2 Michaels Bell
2 Michaels Bell
2 Michaels Bell
Nature of Science
Emphasizing a more balanced
approach to science instruction
T h e S c i e n c e Te a c h e r
are unaware that personal perceptions influence observaStudying the nature of science is not purely an academic
tions, as well as conclusions drawn from them. A practiissue. The ultimate goal for educators is to enable stucal way to demonstrate this concept to students is by
dents as citizens of the world to make educated decisions
presenting gestalt images that require an obvious
in areas that require scientific knowledge. The NSES
framework for interpretation.
state, Everyone needs to use scientific information to
To begin, students look at Figure 1. The teacher then
make choices that arise every day. Everyone needs to be
asks students Do you see an image in the picture? Afable to engage intelligently in public discourse and deter looking again at the picture, students should consider
bate about important issues that involve science and techthat Figure 1 depicts a cow. If students still cannot see
nology (NRC 1996, p. 1). Similarly, in todays
the image, Figure 2 (p. 38) provides an outline of the
workforce it is becoming more important to have the
hidden image. Students will find that once they have
advanced critical-thinking skills fostered through underseen the outline of the figure, it will be difficult to look at
standing science, scientific processes, and inquiry. Unthe picture and not see the image. Yet, without this
derstanding the tentative and sometimes subjective naframework, chances are they were unable to see a distinture of science will help students make sense of
guishable image. The picture (data) has not changed,
socio-scientific issues they will encounter.
but now students have a framework with which to interFor example, students who believe that all good scienpret the data. Without the framework, students could
tific knowledge is objective might proceed differently with
not make sense of the data.
their decision-making than students who understand that
Figure 3 (p. 38) presents another image that can be
scientific knowledge possesses subjective qualities and
interpreted differently based on ones framework. Stumay be revised with new knowledge. What will be their
dents may see either a profile of a young girl wearing a
conclusion when scientists disagree on the effects of global
necklace or a picture of an old woman, with a prominent
warming on our planet (or whether such a phenomenon
nose and one eye in full view. The teacher can ask stureally does exist), or when the latest scientific news indidents From a scientific perspective, if the data in this
cates certain dietary choices are healthy one month, and
problem is the drawing itself, what is the correct concluhazardous the next? In such cases, students may put off
sion to draw from the data, the old woman or the young
important decisions because no absolute proof exists, or
girl? The data are the same for everyone, but the interworse, they may fall into a trap of
discrediting scientific work.
In addition to the myth that scien- Grainy cow image.
tists are always objective, many students hold to other myths about the
scientific enterprise (McComas
1996). These myths include beliefs
that experiments are the only reliable
route to scientific knowledge, careful
evidence gathering will result in certainty, and science is procedural
more than creative. Students may
also believe that all scientists follow
one general scientific method and
this method provides absolute proof.
With such a cut-and-dry conception
of science that leaves little room for
the human elements of creativity and
intuition, many students find it uninteresting or difficult.
The only way for teachers to address these myths in the classroom is
through changing students conceptual understandings about the nature
of science. For example, teachers can
consider the objectivity of observations. Most everyone has heard that
seeing is believing. However, most
N ove m b e r 2 0 0 3
pretation of the data depends on the students perceptual frameworks. Students will see the girl or the
old woman, but cannot see
both at the same time
(Lederman, Abd-El-Khalick,
and Bell 2000).
Subjectivity of science
Understanding the nature of
science in this context will
help students to appreciate
that one strength of science lies in its subjectivity. Science
is a human endeavor, subject to the influence of social,
cultural, and personal frameworks, yet the creativity and
varied perspectives brought to science enable breakthroughs to occur and scientific progress to march on.
A good historical example of this is the case of Nicolas
Copernicus and his heliocentric model of the universe.
Copernicus did not support his ideas solely with the astronomical data of his time. In fact, his data did not
differ dramatically from the data Ptolemy used to deFIGURE 3
T h e S c i e n c e Te a c h e r
these differences to help characterize science as it is understood by consensus in the scientific community.
Multicultural perspectives can be brought into the science
classroom by including more open-ended activities where
there is no single correct answer. As a result, students can
describe, compare, and reflect upon other perspectives and
come to recognize that there can be more than one way to
look at nature. As teachers we can provide opportunities for
students to become aware of their own perceptual frameworks about the world and about science by illustrating the
power these frameworks have on their conceptual understandings, and how changing frameworks can have a dramatic effect on how they view the world.
Furthermore, as students begin to see that perceptual
frameworks are changed by breakthroughs in intuition
and creativity, they will begin to understand science as a
dynamic human endeavor. Ultimately, the goal is for students to view differing perspectives as the very strength
of science rather than a fault, for then they can recognize
the importance of their own perspective as they use science to explore their world. n
HUYGENS (1659)
HUYGENS (1659)
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