TG 9780199068821

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Second Edition

Introduction iv
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
Lesson Plans
Answer Key to Students Book Questions
The Computer System
Advanced Features of Microsoft Word
Enlivening Presentations
Editing Cell Contents in Microsoft Excel
Formatting Data in Microsoft Excel
The Internet as a Post Office
Introduction to Flash 8
Drawing Tools in Flash
Creating Animation in Flash
Basics of BASIC
Assessment 1
Assessment 2
Comprehensive Assessment 1
Assessment 3
Assessment 4
Comprehensive Assessment 2
Cyber Olympiad Questions
Revision Questions
The Computer System
Advanced Features of Microsoft Word
Enlivening Presentations
Editing Cell Contents in Microsoft Excel
Formatting Data in Microsoft Excel
The Internet as a Post Office
Introduction to Flash 8
Drawing Tools in Flash
Creating Animation in Flash
Basics of BASIC
Answers to Worksheets
Test Papers
The Computer System
Advanced Features of Microsoft Word
Enlivening Presentations
Editing Cell Contents in Microsoft Excel
Formatting Data in Microsoft Excel
The Internet as a Post Office
Introduction to Flash 8
Drawing Tools in Flash
Creating Animation in Flash
Basics of BASIC
Answers to Test Papers


In todays world, the computer has become an indispensable tool. From huge machines weighing several
tonnes, the computer has evolved into light, sleek, yet powerful machines that dominate todays knowledgebased society. Many previously complex and time-consuming tasks have been reduced to the mere touch of
a few buttons on the keyboard. Basic computing skills such as word processing are an essential requirement
in todays job market. The Internet has revolutionized the way people communicate and interact. Geographical
distances are no longer a constraint for effective business transactions, information dissemination, and
interpersonal interactions as distances have been overcome through extensive, intricately-designed
communication networks.
Today computer science is an academic subject in its own right, governed by scientific and mathematical
principles. Due to its increasing importance, computer studies have become an essential part of the education
curriculum around the world, including in Pakistan.
However, the trend has been to favour Information and Communications Technology (ICT) rather than the
science behind computers. ICT in schools usually focuses only on teaching how to use office productivity
software such as word processors, presentation software, and spreadsheets. However, as teachers, we should
ensure that we teach not only ICT, but also computing, especially in the lower classes. This is an important
distinction because ICT primarily involves simply understanding and memorizing commands. As a
consequence, many students may get the impression that little creativity is involved in using computers. This
may result in students losing interest in what they mistakenly believe to be computing. Students must be
introduced to how computers work and be given the opportunity to be creative through computing activities
that challenge them to use their logical and analytical skills along with their creativity.
Computer science education should be such that students are capable of making a meaningful contribution
other to advance our digital society or use digital media optimally in their chosen field of study or work, should
they decide to do so in the future. Computer education in schools should equip every child with the basic
understanding of how computers work and demonstrate the possibilities of information technology in a
knowledge-based society and economy. This has been the rationale for developing the Keyboard: Computer
Science with Application Software (Second Edition) series.

About Keyboard: Computer Science with Application

Software (Second Edition)
Keyboard: Computer Science with Application Software (Second Edition), a series of eight books for Classes 1 to 8,
is a comprehensively revised edition of Keyboard: Computer Science with Application Software and carries forward
the same interesting and interactive approach that is a hallmark of the series. The series aims to make the study
of computer science engaging and interactive for students through a combination of features.


The contents are based on the most recent feedback from teachers and incorporate the latest trends in computer
education. We have taken particular care to update facts and figures, and to include the latest advancements
in the field of information and communication technology. Thus, trendsetting topics such as social networking
and cloud computing have been explained along with devices such as smartphones and tablets. Also, in keeping
with the times, there is greater focus on animation and web design.
The series introduces the subject in language that is simple and direct. Technical jargon is used only where
necessary and all such terms are defined at the end of each chapter. Comic strips, icons, cartoon characters,
and illustrations make the learning process an enjoyable experience.
This series is an advanced course in computer science designed for those schools that wish to teach creative
application software such as Flash, HTML, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver along with the basic concepts of
computers, computer programming, and the Internet.

Course Features and Highlights

Each chapter in Keyboard: Computer Science with Application Software (Second Edition) starts with an engaging
introduction in comic strip format presenting a conversation between two characters, Goggle and Toggle.
Goggle represents an average primary and middle school student, while Toggle is an animated laptop and an
expert in computer science. Toggle helps Goggle understand all that is taught about computers and computer
software in the series. The series has a hands-on approach to learning with text supported by relevant
screenshots and plenty of practical exercises. The MS Office screenshots are based on MS Office 2007, with
the compact and user-friendly Windows 7 as the operating system.

Update Office 2010

A special feature of the series is the update provided on MS Office 2010. As you are aware, a new interface
was designed by Microsoft for their MS Office package, beginning with MS Office 2007. In MS Office 2010,
Microsoft has retained the Ribbon interface introduced in MS Office 2007, but has provided some additions,
enhancements, and improvements to the feature.
Update Office 2010 describes the new or additional features introduced in MS Office 2010 when compared
with MS Office 2007. These updates have been placed at the relevant points within the MS Office chapters
thus enabling direct comparisons. Students and teachers will thereby have a clear idea of the refinements in
MS Office 2010.

Worksheets and Assessment Papers

Worksheets have been introduced for Classes I to V, while for Classes VI to VIII Assessment and Comprehensive
Assessment papers have been included.

Practice Time, Exercises, and In the Lab

The Practice Time feature provides practical exercises after every major topic, in which the student applies
the concept(s) learnt in the previous section to solve a practical problem. The detailed solution is given after
the question, so that students are able to understand the practical application of a particular concept
independently. This frees the teacher from the process of assessing whether individual students have fully
understood the concept.
The Exercises and In the Lab questions deserve particular mention. The exercises in each chapter include
enough theoretical and practical questions for concept application. The In the Lab questions are similar to
those under Practice Time except that no solutions are given and the questions are more complex than those
found under Practice Time. In both, however, the questions describe a variety of situations across the
curriculum thus integrating the use of computers with problem-solving in other subjects areas.

The Revision Questions are recommended as a self-assessment tool for the students; for those who would
like to attempt the Cyber Olympiad, sample questions have been provided for practice.

Digital Learning Resources

The Learning Resource CD for students contains animation, videos, tutorials, and tests.
Animation clips offer an audio-visual explanation of technically complex or difficult concepts.
Demo videos linked to one of the Practice Time questions in software chapters present a step-by-step audiovisual guide to solving the problem described.

Teaching Resources
The teaching resources for the Keyboard: Computer Science with Application software and (Second Edition) consist
of Teaching Guides and a Teaching Resource CD.
Teaching Guides
The Teaching Guide accompanying each Students Book is carefully structured to provide useful support to
Each Teaching Guide contains the following:
A lesson plan that details the number of periods recommended for a particular chapter, the topics therein,
the expected learning outcomes at the end of each topic, and the digital support available for each chapter.
This is intended to assist teachers in overall planning. Teachers should read through the lesson plan before
stepping into the classroom or can use the recommendations for creating their own lesson plan.
The complete answer key to the Students Book exercises has been given including answers for the In the
Lab questions, Worksheets/Assessment papers, Revision Questions, and the Cyber Olympiad Questions.
A set of chapter-wise worksheets follows the lesson plans, and has questions in the form of crossword
puzzles, wordsearches, jumbled words, etc. designed to reinforce conceptual understanding.
In addition to the worksheets, a set of chapter-wise test papers has also been provided, which may be used
by teachers to create their own assessment papers, or used as they are for classroom tests.
Teaching Resouce CD
The Teaching Resource CD contains printable reinforcement and assessment materials along with a Test
Generator. Printable documents for every chapter include lesson plans, answers to the Students Book
exercises, worksheets, and test papers.
The comprehensive and easy-to-use Test Generator is an effective assessment tool designed to benefit
teachers by enabling them to create a variety of test papers. It includes an extensive pool of questions, such as
multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blanks, short answer, and long answer questions, as well as lab exercises
where relevant. Answers have been provided to enable efficient and effective evaluation. The Test Generator
allows the teacher to create test papers for one or more chapters.
The Students Books, and the accompanying Teaching Guides and digital resources together form a complete
package enabling effective teaching.


Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Learning takes place in a variety of waysthrough experience, making and doing things, experimentation,
reading, discussion, asking, listening, thinking and reflecting, and expressing oneself in speech, movement, or
writing. All these modes of learning are possible both as individual or group activities. It would thus be
advantageous for students to be given the opportunity to participate in as many of these activities as possible.

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)

The primary objectives of this system are (1) to maintain continuity in evaluation and (2) to reliably assess
broad-based learning and behavioural outcomes.
In this system the term continuous is meant to emphasize that evaluation of a students progress is a continuous
process rather than an event. It is spread over the entire span of an academic session, and means regularity of
assessment and unit-testing. It also includes a diagnosis of learning gaps, the use of corrective measures,
retesting, and self-evaluation.
The term comprehensive suggests that the system covers both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects of a students
growth and development.
This system expects involves both formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment is a tool used
by the teacher to monitor student progress continuously in a supportive environment. It involves regular
feedback, a chance for the student to reflect on his/her performance, seek advice, and improve. If used
effectively, it can greatly improve student achievement.
Summative assessment is carried out at the end of a course of learning. It measures, or sums - up, how much a
student has learnt from the course. It is usually a graded test, i.e. it is marked according to a scale or set of
It has been found that assessment that is predominantly of a summative nature will not by itself yield a valid
measure of the growth and development of the student. At best it indicates the level of achievement only at
a given point of time.
The paper-pencil tests are basically a one-time mode of assessment and to rely on them exclusively to judge
the development of a student is both unfair and unscientific. Over-emphasis on examination marks leads
students to believe that assessment is different from learning. Besides encouraging unhealthy competition, the
reliance on a summative assessment system also results in unnecessary stress and anxiety among learners.
The Keyboard: Computer Science with Application Software (Second Edition) series, comprising of Students Books,
Teaching Guides, and digital resources, includes a number of features that aid both continuous and
comprehensive evaluation.

Students Books
Beginning of Instruction (Formative Assessment)
The introductory dialogue at the beginning of each chapter between Goggle and Toggle is a starter to
the chapter topic and can be employed to test the prior knowledge of students by using the dialogue to
ask for possible solutions or an answer to Goggles questions.

During Instruction (Formative Assessment)

The conceptual grasp of students can be assessed during instruction through Practice Time, which has been
placed after every major topic in the Students Book, by observing how fast they carry out the task as given.
A couple of questions may also be added to test their understanding of the concept. For example, in the
question below students may be asked if they can use the RT or the LT command in the solution to this
question instead of the SETH command.

End-of-Chapter (Summative Assessment)

At the end of the chapter the student can be tested on acquired knowledge through the objective and
descriptive questions in the Exercises section, and on the practical application of concepts through In
the Lab questions.

End-of-Unit and Term (Formative as well as Summative Assessment)

Assessment at the end of three or four chapters is facilitated through
Worksheets in Classes I to V.
In Classes VI to VIII Assessment and Comprehensive
Assessment papers help children familiarize themselves with
evaluation patterns.

Teaching Guides
The Teaching Guides provide the following support for formative and summative assessment:
Worksheets, one for each chapter, have questions in the form of crossword puzzles, wordsearches,
jumbled words, etc. designed to reinforce conceptual understanding.
Test papers, one for each chapter, which may be used by teachers by photocopying them in a larger
format for classroom tests.

Digital Resources
The digital support for the series comprises the Learning Resource CD and the Teaching Resouce CD.
Learning Resource CD
The Learning Resource CD for Keyboard: Computer Science with Application Software (Second Edition) includes:
Animation clips for conceptual topics such as those on operating systems, the history of computers,
input and output devices, etc. offer an interesting audio-visual element to technically complex or
difficult concepts. There are one or more modules for each such chapter that enable students to
reinforce what they have learnt in class.
Demo videos that are linked to one of the Practice Time activities in software chapters (those chapters
that describe the features and commands available in a software), and present a step-by-step audio-visual
guide to solving the problem described in that particular Practice Time question. One or more objective
type question(s) has (have) been introduced at (a) strategic point(s) under the Rapid Round feature
during the demo to encourage students to participate in the solution to the problem. These questions
could be also be used as a formative assessment tool.
Teaching Resource CD
Printable documents for every chapter in the form of soft copies of the worksheets and test papers are given
for each chapter in the Teaching Guides. The teacher is free to use either version of the worksheets and test
papers as formative assessment tools.
The Test Generator accompanying the Teaching Resource CD is an effective assessment tool designed to
benefit teachers by enabling them to create a variety of test papers.
It has an extensive pool of questions including multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blanks, very short
answer, and short answer questions, as well as lab exercises where relevant. The Test Generator can be used
to create test papers for one or more chapters. The wide variety of objective and descriptive questions
makes the tool flexible enough for teachers to employ it either for formative as well as summative
assessment. Answers have also been provided for these questions to aid efficient and effective evaluation by

Comprehensive Evaluation
Comprehensive evaluation involves, as explained above, both the scholastic and co-scholastic aspects of a
students growth and development. It aims to assess the student not only in the area of pure knowledge but
also in the areas of their analytical and creative ability, as well as in their general attitudes and aptitudes.
The key features in Keyboard: Computer Science with Application Software (Second Edition) have been designed
to provide both scholastic and co-scholastic development.

The features such as
Did You Know?, Fast
Forward, Top Tip,
Update Office 2010,
Tricky Terms, and
Memory Bytes, enhance
and reinforce
conceptual knowledge.

The features such as Computer Manners, Projects, and the design of the practical exercises focus both
on scholastic and co-scholastic areas by creating awareness of the ethical and correct use of computers,
as well as the use of computers as a tool for problem-solving in other subjects.

A lesson plan has been devised for each chapter which details the number of periods recommended for
that chapter, the topics covered in that chapter, the recommended topic-wise allocation of periods, the
learning outcomes, and the digital support available for that chapter.
The total number of periods in a year for computer science has been taken as 72 assuming two periods
a week for the subject.
Teachers should go through the lesson plan before stepping into the classroom. However, this is a
proposed lesson plan, and teachers are free to modify it according to their teaching styles or teaching
sequence in respect of the chapters.

Lesson Plans (Total periods: 72*)

Chapter Title

1. The


In This

of Periods

Learning Outcomes

of computers
by size

The students should be

able to:
differentiate between
different categories of
identify the different
categories of


define and
differentiate between
input devices and
output devices
identify common
input/output devices
studied in earlier
explain the use of
specific I/O devices
for specific purposes

Resource CD
Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with

The number of periods given here is based on the assumption of two periods a week per class for computer science.

Chapter Title

2. Advanced
Features of


In This

of Periods

Learning Outcomes

Software and

define the term

differentiate between
system software and
application software,
compilers and
interpreters, and
low-level and highlevel languages
identify which
software falls into
which category.

Headers and

The students should be

able to:
explain the terms
header and footer
insert headers and
footers with various

and Endnotes

define the terms

footnote and
insert a footnote and
an endnote with
various options

Mail Merge

explain the use of

Mail Merge
create a main
document, a data
source, and merged

Resource CD

Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with

Chapter Title

3. Enlivening


In This

with Objects
in MS

of Periods

Learning Outcomes

The students should be

able to:
define the terms Clip
Art and SmartArt
add Clip Art, Shapes,
Pictures, and
SmartArt to
presentations using
the Insert tab
explain the use of the
Microsoft Clip
Organizer feature
search for Clip Art
images online
explain the use of the
Format tab that
appears on selection
of pictures, clip art,
and shapes in a
demonstrate the use
of the Format and
Design tabs that
appears on selection
of SmartArt in a

Creating a
Photo Album

explain the meaning

of a Photo Album
create a photo album
in MS PowerPoint

with Sounds
and Movies

insert sound and

movies from file, Clip
organizer, etc. in a
differentiate between
the two ways to start
sound or video in a
slide show
Automatically or
When Clicked

Resource CD
Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with

Chapter Title

4. Editing Cell
Contents in


In This

of Periods

Learning Outcomes

Adding Slide

define the terms slide

transition and
differentiate between
the On Mouse Click
and Automatically
After options of slide
animate text and
objects in a
differentiate between
the With Previous
and After Previous

Running a
Slide Show

define the term slide

demonstrate the
different ways to start
a slide show
record a narration
that will play while
the slide show runs
and time the slides in
a presentation

Printing a

print an entire
presentation, specific
slides, handouts,
notes pages, or
outline pages.


The students should be

able to:
explain the term
range of cells
select a range of cells,
an entire worksheet,
an entire column, or
an entire row

Resource CD

Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with

Chapter Title

5. Formatting
Data in



In This

of Periods

Learning Outcomes

Editing Cell

explain why partial/

complete modification
may be required
edit cell contents

Inserting and
Cells, Rows,
and Columns

insert/delete cells,
rows, and columns

Row Height
and Column

explain the
requirement for
changing the row
height or column
width of a cell
change row height
and column width


enter a pre-defined
series of data using
create Custom Lists.


The students should be

able to:
explain the term Font
recognize the
functions of all the
buttons in the Font
group of the Home
format a font and set
the cell colour,
pattern, and border

Resource CD

Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with

Chapter Title

6. The Internet
as a Post


In This

of Periods

Learning Outcomes

of Data

differentiate between
the terms alignment
and orientation
describe the functions
of all the buttons in
the Alignment group
on the Home tab
demonstrate the
different types of
alignment of text in a
explain the options
for orientation of data
in a cell
use the Wrap Text
and Merge & Center


identify the functions

of all the buttons in
the Number group
of the Home tab
format numeric data.

Terms and

The students should be

able to:
define and explain the
various Internetrelated terms studied
in the chapter
explain number
addressing and letter

Resource CD

Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with


Chapter Title



In This

of Periods

Learning Outcomes


define the term

compare the features
of websites offering
email services
explain the advantages
of email over ordinary
distinguish between
the two parts of an
email address
describe the features
of a typical email
open an email
account, compose a
message, and send it.
differentiate between
Cc and Bcc options
explain the meaning
of attachments with
an email message
attach a file to an
email message

from the

explain the term

search engine
describe the working
of a search engine
with examples
search for
information on any
subject using a search
engine such as
name a few wellknown e-learning
websites and compare
the courses on offer
(free or with fee)
search for people on
the Internet using any
two of the websites
mentioned in the
chapter and compare
their features.

Resource CD

Chapter Title

7. Introduction
to Flash 8

8. Drawing
Tools in


In This

of Periods

Learning Outcomes

Started with

The students should be

able to:
start a Flash program
identify and explain
the functions of all
the components of
Flash window
explain the use of the
different tools in the
Tools panel
set document
properties using the
Properties dialog
explain the use of the
Property Inspector
define the terms grid
and rulers

Modes in

explain the two

drawing modes in
Drawing and Object


use the Arrow tool

and the Lasso tool.


The students should be

able to:
name and describe
the functions of all
the drawing tools
use and demonstrate
the results for each of
the drawing tools

Lines and

use the Arrow tool to

reshape lines and

Resource CD
Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with

Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with


Chapter Title

9. Creating
in Flash

10. Basics of




In This

of Periods

Learning Outcomes


The students should be

able to:
explain the terms
symbol and instance
convert a drawing
into a symbol

ing the

explain the term

describe the
components of the
Timeline window
playhead, frames,
frame rate, current

Frames and

explain the term

differentiate between
frame and keyframe
describe the steps
required to insert/
delete a frame


define the term

describe and
demonstrate the two
methods of creating
differentiate between
Frame-by-frame and
Tweening animation
differentiate between
motion tweening and
shape tweening

How to Start

The students should be

able to:
explain the origins of
explain the format
and syntax of any
BASIC statement

Resource CD
Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with

Learning outcomes
Answer key to
Students Book
Worksheet with
Test paper with

Chapter Title


In This

of Periods

Learning Outcomes


label different parts of

the QBASIC window
demonstrate various
system commands

Elements of

define constants,
variables, and
explain the concept of
evaluation of
arithmetic expressions
differentiate between
numeric and string
identify valid/invalid
variables and


describe the format of

the LET and PRINT
demonstrate the
statements practically
on the screen
differentiate between
the use of comma and
semicolon in the
PRINT statement
describe the formats
of the INPUT, REM
and CLS statements
explain the use of the
REM statement
differentiate between
the use of the comma
and the semicolon in
the INPUT statement
demonstrate the
statements practically
on the screen

Resource CD


Chapter Title


In This



of Periods

Learning Outcomes

describe the different

formats of the IF
differentiate between
use the IF statements
by using daily life
explain and use the

Resource CD


The complete answer key to the Students Book questions has been given here including for the In the
Lab questions, Worksheets/Assessment papers, Revision Questions, and the Cyber Olympiad Questions.
These are only suggested answers, and variations are possible especially for the open-ended questions,
such as the descriptive questions, and those of In the Lab. Teachers should use their discretion while
checking students answers and award marks based on conceptual accuracy and clarity.


Chapter 1: The Computer System

1. a. optical mark reader
d. C++
2. a. T

b. T

3. a. Hardware
d. System software

b. LCD projector
e. Machine

c. T

d. F

e. Assembler

c. system
e. F
c. Card readers

4. a. Three examples of mobile computers are laptops, tablets, and personal data assistants (PDAs).

b. Microcomputers are used in homes, schools, and offices.

c. Barcode readers are used to scan the barcode on each product and input it into the computer.

d. Smart cards are used in satellite television receivers and are also used in department stores to keep
track of points earned by the customers.

e. System software refers to programs designed to control the operation of a computer system.

f. The different categories of system software are operating systems, drivers, interpreters, compilers,
and assemblers.

g. A compiler is a program that translates a program written in a high-level computer language into
a program in machine language, whereas an interpreter is a program that translates one statement
of a high-level language program into machine code and executes it.

h. The four types of application software are:

Database management system: Oracle

Accounting packages: Tally

Antivirus software: Quick Heal

Backup software: Box backup

5. a. iii
f. iv

b. ii
g. ii

c. iii
h. iv

d. iv

e. iii

In the Lab
1. The input devices in a schools computer lab are keyboard, mouse, microphone, and OMR.
2. The output devices are monitor, printer, LCD projector, and speakers.


3. Microsoft Windows 7 is the operating system that is generally installed on the school computers.

Five commonly used operating systems in the school computer systems are Windows XP, Mac OS,
Unix, Linux, and Windows 2000.

4. The application software programs usually installed in school computers are:

Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Tally, Microsoft Logo, My SQL, Oracle,
Microsoft Security Essentials, Norton antivirus, Winrar, Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, Tux Paint, etc.

5. Antivirus used commonly: Microsoft Security Essentials

Information during the scan: scan type, start time, time elapsed, items scanned

Information after the scan:

Scan completed on 134961 items.

Real time protection: On

Virus & spyware definitions: Updated


Chapter 2: Advanced Features of Microsoft Word

1. a. Footnotes
d. main document

b. Ctrl + Alt + D
e. data source

2. a. F

c. F

b. T

3. a. Headers
d. Merge field

d. T

c. Endnotes
e. T

b. Note reference mark

e. My Data source

c. Mail Merge

4. a. Footers contain text that is repeated at the bottom of each page, whereas footnotes are notes at the
bottom of a page that link to text on that page.
b. Doubleclicking on the header or footer is the quickest way to edit the header or footer.
c. Endnotes are notes at the end of a document that link to text in the document.
d. Data source is the document with the variable data that is inserted into the main document during
the merge.
e. A merge field is a placeholder in the main document that marks where a value is inserted from the
data source.
f. Mail merge involves three main steps: creating the main document, creating the data source, and
merging the main document with the data source.
5. a. ii
e. iv

b. ii
f. ii

c. iii
g. ii

d. ii
h. iv

In the Lab
1. Essay on types of software: Software can be classified as system software and application software.
System software refers to programs designed to control the operation of a computer system. It can be
classified into operating system, drivers, interpreter, compilers, and assemblers. Application software is
designed to help users do some specific type of work. It can be classified into two categories: packages
and utilities.

To add a header and a footer, follow these steps:

To insert a footnote, follow these steps:

Position the cursor at the point where you want to insert a reference mark.
Click on the References tab and Insert Footnote in the Footnotes group.
The cursor will be next to the footnote number at the bottom of the page or at the end of the
document. Type the text for the footnote. Insert the definition of software as The term software
refers to computer programs that are needed for running or operating a computer system.
Similarly, the name of a book can be added as a source of information.
Double-click on the footnote number to return to the document.


Click on the Insert tab.

Click on Header in the Header & Footer group.
Click on the blank header.
Type the title, i.e. Types of software, and insert the date.
Click on Go to Footer in the Navigation group.
Click on Footer in the Header & Footer group.
Type the text.
Click on Close Header and Footer on the Ribbon.

2. The Mail Merge feature can be used to produce the invitation letters:

Step 1:

Create the main document: This document will contain the body of the letter and the
merge fields such as <first name>, <last name>, <address>, <phone no.>, etc.

The body of the letter is as follows:


<first name><last name>


<Phone no.>

With great pleasure and delight I would like to inform you that my parents anniversary is on 23rd
September and I would like to invite you for the same.


Step 2:

Create the data source: The data source will contain the names of the friends and relatives
to whom the invitation will be sent.

Step 3:

Merge the main document with the data source.

3. The Mail Merge feature can be used to produce the letters for the eight schools:

Step 1:

Create the main document: This document will contain the body of the letter and the
merge fields such as <name of the school 1>, <name of the school 2>, ..,
<name of the school 8>, <address1>, <address 2>, , <address 9>

The body of the letter is as follows:

The Principal

<name of the school 2>

<address 2>

Respected Sir,

We would like to inform you that our school is going to organize an inter-school football tournament
on the 20th of next month. The venue for the tournament is Victory Stadium.

The match will start at 10:00 am sharp so you are requested to register for the same.

Yours sincerely

<name of the school 1>

<address 1>

Step 2:

Create the data source: The data source will contain the name and address of the sender
school, i.e. the school organizing the tournament (school 1) and the names and addresses of
at least seven participating schools (school 2), , (school 8).

Step 3:

Merge the main document with the data source .

4. Mail Merge can be used for informing other schools about any tournaments or competitions and also
for preparing circulars for students parents.


Chapter 3: Enlivening Presentations

1. a. Clip art

b. Format

e. animation

d. Transitions

2. a. F

b. T

c. T

c. automatically
d. T

e. F

3. a. Insert

b. Options

c. Play

e. Slide Show

f. Print

d. Remove

4. a. The steps to insert a picture in a slide are:

i. Click on Picture in the Illustrations group on the Insert tab. The Insert Picture dialog box

ii. Open the folder that has the picture you want.

iii. Select the picture and click on Insert. The picture is inserted in the slide.

b. Clip art consists of ready-made picture files and other media files that can be inserted on a slide.
Yes, we can get clip art online.

c. The tabs that appear when we insert a SmartArt graphic on a slide are the Design tab and the
Format tab.

d. A SmartArt Style is a combination of things such as line styles, bevelling, shadow effects, and 3D
effects that you can apply to your SmartArt graphic.

e. Slide transition is an effect that is added when you move from one slide to the next in a

f. The four options that appear when we click on Add Effect on the Custom Animation task pane
are Entrance, Emphasis, Exit, and Motion Paths.

g. We can use the Custom Slide Show option of the Start Slide Show group on the Slide Show
tab to include selected slides in the slide show.

5. a. iv b. iv







e. iv f. ii

In the Lab


In the same way, we can insert more slides and give the details of the school fete.

2. The first slide will contain the name of the school with its logo and a photo of the school building.

The second slide will be the introduction slide of the staff members and principal of the school.

In the next slide, the infrastructure of the school can be presented, and so on.

In the last slide the interview of the principal with a vote of thanks should be placed.

Audio and video files can be appropriately inserted.

3. Slide 1 will contain the figure of a triangle with its definition and an example.

Slide 2 will contain the figure of a square with its definition and an example.

Similarly, five more slides describing rectangles, parallelograms, circles, trapezoids, and rhombuses
can be inserted with descriptions and examples.

4. Slide 1:

Computers are classified as mobile computers, microcomputers, minicomputers,

mainframes, and supercomputers.

Slide 2:

Mobile computers

Slide 3:

A microcomputer is a small computer that is used by one person at a time.

Slide 4:



Slide 5:


To add a transition effect, follow these steps:

Click on the Animations tab.

Click on the More arrow next to it to see all the available transitions.

Click on the arrow next to Transition Sound to display the list of transition sounds.

Choose the Transition speed from Slow, Medium, or Fast.

Click on Apply to All.

5. Slide 1:

Write your name, class, section, and roll number.

Slide 2:

Heading: School Rules & Etiquette

Always wear the school uniform to school.

Slide 3:

Bring your notebooks according to the timetable.

Slide 4:

Always arrive at school on time.

Slide 5:

Greet all your teachers Good morning with a smile.

Slide 6:

Walk in line when moving from one room to another.

Slide 7:

Bring you school diary everyday.

Slide 8:

Wear neat and tidy uniforms, with shoes polished, and hair trimmed short.

Use transition and animation effects to make it more interesting.


Chapter 4: Editing Cell Contents in Microsoft Excel

1. a. active

b. row

e. AutoFill

d. Access

2. a. T

b. T

c. F

c. Formula
d. F

e. T

3. a. Clipboard

b. Paste

e. Pre-defined list or arithmetic series

d. Fill handle

c. Cells

4. a. An active cell is the cell currently selected which is identified by a thick, black border.

b. We can select an entire row or column by clicking on the row heading or column heading.

c. To insert a column after column B:

i. Place the cursor in column C.

ii. Click on Insert sheet columns in the drop-down menu below Insert in the Cells group. The
selected column is shifted to the right.

d. The default row height is 12.75 points and the default column width is 8.43 characters.

e. The four options in the Delete dialog box are:

f. The AutoFill feature of Excel allows us to fill a range of cells with data from a series without
typing the data.

g. To fill a range with a series of numbers 10, 20, , 100 do the following:

i. Type the first two values of the series in two adjacent cells.

ii. Select the two cells.

iii. Click the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the selected cells and drag it to enclose the area
you want to fill.

iv. Release the mouse button.

h. i. Open the Custom Lists dialog box.

ii. Type the required list in List entries.

iii. Click on the Add button.

Shift cells left, Shift cells up, Entire row, and Entire column.

5. a. ii

b. iii

c. ii

d. iii

f. iv

g. iii

h. iii

e. iv

In the Lab
1. Type Jan in an Excel sheet cell. Then drag the small black square in the lower-right corner of the cell.
Release the mouse button when you reach Dec in the last cell.

Similarly, we can use the same method given above to AutoFill days of the week. In the first cell type
Sunday and drag it up to Saturday.

Type 9:00 in the cell. Using Format Cell, convert it into time format display. Then drag the cell till
you reach 10:00 PM.


Type 01-Mar in the cell. Drag the cell till you reach 31-Mar.

2. Type the neighbouring countries of Paksitan in Excel cells as shown below and select all the cells.

With the list selected, open the Customs List dialog box under Windows Options.

Click on the Import button. Excel copies the data from the selected cell. Now, make a new list and
click on OK.

Using the AutoFill option, type Iran in the cell and drag the cell. The complete list will appear.

The same method can be used for the friends, flowers, and continents lists.

3. i.
Roll Number

Anum Ashraf
Danish Hasan
Khalid Anwar
Ahmed Qureshi
Saba Saeed

Bus Number


ii. To insert a column after Name:

1. Place the cursor in the column after Name where you want the new column.

2. Click on Insert Sheet Columns in the drop-down menu below Insert in the Cells group.
The selected column is shifted to the right and we can add the telephone numbers.

iii. To insert a row after roll number 1:

1. Place the cursor in the row (roll number 1) where you want the new row.

2. Click on Insert Sheet Rows in the drop-down menu below Insert in the Cells group. The
selected row is shifted down and now we can add data for roll number 4.

Salesman Code

Sales Details in Rs 000




i. 1. Select the heading row.

2. Click on the Format button in the Cells group on the Home tab.

3. Click on Row Height. The Row Height dialog box appears.

4. Enter the new row height, i.e. 20 and click on OK. The height of the selected rows will change.


ii. 1. Select the remaining rows.

2. Click on the Format button in the Cells group on the Home tab.

3. Click on Row Height. The Row Height dialog box appears.

4. Enter the new row height, i.e. 18 and click on OK. The height of the selected rows will change.

iii. 1. Select the columns 2, 3, 4, and 5.

2. Click on the Format button in the Cells group on the Home tab.

3. Click on Column Width. The Column Width dialog box appears.

4. Enter the new column width, i.e. 12 and click on OK. The width of the selected columns will change.
13 Jan
05 Feb
23 Mar
1 May
28-30 July
4 Aug
4-6 Oct
3 Nov
9 Nov
25 Dec


List of Holidays 2014

Eid Milad-un-Nabi
Kashmir Day
Pakistan Day
Labour Day
Independence Day
Iqbal Day
Birthday of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah


Chapter 5: Formatting Data in Microsoft Excel

1. a. formatting

b. points

e. Wrap Text

d. Numbers

2. a. F

b. F

d. T

e. F

b. Fill color

3. a. Points

c. T

c. Alignment

d. Number

c. Orientation

e. Accounting Number Format

4. a. The buttons in the lower row are Bold, Italic, Underline, Borders, Fill color, and Font color.

b. Data alignment means the position in which the data is placed within the boundary of a cell.

c. Data orientation is the relative physical position or direction of the text.

d. By default, numbers are always right-aligned and text data is left-aligned.

e. The three options for horizontal data alignment in a cell are Left, Center, and Right.

f. In Microsoft Excel when text cannot fit in a cell, it spills out into adjacent cells.

g. Merge & Center in the Alignment group is a way of dealing with long text in which it merges
adjacent cells into one large cell.

h. The Accounting Number Format button.

i. The Comma Style button in the Number group separates the thousands with commas.

5. a. i

b. iv

c. ii

d. iv

f. iv

g. iv

h. ii

e. iii

In the Lab

Normal room Temperature
Normal Human Body
Temperature of Boiling Water


Temperature in Celsius

Temperature in Fahrenheit



Budget Report of 20122013

Allotted Amount
Expenditure Amount



Chapter 6: The Internet as a Post Office

1. a. ISP

b. website

c. home

d. URL

e. four

2. a. F

b. F

c. T

d. T

e. F

3. a. Internet

b. Modem

c. Inbox

d. Sent

e. Attachment

4. a. The two types of URL addressing schemes are number addressing and letter addressing.

b. .com stands for commercial organization

.edu stands for educational institution

.au stands for Australia

c. An email is an electronic message sent from one computer to another.

d. Two advantages of email over ordinary post are speed and cost.

e. The two parts of an email address are the users login name and the computers address.

f. Four features of an email program are Inbox, Drafts, New, and Reply.

g. Cc (carbon copy) sends the same message to several people at the same time and Bcc (blind carbon
copy) sends the same message to several people at the same time without letting them know that
others have also received the same message.

h. The steps to attach a file to an email message are:

Click on Attachment on the compose message screen. The Choose File to Upload dialog box
appears. Locate and select the file that you want to attach, and then click on Open.

5. a. i

b. iii

c. ii

f. iv

g. iv

e. ii

d. ii

In the Lab
1. Follow these steps to open an email account:

a. Connect to the Internet and open any web browser, say Internet Explorer.

b. Type in the address bar and press the Enter key. The Hotmail page will appear.
To open a new account, click on Sign Up in the left column.

c. Fill in the Hotmail registration form that appears.

i. Type the username you would like to use in the Windows Live Id box.

ii. The email address can end with either or Choose one from the dropdown menu.

iii. Type your password in the Create a password box.

iv. Type the password again in the Retype a password box. Do not copy and paste.

v. If you have another email address, type it in the Alternate email address box. Otherwise you
can click on Or choose a security question. A security question will help you recover your
password should you forget it.

vi. Fill in your name, country, postal code, gender, and birth date.


d. Finally, copy the distorted letters and numbers you see on screen.

e. After you fill in the form, click on I accept.

2. Open your hotmail email id and choose the New option to write the email to a friend.

Type the email id of your friend in the To box and type film review as the Subject.

In the message area, type the following:

Dear Friend,

I went to see a film with my parents. I really liked it. The stunts were very adventurous. In the interval,
we had a combo popcorn with ice cream. The second half was also exciting. You must go and see the
film. Then we can discuss it together.

Click on Send and the email will reach your friend.

3. Open your hotmail email id and click on the email received from your friend in the Inbox. Then click
on Reply to send your message.

In the message area, type the following:

Dear Friend,

I read your mail and Im very excited to watch the same film as your views sound exciting. I plan to see
in the weekend and then Ill also share my opinion.

Take care (You can add smileys here)

Click on Send to send the message.

4. Click on Forward to forward the email. Type the email address of another friend and type your
message in the message area as below:

Hi Friend,

Im forwarding the email of our friend about his view on the new film. You can also watch this and tell
us whether you liked it or not.

Click on Send to forward the message.

5. Click on New to write an email to a friend. A screen will appear where you can compose your message.

Type all the five recipients email addresses in the To box, separated by commas.

Type invitation in the Subject box.

Type the message in the message area :

Dear All,

I invite all of you to my birthday party this Saturday. The venue will be my home and the time will be
6:00 pm. Hoping to see you all.

Click on Send when you finish typing. A copy of the sent message will be stored in the Sent

To print a copy of the birthday invitation, go to the Sent folder, open the email sent to your friends,
and click on Print.


6. Type the following paragraph in the Word document and save the document as Email benefits.docx.

An email is an electronic message sent from one computer to another. The message can include text,
pictures, and sound.

These are some advantages of using email:

Speed: Email is much quicker than normal post. A message can reach any part of the world in a fraction
of a second.

Content: An email message can consist of only a few lines of text or of several thousand lines. Unlike
the postal service, the message is not charged by weight.

Cost: There is no charge for sending and receiving email messages, even though the message travels
across the world.

Receiving messages: We need not be at our computer all the time to receive a message. Any message
sent to us is stored safely in our email account.

To attach a document with an email, follow the steps given below:

1. Click on Attachment on the compose message screen. The Choose File to Upload dialog box
appears. Locate and select the file that you want to attach, and then click on Open.

2. The attached file information appears. Send the email message as usual.


Chapter 7: Introduction to Flash 8

1. a. zoom in

b. zoom out

e. grid

d. Properties Inspector

2. a. T

b. F

c. F

3. a. Stage

d. T
b. Options

d. Property Inspector

c. 12
e. T
c. Modify

e. File

4. a. The background colour of the document can be changed using the Colors area from the Tools

b. The Magnifier tool has two options: Enlarge or Zoom in and Reduce or Zoom out.

c. To display the grid on the stage, click on View Grid Show Grid.

d. The grid is helpful when creating graphics. It helps to place and align objects in particular positions
on the stage.

e. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R

f. We can click on the Expand/Collapse icon above the Property inspector to collapse it and
minimize its size whenever we want.

g. The steps to save a Flash file are:

Click on File Save As. The Save As dialog box appears.

Select the drive and folder where you want to save your file. Type the filename in the File
name box. Click on the Save button.

h. To select irregular areas of a drawing, follow these steps:

Select the Lasso tool.

Drag the cursor on the Stage to specify the boundary of the selection.

End the selection approximately near the point where you started.

5. a. iii

b. i

c. ii

d. i

f. iii

g. i

h. iii

e. ii

In the Lab
1. To start Flash:

a. Click on All Programs in the Windows Start menu.

b. Click on Macromedia and then click on Macromedia Flash 8. The Flash opening screen
appears. It has three columns: Open a Recent Item, Create New, and Create from Template.

c. Click on Flash Document under Create New in the centre column of the Flash opening screen.
When you create a new document you see the Flash window with an untitled document showing its
main components: Tools panel, Modifiers, Stage, Property Inspector and the Timeline.


2. To create a new document in Flash:

Select File New from the menu. The New Document dialog box is displayed. Click on Flash
Document in the Type list and click on OK.

To change the background colour and change ruler units to inches, open the Document Properties
window as follows:

Select Modify Document from the menu. The Document Properties window will appear.

As the window appears we can change the background colour to blue and ruler units to inches.

To display the rulers: Click on View Rulers.

3. a. Click on File Open. The Open dialog box appears.

b. Select the drive and the folder. Click on the Open button.

After opening the drawing, click on the Arrow tool in the Tools panel and select different properties as
required with the Arrow tool.

Similarly, to select parts of the drawing using the Lasso tool, follow these steps:

a. Select the Lasso tool.

b. Drag the cursor on the Stage to specify the boundary of the selection.

c. End the selection near the point where you started.

4. Select File New from the menu. The New Document dialog box is displayed. Click on Flash
Document in the Type list and click on OK.

Merge drawing mode is the default mode. In this we will use the Circle tool to draw two
overlapping circles and fill colour (one pink and the other red). Using the Fill color tool and the
Stroke color tool we can colour the outline of the circle, (pink and red) so that the outline of the
circles are not seen.

Using the Arrow tool we can select the circles separately. If we try to drag the pink circle, the portion
of the circle that overlaid the other circle will be removed.

In Object drawing mode, the shapes do not merge together and we can move them apart without
altering their appearance.


Chapter 8: Drawing Tools in Flash

1. a. PolyStar

d. Color Mixer

2. a. F

b. T

3. a. Tools panel

d. PolyStar

b. Eraser tool

c. Ink Bottle

e. Arrow
c. T

d. F

b. Line tool

e. T
c. Shift

e. Smooth

4. a. The Rectangle tool is used to draw rectangles or squares; whereas the PolyStar tool is used to
draw polygons and stars.

b. Pressing the Shift key while dragging the cursor draws an exact circle with the Oval tool.

c. The Paint Behind option of the Brush tool will be used to paint the background of a drawing so
that lines and fills remain unaffected.

d. A gradient is a multicolored fill in which colours gradually change into other colours.

e. The Gap Size modifiers of the Paint bucket tool are:

f. The Ink Bottle tool is used to change the colour and style of an existing line.

Dont Close Gaps, Close Small gaps, Close Medium Gaps, and Close Large Gaps.

5. a. iv

b. ii

c. ii

d. ii

e. iv

f. ii

g. i

In the Lab
1. We can use the Line tool to draw different types of kite. To fill colour in the kites we can use the Fill
Transform tool from the drawing tools available in Flash.
2. We can draw the flowers using the Pencil tool and fill colour using the Fill color tool. We can write
text with the Text tool and apply different fonts and font colours.
3. The Pencil tool (options available with the tool can also be used if required) can be used to draw the
body of the car. The wheels of the car can be drawn using the Oval tool from the drawing tools. The
Fill color tool can be used to fill colour.
4. We can use the Pencil tool (options available with the tool can also be used if required) in Flash to
draw the required landscape and then fill in the colours using the Fill color tool.
5. We can use the Oval tool or the Pencil tool to draw the shape of the face and body of the cartoon. The
Oval tool can be used to draw the eyes, and other parts can be drawn using the Pencil tool or other
tools as required. Colour can be filled in using the Fill color tool.


Chapter 9: Creating Animation in Flash

1. a. frames

b. Timeline

c. symbol

d. motion

e. shape

2. a. F

b. T

c. F

d. T

e. F

3. a. Instance

b. Playhead

c. Keyframe

e. Motion tweening

d. Frame

4. a. A symbol is a graphic image, animation, or button that is stored with a movie in Flash. An instance
is an occurrence of a symbol.

b. The steps to convert an existing drawing into a symbol are:

i. Select the drawing object on the Stage.

ii. The Convert to Symbol dialog box appears.

Select Modify Convert to Symbol

Type a name for the symbol.

Select the type from Movie clip, Button, or Graphic. Choose Graphic.

Click on OK.

c. Flash stores symbols in folders called libraries.

d. The steps to insert a frame or keyframe are:

In the Timeline window, click on a rectangular placeholder where you want to insert a frame
or a keyframe.

Select Insert Timeline Keyframe

e. The steps to delete a frame are:

Select the frame in the Timeline.

Right-click and select Remove Frames on the shortcut menu.

f. Flash has different ways of creating animation.

Frame-by-frame animation

Tweening animation: motion tweening and shape tweening

g. A keyframe in a Flash movie can be recognized by black dots.

5. a. i

b. iii

c. ii

d. i

f. ii

g. ii

h. ii

e. ii

In the Lab
1. Draw three different trees using the Pencil tool and fill colours using the Fill color tool.

To convert these trees into symbols, follow these steps:

Select the trees on the Stage.

Select Modify Convert to Symbol.


The Convert to Symbol dialog box appears.

a. Type a name for the symbol.

b. Choose Graphic for the symbol type.
c. Click on OK.


Draw a picture of a fish in the left corner of the Stage in frame 1.

Convert the fish into a symbol.

Select Modify Convert to Symbol

Assign a symbol. You will see a blue square around the image.

Select frame number 20 in the Timeline window and insert a keyframe by pressing F6 or selecting
Insert Timeline Keyframe.

Notice that all frames from 2 to 19 are now grey. Frame 20 has a grey fill with a black dot,
indicating that it is a keyframe.

Select frame 20. Select the fish and move it to the right of the Stage.

Select any frame between 2 and 19. With the cursor in the grey area, right-click and select Create
Motion Tween from the shortcut menu.

Play the movie. You will see the fish moving across the screen.


Select the first frame and draw a star.

Select frame 40 in the Timeline window and insert a keyframe. Still on frame 40, select the star and
delete it. Draw a ten-sided polygon.

Click on any frame between 1 and 40. In the Property Inspector panel, select Shape from the
Tween drop-down menu.

Notice the change in the Timeline window. A light-green colour with a solid arrow appears
between the frames. The drawing on the Stage is a mix of the two drawings.

Play the movie. You will see the star change into a ten-sided polygon.


Select the Oval tool from the Tools panel.

Click on the Stage and draw a circle.

Fill red colour using the Fill color tool.

Click on the fifth frame in the Timeline window.

Insert a keyframe by selecting Insert Timeline Keyframe or by pressing F6.

Click on the Stage and draw another circle using the Oval tool and fill with blue using the Fill
color tool.

Add some more keyframes and draw more circles in each newly inserted keyframes.

To play the movie:

a. Click on the first frame in the Timeline window.

b. Select Control Play.



Draw a picture of a kite in the left corner of the Stage in frame 1.

Convert the kite into a symbol.

Select Modify Convert to Symbol.

Give the symbol the name kite. You will see a blue square around the image.

Select frame number 10 in the Timeline window and insert a keyframe by pressing F6 or selecting
Insert Timeline Keyframe.

Notice that all frames from 2 to 9 are now grey. Frame 10 has a grey fill with a black dot, indicating
that it is a keyframe.

Select frame 10. Select the kite and move it to the right of the Stage.

Repeat steps 3 and 5 and insert more frames.

Select any frame between 2 and the last frame. With the cursor in the grey area, right-click and
select Create Motion Tween from the shortcut menu.

Play the movie. You will see the kite moving across the screen.


Chapter 10: Basics of BASIC

1. a. constant

b. String

c. variable

d. expression

e. statement

2. a. F b.

T c.

T d.

F e.

3. a. String constants

b. \

c. Relational

d. Logical

e. Comments

4. a. The two types of constants are string and numeric constants.

Examples of numeric constants are 1763, 345.678

Examples of string constants are Hello, 15/07/12


c. A constant is a value that does not change during program execution. A variable is a named area of
memory used to store a value temporarily.

d. Reserved words or keywords are the words which have special meaning in QBasic. REM and
INPUT are two reserved words.

e. The hierarchy of arithmetic operators is as follows:




Multiplication and Division

* ,

Integer division

Modulus (Remainder)


Addition and Subtraction

+ ,

f. The two ways of adding comments to a program are:

1. Using the REM statement

2. Using an apostrophe or single quote.

g. The syntax of the SELECT CASE statement is:

SELECT CASE expression or value

CASE value 1

CASE value 2



A variable name cannot be a reserved word. It can have a maximum of 40 characters. It can contain
letters, numbers, and decimal points. It must start with a letter and it cannot contain a space.

[Statement (s)]
[Statement (s)]
[Statement (s)]


5. a. ii

b. ii

c. iii

d. iii

f. ii

g. i

h. ii

e. i

In the Lab
1. CLS

INPUT Enter two numbers; A, B

PRINT The sum of two numbers is; A+B

PRINT The difference of two numbers is; A-B

PRINT The product of two numbers is; A*B

PRINT The quotient of two numbers is; A/B

PRINT The remainder of two numbers is; A MOD B


2. CLS

INPUT Enter the number; A



PRINT A is divisible by 7


PRINT A is not divisible by 7



3. CLS

INPUT Enter the temperature in Celsius; C

F = C*9/5+32

PRINT The temperature in Fahrenheit is; F


4. CLS

INPUT Enter the length of room; l1

INPUT Enter the breadth of room;b1

INPUT Enter the height of room; h1

INPUT Enter the length of box; l2

INPUT Enter the breadth of box; b2

INPUT Enter the height of box; h2

VOR = l1 * b1 * h1

VOB = l2 * b2 * h2


Total boxes = VOR/VOB

PRINT The volume of the room is; VOR

PRINT The volume of the box is; VOB

PRINT The total number of boxes fitted in the room is; Total boxes


5. CLS

INPUT Enter the sales amount; samt

IF samt>100000 AND samt<50000 THEN


Net amt= samt

ELSEIF samt>50000 AND samt<=100000 THEN

Discount = 0.5/100 * samt

Net amt = samt Discount

ELSEIF samt >100000 AND samt<=200000 THEN


Net amt=samt Discount



Net amt=samt Discount


PRINT The discount is; Discount

PRINT The net amount is; Net amt



Assessment 1
1. a. barcode reader

b. OMR

2. Operating system

Linux, Windows

Utility Program

Quick Heal, McAfee

Application program

MS PowerPoint, MySQL

3. a. Smart Cards: Smart cards contain a small chip instead of a magnetic strip.

b. Plotters:

A plotter is used for creating high-quality graphics, tables, charts, etc.

Plotters use ink pens or ink jets to create graphics on paper.

A smart card reader can read and write data on the card.

4. a. System software

b. Drivers

c. Compiler

d. High-level language

e. Header

f. Endnote

g. Mailings

h. Main document

i. Merge field


Assessment 2
1. a. SmartArt graphics are used to add a variety of useful graphics to a presentation.

b. A Photo Album is a PowerPoint presentation that is created to display photographs.

c. Slide transitions are the effects that are added when we move from one slide to the next in a

2. a. Format tab

b. Clip art

c. Slide Show

e. Orientation

f. $1,234,567.00

d. Alignment

3. a. The Merge and Center feature is used.

b. The Wrap Text feature is used in cell B5.

c. The cell contents of cells D7 to D12 will be:


d. The contents of cells F8, F9, and F10 will be: 11, 15, and 19.

4. a. Ctrl + Z

c. Ctrl + C

d. Ctrl + V

b. Ctrl + Y


Comprehensive Assessment 1
1. a. Barcode reader

b. Microsoft Excel

c. Custom Animation

e. F2

f. Pre-defined series

d. Rehearse Timings

2. a. System software refers to programs designed to control the operation of a computer system.

b. Two features that make presentations more interesting are animation and transitions.

c. The two ways of advancing a slide are: On Mouse Click and Automatically After.

d. The steps are:

i. Select the cells from A1 to B5.

ii. Click on the Home tab.

iii. Click on Copy in the Clipboard group. A dotted line appears around the selected cells.

iv. Click on cell D1 where you want to copy data.

v. Click on the Paste button.

e. The steps are:

i. Type the first two values, i.e. 1 and 2 in the cells A1 and A2.

ii. Select the two cells, i.e. A1 and A2.

iii. Click the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the selected cells and drag it to cell A100.

iv. Release the mouse button. The range is automatically filled from 1 to 100.

f. The main document contains standard text that will be the same for all the letters and it also
contains merge fields that will be different for each.

g. The data source contains the variable data that will be merged with the main document to produce
the final letters.

3. a. mobile

b. Machine

c. moving

d. Endnotes

e. Microsoft Office

4. a. The numbers next to the objects indicate that there is some animation in the objects.

b. The icon indicates that sound has been added on the slide.

c. Clip art

d. To change the sequence of animation, select an animation and use the up or down arrow to move it
to a different position in the list.

e. To view all the animation on the current slide, click on Play.

5. a. Left

b. Center

e. Orientation

d. Fill color

c. Right

6. a. iii

b. i

c. i

d. iii

e. iii

g. i

h. iii

i. ii

j. ii


f. ii

Assessment 3
1. a. Internet

b. Internet service provider

e. URL

d. Home page

2. a. Tools panel

b. Timeline

d. Property Inspector

c. Stage

3. a. 12 fps

b. Pixels

e. Ctrl + J

d. White

c. Modem

c. 550px x 400px

4. a. Inbox

b. Drafts

c. It stores sent messages.

d. Compose

e. Attachment

f. Add Cc will send the same message to several people at the same time and everyone can see the
names of all the recipients, whereas Add Bcc will do this without letting them know that others
have also received the same message.


Assessment 4
1. a. Numeric constant

b. String constant

d. Numeric constant

c. String constant

2. a. Symbol

b. Shape tweening

e. Input

d. .BAS

c. $



1. Line tool

Used to draw straight lines

2. Rectangle tool

Used to draw rectangles and squares

3. Oval tool

Used to draw ovals and circles

4. Brush tool

Used to paint freely on the Stage

5. Pencil tool

Used to draw on the screen, just as you use a pencil to draw on paper

4. a. 12.0 fps

b. 20

c. 1. Frames

d. Insert Timeline Key frame

e. 1, 15, and 20


2. Playhead

Comprehensive Assessment 2
1. a. Attachment

b. Ink Bottle tool

c. Lasso tool

d. Ctrl + L


g. REM

h. CLS

e. Timeline

2. a. The two types of Internet addresses are number addressing and letter addressing.

b. Two advantages of email over ordinary mail are speed and cost.

c. A symbol is a graphic image, animation, or button that is stored with a movie. An instance is an
occurrence of a symbol.

d. Select Window Properties Properties to display the Property Inspector window if it is

not visible in Flash.

e. The two types of animation in Flash are frame-by-frame animation and tweening animation.

f. Control Play Enter

g. Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

h. The examples are:

Let R = 9.5 + 3


3. a. Bcc

b. Shift

c. PolyStar

d. frame

e. uniform resource locator

f. Constants

g. logical

4. CLS

INPUT Enter a number, A


Print The number is positive.



PRINT The number is negative.



PRINT The number is zero.


5. a. iii

b. iii

c. iv

d. ii

g. iv

h. iii

i. iv

f. ii

e. i


Cyber Olympiad Questions

1. d

21. b

2. c

22. a

3. c

23. c

4. d

24. d

5. b

25. d

6. c

26. b

7. b

27. c

8. c

28. c

9. b

29. d

10. d

30. a

11. a

31. b

12. d

32. c

13. d

33. b

14. a

34. d

15. a

35. b

16. a

36. d

17. c

37. a

18. a

38. c

19. b

39. b

20. a

40. d


Revision Questions
1. a. Ctrl + C

b. surfing

c. high

d. barcode

e. antivirus

f. A1

g. Clipboard

h. emoticons

i. Shift + F5

j. Input

2. a. F

b. T

c. T

d. T

e. F

g. F

h. F

i. T

j. T

f. F

3. Department stores use smart cards to keep track of how many points customers have earned by buying
4. A software package is a computer application consisting of one or more programs created to do a
particular type of work; whereas utilities are programs designed to do maintenance work on the system.
5. A program in a high-level language is called a source program.
6. A data source is a document containing the variable data that is inserted into the main document during
the merge.
7. Endnotes are used to provide explanations, comments, or references for text in a document.
8. The steps to insert a column in Microsoft Excel are:

a. Place the cursor in the column where you want the new column.

b. Click on Insert Sheet Columns in the drop-down menu below Insert in the Cells group. The
selected column is shifted to the right.

9. The steps to change the font of text in a cell are:

a. Select the cell.

b. Click on the arrow next to Font. A menu appears. Click the font you want, e.g. Times New
Roman. Excel changes the font in the selected cell.

10. We will use the Auto Fill feature of Microsoft Excel.

11. The steps to change the row height are:

a. Select the row.

b. Click on the Format button in the Cells group on the Home tab.

c. Click on Row Height. The Row Height dialog box appears.

d. Enter the new row height and click on OK.

12. The Home tab has formatting features.

13. Copying cell contents means moving data from one place to another, leaving the original data in its
place; whereas moving cell contents means the original data is moved from one place to another.
14. Bcc is used to send the same message to several people without letting them know that others have also
received the same mail.
15. Cc stands for carbon copy and Bcc stands for blind carbon copy.
16. A search engine is a program that searches the Web for specified keywords and returns a list of the web
pages where the keywords are found.

An example is


17. Two sites that offer free email services are and
18. .ca Canada

.jp Japan

.uk United Kingdom

.us United States of America

19. ISP: Internet Service Provider

HTML: HyperText Markup Language

20. WWW stands for World Wide Web and it is the worldwide collection of publicly accessible web pages
stored on computers connected to the Internet.
21. The steps to create a new document in Flash are:

Click on Flash Document under Create New in the centre column of the Flash opening screen. Or
Select File New from the menu. The New Document dialog box is displayed. Click on Flash
Document in the Type list and click on OK.

22. We can change movie properties with the help of the Property Inspector panel.
23. The keyboard shortcut to display the Document Properties dialog box in Flash is Ctrl + N.
24. A grid is a system of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines on the Stage. To display the grid, click on
View Grid Show Grid.
25. The keyboard shortcuts in Flash to:
Ctrl +

Show the grid

Show/Hide the rulers Ctrl + Shift + Alt

26. The two drawing modes in Flash are the Merge Drawing mode and the Object Drawing mode.
27. The tool used to draw straight lines is the Line tool and the tool used for reshaping lines is the Arrow
28. The Lasso tool is used to select irregular areas.
29. The function of the Property inspector panel in Flash is to set the properties of the objects.
30. The PolyStar tool is used to draw polygons and stars.
31. The different options available with the Pencil tool are: Straighten, Smooth, and Ink.
32. The various options are:

Erase Normal, Erase fills, Erase Lines, Erase Selected Fills, and Erase Inside.

33. The Paint Behind option of the Brush Mode is used to paint blank areas of the Stage while leaving
fills and lines unaffected.
34. No, we cannot use symbols for shape tweening.
35. In motion tweened animation, we only specify the first keyframe and the last keyframe; whereas in
shape tweened animation the drawing transforms into another drawing over time.
36. Transitions are the effects that are added when you move from one slide to the next in a presentation.
37. The transition effect can be added as follows:


a. Click on the Animations tab.

b. The Transition To This Slide group has a row of transitions. Select a transition and click on it.

c. Select the Transition Sound.

d. Choose a Transition Speed.

e. Click on Apply To All.

38. The two types of constants are numeric constants and string constants.

Numeric constant: 0.234

String constant: Hello, how are you?

39. A variable is an area in computer memory that has a name and that stores data temporarily. The rules
for naming variables in QBasic are:

A variable name:

cannot be a reserved word

can have a maximum of 40 characters

can have letters, numbers, and decimal points

must start with a letter

cannot contain a space.

40. a. Values should not be given with the INPUT statement; only variables are accepted.

b. Inverted commas need to be closed also.

c. The THEN statement is missing and the string constant Sunday should be enclosed in inverted


Worksheets have been provided for all chapters of the Students Book.
Each worksheet is marked out of 15 and is recommended as a formative assessment paper.
It is possible to use these worksheets by photocopying them at approx. 120% magnification.
The questions in the worksheets may also be used as samples to create your own additional worksheets.


Chapter 1: The Computer System

15 Marks

Q1. Crossword



2. The physical components or parts of a computer system

3. Big, multi-user computers mainly used for bulk data processing

4. It is the type of software that is designed to control the operation of a computer.


1. A sequence of step-by-step instructions to perform a particular task

5. The first computer language to use words made with letters of the alphabet

Q2. Jumbled Words







Hint: This software is designed to help users do a particular type of work.

Hint: A printing device that uses ink pens or ink jets to create graphics on paper
Hint: It is a program that translates a high-level computer language program into a program in
machine language.
Hint: It is a high-level language.
Hint: A computer application consisting of one or more programs


Q3. What Am I?

1. I am used for reading information stored on various types of cards.

2. I can scan characters printed in magnetic ink.

3. I look like a magnetic strip card, but I contain a small chip instead of a magnetic strip.

4. I am a type of product code that is a unique combination of vertical bars that represents product
information such as price.

5. I am a program that translates one statement at a time of a high-level language program into
machine code and executes it.



Chapter 2: Advanced Features of Microsoft Word

15 Marks

Q1. Crossword




2. This tab has commands to work with headers and footers.

4. It is used for citation of sources.

5. It contains detailed comments about something in the text.


1. It is the text printed at the top of each page in a document.

3. It is the process of combining the main document with the data source so that letters to
different recipients can be sent.

Q2. Jumbled Words







Hint: It is printed at the bottom of the page.

Hint: It can create documents to be sent to a large number of people.
Hint: It appears at the end of a document or section.
Hint: It contains the variable data to be used in Mail Merge.
Hint: It is the text printed at the top of each page in a document.


Q3. What Am I?

1. I am the view in which you can see the headers and footers.

2. I am the feature of Word used to send the same letter to a large group of people.

3. I am the document with standard text that is merged with the data source to produce individual

4. I am the keyboard shortcut for inserting a footnote.

5. I am the default folder where the address list for Mail Merge is saved.



Chapter 3: Enlivening Presentations

15 Marks

Q1. Wordsearch


Search for five PowerPoint-related terms in the grid given below:


Q2. Jumbled Words







Hint: This group on the SmartArt Tools Design tab allows you to switch to a different SmartArt
Hint: A special sound or visual effect on a slide
Hint: It is the option used to select an effect for when the object is on the slide.
Hint: It shows how the slide will appear on screen.
Hint: It refers to the thickness of the border of a shape.

Q3. Figure Speak


Identify the functions of the icons marked A to E in the screenshot shown below.


Chapter 4: Editing Cell Contents in Microsoft Excel 15 Marks

Q1. Label the components marked from A to E on the screenshot.







Q2. Jumbled Words







Hint: The rectangular box where you can enter data in a worksheet
Hint: The toolbar that has the Undo and Redo buttons
Hint: The thick line around an active cell
Hint: The tab that contains the Clipboard group
Hint: A method by which you can move the entire contents of a cell to another location

Q3. What Am I?


1. I am the grid of rectangular cells in which you can enter data and work on it.

2. I am the bar in which you can edit the cell contents.

3. I am the light blue box at the top of the worksheet that is labelled with a letter of the alphabet.

4. I am the keyboard shortcut to edit the contents of a cell after it is selected.

5. I am a feature of Excel using which you can fill a range of cells with data from a list without typing
the data.


Chapter 5: Formatting Data in Microsoft Excel

15 Marks

Q1. Wordsearch


Search for five MS Excel terms in the grid given below:


Q2. Jumbled Words







Hint: It refers to the position of data within the boundary of a cell.

Hint: This feature confines the data to a cell and displays it in multiple lines.
Hint: This button in the Number group separates the thousands with commas.
Hint: Clicking on this button shows a number as a percentage.
Hint: This refers to the relative physical position or direction of text.

Q3. What Am I?


1. I am the button in the Number group that adds a currency symbol to a number.

2. I am the tool that draws borders around every cell which has been selected in the worksheet.

3. I am the option in the Alignment group which confines the data in a cell and displays it in
multiple lines.

4. I am the option by which adjacent cells are merged into one large cell.

5. I am the option used to add background colour to the cells.


Chapter 6: The Internet as a Post Office

15 Marks

Q1. Crossword




2. The front page or index page of any website

4. An electronic message sent from one computer to another
5. A worldwide network of millions of computers


1. A collection of web pages with related information

3. Short for modulator-demodulator

Q2. Jumbled Words






Hint: Stores incoming email messages

Hint: Sharing a received email message with others
Hint: List of email addresses
Hint: Smiley used in an email message
Hint: Exploring the Internet

Q3. What Am I?

1. I am the email folder that stores messages that you have started to write and have not yet sent.

2. I make it easier to search for information on the Internet.

3. In the Internet letter addressing system, I am the two-letter country code for Switzerland.

4. I am the program used to read HTML documents on the Internet.

5. I am the short form of the unique address identifying a website or web page on the Internet.




Chapter 7: Introduction to Flash 8

15 Marks

Q1. Wordsearch


Search for five terms related to Flash in the grid given below:

Q2. Jumbled Words







Hint: Also referred to as the Zoom tool

Hint: Setting for the speed of the movie
Hint: One of the drawing modes
Hint: Used to set tool options
Hint: Tool used to colour the outlines of the drawing

Q3. List three facts about the following:

a. Tools panel

b. Rulers



Chapter 8: Drawing Tools in Flash

15 Marks

Q1. Crossword



3. Tool used to draw circles

5. Tool used to draw polygons and stars


1. Tool used to paint freely on the Stage

2. A multicoloured fill

5. The outline of a shape

Q2. Figure Speak


In the following figure, identify the tools marked A-E.


Q3. What Am I?

1. I am a tool used to draw squares.

2. I am a tool used to change the colour, style, and thickness of existing lines.

3. I am a tool which, when double-clicked, deletes everything on the Stage.

4. I am a tool used to reshape lines and shapes.

5. I am the gradient option that creates a gradient in a circular pattern.



Chapter 9: Creating Animation in Flash

15 Marks

Q1. Wordsearch


Search for five animation-related terms in Flash in the grid given below:

Q2. Jumbled Words







Hint: A graphic image, animation, or button that is stored with a movie

Hint: These are folders where Flash stores symbols.
Hint: A component of the Timeline that indicates the current frame on the Stage and the current
status of the movie
Hint: It is the effect that you get when frames are displayed rapidly.
Hint: The tool used in shape tweening to reshape the lines and change the object.

Q3. What Am I?

1. I am an occurrence of a symbol.

2. I am the basic unit of any Flash movie.

3. I am the area where you work with frames.

4. I am the panel which has the Text tool.

5. I am the keyboard shortcut to display the Library panel.



Chapter 10: Basics of BASIC

15 Marks

Q1. Label the components marked from A to D on the QBasic Window.






Q2. Jumbled Words







Hint: Used to store data temporarily

Hint: Another name for the remainder operator
Hint: Another name for the power operator
Hint: These are also called reserved words.
Hint: This type of data cannot be used for mathematical calculations but is used for comparison and

Q3. What Am I?


1. I am the data or value in a program that cannot be changed during program execution.

2. I am the operator used to compare two values.

3. I am a statement that is a combination of constants, variables, and operators that is evaluated to get a

4. I am the symbol used to end string variable names.

5. I am the statement used to write comments in the body of the QBasic program.


Answers to Worksheets
Chapter 1: The Computer System
Q1. Across: 2. Hardware

3. Mainframes

Down: 1. Program

4. System Software

5. Assembly

Q2. 1. Application Software

2. Plotter 3. Compiler

5. Package

4. Fortran

Q3. 1. Card Reader

2. Magnetic Ink Character Reader

4. Barcode

3. Smart Card

5. Interpreter

Chapter 2: Advanced Features of Microsoft Word

Q1. Across: 2. Insert 4. Endnote 5. Footnote

Down: 1. Header 3. Merging

Q2. 1. Footer

4. Data Source

2. Mail Merge
5. Header

Q3. 1. Print Layout view

2. Mail Merge

5. My Data Sources

4. Ctrl +Alt + F

3. Endnote

3. Main document

Chapter 3: Enlivening Presentations






Q3. A. Click to play the sound.

B. Click to set the sound volume.

C. Check this box to hide the sound icon during slide shows.

D. Check this box to play the sound continuously.

E. Make the sound play automatically or on a mouse click.


Chapter 4: Editing Cell Contents in Microsoft Excel

Q1. A: Row Heading

B: Column Heading

E: Cancel Button

D: Formula Bar

Q2. 1. CELL




Q3. 1. Worksheet 2. Formula bar

4. F2

C: Active Cell


3. Column Heading

5. AutoFill

Chapter 5: Formatting Data in Microsoft Excel







Q3. 1. Accounting Number Format button

2. Draw Border grid

4. Merge & Center

3. Wrap text

Chapter 6: The Internet as a Post Office

Q1. Across: 2. HOME PAGE


Down: 1. Website


Q2. 1. INBOX


Q3. 1. Drafts


4. Web browser




2. Search engine
5. URL

3. ch

5. Fill Color

Chapter 7: Introduction to Flash 8







Q3. a. Tools panel :

i. The Tools panel is located on the far left of the Flash window.
ii. The Tools panel contains tools to create or modify drawings and text.
iii. Some tools have a small triangle in the bottom-right corner. On clicking it, a pop-up menu
appears with more tools.

b. Rulers:

i. The Flash window can display rulers at the top and left side of the Stage.
ii. To show or hide rulers, one needs to click on View Rulers.
iii. The default measurement unit for rulers is pixels.

Chapter 8: Drawing Tools in Flash

Q1. Across: 3. OVAL

Down: 1. BRUSH

Q2. A. Brush tool


B. Paint Bucket tool

C. Eraser tool

D. Ink Bottle tool E. Pencil tool

Q3. 1. Rectangle

2. Ink bottle

3. Eraser 4. Arrow 5. Radial

Chapter 9: Creating Animation in Flash
























Q3. 1. Instance



2. Frame

3. Timeline

4. Tools panel

Chapter 10: Basics of BASIC

Q1. A. Name of the current program

B. Menu bar

D. Status bar

C. Welcome message






Q3. 1. Constant

2. Relational operator

5. REM statement


4. $

3. Expression

5. Ctrl + L

Test papers have been provided for all the chapters of the Students Book.
Each test paper is marked out of 25.
The test papers can be used for pen and paper assessment or the questions could be used to create your
own assessment papers.


Chapter 1: The Computer System

25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:


Mainframes Output assembler Mobile hardware


2. An
is a program that translates an assembly language program into a machine
language program.

3. The physical components of a computer system are called


are big, powerful, expensive multi-user computers.


devices convey information from the computer to the user.

computers are the smallest computers.

Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:


1. A plotter is a device used to mark land plots.

2. A Braille printer produces Braille printouts of computer files.

3. A computer application consisting of one or more programs created to do a particular type of work
is called a packer.

4. A computer language is also called a programming language.

5. Credit cards are examples of magnetic strip cards.

Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.

1. What are the two main categories of software?

2. State the main function of a compiler.

3. What is meant by machine language?

4. What is a microcomputer?

5. What is the function of an input device?

Q4. Answer the following briefly.

1. What is an optical mark reader?

2. Explain what is meant by an operating system.

3. Give some examples of utility software applications used to maintain computer systems.

4. What is a liquid crystal display projector?

5. Explain what is meant by a high-level language.




Chapter 2: Advanced Features of Microsoft Word 25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:


Mailings bottom References 0.5 data source

1. Footnotes appear at the

2. By default, headers are printed

3. To create the main document of the Mail Merge document, click on the

4. The

tab has commands to work with footnotes and endnotes.

5. The

document contains the variable data that is used in a Mail Merged document.

of the page.
inches from the top of the page.

Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:


1. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+D is used to insert a footnote.

2. A footnote or endnote consists of two linked partsa note reference mark and the corresponding
text note.

3. Headers and footers cannot display the date.

4. In case of footnote and endnote references, you can use both numbers as well as symbols.

5. An address box is a placeholder in the main document that marks where a value will be inserted
from the data source.

Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.



What is meant by a header?

What is a data source?
What are footnotes and endnotes used for?
What is a merge field?
Give a few examples of the information that a header or footer may contain.
In which view of Microsoft Word can you view the header and the footer?

Q4. Answer the following briefly.


1. Describe the three main steps that are involved in Mail Merge.
2. Describe the main steps to edit or delete headers and footers.

Lab Exercise


Create a Word document using the text given below and place the title of the document PakistanA
Land of Fairs and Festivals in the header, and the page number and date in the footer. Also insert a
footnote explaining the term diversity, which says Pakistan is a diverse country where people
belonging to different religious and cultures live together.

Text to be inserted:

Pakistan is a land of fairs and festivals. Since different communities belonging to different religions live
here, many festivals reflecting this diversity are celebrated regularly every year. Among these festivals,
some are religious, some are based on the seasons, while some are of national importance. All the
festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm in a colourful atmosphere.


Chapter 3: Enlivening Presentations

25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below.

Illustrations Photo Album Media Clips Format transition

1. To add a video clip to a presentation, first click on the Movie icon in the
the Insert tab.

2. The manner in which one slide follows to the other on the screen is called a

3. A

4. SmartArt is found in the

5. When you insert a picture or clip art into the presentation, an additional tab called the
tab appears on the tab bar.

group on

is a PowerPoint presentation that you create to display photographs.

group on the Insert tab.

Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:


1. SmartArt allows you add a variety of useful graphics to your presentation.

2. The order and timing of the animations in a slide cannot be changed.

3. The Microsoft Clip Organizer contains drawings, photographs, sounds, videos, and other media

4. While editing SmartArt, the Reset option must be used if you do not like the design changes you
have made and want to go back to the original SmartArt.

5. There are three possible settings for Transition Speed on the Animations tab.

Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.


1. What is the function of the Rehearse Timings feature on the Slide Show tab?

2. What is the function of the Auto Preview box on the Custom Animation pane?

3. When SmartArt is added to a presentation, which two additional tabs appear on the Ribbon under
SmartArt Tools?

4. Which tab contains the commands to control the transition between slides?

Q4. Answer the following briefly.

1. Name two possible sources of a sound clip to be inserted on a slide.

2. What is meant by SmartArt Style?

3. List the steps to print a presentation.

Lab Exercise




The class teacher has asked you to make a short presentation of 34 slides on the topic Process of Rain
Formation. Using pictures and sound clips, prepare this presentation.

Chapter 4: Editing Cell Contents in Microsoft Excel 25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:


Autofill worksheet Fill handle Delete Clipboard

1. In Excel, the

2. A grid of rectangular cells in which you can enter data and work on it is called a

3. In order to remove the contents of a selected cell, you have to press the

4. The
feature of Excel is used to fill a range of cells with data from a list without
actually typing the data.

5. The

group on the Home tab has the buttons to copy and paste cell

is the small black square in the lower-right corner of a cell.

Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:


1. The default row height in Microsoft Excel is 10.

2. You can add your own lists to the Custom Lists of the AutoFill feature.

3. You can change the row height for more than one row at a time.

4. The Insert Sheet Rows option inserts a new row in the worksheet by shifting the contents of the
selected row upwards.

5. You can edit cell contents in the Formula bar.

Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.


1. Which group on the Home tab has options to insert rows and columns in a worksheet?

2. Where should you click in order to select an entire row?

3. Which button in the Cells group on the Home tab is used to change the row height for several
rows at the same time?

4. Which option to automatically adjust the height of a row or a group of rows is displayed when you
click on the Format button in the Cells group?

Q4. Answer the following briefly.


1. What are the two ways to create Custom Lists?

2. In order to modify the cell contents partially, what are the three methods that you can adopt?

3. On clicking Insert Cells, which options does the Insert dialog box display?


Lab Exercise


Sameer has created a worksheet listing the friends attending his birthday party. He now wants to make
some changes to the worksheet. Help Sameer make these changes.

a. Add another column after A, which will contain the telephone number of each friend, and name it
Telephone No.

b. Delete the details of Kamran and Samra.

c. Change the width of the column Telephone No. to 12.


Chapter 5: Formating Data in Microsoft Excel

25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:


Number vertical Orientation All Borders formatting


2. The

3. The presentation of data and its appearance on a printed page is called

4. The options Top, Middle, and Bottom are the options for

5. To add a border around each cell of a selected group of cells in Excel, click on the
option in the Borders menu.

refers to the relative physical position or direction of text.

group on the Home tab has buttons for formatting numbers.
alignment of data.

Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:


1. In Excel, by default, numbers are always left-aligned and text is right-aligned.

2. You can select different colours for the border of a cell.

3. Formatting changes the appearance of data as well as the actual cell value.

4. By clicking on the Comma style button in the Number group, Excel separates the thousands with

5. You cannot display a number as a percentage in Excel.

Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.


1. What is the default alignment of text in a cell?

2. What are the different options for horizontal alignment of data?

3. Which option is used to confine the text to the same cell if the text is longer than the width of a

4. Which button should be clicked on to add a currency symbol to a number?

Q4. Answer the following briefly.

1. What is meant by the Fill Color property in Excel, and in which group is it present?

2. List the steps by which you can display a number in a cell as percentage?

3. In Excel, what are the two ways to increase the font size of text in a cell?


Lab Exercise


Ramsha has been asked to prepare the following worksheet and do the formatting as shown in the
figure. The first stroke background colour is green. Can you help her do the task?


Chapter 6: The Internet as a Post Office

25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:


Attachment edu ISP modem number

1. An

2. The

3. The last three letters of the domain name for an educational institution are

4. There are two types of Internet addressing:

5. A

is a company that offers Internet services to individuals and corporations for a

button is used to send a picture with an email message.

addressing and letter addressing.

is a computer peripheral that enables users to connect their computer to other

Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:


1. An email is charged based on the number of lines of text contained in it.

2. In an email address, the users login name is separated from the domain name by the & symbol.

3. In an email message, Cc stands for covered copy.

4. Files can be sent as attachments with an email message.

5. HTML stands for Help Text Make Link.

Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.

1. Why is Bcc used in an email message?

2. What is the function of a search engine?

3. What does HTML stand for?

4. What does URL stand for?

5. What is the other name for the Internet letter addressing system?

Q4. Answer the following briefly.

1. What is the function of a web browser?

2. Describe the Internet number addressing system.

3. Name any four important email folders.

4. Explain the use of the Internet in education.

5. List four advantages of using email.




Chapter 7: Introduction to Flash 8

25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:

grid Object Zoom modifiers Lasso

1. In

2. The

3. The horizontal and vertical lines on the Stage are together referred to as the

4. The

5. When you select a tool, tool


Drawing mode, shapes do not merge together when you overlay them.
tool is used to select irregular areas.

tool has options to increase or decrease the magnification.

appear at the bottom of the Tools panel.

Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:

1. Flash provides three drawing modes when you draw shapes.

2. In Flash, by default, the gridlines are not visible.

3. The Palm tool is used by clicking and dragging.

4. Anything you add to a Flash document is called a subject.

5. The default measurement unit for the rulers is pixels.


Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.

1. Where are rulers displayed on the Flash window?

2. What is the function of the Tools panel in Flash?

3. Name the drawing modes available in Flash.

4. What is the function of the Arrow tool?


Q4. Answer the following briefly.

1. What is Flash used for?

2. What is meant by the grid and what is its use in Flash?

3. What is the function of the Lasso tool?


Lab Exercise


Anitas teacher has asked the class to create a document in Flash with the name The Olympic Games.
A short description must be provided for the document. The background colour must be set to blue
and the stage size must be 600x400 pixels. Can you help Anita create this document?


Chapter 8: Drawing Tools in Flash

25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:


Behind Object Brush Paint Bucket Normal

1. The

tool can be used to create special effects such as calligraphic effects.

2. The

tool can be used to fill empty areas and to change the colour of painted areas.

3. The Erase

4. The Paint
mode of the Brush tool should be used to paint the background of a
shape without affecting the fills and the lines.

5. The Arrow tool cannot reshape drawings created in

mode of the Eraser Tool erases all lines and fills that it passes over.


Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:


1. In the Rectangle Settings dialog box, a smaller Corner Radius means more rounded corners.

2. With reference to the Oval tool, Stroke height refers to the thickness of the outline of the circle.

3. The number of sides for a polygon or the number of points for a star can vary from 0 to 32.

4. The Color Mixer can be used to create a new gradient.

5. In Flash 8, gradients can be used only as fill colours and not as stroke colours.

Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.


1. Which painting mode of the Brush tool should be used to paint only the fill area of a shape without
affecting the outline?

2. How can you draw a perfect square using the Rectangle tool?

3. How can you use the Paint Bucket tool to fill areas that are not entirely closed?

4. Name the Stroke Style used in the following circle.

Q4. Answer the following briefly.

1. What are the three drawing options available when using the Pencil tool?

2. Name the tool used to draw the following shape. What are the terms used for the colour of the
boundary and the colour of the figure?

3. What is the relevance of the Star point size while drawing a star?



Lab Exercise


Hira saw the following figure in a book and wants to recreate it using Flash 8. Can you help her with
the steps to make exactly the same drawing? For your reference, the colours are marked on the figure.






Chapter 9: Creating Animation in Flash

25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:

frame-by-frame frame Shape keyframe frame rate

1. The

contains the content of the movie.

2. The

is the number of frames per second that the animation plays.


4. The

5. In the

tweening makes a drawing change into another drawing.

appears as a black dot in a frame.
type of animation, the contents of each frame are changed manually.

Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:

1. In the Timeline, every fifth frame has a light grey fill and is marked with a frame number.

2. The keyboard shortcut to insert a new frame is F5.

3. You cannot convert an existing drawing into a symbol.

4. The use of symbols helps to keep the file size small.

5. A movie is a series of keyframes.

Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.

1. Name the two methods of creating animation in Flash.

2. What do the black dots in a frame represent?

3. What do you call the folder where symbols are stored?

4. What is the Arrow tool in shape tweening used for?

Q4. Answer the following briefly.

1. What is the purpose of inserting symbols in a movie?

2. What are the steps to delete a frame?

3. What is the Timeline?

Lab Exercise







Sadia wishes to create a star moving on the screen. Can you help her do this task? Draw a star and
convert it into a symbol. Name the symbol Star. Use motion tweening to create an animation to make
the star move to the bottom-centre of the Stage.

Chapter 10: Basics of BASIC

25 Marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:


INPUT variable PRINT Operators statement


2. In a QBasic program, the

3. A

4. Each instruction in QBasic is called a

5. The

perform actions on variables and give a single value as a result.

statement is used to request input data from the user.

is an area in the computer memory that has a name and that stores data

statement in QBasic is used to display output on the screen.

Q2. State whether the statements are true or false:


1. The names of string variables must end with a # sign.

2. A variable name in QBasic can start with a letter or a number.

3. If arithmetic and relational operators are both present in a statement, the relational operation will be
performed first.

4. A numeric constant can be a positive or a negative number.

5. The logical operators give true or false as a result.

Q3. Answer the following in one sentence.

1. What is the extension with which a QBasic program is saved?

2. What is the keyboard shortcut to run a QBasic program?

3. Name the operators used to perform mathematical operations on numbers?

4. What is syntax?

5. What are the assignment statements in a QBASIC program used for?

6. Which command of QBasic is used to clear the output screen?


Q4. Answer the following briefly.

1. State whether the follow variables are valid or invalid, giving reasons.

a. 5Var

b. Title$

c. New var

d. Sal$var

2. What is the difference between constants and variables?


Lab Exercise


Vaqar wants to calculate the area and perimeter of a rectangle. Write a program with the help of which
Vaqar can verify his calculation. The program will ask the user to input the length and breadth of the
rectangle and then print its area and perimeter.


Answers to Test Papers

Chapter 1: The Computer System
Q1. 1. Mobile

2. assembler

3. hardware

4. Mainframes

5. Output

Q2. 1. False

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. True

Q3. 1. The two main categories of software are system software and application software.

2. The main function of a compiler is to translate a program in a high-level computer language into a
program in machine language.

3. Machine language is the language that the computer understands and can execute directly without

4. A microcomputer is a small computer that is used by one person at a time. It is also called a
personal computer or PC.

5. The function of an input device is to accept input from the user and convert it into a form that the
computer can understand.

Q4. 1. An optical mark reader is a device which is capable of reading printed forms with boxes or circles
that can be shaded with dark pencil or ink. When a light beam is passed over such a form, the
marked areas reflect less light than the unmarked areas. In this way, the optical mark reader
recognizes which boxes or circles have been shaded.

2. An operating system is the master control program that runs the computer. It controls the flow of
signals from the central processing unit to the various parts of the computer.

3. Some examples of utility software applications used for the maintenance of computer systems are:

4. A liquid crystal display (LCD) projector shows the output from a computer on a large screen. It is
commonly used for displaying presentations at meetings and conferences.

5. A high-level language uses English words and mathematical symbols to make computer
programming simpler. Programs written in a high-level language are called source programs and
cannot be run directly on the computer. They must first be compiled or interpreted.


Backup software such as Amanda and Box Backup

Antivirus software such as AVG and Quick Heal
Disk defragmenter
Disk compression utilities.

Chapter 2: Advanced Features of Microsoft

Q1. 1. bottom

2. 0.5

3. Mailings

4. References

5. data source

Q2. 1. False

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. False

Q3. 1. The header is the text printed at the top of each page in a document.

2. Data source is the document that contains the variable data that is used in a Mail Merged

3. Footnotes are typically used for detailed comments while endnotes are used for citation of sources.

4. A merge field is a placeholder in the main document that marks where a value will be inserted
from a data source.


5. Headers and footers usually contain information such as the document name, chapter name, page
number, and date.

6. The header and the footer can be viewed in the Print Layout view.

Q4. 1. Mail Merge involves the following three steps:

a. Creating a data source which has names, addresses, and other variable information of the
b. Creating the main document which is the basic letter to be sent to the recipients. It will
contain fields from the data source.
c. Creating the final document by merging the main document with the data source.

2. The following steps are to be followed to edit or delete headers and footers:

a. Double-click on the header or footer.

b. Edit or delete the text as required.
c. Click on Close Header or Footer in the Ribbon or press Esc.

Lab Exercise Solution


Click on the Insert tab.

In the Header & Footer group, click on Header.
Click on the blank header.
Type the header text, i.e. the title of the document.
Click on Go to Footer in the Navigation group.
In the Header & Footer group, click on Footer.
Click on Date & Time in the Insert group.
Select one of the date formats and click on OK.
Click on Page number on the Insert tab.
Select Bottom of the page and select Plain no. 1.
Press Esc.
In order to insert a footnote, point the cursor next to the word diversity.
Click on the References tab.
Click on Insert Footnote.
Type the text for the footnote at the bottom of the page where the cursor appears.
Double-click on the footnote number and return to the document.

Chapter 3: Enlivening Presentations

Q1. 1. Media Clips

2. transition

3. Photo Album

4. Illustrations

5. Format

Q2: 1. True

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. True

Q3. 1. The Rehearse Timings feature allows the user to practice the presentation and to find out how
much time is needed for each slide.

2. If the Auto Preview box on the Custom Animation pane is checked, the user can see a preview
of the animation after creating and modifying it.

3. When SmartArt is added to a presentation, the two additional tabs that appear on the Ribbon
under SmartArt Tools are the Design tab and the Format tab.

4. The Animations tab contains the commands to control the transition between slides.

Q4. 1. The two possible sources of a sound clip to be inserted on a slide are:

a. Sound from a file


b. Sound from Clip Organizer

c. Sound from a CD Audio Track
d. A recorded sound.

(Note: Any two of the above sources should be awarded marks.)

2. A SmartArt Style is a combination of things such as line styles, bevelling, shadow effects, and
3-D effects that can be applied to the SmartArt graphic. It is possible to change the look of the
graphic by using one of the ready-made SmartArt Styles.

3. The steps to print a presentation are as follows:


Click on Print under the Microsoft Office Button. The Print dialog box appears.
Specify the slides to be printed.
Choose the Number of copies.
Select the item to be printed.
Select the options for handouts.
Click on the OK button.

Lab Exercise Solution

Process of Rain Formation

By: Rehan Asif
Class: VI A


Process of Rain Formation

Rain is formed in three steps: evaporation, condensation

and precipitation.

Evaporation: Water vapour forms when the heat of

the Sun evaporates water from oceans and other water
bodies on Earth.

Condensation The warm and moist air cools down as it

rises into the atmosphere as temperature decreases with
altitude (height). This results in the formation of clouds.

Precipition: When water droplets in the clouds increase

to a certain size, gravity causes them to fall because of
their own weight. They then fall to the Earth in the form of
rain, snow, hail, or sleet.




1. Choose a picture file and a sound file (e.g. rainfall.mp3) for the presentation.

2. Create a new presentation and insert three slides.

3. Select slide 1 and type the text.

4. Select slide 2 and type the text.

5. Select slide 3 and do the following:

a. Click on the Insert tab and insert the picture.

b. Click on Sound in the Media clips group and insert your sound file (rainfall.mp3).

c. A message box appears asking you whether you want to start the sound When Clicked or
Automatically. Choose Automatically.

6. To run the slide show:

a. Click on the Slide Show tab.

b. Click on From Beginning in the Start Slide Show group.

Chapter 4: Editing Cell Contents in Microsoft Excel

Q1. 1. Clipboard

2. worksheet

3. Delete

4. Autofill

5. Fill handle

Q2. 1. False

2. True

3. True

4. False

5. True

Q3. 1. The Cells group on the Home tab has options to insert rows and columns in a worksheet.

2. In order to select an entire row, click on the Row heading.

3. The Format button in the Cells group on the Home tab is used to change the row height of
several rows at the same time.


4. The AutoFit Row Height option is used to adjust the height of a row or a group of rows

Q4. 1. The two ways to create Custom Lists are (a) by importing the list and (b) by typing the contents of
the list in the Custom Lists dialog box.

2. The three methods that can be adopted in order to modify cell contents partially are (a) clicking
on the Formula bar, (b) pressing the F2 key, and (c) double-clicking the cell.

3. The Insert dialog box displays four options:


Shift cells right

Shift cells down
Entire row
Entire column

Lab Exercise Solution

1. Click on the column heading B.

2. Click on the arrow below the Insert button and select the option Insert Sheet Columns. A new
column is inserted to the left of the selected column.
3. Type Telephone no. in the cell B1, and type the telephone numbers of all the friends.
4. Click on cell A8 and drag the mouse to cell C9. The details of Kamran and Samra are now
5. Click on the arrow below the Delete button in the Cells group.
6. Click on the Delete cells option.
7. Click on Shift Cells up in the Delete dialog box and click on OK.
8. Select column B by clicking on the column heading.
9. Click on the arrow below the Format button in the Cells group.
10. Click on Column Width.
11. Type 12 in the Column Width text box and click on OK.

Chapter 5: Formatting Data in Microsoft Excel

Q1. 1. Orientation

2. Number

3. formatting

4. vertical

5. All Borders

Q2. 1. False

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. False

Q3. 1. By default text is left-aligned in a cell.

2. The different options for horizontal alignment of data are Left, Center, and Right.

3. The Wrap Text option is used to confine the text to the same cell if the text is longer than the
width of a cell.

4. To add a currency symbol to a number, the Accounting Number Format button should be

Q4. 1. With the help of the Fill Color property we can add a background colour to a cell or a group of
cells. The Fill Color option is located in the Font group on the Home tab.

2. In order to display a number as a percentage, (1) select the cell and (2) click on the Percent Style

3. The two ways by which font size can be increased are:


a. clicking on the arrow next to font size, and then selecting the size of the font.
b. clicking on the Increase Font Size button in the Font group on the Home tab.

Lab Exercise Solution



Prepare the worksheet by typing in the data.

Select the range A1:C1 and in the Font group on the Home tab, do the following:
a. Click on the Bold button.
b. Click on the Underline button.
c. Click on the arrow next to the Fill Color button and click on green.
Select the range A2:A4. In the Paragraph group on the Home tab, click on the Center align
4. Select the range C2:C4. In the Number group on the Home tab, click on the arrow next to the
Accounting Number Format button and click on the dollar sign.
5. Select the range A1:C4. In the Font group on the Home tab, click on the arrow next to the
Borders button and select the All Borders option.

Chapter 6: The Internet as a Post Office

Q1. 1. ISP

2. Attachment

3. edu

4. number

5. modem

Q2. 1. False

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. False

Q3. 1. BCC or blind carbon copy is used to send the same message to several people without letting
them know that others have also received the same mail.

2. A search engine is a program that is used to search the Web for specified keywords and return a
list of the web pages where the keywords are found.

3. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.

4. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

5. The other name for the Internet letter addressing system is Domain Name System.

Q4. 1. One can read HTML documents on the Internet with the help of a web browser. A web browser
reads HTML documents, converts them to a form that users can read, and displays them on a
computer screen.

2. In the Internet number addressing system, the URL is a numeric address called the internet
protocol (IP) address. It is made up of four numbers in the range 0 to 255 joined together by full
stops, e.g.

3. Following are four important email folders:

4. The Internet is a great tool for education. It enables people to learn about a variety of things at
their own pace. A number of distance education courses are also offered through the Internet.
Many institutions offer online coaching classes for engineering, medical, and management entrance
examinations. Some websites that offer free online education are,, etc.

5. The following are the advantages of using email:


Inbox: This stores incoming email messages.

Drafts: This stores messages that you started to write and have not yet sent.
Sent: This stores sent messages.
Deleted: This stores deleted messages.
Contacts: This stores email addresses of your friends and email contacts.

a. Speed: Email is much faster than normal post. A message can reach any part of the world in a
fraction of a second.


b. Content: An email message can consist of only a few lines of text or of several thousand lines.
The message is not charged by weight.
c. Cost: There is no charge for sending and receiving email messages, even though the message
travels across the world.
d. Receiving messages: We need not be at our computer all the time to receive a message. Any
message sent to us is stored safely in our email account.

Chapter 7: Introduction to Flash 8

Q1. 1. Object

2. Lasso

3. grid

4. Zoom

5. modifiers

Q2. 1. False

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. True

Q3. 1. On the Flash window, rulers are displayed at the top and left of the Stage.

2. The Tools panel in Flash has tools to create or modify drawings and text.

3. Flash provides two drawing modes: Merge Drawing mode and Object Drawing mode.

4. The Arrow tool is used to select single or multiple objects on the Stage.

Q4. 1. Flash is a software package that is used to create interactive web pages that combine images,
sounds, videos, and animation. It can be used to create drawings and animation.

2. The grid is a system of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines on the Stage. By default, gridlines
are not visible. The grid is helpful when creating graphics. It helps to place and align objects in
particular positions on the Stage. It is possible to change the size of the grid squares to suit the

3. The Lasso tool is used to select irregular areas on the Stage. It is useful for freehand selection, in
which you move the mouse around as you would move a pencil.

Lab Exercise Solution

1. Select File New from the menu. The New Document dialog box is displayed. Click on Flash
Document in the Type list and click on OK.
2. Select Modify Document from the menu. The Document Properties window will appear.
3. In the Title box, write The Olympic Games.
4. In the Description box, write History of The Olympic Games, list of events, host nations and
cities, etc.
5. In the box for Background colour, select blue.
6. In the Dimensions (width) box, insert 600.
7. In the Dimensions (height) box, insert 400.
8. Click on OK to save the Document Properties.

Chapter 8: Drawing Tools in Flash

Q1: 1. Brush

2. Paint Bucket

3. Normal

4. Behind

5. Object

Q2: 1. False

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. False.

Q3. 1. The Paint Inside mode of the Brush tool should be used to paint only the fill area of a shape
without affecting the outline.

2. To draw a perfect square using the Rectangle tool, press the Shift key while dragging the cursor.

3. The Paint Bucket tool can be used to fill areas that are not entirely closed using the Gap Size
modifier that allows you to close gaps.

4. The Stroke Style used in the circle is called solid.


Q4: 1. The three drawing options available when using the Pencil tool are:

a. Straighten: to draw straight lines

b. Smooth: to draw smooth curved lines

c. Ink: to draw with no modification

2. Tool used: Rectangle. Stroke color and Fill color.

3. While drawing a star, the Star point size sets the sharpness of the points. It is a number between 0
and 1. A number closer to 0 creates sharper points.

Lab Exercise Solution

1. Select the Rectangle tool.

2. In the Property Inspector, set the Stroke Color = BLACK; Fill Color = BLUE; Stroke Style =
3. Click on the Stage and drag the mouse to draw a rectangle.
4. Select the Oval tool.
5. In the Property Inspector, set the Stroke color = PURPLE, Fill color = RED, Stroke style =
6. Click somewhere near the bottom-right corner of the rectangle and drag the mouse to draw the
circle. Use the Shift key to make a perfect circle.
7. Click on the Brush tool.
8. Select the Fill Color = PINK.
9. Click on the Brush Mode modifier and select Paint Behind.
10. Click and drag to paint behind the rectangle and circle.

Chapter 9: Creating Animation in Flash

Q1. 1. frame

2. frame rate

3. Shape

4. keyframe

5. frame-by-frame

Q2. 1. True

2 True

3. False

4. True

5. False

Q3. 1. The two methods of creating animation in Flash are frame-by-frame animation and tweening

2. The black dots in a frame represent keyframes.

3. The folder where symbols are stored is called Library.

4. The Arrow tool is used to reshape the lines and change the object.

Q4. 1. Symbols are inserted in a movie because they help to keep the file size small. A particular symbol
is stored only once even if it is used many times in a movie.

2. The steps to delete a frame are:

a. Select the frame in the Timeline.

b. Right-click and select Remove Frames in the shortcut menu.

3. The Timeline is the area where you work with frames to organize and control the content and
animation of a movie.

Lab Exercise Solution

1. Draw the picture of a star in the top-left corner of the Stage in frame 1.
2. Select the drawing of the star.
3. Select Modify Convert to Symbol.


4. In the Convert to Symbol dialog box, type Star in the Name text box.
5. Choose the type of symbol as Graphic and click on OK.
6. Select frame number 20 in the Timeline window and insert a keyframe by pressing F6 or selecting
Insert Timeline Keyframe. Frame 20 now has a grey fill with a black dot indicating that it
is a keyframe.
7. Select frame 20. Select the star and move it to the bottom-centre of the Stage.
8. Select any frame between 2 and 19. With the cursor in the grey area, right-click and select Create
Motion Tween from the shortcut menu.
9. Play the movie by clicking on the first frame in the Timeline window.
10. Select Control Play. The star moves from the top-left corner to the bottom-centre of the

Chapter 10: Basics of BASIC

Q1. 1. Operators


3. variable

4. statement


Q2. 1. False

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. True

Q3. 1. The QBasic program is saved with .BAS extension.

2. The keyboard shortcut to run a QBasic program is Shift + F5.

3. The operators that are used to perform mathematical operations on numbers are called arithmetic

4. Syntax is the way in which QBasic statements must be written in a program.

5. The Assignment statements in a QBASIC program assign a value or data to a variable.

6. The CLS command is used to clear the output screen.

Q4. 1. The following list specifies the valid and invalid variables:

a. 5Var: Invalid. The first character must be a letter.

b. Title$: Valid

c. New var: Invalid. The variable name cannot contain a space.

d. Sal$var: Invalid. The variable name can contain only letters, numbers, and decimal point.

2. A constant is a value in a program that cannot be changed during program execution. It remains
the same throughout. A variable stores data temporarily, so the data can be changed in the variable
while the program is running.

Lab Exercise Solution


INPUT Please enter the length: ; L
INPUT Please enter the width: ; W
PRINT The area of the rectangle is =; A
PRINT The perimeter of the rectangle is =; P

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