Urrent Eview: Prophylactic Anticonvulsants After Neurosurgery
Urrent Eview: Prophylactic Anticonvulsants After Neurosurgery
Urrent Eview: Prophylactic Anticonvulsants After Neurosurgery
Prophylactic Anticonvulsants
After Neurosurgery
Nancy R. Temkin, Ph. D.
Departments of Neurological Surgery and Biostatistics
University of Washington Seattle, Washington
Six prospective, controlled trials have examined the effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) given to prevent the occurrence of seizures
following neurosurgery. Some studies have concentrated on specific
reasons for the neurosurgery (brain tumor) while others have included people with a variety of indications for surgery. Phenytoin
(PHT) has been studied most, but carbamazepine (CBZ) and phenobarbital (PB) have also been evaluated to some extent. Studies of
people with traumatic brain injury (some of whom were operated
on) provide some, but less direct, evidence of the prophylactic effects
of AEDs after neurosurgery. Despite considerable variation in reasons for the neurosurgery, AEDs given, and study design, the overall conclusions are remarkably consistent. The seizure risk is reduced about 40%50% for the first week after neurosurgery in
those given the older AEDs compared with those given placebo or
no treatment. After the first few weeks, none of the drugs has been
proven to reduce the incidence of seizures and in most situations
the best estimate is essentially no effect, but effects on the order of a
25%50% reduction in late (epileptic) seizures cannot be ruled
out. The new generation of AEDs have not been tested as prophylactic agents after neurosurgery. Although there are no guidelines
for prophylaxis following neurosurgery in general, these results are
consistent with the guidelines of professional organizations for subsets of neurosurgery cases. Those guidelines consider prophylaxis, especially using PHT, to be an option for the first week after surgery
but that the routine use of prophylactic anticonvulsants after the
first week is not warranted.
Clinical Science
FIGURE 1 Meta-analysis results for seizure prophylaxis clinical trials following craniotomy. The relative risk for each study is marked by
a square on a line that indicates the 95% confidence interval (CI) for that relative risk. Meta-analysis results for a time period and drug are
marked by a diamond with the center at the overall relative risk estimate and the points extending to the ends of the 95% CI. The authors
name is preceded by an asterisk (*) if the study did not use a placebo control. The seizure rate for the active treatment and control arms,
the relative risk estimate and its confidence interval, and, for the meta-analyses the p-value, accompany each study or combination of studies. A relative risk of one, representing no treatment effect, is marked by the dashed vertical line. Adapted from Temkin NR. Antiepileptogenesis and seizure prevention trials with antiepileptic drugs: Meta-analysis of controlled trials. Epilepsia 2001;42:515524, 2001 with
permission of Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
to 50% increase). The traumatic brain injury studies show significant variation in the results among studies, with one unmasked study having substantially more favorable results than
the masked studies.
The single study (2,5) looking at CBZ to prevent or suppress epileptic seizure after craniotomy found CBZ associated
with a nonsignificant 30% increase in late seizures (95% CI:
25% reduction to 125% increase). The study of CBZ following traumatic brain injury (11) showed a compatible nonsignificant 20% reduction in seizures (95% CI: 58% reduction
to 49% increase). PB was assessed in a single small study (4) of
craniotomy for supratentorial brain tumors. The best estimate
is that PB is associated with a nonsignificant 38% reduction in
post-operative epileptic seizures (95% CI: 88% reduction to
219% increase). Traumatic brain injury studies (9) showed essentially no effect (best estimate: 2% reduction, 95% CI: 52%
reduction to 104% increase).
Summary of Findings
Despite considerable variation in reasons for the neurosurgery,
AEDs given, and study design, the overall conclusions are remarkably consistent. The seizure risk is reduced about 40%
Clinical Science
50% for the first week after neurosurgery in those given the
older AEDs compared to those given placebo or no treatment.
After the first few weeks none of the drugs has been proven to
reduce the incidence of seizures and in most situations the best
estimate is essentially no effect, but effects on the order of a
25%50% reduction in late (epileptic) seizures cannot be
ruled out.
This work was supported by NIH/NINDS grant R01 NS
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