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Figure 1. Dermoid cyst - A. Bilaterally enlarged submentual and
submandibular mass resulting in a double chin, limited opening
of the mouth, and elevated floor of the mouth; B. Panoramic
radiograph of the jaws; C. Ultrasound - arrows show a suggested
cyst with a semiliquid content within the fascial spaces of the
muscles in the floor of the mouth; D. Surgical removal of the lesion
through an intraoral approach; E. Histopathology. Note the wall
of the cyst consisting of fibrous connective tissue, skin elements
such as a hair follicle (PF), and sweat glands (SG) (H.E. 100x); F.
Postoperative aspect after 1 year and 6 months.
Specialist in buccomaxillofacial surgery and trauma, Brazilian College of Buccomaxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. Masters degree in buccomaxillofacial surgery and trauma, Pernambuco
Dentistry School (FOP), UPE.
Doctoral degree in buccomaxillofacial surgery and trauma, Pernambuco Dentistry School (FOP), UPE. Adjunct professor, Pernambuco Dentistry School (FOP), UPE.
Doctoral degree in buccomaxillofacial surgery and trauma, Pernambuco Dentistry School (FOP), UPE. Staff of the residency program in buccomaxillofacial surgery and trauma, Oswaldo Cruz
University Hospital (HUOC), UPE.
Specialist in buccomaxillofacial surgery and trauma. Head of the residency and specialization program in buccomaxillofacial surgery and trauma, Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital (HUOC), UPE.
Masters degree in health sciences, Graduate Nucleus in Medicine, Sergipe Federal University (UFS). Substitute professor of oral pathology, Sergipe Federal University (UFS).
Doctoral degree in oral pathology, Rio Grande do Norte Federal University (UFRN). Adjunct professor of oral pathology, Pernambuco Dentistry School (FOP), UPE.
Pernambuco Dentistry School (Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco - FOP).
Pernambuco University (Universidade de Pernambuco - UPE).
Send correspondence to: Thiago de Santana Santos - Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de Pernambuco - Av. General Newton Cavalcanti, 1650. CEP: 54753-220. Camaragibe, PE, Brazil.
Phone: (+55 81) 345828 - Fax: (+55 81) 34582867 - E-mail: thiago.ctbmf@yahoo.com.br
Paper submitted to the BJORL-SGP (Publishing Management System Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology) on May 4, 2010;
and accepted on July 20, 2010. cod. 7063
77(5)-Ingles.indb 675
03/10/2011 09:18:40