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A Recommendation Report
Prepared for: Board of Regents,
Division of Student Affairs
Washington State University
Prepared by: Sierra Sharp
Colton Rockwell
Yiwen Liu
April 6th, 2016
Table of Contents
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Executive Summary
A group of students from English 402 class have been formally invited
to research the study of providing healthier food options on campus for
students at WSU.
Currently, WSU only offers a small amount of healthy food options on
campus. Because of increasing physical and mental risk that can result
from unhealthy eating, we have researched and suggested offering
healthy food on campus. WSU should implement and provide more
options for students.
We have researched student opinions, other school implementations,
WSU resources for providing these foods, and how unhealthy food
affects students. Will have then used these findings to create a
recommendation report.
To perform this research, we have used primary and secondary
research, including surveys, articles, and public school information to
familiarize ourselves with why healthy options are needed and how we
can implement them.
We found that students would love the chance to have healthier
options on campus and in addition to the adoption of healthier food,
not only will students benefit but staff and the overall WSU community
would reap the benefits as well. Further we found that 72.73% of
students would prefer healthier options on campus and 59.09% of
these students would be willing to pay a slight increase in price for this
option. The infrastructure and resources we have at WSU are able to
uphold healthier options at the CUB and other places on campus.
On the basis of these conclusions, we recommend that WSU continue
to research healthier options on campus, costs and the benefits of
implementing this change.
A group of students from English 402 class have been formally invited
to research the study of providing healthier food options on campus for
students at WSU.
Currently, WSU is only offering a select amount of food but it is food
that is not meeting healthy based needs for students. Students are
being drastically affected by WSUs choice to only offer these highly
unhealthy options. If WSU could provide these possibilities to students,
we would see a huge change in students. Research has shown that
college students are greatly affected by the unhealthy diet colleges
have provided to students. It has affected test scores, attendance,
weight gain and nutritional deficiencies. If Washington State University
helped promote healthier meals and snacks we could see a large
improvement in the overall academics, self-image and food
insecurities. We have used primary and secondary research to help
provide resources for this research.
Specifically, the following four questions were asked to perform the
research needed:
Research Methods
To acquire the information requested for The Board of Regents, we
broke the project into five tasks:
1. Acquire a basic understanding of how unhealthy diets
affect students physically and mentally
2. Conduct a survey to gather students opinions
3. How could WSU use current resources to provide healthier
options for WSU campus
4. How other schools have implemented healthy resources for
their students and campus
5. Analyze the data and create a recommendation report
Along with student opinions on their own diets, I also asked if students would enjoy
overall healthier options offered at the CUB; 72.73% said they would prefer if WSU
campus would provide healthy options and 68.18% would like these options to include
fresh fruit, vegetables and organic snacks and 31.82% would like to incorporate a salad
bar. In task three, I will talk about how WSU could incorporate these options efficiently.
Task 3: How could WSU use current resources to provide healthier
options for WSU campus
An effective cheap way to provide these healthy options to students, or at least account
for some of the food supply could be starting a WSU garden strictly used for supplying
the Compton Union Building. The Atrium Caf, also on campus, has students make all
the food sold homemade. By doing this, Atrium Caf is saving labor costs and also is
using a strict amount of homemade products.
We currently have four greenhouses on campus that are used for research labs. One of
these greenhouses is Eastlick Plant Growth Chamber that is available at a monthly charge
to use. Although the growth chambers are not available every month, I believe that this
will make it cost effective for the school. Each unit in the Eastlick Plant Growth Chamber
ranges from $20-$120 and includes six chambers available to rent.
Washington State University also owns multiple farms and five of these could be used to
help produce food for healthy organic options. One of these farms known as R.B Tukey
Horticulture Orchard sells its excess food not used for research and teaching to the
public. If we could use this excess food and sell it cheaply to dining services, the WSU
community would be able to benefit from the profit and the students would benefit from
the healthier, organic food. (CAHNRS, 2016)
Task 4: How other schools have implemented healthy resources for their
students and campus
Yale has made it their mission to provide fresh and healthy food to students. This includes
Yale has to farms that include berries, herbs, vegetables and many more things that help
provide to dining services. The sustainable food program at Yale is made possible by
providing students with two farms that allow for environmental and food science and
research. They also provide internships, which allows students to become more involved
with the program. Yale incorporates the food that is grown on their two farms in their
university dining halls. (Mark Bomford)
The University of Georgia also provides to their students but in different ways. They have
dedicated themselves to making sure diet needs are met not only to students who want to
eat healthier but to student that have special dietary needs such at gluten free and vegan
options. They label their food items on campus with a small icon, one of them includes an
icon that indicates the item has less than 10% of calories from saturated fat, less than 0.5
grams of trans fat and less than 480 mg of sodium. (University of Georgia, 2016)
Not only is the University of Georgia voted the in the top five schools for healthiest food
options they also provide a hotline for students to contact nutrition counselors that
provide assistance to health questions concerning diets and exercise. They also provide
classes that teach you how to eat healthy, healthy eating on the go and much more.
(University of Georgia, 2016) Although I do not know their budget and how much they
charge for each item, WSU has a budget of $1,294,660 designated to the Compton Union
Building from 2015-2017. Although this is not strictly designated to food services, we
could use some of this money to incorporate a healthier environment for students.
(Washington State University)
Task 5: Analyze the data and create a recommendation report
We have drafted this report in order to finalize and communicate our
recommendation report. We incorporated our primary and secondary
research and will turn this final report in.
In this section, we will present the results of our research. For each
task that we completed, we will elaborate on the important
Task 1: Acquiring a basic understanding of healthy and unhealthy effects on students
By promoting healthy diets at WSU, students at WSU will be able to improve their
academics, prevent future health problems and physical problems. The secondary and
primary research that was performed for this research project has allowed us to determine
what questions needed to be answered and how we would answer those questions.
This research overall determined that unhealthy diets and food insecurities are affecting
students abilities to learn, attend and focus in class and is affecting academics like test
scores. If we can improve diets and promote healthier eating, WSU will see a drastic
change in academics and student happiness. This can be a great change for not only
students but also faculty and the WSU community.
Overall we believe that with the information we have gathered so far we can conclude
that we can, as the WSU community can easily provide healthier options to students on
campus. With the statistics to prove the emotional and physical effects that bad eating has
on students and the resources WSU has an agricultural school and campus, we should
efficiently and effectively be able to provide to our students that kind of food they
deserve. Not only does Megan Paton-Lopez describe food options provided to the
students at college much like the food at WSU unhealthy, they are causing food
insecurities as well. This is the main source for the growing gain weight in college
students and we need to do everything we can to prevent this from going any
After researching the study of providing healthier food options on
campus for students at WSU, we notice that the food health problem is
becoming more and more serious.
It takes the big impact on college students college lives. Not only does
it related to students health, but it will also effect on students
academics. According to the research, the unhealthier food college
students eat, the lower GPA they get.
We also collected some opinions, whether they support our research or
not, from the students in WSU. Most of the students who are
interviewed by us realize their living life are pretty unhealthy. They
prefer that the CUB can offer healthier food.
According to the demands of students, we tried to find the solution of
the problem within the scope of colleges ability. We found a solution to
provide healthier campus at WSU by using four greenhouses in WSU
effectively. These greenhouses were built for research labs. If they can
sell the food to dining service with a lower price, it will be an effective
and cheap way to solve the health problem base on WSU current
resources. Its healthy and organic.
This solution isnt our imagination. Its a mature program which has
already been adopted by many other famous colleges.
We recommend that WSU implement the changes that are necessary in
order to bring healthier foods to the WSU campus. Students, that enjoy
healthy food and students that do not enjoy healthy food would both
benefit from this change because it would at least slightly increase
every student's mental and physical health here at WSU. If these
changes are not implemented we will continue to see the unhealthy
trends of students and the continuation of unhealthy diets. With the
rising amount of overweight and obese college students, this change
needs to happen. With the willingness of the students and the need for
Borreli, Lizzete. "Why 59% Of College Students May Suffer From Malnutrition."
Medical Daily. Medical Daily, 28 Jan. 2014. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
Cardinal, Brad. "News and Research Communications." Study: College Students Not
Eating Enough Fruits and Veggies. Oregon State University, 17 Aug. 2011. Web. 21 Feb.
Clarke, Nancy. "How Does Eating Healthy Affect Your Grades?" LIVESTRONG.COM.
LIVESTRONG.COM, 02 Aug. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.
O'Connor, Amy. "70% of Students Gain Weight During College: Study." Health News /
Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health. Health.com, 26 Sept. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.
Radcliffe, Shawn. "Nearly 60 Percent of College Students Are 'Food Insecure'"
Healthlines RSS News. Healthline, 30 Jan. 2014. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
"University of Georgia Food Services." Nutrition. University of Georgia, n.d. Web. 22
Feb. 2016.
This was not an article, but a website for University of Georgias healthy
implementations that they have brought to campus. They have not only labeled certain
nutritional facts but are also providing classes that talk about healthy eating, exercising,
cooking and how to shop on a budget.
"Washington State University." Farms. Washington State University, 2016. Web. 28 Feb.