Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Procedures
Entering the Classroom
Students should always enter the classroom ready to learn.
At the beginning of the day, students will walk in to the
classroom, turn their homework into the homework folder, pick
their lunch, and take a seat at their desk. When coming back in
from recess, lunch, or any other activity, students should walk
back into the classroom prepared to move on to the next activity.
Attention Getting Signals
Call Backs and Calm Downs are a good way to get the
attention of the class, and get them to quiet down. A few call
backs I plan to use include:
Hands on Top! .. Everybody stop!
(In which students put their hands on their heads, quiet down,
and stop doing what they were doing)
1, 2, 3Eyes on me! 1, 2. Eyes on you!
(In which all eyes should be on the teacher and there should be
no talking)
Give me 5!
(In which I will raise my hand and count down to one until the
class is silent. Students will also raise their hand and count down
along as they quiet down)
If You Can Hear Me
(In which students either touch the part of the body that the
teacher is touching, or they clap along to however many claps the
teacher is doing)
Calling on Students
can function well. Each day, students will have a different chore or
job. Chores include, but are not limited it:
Erasing the blackboard
Picking up pencils and paper off the floor
Tidying the reading center
Stacking chairs
Table washer
Jobs are the functions that happen within the school day, such as:
Classroom messenger
Lunch pail carrier
Line leader
Paper Passer/Collector
Collecting Papers
For each subject (Social Studies, Language Arts, Math, and
Science) there will be a designated basket for students to turn in
work. Students should always put their work into the correct
basket for it to be graded.
Going to the Nurse
A health folder will be kept close to the door, in which hall
passes for the nurses office will be kept. Students will need to
give the teacher the hall pass to fill out, and then take it with
them to the nurses office.
Using Slates
Whiteboard slates will be used during lessons in order to get
active participation from each student. I may ask a question, and
instead of calling on just one individual, I will have students write
the answer down on their slates. Slates will be kept in buckets
(along with erasable markers and square clothes) with each table
groups color on them. Students will know which bucket belongs to
them based off of the table group they sit at.
Seating Arrangement
Arranging Students
Students will sit in table groups of no more than 5 per table. I
will assign these table groups based on a number of factors
Voice Level
It is important for students to be able to monitor their voice
level and the voice level of the classroom. I will have a poster in
the classroom that identifies the different voice levels that
students can use, and an accompanying clothespin to indicate
what voice level students should be using at a particular time.
Students should always strive to use the voice level that the
teacher has indicated.
Students will receive summative and formative assessments
on a regular basis. This is to help me understand what students
have learned, what they still need practice with, and what they do
not understand at all. It is important that students try their best
on these tests. Cheating will not be tolerated, and may result in a
0 on the test. Privacy folders will be available for students who
may want to use one
Students should be respectful and on their best behavior
when there is a substitute teacher. This is an opportunity for
students to show other adults not familiar with the class that they
Student Absence
It is important that students attend school on a regular basis.
Students that miss a lot of school days/are inconsistent in
showing up to school will not receive the same instructional
lessons that other students do. However, they will still be held
accountable for the work that they miss. Absent students also
miss out on fun classroom activities, and have a harder time
making connections with their classmates. Parents should make
their best effort to bring their student to school every day.