Reflective Essay
Reflective Essay
Reflective Essay
Lovita Vinod
Professor Collins
ENGL 1302
9 May 2016
How to save a writer
Communication is a form of expressing oneself through any form such as whispering,
screaming, or writing. Personally, as a young child, I used to write only in first person and that
was due to the fact that I was a dork and started my daily diary entries with, Dear Diary, I am
sad, and I want to go to Disney land. Being the child who rarely speaks, my daycare teacher
would declare all children should be like me, an introvert who finds the company of animals and
inanimate objects to be more amicable than an actual human being. The only way to express my
frustration was through writing depressing poetry and melodramatic stories consisting of an
unknown lover. Never had I written an 1800 worded essay and last years essays do not count
because I included the works cited page into the word count. Yet this was the first time in the
history of Lovita Vinod that communication became more complex and intricate because of
incorporating quizzes, reader response one, the causal argument essay and ratiocination.
Many of my dual credit peers who had another professor would chant series of pity calls.
They would feel sorry for our class because we had a strict professor who decided to employ
quizzes most of the time and did count the works cited page as part of the word count. However
it was the quizzes that helped me not to procrastinate and taught me to study ahead of time. Each
quiz correlated to the subject that would be taught the same day in class which was useful due to
the fact that the students could really participate in the activity for the day. The quizzes also
encouraged me to come to class early because sometimes the quiz questions would still be on the
PowerPoint before the quiz was even administered.
Vinod 2
Reader response one is the essay I am most embarrassed of presenting to any educator.
We had to write about our favorite song and it showed my true flaws of writing; I would write
without administering a filter and would pour my heart out in every word but it seemed like I
was rambling on without a cause. This reader response however, demonstrated my weaknesses
and allowed me to communicate with my professor through emails so I could improve on my
writing skills.
Video games destroy relationships and harbor hatred against every single object that
chooses to submit to gravity. I must admit I was a vivid fan of playing video games as a young
child however, being the responsible adult I am now, I transferred to using social media. Major
essay two was a causal argument. Now, arguments are something I must say, pertain to be
unlucky for me as I cannot even get a decent Starbucks coffee without being passive aggressive.
This essay made gave me the ability to back up my thoughts with proven facts and research done
by real scientists, not a bunch of hackers who decides to go onto Wikipedia and destroy the trust
of many.
It was in this class of English 1302 that editing became fun and it was not because of the
fact one could use a highlighter. Ratiocination and the G.U.M.P test helped improve my grade
and word count. In terms of communication, I actually was able to recognize all the silly
mistakes I did in my essay because when another person reads my essay, they only seem to
notice the flaws.
Communication skills have improved because I was not forced to present myself in front
of my peers. I would try not to be so repetitive in my writing and incorporate better diction into
my writing.