Chicago Westside NAACP ACT-SO
Chicago Westside NAACP ACT-SO
Chicago Westside NAACP ACT-SO
This is an important activity in which our students compete with a positive impact
on them and the local community. Each year we work with students who have not
competed in academic or cultural activities. We frequently interact with students
who have not travelled to another part of the City, let alone outside of Chicago. We
desperately need your assistance in supporting these young people in their positive
and constructive activities.
Please make a donation to the Chicago Westside Branch for the ACT-SO Program to
support the students on the local and national levels. Contributions are tax
deductible. Your contributions will show the students that we support them and
their pursuits.
I am contributing:
Please remember to specify that your donation is for ACT-S0 by on the Memo Line
on your check or Money Order.
You will receive a notice and receipt when your contribution is processed.