JCI Commonly Asked Questions
JCI Commonly Asked Questions
JCI Commonly Asked Questions
What to do:
When you see a surveyor?
What is
The SGH Madinah mission
Hospital Mission:
To provide professional reliable,
cost effective healthcare services
that is safe to the patients wellbeing to all Madinah region.
Hospital Vision:
To be the center of excellence for
state-of-art healthcare services in
the middle east and Africa built on
evidence-based practices and
human values.
Mission statement
We work hard to be clinically effective
and economically efficient. Which means
we must do well and affordable
Our mission statement tells me our vision
of serving the healthcare needs of
people in our region as we have become
the best regional healthcare facility.
Our mission statement tells me that we
value patients rights, involve our patients
and families in decision making regarding
their care and respect their ability to
make choices including end of life
decisions. We must inform them of the
risks, benefits, alternatives & respect their
Safety is an important part of every
employee responsibility
What does
Environment of care
It is our hospital wide safety program.
1) General Safety:
Visitor/Patient Incidents
Employee Accidents
2) Fire Safety
3) Security: Theft, violence, etc. Workplace Violence
4) Emergency Preparedness:- Disaster, Bomb Threat, etc.
5) Hazardous Materials and Waste:
Right to Know MSDS
Medical Wastes
Cytotoxic, radioactive, chemicals.
6) Medical Equipment, Procurement and Maintenance.
7) Utilities Management:
- Electric
- AC
- Phones
- Water
- Sewage, etc.
(Department-specific answer
Code Red
Dial Number: 88
(Department-specific answer
required.) Know the fire exit
route for your department. If
you are a person who works in
all areas of the hospital, know
where all of the fire exits are
Literally, respond as if
there were a real fire,
Initiate R-A-C-E Protocol.
Code Red
Emergency Preparedness:
Where do you find information
regarding employee
responsibilities during a
Safety Officer
Department Heads
Code blue 22
Medical Equipment:
Can you show me where
test sticker is located?
Whose responsibility is it to be
certain the equipment you are
using is functioning properly?
It is your responsibility
prior to using equipment
that it is working properly.
It is your responsibility to
also adequately maintain
equipment in addition to
removing equipment from
service and reporting it
Utilities Management:
What happens in the event of a utility
failure (i.e. electric, water, gas, medical
gas, or telephone)?
- We have backup electrical generators
that kick in within 9 seconds of a power
failure. In this situation, but the
equipment defined within the critical load
list of equipments will be automatically
work on UPS.
In the event of a water outage, we have
alternate water resource that can cover
the hospital for almost one week, after
that the external water resource will be
contacted to supply water to hospital. All
employees will make an effort to
conserve as much water as possible.
In the event there is a medical gas
outage, call the Maintenance
In the event of a telephone outage, use
mobiles, bleeper, paging
Hazardous Materials:
Where can the details about
every chemical used be found?
answer required.)
However, all
departments should
have an MSDS Manual.
Medical waste is
disposed of in covered
containers with yellow
bags. The bags are
removed from the
department by
Housekeeping to storage
area for final dispensing
Safety Management:
What committee is responsible
for the management of the
hospitals safety management
Everyone is responsible
for safe practice!
Potential safety hazards
should be reported to
your immediate
Security Management:
What would you do if you are
suddenly involved in a
potentially dangerous situation?
Human Resources:
How do you maintain your
competency/skills in order to
perform your job?
Educational Preparation,
competency checklists,
on the job training,
certifications, licenses,
It is measured by
evaluations, license
where applicable,
general orientation for
new employees,
competency based
orientation as
appropriate and
continuing education.
Attendance to continuing
education Programs
Attendance to in-service
programs, study packets etc.
that provide me with input on
areas to improve upon.
Access to library and
Request to attend special
programs presented at
outside agencies.
Self learning
Performance Improvement:
How do you have input on what
should be improved in your area?
Team 1: central line
device infection, Medical
and nursing
Team 2: bed ulcers,
nursing department
Team 3: turn around time
What is everyones
responsibility in data
Everyone is accountable
for information being
accurate. It is our
responsibility to call
attention to apparent
incorrect data for
F (Find an opportunity)
O (Organize a team)
C (Clarify current knowledge of process)
U (Uncover root problems)
S (Start the improvement cycle):
How is Customer
Satisfaction Monitored?
Through the patient
satisfaction surveys, which
are done monthly using
questionnaires for
outpatients and inpatients,
Results and actions are
discussed in SC, QPS
Committee, doctors
meeting and Department
Suicide of a patient
Rape of a patient
What is your role in managing
What is knowledge-based
Is comparative data
available to assess
Information on
hazardous material is
located where?
Patients have the right to know:
Treatment options including alternative options
and the option to refuse treatment
Risks, benefits and alternatives of each option
including the expected length of recovery
Possible side effects of treatments and
Costs including what the patients insurance
may and may not cover
Know our facility policy .
addressing issues of suspected abuse
and neglect. All healthcare workers are
responsible for notifying our Social
Workers .when suspicion of abuse or
neglect exists!
These include giving accurate
information, following instructions,
asking questions when something isnt
clear, showing respect and
consideration for other patients, hospital
staff and visitors, and following hospital
rules such as visiting hours and no
smoking within the building).
Only authorized individuals are
permitted to access records (Paper
or via computer)
Job descriptions/evaluations
address confidentiality.
Boards or sign-in sheets with
patients address or diagnosis
should never be visible to the
Also, reclose doors/curtains to
maintain as much privacy as
possible with the patient.
We provide pen/paper to our
patients if they seem embarrassed
or uncomfortable to talk. We move
to a more private area when
possible. We assure patient gowns
fit properly. We close bathroom
doors when occupied, etc.
Participation is
documented in the plan
of care and in the
nursing notes. Family
involvement is part of
being a patient advocate
while maintaining the
focus on the patient.
Health care
professionals with a
need to know and who
are involved in the
patients care.
There is a hospital
Ethics Committee.
(Ethical consultation
policy- ETC-02)
chairman of ethics
committee Dr. Khalil
A multidisciplinary ethics
committee exists and staffs are
made aware through hospital
policies and procedures,
mandatory in-service,
orientation, supervisors, and
communications through the
hospital ethics committee.
(Review our hospital ethics
Three categories:
Airborne - for TB, chickenpox or other airborne
Droplet - for meningitis, pertussis, influenza or
certain other diseases.
Contact -used for patients with VRE, MRSA or
other drug resistant organisms.
Signs instruct visitors and other persons to report
to the nursing station for information regarding
precautions to be taken before entering the
patients room. Standard precautions are
always used in addition to transmission based
Personal protective
equipment protects us
from contact with blood
or body fluids. Gloves,
masks, goggles or face
shields and gowns are
personal protective
Care of Patient:
Can restraints be initiated by
an R.N.?
Name alternative
interventions to
restraint application
Bed check system
Family staying with
Frequent toileting
Leaving lights on
Conscious Sedation:
What is conscious
A drug-induced depression of
consciousness during which
patients respond purposefully
to verbal commands, either
alone or accompanied by light
tactile stimulation. No
interventions are required to
maintain a patient airway, and
spontaneous ventilation is
adequate. Cardiovascular
function is usually maintained.
What equipment is to be
readily available in monitoring
the patient for conscious
The following equipment and supplies must be
available for the administration of intravenous
conscious sedation:
Continuous monitoring non-invasive blood
pressure and pulse oximetry; and cardiac
monitoring (only if known cardiac patient)
during and immediately following in the
recovery period of the procedure. In case
cardiac monitoring is not available, at least
pulse oximetry should be available
Continuous intravenous infusion of an
appropriate solution functional suction
apparatus with appropriate suction
catheters.Telephone or some other system so
as to be able to activate the emergency medical
system if required Duct number 8060
Conscious Sedation
An emergency crash cart which includes
respiratory emergency equipment.
Reversal agents/medications.
Sedation and analgesia medications as ordered
by M.D.
The RN
Inpatient Areas:
Pharmacy uses unit dose distribution
system. Deliver a 24hr supply of meds
and IV products every day. Medications
are locked in carts. DEA scheduled
meds (Controlled substances) are kept
double locked in carts or cabinets.
Outpatient Areas:
Drugs routinely used are kept as floor
stock. Once used, the charges are sent
to Pharmacy for replacement and
billing. Meds are kept locked; controlled
substances are kept double locked.
Doses are signed out on control sheets
as used.
Pharmacy sends up
sticker noting interchange
to be placed in chart (with
order)Nursing unit staff is
to note drug patient
actually receiving on med
administration record.
Nutritional Services:
nutritional needs
assessed and monitored?
Patients are screened and if
needed assessed. The
assessment includes a plan of
care, documented in the chart in
the multi-dis. plan of care. This
plan of care is undated and
redefined dependent on each
individual patient and their
individual needs. Therapies are
monitored by nutrition services,
nursing, pharmacy and other
disciplines. These may include:
intake, weight change, lab values,
wound healing