Kevin Wijaya
Kevin Wijaya
Kevin Wijaya
1168 S Barrington Ave Apt 609 Los Angeles, CA 90049 / Taman Malibu Indah Raya Medan, Indonesia
(310) 579-5857
Pepperdine University Graziadio Business School, Malibu, CA
Master in Business Administration
Relevant Coursework: Finance, Marketing, Organizational Behavior
Activities: Blue and Orange Indonesian Student Association (2013-present), Blue and Orange Indonesian Society
Board member (2015)
Spring 2013
The Development Bank of Singapore - Jakarta, Indonesia
Summer 2015
DBS is a Singaporean multinational banking and financial services company
Increased efficiency and reduced time needed to calculate forecasts by enhancing budget model of company
Analyzed, recorded and reported for any unusual data numbers to the senior vice president of Finance department.
Evaluated company and competitors performances in the industry and analyzed the companys current standing.
Priority Banking Young Apprentice - Singapore, Singapore
December 2013
Standard Chartered is a British multinational banking and financial services company
Engaged in social interactions with new people and do various group activities
Created, organized, and designed on our powerpoint presentation for visual purposes to the audience and presented
our result to managers of the company
PT Sumber Tani Agung - Medan, Indonesia
Summer 2012
PT Sumber Tani Agung is an agricultural company based in Indonesia that operates in palm oil.
Responsible for organizing and checking balance sheets of company in detail and report to manager.
Evaluated in-depth company finance, sales and operations performance and reported for any improvements needed
Frisbee Competition - Singapore, Singapore
Involved in an inter-school tournament
Represented school as one of team members
Moved up to quarter finals
Microsoft, Knowledge on Quickbooks and Business computing, SPSS, Bilingual in English and Bahasa Indonesia and
conversational in Mandarin