-t. lyc. mez. murac. Naja nat-m. nat-sil. neon nept-m. nit-ac. nux-v. olnd. op. ozone petr-ra. Ph-ac. plat.
plb. Podo. ran-s. Rheum ruta sabad. sacch-a. sal-fr. sep. spig. spong. stram. sulph.
symph. thuj. tritic-vg. ulm-c. Vanil. VERAT.
MIND - DELUSIONS - betrayed; that she is adam. dros. falco-pe. hydrog. lac-h. ol-eur. petrra. rad-br. Rhus-g. urol-h.
MIND - DELUSIONS - deceived; being bamb-a. crot-c. dros. Ign. lyss. naja Nat-ar. nicc-met.
nicc. ozone ruta spong. Staph. stront-c.
MIND - DELUSIONS - neglected - duty; he has neglected his arizon-l. Ars. aur-m-n. aur-s.
AUR. crot-c. cur. cycl. dream-p. dulc. falco-pe. hell. hyos. ign. kali-br. kola lac-e. Lyc.
melal-alt. myos-a. naja nat-ar. petr-ra. ptel. puls. ruta staph. symph. ulm-c. vanil.
MIND - DELUSIONS - worthless; he is adam. agn. anac. aur. falco-pe. lac-c. lac-h. nat-ar.
positr. thuj.
MIND - DWELLS - past disagreeable occurrences, on aids. am-c. Ambr. anthraq. arg-n.
asar. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Benz-ac. bora-o. bros-gau. bung-fa. calc. caust. Cham. Chin. cob-n.
Cocc. Con. cop. cur. cycl. dros. Dulc. elaps fic-m. form. glon. goss. granit-m. haliae-lc.
hep. hydrog. hyos. IGN. Kali-c. Kali-p. kali-s. kiss. kola kreos. lac-h. lac-lup. lil-t. luna LYC.
meny. mez. musca-d. NAT-M. Nit-ac. op. opun-s. phos. pin-con. plac. Plat. positr. psor.
puls. Rhus-g. rhus-t. ros-d. sal-fr. sanguis-s. sars. Sep. spong. staph. suis-em. Sulph.
symph. syph. thuj. tritic-vg. vanil. verat. visc.
MIND - EMOTIONS suppressed aeth. arge-pl. arizon-l. aster. carc. caust. coff. cot. cupr.
des-ac. falco-pe. Glycyr-g. Ign. lath. lyc. mag-c. Mag-m. naja nat-ar. nat-m. STAPH. Triticvg.
MIND - MENTAL SYMPTOMS Acon. agar. agn. alum. am-c. am-m. ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-c.
ant-t. antip. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. bapt. bar-c. BELL. bism. borx. bov. bry. calad. Calc.
camph. cann-s. cann-xyz. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. Caust. Cham. chel. chin. cic. cina
clem. Cocc. coff. colch. coloc. Con. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. Dios. diosm. dros. dulc. euon-a.
euph. euphr. ferr. Graph. guaj. hell. hep. HYOS. hyper. IGN. iod. ip. kali-c. kali-n. kreos.
LACH. laur. led. lil-t. LYC. m-ambo. m-arct. m-aust. mag-c. mag-m. mang. meny. Merc.
mez. mosch. mur-ac. NAT-C. Nat-m. nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. olnd. Op. par. petr. ph-ac. PHOS.
plat. plb. PULS. ran-b. ran-s. rheum rhod. rhus-t. ruta sabad. sabin. samb. sars. sec. sel.
seneg. Sep. Sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph. STRAM. stront-c. sul-ac. Sulph. tarax.
teucr. thuj. toxo-g. valer. VERAT. verb. viol-o. viol-t. zinc.
MIND - SADNESS - friends, as if having lost affection of Aur. Ham. Puls. thuj.
MIND - SADNESS - misfortune; as if from AUR. Calc. chinin-s. cycl. ph-ac. phel. phos. puls.
rhus-t. staph. sulph.
MIND - SADNESS - mortification, after CARC. Ign. Puls. spong. Staph.
MIND - SADNESS - past events; about aids. luna psil.
MIND - SADNESS - quarrel with husband, after Anac. tritic-vg.
MIND - SADNESS - vexation, after calc-p. kali-bi. Plat. Puls.
MIND - SADNESS - wrong way, as if having done everything in bros-gau. Naja

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Chapter 13. Psychosocial Issues and Female Sexuality > Postpartum Depression Williams
Gynecology, 2e ... According to the DSM-IV, postpartum depression refers to the diagnosis of major
depressive disorder within 4 weeks after childbirth. However, in research and most clinical settings,
any depression developing within 12 months following childbirth is considered to have postpartum

Chapter 16. The Endocrinology of Pregnancy > Management of the Mother Greenspans
Basic & Clinical Endocrinology, 9e ... depression. Partial or total thyroidectomy, especially in the
second trimester, is a reasonably safe procedure except for the risk of preterm labor. ...

Chapter 223. Common Medical Problems in Pregnancy > Postpartum Blues, Depression, and
Psychosis Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine ... Between 15% and 85% of normal
postpartum women may experience the blues (postpartum blues), which present within the first 10
days after giving birth with a peak incidence at the fifth day. It can be difficult to distinguish from a
true depressive disorder given that symptoms include mood swings...

Chapter 24. Fatigue, Asthenia, Anxiety, and Depression Adams & Victor's Principles of
Neurology, 10e

Chapter 24. Fatigue, Asthenia, Anxiety, and Depression > Depressive Reactions Adams &
Victor's Principles of Neurology, 10e ... Particularly troublesome may be the patient's tendency to
hypochondriasis. Indeed, most cases formerly diagnosed as hypochondriasis are now regarded as
depression with superimposed anxiety. Pain from whatever cause, a stiff joint, a toothache, fleeting
chest or abdominal pains, muscle cramps...

Chapter 24. Fatigue, Asthenia, Anxiety, and Depression > Fatigue, Asthenia, Anxiety, and
Depression: Introduction Adams & Victor's Principles of Neurology, 10e ... In this chapter, we
consider the clinically related phenomena of lassitude, fatigue, nervousness, irritability, anxiety,
and depression. These complaints form the core of a group of "symptom-based" disorders that are
a large part of medical practice. Although more abstruse than paralysis, sensory...

Chapter 4. The Health of Women/Mothers and Children Understanding Global Health, 2e

Chapter 7. Diagnosis and Management of Depression Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics, 7e

Decision-Making in Clinical Medicine > CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES Harrison's Principles

of Internal Medicine ... as quality indicators. Examples include the proportion of acute MI patients
who receive aspirin upon admission to a hospital and the proportion of heart failure patients with a
depressed ejection fraction treated with an ACE inhibitor. ... 297e...

Depression & Other Mental Health Issues Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Geriatrics

Medicine: A Guide for Clinical Practice, 4e ... Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with

10 | P a g e
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Cinderellas Stepmother syndrome and Homoeopathy

considerable disability, morbidity, and mortality. Epidemiologic studies demonstrate that

depression causes more disability and social and role impairment than most other chronic illnesses,
such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension...

Encyclopedia Homoeopathica

Mental Disorders > MOOD DISORDERS Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine ... Mood
disorders are characterized by a disturbance in the regulation of mood, behavior, and affect. Mood
disorders are subdivided into (1) depressive disorders, (2) bipolar disorders, and (3) depression in
association with medical illness or alcohol and substance abuse (Chaps. 467 , 468e...

Psychiatric Disorders > Major Depression Williams Obstetrics, 24e ... TABLE 61-2 Symptoms
of Depressive Illness a Persistent sad, anxious, or empty feelings Feelings of hopelessness and/or
pessimism Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness Irritability, restlessness Loss of
interest in activities...
Radar 10

Weight Loss, Unintentional > Alternative Diagnosis: Depression Symptom to Diagnosis: An

Evidence-Based Guide, 3e

Women > Depression in Pregnancy Behavioral Medicine: A Guide for Clinical Practice, 4e ...
Women with a history of major depression are at highest risk of depression in pregnancy. Other risk
factors include discontinuing or decreasing antidepressant medications. In the absence of suicidal
or homicidal ideation, nonpharmacological treatments are advised. Psychotherapy for depression...

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