Equilibrium Problems 2
Equilibrium Problems 2
Equilibrium Problems 2
Name __
Date _
Group I. Write an equilibrium constant for each of the following reactions.
1. 2 SOz + 0z ~ 2 S03
2. 2 CO + 07 _____'o, 2 CO_7 _~
3. Nz + 3 Hz ~ 2 NH3
4. Hz + Cl2 ~ 2 HCl
5. 2 N2 + 02 ~ 2 N20
6. 2 NO + 02 F 2 N02
© 1984,1993,2001 1. Weston Walch, Publisher
Chemistry Problems
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Equilibria (continued)
Name __
Date _
9. AgCl ~ Ag+ + Cl-
© 1984, 1993,2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher
Chemistry Problems
Group II. In each of the following, determine the unknown quantity from the information given. The number in parentheses refers to the corresponding reaction in Group I to which you should refer.
1. Find Keq if [S02] = 1.0; [02] = 1.0; [S03] = 2.0 (1.)
2. Find Keq if [CO] = 0.5; [02] = 0.5; [C02] = 2.5 (2.)
3. Find Keq if [N2] = 0.25; [H2] = 0.10; [NH3] = 0.010 (3.)
4. Find Keq if [H2] = 2.0 x 10-3; [Cl2] = 2.5 x 10-2; [HCl] = 1.5 x 10-3 (4.)
5. Find [02] if Keq = 45.0; [N2] = 1.0; [N20] = 1.0 (5.)
6. Find [NO] if [02] = 0.10; [N02] = 0.20; Keq = 10.0 (6.)
7. Find [N2] if [H2] = 1.0 x 10-2; [NH3] = 2.0 x 10-3; Keq = 1.5 x 10-4 (3.)
© 1984,1993,2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher
Chemistry Problems
Equilibria (continued)
Name __
Date _
10. Find ~ if [HCN] = 0.0010; [H+] = 0.010; [CN-] = 2.0 x 10-8 (8.)
12. Find [H+] if [HeN] = 3.6 x 10-3 and [CN-] = [H+]; ~ = 5.8 x 10-8 (8.)
13. Find Ksp if the solubility of silver chloride is 4.3 x 10-6 g/lOO mL (9.)
14. Find Ksp if the solubility of bismuth sulfide is 2.9 x 10-5 g/100 mL (11.)
15. Find [Pb2+] ifKsp for PbI2 is 7.5 x 10-9 (10.)
16. Find the solubility in grams/l 00 mL of calcium ion if Ksp for calcium phosphate is
3.2 x 10-24 (12.)
Group III. Solve each of the following problems involving equilibria.
1. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the following reaction, 2A + B ~ 3C + D, where molar concentrations are A = 3; B = 2; C = 2; and D = 4.
2. The equilibrium constant, K, for the reaction A + B ~ 2C is 50. After mixing equimolar quantities of A and B, the equilibrium concentration of C is found to be 0.50. What are the concentrations of A and B at equilibrium?
© 1984, 1993, Z001 1. Weston Walch, Publisher
(continued) @ Chemistry Problems
Equilibria (continued)
Name __
Date _
3. Consider the reaction PCIS (g) ;;===:: PCl3 (g) + CIZ (g). The equilibrium mixture in a 9.0 dm3 container was found to include 0.25 mol PCls, 0.36 mol PCl3, and 0.36 mol Clz. From this data, calculate the equilibrium constant for the dissociation at the reaction temperature of 225°C.
4. Nitrogen is caused to react with hydrogen to form ammonia at 450 °C in a 4.0 dm3 vessel.
At equilibrium, the partial pressures observed for each of the species in the reaction was as follows: NH3: 900 mm; Nz: 180 mm; and Hz: 305 mm. From this information, calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction at this temperature.
5. Consider the reaction Hz + Iz ;;===:: 2HI. The equilibrium constant for this reaction is 32.
If, at equilibrium, the concentration of HI is 0.40 and that of Iz is 0.05, what is the concentration of Hz?
6. The equilibrium constant for the following reaction is 8.
4 Al (s) + 30z (g) ;;===:: 2AlZ03 (s) What is the concentration of oxygen at equilibrium?
7. For the reaction HZ + IZ ==' 2HI, what is the equilibrium constant if the following concentration of substances is observed at equilibrium?
[HI] = 7.89 M
8. Given the equilibrium concentrations shown below, what is the dissociation constant for ammonia?
[NH3] = 0.0015 M
9. In a saturated solution of AgZCZ04, the concentration of silver ion is 3.4 x 10-4 mol/dm3.
From this information, compute the solubility product of AgZC204.
Answer Key 195
Group VI.
1. NH4 + + cr + H20 F NH40H (-+ NH31 + H20) + H+ + el-
2. Na" + C2H302- + H20 ~ HC2H302 + Na" + OH-
3. 2 u- + S2- + 2 H20 ~ Li+ + 2 OH- + H2Sl
4. 2 NH4+ + S042- + 2 H20 ~ 2 NH40H (-+ 2 NH31 + 2 H20) + 2 H+ + sol-
5. K+ + CN-+ H20 F HCN + K+ + OH-
6. Rb" + C2H302- + H20 F HC2H302 + Rb" + OH-
7. 2 Na+ + B40l- + 2 H20 F H2B407 + 2 Na+ + 2 OH-
8. 2 NH4+ + S2- + 2 H20 ~ H2S1 + 2 NH40H (-+ 2 NH3l + 2 H20)
9. 2 u- + col- + 2 H20 ~ H2C03 (-+ H20 + C02l ) + 2 Li+ + 2 OHIO. NH4 + + N03- + H20 ~ NH40H (-+ NH3l + H20) + H+ + N03-
11. Ca2+ + 2 C2H302 - + H20 ~ 2 HC2H302 + Ca2+ + 2 OH-
12. 2 Na+ + col- + 2 H20 F H2C03 (-+ H20 + C02l ) + 2 Na+ + 20H-
13. NH4 + + C2H302- + H20 ~ HC2H302 + NH40H (-+ NH3l + H20)
14. 2 K+ + S2- + 2 H20 ~ H2Sl + 2 K+ + 2 OH-
15. NH4 + + HC03- + H20 F H2C03 (-+ H20 + C02l ) + NH40H ( -+ NH3l + H20)
Equilibria (pp. 92-96) Group 1.
1. Keq = --2--[S02] x [02]
2. Keq = ---=-2-[CO] x [02]
3. Keq = :)
[N2] x [H2r
4. Keq = [H2] x [CI2]
5. Keq= --2-[N2] x [02]
6. Keq = ---=-2-[NO] x[02]
~ = [H+] x [C2H302 -]
7. [HC2H302]
9. Ksp = [Ag"] x [Cn ([AgCl] = constant)
10. Ksp = [Pb2+] x [q2 ([PbI2] = constant)
11. Ksp = [Bi3+f x [S2-]3 ([Bi2S3] = constant)
12. Ksp = [Ca2+]3 x [P043-f ([Ca3(P04h] = constant)
196 Chemistry Problems
Group II.
1. 4.0
2. 50
3. 0.4
4. 0.045
5. 0.022
6. 0.2
7. 2.67 x 104
8. 0.116
9. 1.0 x 10-5
10. 2 x 10-7
11. 1.35 x 10---4
12. 1.44 x 10-5
13. 9.12 x 10-14
14. 6.16 x 10-30
15. 1.23 x 10-3 mol/L
16. 1.57 x 10-5 g/mL
Group III.
1. K= [C] [D] = 1.78
[A]2 [B]
2. [A] = [B] = 0.071 M
3. K = 0.058 mol/dm3
4. K = 1.59 x 10---4
5. [H2] = 0.10
6. [02] = 0.5
7. K=85.2
8. KD= 1
9. Ksp = 20 x 10-12
10. 5 x 10-8 molldm3
11. Ksp = 1.58 x 10-12
12. 3 x 10-39 mol/dm3
13. Ksp = 9.42 x 10-10
14. Yes, AgBr will precipitate out (8.28 x 10-9> 4.9 x 10-13)
15. [Ca2+] = 7.43 x 10-6 M; [P04 -3] = 4.95 x 10-6 M
16. [Pb2+] = 1. 78 x 10-2 molldm3
17. Le Chatelier's Principle
The effect of (a) increased pressure and (b) increased temperature on each reaction is indicated below by an arrow showing the reaction favored in each case.
Increased Pressure
Increased Temperature
1 2 3 4 5 6
+-+ neither
Acids and Bases (pp. 97-100) Group I.
1. 10-1, 10-13, I, 13
2. I, 10-14, 0, 14
3. 10-13 , 10-1, 13, 1
4. 10-14, I, 14, 0
5. 10-3, 10-11, 3, 11