Drugs Final Research Paper
Drugs Final Research Paper
Drugs Final Research Paper
Research Paper
Life, society and drugs
Anabolic Steroids
April 4. 2016
Starting with the simple question, what are anabolic steroids? Anabolic
steroids are known on the street by many different names including Juice,
Gym candy, Pumpers, Andro and Stackers. Steroids are naturally produced in
your body to fight stress and to promote growth and development.
Steroids have been around for along time, but only recently did we
begin to have some light shined on the topic. Initially most popular within
Olympic athletes. During the 1970s pro sports were catching onto this new
phenomenon. In 1975 they were banned but after repeated use even after
they were banned, the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1988 and the Anabolic Steroid
Enforcement Act of 1990 made it ILLEGAL to use steroids.
How do steroids effect the brain you might ask? It attaches and reacts
with the Androgen receptors within. The Androgen is DNA based and controls
testosterone levels. When attached to the receptors, it rapidly increases the
testosterone and protein synthesis levels.
Some of the physical symptoms from anabolic steroids are that in men,
anabolic steroids can: reduce sperm count, shrink the testicles, cause you
not to be able to father children, enlarge the breasts. In women they can:
increase body hair, make skin rough, decrease breast size, enlarge the
clitoris, deepen the voice. In both men and women: High blood pressure,
heart attack, or stroke. Higher levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower
levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Liver disease and possibly liver cancer. The
chance of these problems is higher when steroids are taken as a pill. Oily
skin, acne, and male-pattern hair loss. Skin infections that can become
severe if the drug was tainted with bacteria. Irritability, rage, aggression,
violence, uncontrolled high energy (mania), false beliefs (delusions), and
addiction. (steroid effects.)
A lot of people get confused as to why steroids are illegal, but
sometimes we are given a type of steroid at the doctor. The answer is this,
there are two types of steroids, one is called anabolic, the other is catabolic.
The steroids given at the doctor are catabolic. Catabolic steroids are often
confused with anabolic steroids, which are used to build muscle mass. In
fact, catabolic steroids have the opposite effect, breaking down muscle
mass. They are frequently used to reduce significant swelling, and to treat
autoimmune diseases or severe asthma. (Kuan, Anita.) Anabolic steroids are
artificially produced hormones that are the same as, or similar to, androgens,
and the male-type sex hormones in the body. There are more than 100
variations of anabolic steroids. The most powerful androgen is testosterone.
Anabolic steroids can be used for medical purposes such as delayed puberty
in adolescent boys, hypogonadism and impotence in men, breast cancer in
women, anemia, osteoporosis, weight loss disease in HIV, endometriosis,
These kids are starting young and it carries onto their professional
careers as well. Lance Armstrong, Berry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Marc
McGuire, Sammy Sosa. All of these athletes have used performance
enchantment drugs such as steroids.
This has been a major concern within MLB because so many people are
being caught using and the controversy between if its okay, has been raised.
ESPN did a special on Anabolic Steroids to show their standpoint on the
matter. There should not be a controversy over anabolic steroid use in
athletics -- non-medical use of anabolic steroids is illegal and banned by
most, if not all, major sports organizations, (ESPN).
As steroids might not be the most physically addictive drug out there,
it is mentally addictive. When people involved in sports begin to see this
drug physical making changes on their body, they want more and more of
the drug and it becomes addictive in that ways. They start seeing changes in
their physical appearance and it becomes an addiction and they just want
more and more. The term used for this is called muscle dismorphia. It is
almost like reverse anorexia, where they think that their body will forever be
imperfect and it motivates them to keep using and keep getting bigger.
Recent evidence suggests that long-time steroid users and steroid abusers
may experience the classic characteristics of addiction including cravings,
difficulty in stopping steroid use and withdrawal symptoms. "Addiction is an
extreme of dependency, which may be a psychological, if not physical,
phenomena," says Dr. Wadler. "Regardless, there is no question that when
regular steroid users stop taking the drug they get withdrawal pains and if
they start up again the pain goes away. They have difficulties stopping use
even though they know it's bad for them, (ESPN.)
You may be asking what the legality of steroids might be. Sine 1990 they
have been classified as a schedule III controlled substances. Schedule 3
means-accepted medical use, and mild to moderate possible addiction.
Other schedule 3 include; Low-dose Codeine, and Hydrocodone-based
But it says that Under federal law, first-time simple possession of
anabolic steroids carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a
$1,000 fine. For first-offense trafficking in steroids, the maximum penalty is
five years in prison and a fine of $250,000. Second offenses double this
penalty. In addition to federal penalties, state laws also prohibit illegal
anabolic steroid use, (DeNoon, Daniel J.)
How is testing done and how is it determined weather or not someone
is a steroid user? Within sports they are at random to encourage the
elimination of anabolic steroids at any time. More commonly tested through
a urine test. If test is positive, athlete is often banned from the sport as well
as awards can be taken away, depending on time of use.
Works Cited