St-Part B Plans For Learning Segment
St-Part B Plans For Learning Segment
St-Part B Plans For Learning Segment
b. Allow student to come up to the whiteboard and select the magnet to be placed
on board
c. I will take one notecard that I prepared ahead of time and add the onset in red
d. Once the notecard is complete, I will add it to the small whiteboard with a
e. Finally, I will have students say the word as a class.
9. Repeat steps 8a-8e until 5 new -ail words have been created.
10. With model word, separate the beginning, middle, and ending sound with hand motion
and clap the entire word together.
a. Repeat for all 6 words.
b. Say: take off the initial sound and add in a new initial sound
11. Explain to students that these words are in the same word family
12. Discuss that they have the same rime and are rhyming words.
13. Have students say each word so they can hear the rhyme.
14. Talk about how there are more words with the rime -ail but these are just some of them.
15. Have students come up with more rhyming words.
16. Get students attention.
17. Explain -ail word family worksheet to students.
a. Students will pick 4 words that we just completed and are on the whiteboard.
b. On the line, students will write the onset. Explain the rime has already been
written in so they will not have to.
c. Explain to students that they will sketch a picture of the word they have chosen.
d. Show my model to students. Discuss how I picked 1 word from the board. Wrote
the onset letter on the whiteboard and sketched a picture to help me remember
18. Answer any questions.
19. Tell students when work is complete to find their reading baskets and read to self until
the lesson is over.
20. Dismiss students from rug to table and encourage working on the -ail worksheet.
21. At the end of the lesson, have students turn in worksheet to the homework basket.
22. End by reviewing what the onset, rime, and word family means.
One-On-One Work:
1. Call student to back table.
2. Review lesson with student.
3. Discuss vocabulary words onset and rime.
4. Explain worksheet directions to student.
5. Ask student what word they would like to work with.
6. Have student say each letter they see in the word.
7. Ask student to identify the onset and the rime.
8. Have student begin working.
9. When work has been completed, ask student to identity the beginning, middle, and
ending sound of each word.
10. Explain again that these words are in the same word family- they have the same rime
and are rhyming words.
Students will be able to chose four -ail words, write the onset on the line, and sketch a picture
in the box provided. At the end of the three-day learning segments, students will be given a
post-test. They will be asked to correctly identify three -ail words.
For the struggling reader (Focus Child 1), I will work with the student at the back table. I will
review the lesson and vocabulary words again before the work is completed. Together we will
work with one word at a time going at a slower pace. We will focus on identifying the onset and
rime and then create new words with the same rime.
For the advanced student, (Focus Child 2) this lesson will benefit them because I have picked a
rime the student was not able to identify on the pre-test. The student will complete the
worksheet independently.
The pre-test, called the Z-test, was taken from:
McKenna, M.C., Doughtery-Stahl, K. A. (2009). Assessment for Reading Instruction, Second
Edition. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
The hand chopping motion idea was taken from:
Heggerty, M. (2005). Phonemic Awareness Training. Literacy Resource, Inc.
I got the idea to do the worksheet- -ail word family house from the following but I created my
own version:
Mauro, C. (October 10). Word Family Fun [Web log post]. Retrieved from URL of log post
Learning Experience 2
c. Have students separate the beginning, middle, and end sound with hand motion
and clap the end word.
d. Repeat until all six words are complete
2. Next introduce the new rime -ay
3. Review what the rime means.
4. Review what the onset means.
5. With model word, discuss what the onset is and what the rime is.
6. Ask students to come up with words that have the same rime. Have students talk with
partner or friend on rug.
7. Get students attention.
8. Call on one student at a time to create new words
a. Ask student to say the word
b. Allow them to come up to the whiteboard and select the magnet to be placed on
c. I will take one notecard that I prepared ahead of time and add the onset in red
d. Once the notecard is complete, I will add it to the small whiteboard with a
e. Finally, I will have students say the word as a class.
9. Repeat steps 8a-8e until 5 new -ay words have been created.
10. With model word, separate the beginning, middle, and ending sound with hand motion.
a. Repeat for all 6 words.
11. Ask students why these words are all special (Because they are in the same word
12. Review that they have the same rime and that they are rhyming words.
13. Have students say each word so they can hear that they rhyme.
14. Explain -ay word family worksheet to students.
a. Students will pick four words that we just completed and are on the whiteboard.
b. On the line, students will write the onset. Explain the rime has been provided for
c. Explain to students that they will sketch a picture of the word they have chosen.
d. Show my model to students. Discuss how I picked one word from the board.
Wrote the onset letter on the line and sketched a picture to help me remember it.
15. Answer any questions about worksheet.
16. Ask students to beginning silent reading when work is complete.
17. Dismiss students to table to work.
18. At the end of the lesson, have students turn in worksheets to basket.
19. End by reviewing what the onset, rime, and word family means.
Small Group Instruction:
1. Call students to come to the back table and work.
2. Explain to students that we will be working with a third word family -ight
3. Have students each come up with two words ending with -ight
4. Ask students to write them on notecards.
5. Have students identify the beginning, middle, and end sounds.
6. Ask them to identify the onset and rime.
7. Have students complete -ight word family house.
a. Have students write the onset on the line.
b. Allow students to sketch a picture to help them better remember the word.
8. Ask each student to identity the onset and rime.
9. Answer any questions.
Student is able to choose four -ay words, write the onset on the line, and sketch a picture. At
the end of the three-day learning segments, students will be given a post-test. They will be
asked to correct identify three -ay words.
For the struggling reader (Focus Child 1), I will review the directions with the student before
working with the small group. I will complete a model for the student on a separate piece of
paper to make sure she is able to complete the work alone. I will answer any questions the
student may have.
I will be working with the advanced student (Focus Child 2) on the back table, along with
another student. I will introduce a third word family to the student. With a partner, they will come
up with words to that belong to that word family. The student will complete an -ight word family
house using the same directions listed above. I will answer any questions or inquires from the
The pre-test, called the Z-test, was taken from:
McKenna, M.C., Doughtery-Stahl, K. A. (2009). Assessment for Reading Instruction, Second
Edition. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
The hand chopping motion idea was taken from:
Heggerty, M. (2005). Phonemic Awareness Training. Literacy Resource, Inc.
I got the idea to do the worksheet, -ay word family house, from the following but I created my
own version:
Mauro, C. (October 10). Word Family Fun [Web log post]. Retrieved from URL of log post
Learning Experience 3:
Title: Read it, Write it, and Make it with Word Families -ail and -ay
1. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.C: Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable
spoken words.
2. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.D: Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and
final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC)
words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
3. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.E: Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in
simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
1. Students will be able to identify the onset of a word.
2. Students will be able to identify the rime of a word.
3. Students will be able to recognize and say each sounds of a word.
4. Students will be able to create new words using the same rime.
1. Small Whiteboard
2. Easel
3. 6 -ail notecards from learning experience 1
4. 6 -ay notecards from learning experience 2
5. 3 notecards from learning experience 1 -ail words
6. 3 notecards from learning experience 2 ay words
7. SMARTboard with same words displayed on -ail and -ay notecard words
8. 24 copies of worksheet- read it, write it, and build it (copied back to back to make a
9. 24 containers of Play-Doh
10. 24 pencils (1 per student- in students toolboxes at tables)
11. Orange crayon
Before Lesson
1. I will place a container of Play-Doh where each student sits at the tables.
2. I will display SMARTboard chart of words.
3. I will display the 3 -ail and 3 -ay notecards on the small whiteboard.
4. I will start the camera before the students enter the room.
Whole Class Instruction:
1. We will start the day by reviewing the -ail words previously talked about in learning
experience 1.
a. Students will say the first word, take off the initial sound, and then add a new
sound to create a new word.
2. Next, we will review the -ay words previously talked about in learning experience 2.
a. Students will say the first word, take off the initial sound, and then add a new
sound to create a new word.
3. We will then review what the onset and rime is.
4. After explaining the onset and rime, we will discuss how the words are in the same word
family because they have the same rime and are rhyming words.
5. I will answer any questions or clarify any confusion.
6. Students will take a quick brain break from sitting.
7. Get students attention.
8. Explain the worksheet (read it, write it, and build it). I will model he activity for the whole
a. Students will pick 1-ail word to work with.
b. They will say the word out loud, write the word in the read it box with pencil
c. Next, they will write the onset in orange and the rime in black crayon in the write
it box.
d. Students will be asked to whisper the beginning, middle, and end sounds at their
e. Finally, they will create the word using Play-Doh.
9. Students will repeat process 8a-e until 2 -ail words have been completed and 2 -ay
words have been completed.
10. Explain to students that once they are done, they will silent read to self.
11. Tell students Play-Dou is already at tables on top of toolboxes.
12. Answer any questions
13. Dismiss students to work at tables.
Small-Group Instruction:
1. Call Focus Child 1 to table to work.
2. Re-explain the directions.
3. Ask what word the student would like to work with.
4. Watch as the student writes the word in pencil, the onset in orange crayon, the rime in
black crayon, and ask her to identify the beginning, middle, and end sounds.
5. Next, have student work with Play-Doh to make letters. Ask student to identify the letters
before working.
6. While Focus Child 1 is completing Play-Doh letters, call Focus Child 2 to table.
7. Assess what Focus Child 2 is doing, when he is at a stopping point with what is being
worked on re-introduce the word family -ight
8. Ask Focus Child 2 to beginning working with -ight words. Provide him another copy of
read it, write it, and build it worksheet.
9. As students are working, I will monitor their progress. When students are ready to start a
new word I will talk with each about the onset and rime. I will also ask them to identify
the sounds they hear in each word.
10. Answer any questions as students work.
Student is able to write the onset in orange crayon, write the rime in black crayon, and say the
beginning, middle, and end sounds of the word. They are able to identify all the letters in the
word and create Play-Doh models.
For the struggling reader (Focus Child 1), I will be working with this student at the table. I will
begin by re-explaining the directions, modeling my example, and answering any questions. I will
guide student through the work, but allow her to work independently when the student feels
comfortable with the work.
I will be working with the advanced student (Focus Child 2) at the table. The student will be
working with the rimes -ail and -ight since the student was not able to identify these rimes on
the pre-test given before the learning segment is completed. I will offer any assistance needed
but allow the student to work independently.