Final Proyect
Final Proyect
Final Proyect
The Computer technology standards in the district, State and national challenge is to
transform the current education model with modern tools, strategies, and learning resources to
prepare our young learners for their futures.
Computer Technology Standards in the District
Productivity tools: students use appropriate productivity tools including but not limited to word
processing, spread sheet, database, multimedia and telecommunications.
Research Tools: Students use various technology tools to research information and evaluate its
accuracy and appropriateness in order to solve problems and make decisions.
Tools and Processes: Students will identify, apply concepts, and manage various tools and
resources to evaluate their accuracy and appropriateness in solving problems and making
Systems: Students will recognize that systems are made up of individual components and that
each component affects the operation of the system and its relationship with other systems.
Implication on Society: Students will evaluate the impact and ethical implication on individuals,
society and the environment.
Nevada Computer and Technology Standards (State)
Is built around the notion of technology integration that suggests that the teaching of
technology skills in isolation is not as effective as when technology is used in context. The
content for each standard is derived from the subject content into which the standard and the
technology is integrated.
Technology should be integrated into all subject areas and therefore, this document can be used
as a guide for standards revision committees in other content areas for the purpose of integrating
technology into their standards.
Assist district and school staff in the development of curriculum that will help build the bridge
that invites millennial learners to be successful, engaged, classroom learners.
National Technology Standards
Knowledge of content: Computer Science Educators demonstrate knowledge of Computer
Science content and model important principles and concepts. Such a demonstrating knowledge
of and proficiency in data presentation and abstraction.
Effective teaching and learning strategies: Computer Science Educators demonstrate effective
content pedagogical strategies that make the discipline comprehensible to students. Through
designing activities that requires students to effectively describe computing artifacts and
communicate results using multiple forms of media.
information at home and research using their phones, home computers, and talking to parents
(who could drive them to the library to research that planet with books and computers at the
library). Before students leave, on the back of the warm-up paper students will complete an exit
question. The exit question will be to write down three interesting facts about the planet they
have researched. When the bell rings, students will turn in their warm-up/exit sheets in that
periods turn-in basket (for example, period 1 will turn their work in period 1, period 2 will turn
their work in period 2, etc. Students know which period they are in and what basket to turn in).
T.W. assist students when they need help, and will announce when there is 10 minutes left of
class, 5 minutes left of class, etc. When there is 5 minutes left of class, teacher will have students
turn in iPads so the next class can use them for their research.
Day 2: T.W. have students complete a short warm-up on their warm-up papers they pick-up on
the table next to the front door as they walk into the classroom. S.W. complete warm-up and will
be timed 5 minutes (5 minute timer will be projected to the front of the classroom on the LCD
projector using the website to complete warm-up, in which they will write
down five interesting facts about the planet they researched S.W. be encouraged to use notes
from previous days/homework research. S.W. be graded on completion of the warm-up, not
necessarily if their answer is right or wrong the teacher encourages student feedback and open
discussion when completing warm-up. After spending about 5 minutes completing warm-up with
class, T.W. assign students to a computer (which are located on the side and back of the
classroom). T.W. will then get all the students attention and go over the project they will
complete. S.W. complete a project using Microsoft PowerPoint in which they will create a
brochure trying to persuade others to visit the planet they researched. T.W. demonstrate a
completed brochure (showing what he/she completed so students know what they are creating,
where to add information/pictures, etc.). Pretending its 500 years in the future (the year 2515),
what is so cool and interesting about the planet you researched that would want somebody to
visit? USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!! Even though the planet Mercury is too close to the Sun for
humans to see today, lets pretend we can visit that planet in the year 2515. What is on that planet
that humans could see? Use your imagination and have fun! S.W. be graded on what they learned
from the research of that planet. There will be no exit question today, S.W. print their brochures
and fold so it looks like a real brochure. Students will have to cite their sources on the back of
the brochure using M.L.A. format. S.W. be encouraged to add pictures they researched online
from that planet and add it to the brochure. If students dont finish in class, they can take home
and complete for homework (make sure they e-mail it or save it to their flash-drives). T.W. assist
students when they need help, and will announce when there is 10 minutes left of class, 5
minutes left of class, etc. When there is 2 minutes left of class, teacher will have students log off
of computer and gather their materials so they are not late for their next class.
Assessment: Students will be given a rubric which details what exactly is needed for the
brochure. Information on the brochure has to be accurate, and cant be not real. Brochure has
to contain at least 5 pictures from the planet, and uses 3 animation pictures from PowerPoint that
will grab your attention. Students will also be graded on citing their sources on the back of their