Public Procurement Audit
Public Procurement Audit
Public Procurement Audit
The evolution of the procurement process has led to increasing demands on the professionalism of procurement
practitioners. Procurement of goods, works and services is a major component of any national budget and is
frequently the largest or second-largest category of expenditure. Therefore, maintaining transparency,
accountability and fairness in the procurement process is imperative. This comprehensive workshop will improve
your knowledge of how to audit procurement, regulatory frameworks, governance, and risks attributed to all
aspects of the procurement cycle and contract supervision. You will develop your practical skills in the audit
process from planning to execution and reporting and monitoring recommendations. In the modern environment,
it is necessary to ensure your organisation has the ability to identify, review and manage risks related to your
procurement process.
This comprehensive workshop will improve your knowledge of how to audit procurement, regulatory frameworks,
governance, and risks attributed to all aspects of the procurement cycle and contract supervision. You will develop
your practical skills in the audit process from planning to execution and reporting and monitoring
recommendations. In the modern environment, it is necessary to ensure your organisation has the ability to
identify, review and manage risks related to your procurement process.
Experience and research indicates that most public organisations face numerous problems, delays and loss of
monies in procurement because of their inability to observe and apply the procurement best practise guidelines at
each stage of the complex chain of international and domestic procurement operations. The increasingly complex
legal and regulatory structure within which contracts are formed, and the prominent role contracting and
purchasing personnel play in achieving project objectives, require managers to understand the fundamental of
procurement and contracting.
In order to improve the procurement process and expedite the implementation of development projects, thereby
improving public procurement in Africa and beyond, COT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, developed this course to help
organisation have effective procurement units. Participants will get an overview of all phases Public Procurement
Who should attend?
The program is suitable for anyone at senior or junior level who has responsibility and influence in relation to any
interaction the organisation has with external suppliers and markets. That could include:
Ensure accountability, probity and organisational governance for the procurement process
Carry out an analysis of the organisation to be audited, including determining the scope for
Ensure that the organisation has considered alternative methods for acquiring and providing goods and
services, including the use of competitive processes and outsourcing
Amend contracts and manage changes that occur during the procurement process
Session: Fundamentals of Procurement Auditing
This module will provide an overview of best practice in procurement and focus on:
key issues associated with the management of procurement expenditure and the control of individual
key risk areas and the audit approach to reviewing
Procurement expenditure to provide the basis for an audit programme
Introduction to procurement audit and types of procurement audit;
Analysis of the context of the contracting Authority that is subject to audit:
analysis of the legal/regulatory requirements of the procurement function;
analysis of risks (and potential fraud and corruption) in the various steps of procurement cycle
(definition and quantification of requirements, approval of requisition, supplier sourcing, selection of
procurement method, selection of contract type, bid opening and evaluation proceedings, formation
of evaluation committees, approval of award, contract management, records management, use of
financial securities, management of warranty/maintenance obligations, disposal of assets);
Analysis of the procurement strategy of the organisation and its annual procurement planning
processes (including use of e-procurement methods, aggregation of demand, etc.);
Development of the audit objectives and audit plan:
setting audit objectives and scope;
development of the procurement audit plan (size and method of selection of the sample of
procurement operations to be audited), audit criteria and evidence requirements; execution of the
procurement audit process:
methods for collection and analysis of evidence and "due care" in reporting cases of potential fraud
and illegal acts, compilation of "Procurement Audit" report;
Session 1: How to Structure a Public Procurement Audit
The balance between the internal auditor as an auditor and a criminal/police investigator
Forensic auditing - risk understanding - risk acceptance - risk control
How does the internal auditor work against producing and securing evidence
Steps in the work of an internal auditor to document evidence NOT produce evidence
How does an internal auditor prepare the presentation of the evidence to the company and/or the
How does the internal auditor work together with the police/court?
How do the internal auditor and the company /department secure that processes in the future can
avoid or reduce the possibilities of fraud
Assessment of the control environment as a prerequisite for the identification, evaluation, and
mitigation of costing risks
Systematic review of the process for estimation of contract volume: the importance of the cost matrix
and the budget breakdown
Evaluation of the practices targeting verification of contractors economy and efficiency of operations
Practical approach towards the examination of the cost performance of the procurement system: key
performance indicators (KPIs)
Session 1: Strategy, Governance and Control
If procurement and contract management processes and procedures are to be successfully implemented across
organisations, there must be a coherent, clear and well-communicated strategy. This module will:
Address risk areas arising from an organisations strategic approach to procurement
Highlight the key risks associated with failure to corporately manage procurement processes, and how
such risks can be mitigated
Examine the key issues that need to be incorporated within corporate policies and systems of control to
manage an organisations procurement expenditure
Identify an audit approach to the top-level review of procurement policies
Session 2: Procurement Audit Management
Managing The Audit Directorate
Responsibilities For Procurement Audit
Resource management And Allocation
Staff Monitoring, Mentoring And Appraisal
Technical Development And Capacity Building
1planning And Budgeting The Procurement Audit
Planning Methodology
The Annual Audit Work Plan
Procurement Audit Execution
Stages In Audit Reporting
Purpose And Effect Of The Quarterly Internal Audit Report
Session 2: The Procurement Audit Process and Procurement Risk analysis