Newton's Law of Cooling Revisited: M Vollmer

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Eur. J. Phys. 30 (2009) 10631084


Newtons law of cooling revisited

M Vollmer
Microsystem and Optical Technologies, University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg
Magdeburgerstr. 50, 14770 Brandenburg, Germany

Received 16 April 2009, in final form 11 June 2009

Published 24 July 2009
Online at

The cooling of objects is often described by a law, attributed to Newton, which

states that the temperature difference of a cooling body with respect to the
surroundings decreases exponentially with time. Such behaviour has been
observed for many laboratory experiments, which led to a wide acceptance of
this approach. However, the heat transfer from any object to its surrounding is
not only due to conduction and convection but also due to radiation. The
latter does not vary linearly with temperature difference, which leads to
deviations from Newtons law. This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the
cooling of objects with a small Biot number. It is shown that Newtons law
of cooling, i.e. simple exponential behaviour, is mostly valid if temperature
differences are below a certain threshold which depends on the experimental
conditions. For any larger temperature differences appreciable deviations
occur which need the complete nonlinear treatment. This is demonstrated
by results of some laboratory experiments which use IR imaging to measure
surface temperatures of solid cooling objects with temperature differences of up
to 300 K.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction

Temperature differences in any situation result from energy flow into a system (heating by
electrical power, contact to thermal bath, absorption of radiation, e.g. microwaves, sun radiation
etc) and/or energy flow from a system to the surrounding. The former leads to heating, whereas
the latter results in cooling of an object. The cooling of objects is usually considered to be
due to three fundamental mechanisms: conduction of heat, convection and radiative transfer
of energy [1, 2]. Although these three mechanisms of energy flow are quite different from
each other, one often finds a very simple law for their combined action to describe the cooling
curves of hot objects if temperature differences are small (see below). This law, mostly
referred to as Newtons law of cooling, was originally expressed in a way that states that the
temperature difference between an object and its surrounding decreases exponentially, if there
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M Vollmer

is no additional heating involved [3]. Many modern textbooks present this law in another way
to describe the physics behind the exponential decrease by stating Newtons law to mean that
the heat transfer from an object to the surrounding is proportional to the respective temperature
difference (e.g. [1], the very helpful comment by Bohren [3]; see also [4]). The respective
time constant in the exponential function is characteristic for the object under study, i.e. it
depends on its properties (heat capacity, size, geometry [5, 6] etc).
In the last few decades, quite a number of publications dealt with Newtons law of cooling.
Some historical notes can be found in [7, 8]. The nearly endless discussions about Newtons
law of cooling may be summarized by the statement of OConnell [9]: Newtons law of
cooling is one of those empirical statements about natural phenomena that should not work,
but does. Similarly, in 1969 it was stated that there is no definitive body of experimental
data which defines the limits within which reality conforms to the law and experiments
using steady air flow around hot objects led to the conclusion that cooling in air proceeded
geometrically (i.e. following exponential decay) up to 200 C [7].
In detail, earlier work on Newtons law of cooling dealt with
undergraduate lab experiments to demonstrate exponential cooling curves [10, 11],
comparison of the cooling of solids with Newtons law [12],
the influence of a finite reservoir of lower temperature than the object (e.g. well-defined
amounts of hot water surrounded by cold water) [13],
the mechanical equivalent of heat from Joules experiment [14],
the cooling of tea or coffee [15],
modelling the transient temperature distributions of metal rods heated at one side only
measuring specific heats of solids and thermal conductivities [1719],
the cooling of spherical objects (like fuel droplets) in a gas [20]
boundary conditions in studies modelling thermos [21],
the world record for creating the fastest ice cream using liquid nitrogen [22],
the cooling of incandescent lamp filaments [23] and
explanations concerning the relevant corrections for the heating curves of water [9].
In most papers, linearization for the radiative contribution of heat transfer was used in
order to end up with Newtons law. However, this is only justified for small temperature
differences. In any case, one may expect that the strong nonlinearity of the radiative cooling
processes should lead to deviations from the simple exponential behaviour.
Although this nonlinearity due to radiative processes was often recognized (e.g. [3, 4,
8, 24]), linearization was often considered to be an appropriate approximation. This was
motivated by the fact that experimental investigations usually dealt with the low temperaturedifference regime of say T < 50 K, where notable deviations from the exponential decrease
due to the linear behaviour were not observed. (Notable deviations in the context of this paper
mean that actual values for the temperature differences deviate from expectation according to
Newtons law, i.e. a simple exponential, by say 5% or more.) In particular, an extensive study
of the easiest student lab experiments like the cooling of flasks filled with hot water never
showed any deviations from exponential cooling for T < 55 K [25, 26].
Therefrom several interrelated questions arise: namely (i) what is the magnitude of
deviations? (ii) is it possible to define a range of validity for Newtons law of cooling? and
(iii) can these deviations be easily observed experimentally?
In the following, all three questions will be addressed. First, a brief theoretical analysis
of heat-transfer modes for cooling objects will be given. Second, in order to simplify the
theoretical analysis and to properly describe simple experiments, we will discuss the so-called

Newtons law of cooling revisited


Biot number. Emphasis will be on objects with a small Biot number. Third, the assumptions
underlying Newtons law of cooling will be discussed. Fourth, the correct theoretical treatment
of the radiative heat transfer leads to deviations from Newtons law which will be discussed
upon variation of a number of parameters. It will be demonstrated that the temperature range
where Newtons law is valid does sensitively depend on the relative contributions of convective
versus radiative heat transfer. Finally, experimental results with temperature differences T
of up to 300 K will be presented which clearly verify the theoretically predicted deviations
from Newtons law of cooling.
The problem as well as some experiments seem to be appropriate for undergraduate
physics courses.
2. The basic heat-transfer modes: conduction, convection and radiation

Temperature differences in any situation result from energy flows into a system and energy
flows from a system to the surrounding. The former leads to heating, whereas the latter
results in cooling of an object. In thermodynamics, any kind of energy flow which is due to
a temperature difference between a system and its surroundings is usually called heat flow
or heat transfer. In physics, one usually distinguishes three kinds of heat flow: conduction,
convection and radiation.
2.1. Conduction

Conduction refers to the heat flow in a solid or fluid (liquid or gas) which is at rest. Conduction
of heat within an object, e.g. a one-dimensional wall, is usually assumed to be proportional
to the temperature difference T1 T2 on the two sides of the object as well as the surface
area A of the object. This follows from the left-hand side of equation (1) by approximating
dT/ds T/s:

A (T1 T2 ) = Cond A (T1 T2 ).
Q Cond = A
The heat-transfer coefficient within the object is defined as Cond = s , where is the
thermal conductivity and s is a measure for the object size. For the one-dimensional wall
it would be the wall thickness. The heat-transfer coefficient Cond describes heat transfer in
W (m2 K)1. Hence the heat flux through the wall Q Cond in W gives the energy flow per
second through the wall of the surface area A if the temperature difference between the inner
and outer surfaces is given. Typical values of heat-transfer coefficients for s = 10 cm wall
thickness for pure metals are of the order of 1000 W (m2 K)1, building materials such as
concrete, stones or glass range between 5 and 20 W (m2 K)1, water has 0.6 W (m2 K)1,
and insulating foams or gases range between 0.2 and 0.5 W (m2 K)1.
2.2. Convection

In general, convection refers to the heat flow between a solid and a fluid in motion. The
energy flow Q Cond per second from the surface of an object with temperature T1 into a fluid
of temperature T2 due to convection is usually assumed to follow a law similar to the one of
Q Conv = Conv A (T1 T2 ).
The heat-transfer coefficient for convection depends on the nature of the motion of the fluid,
on the fluid velocity and on temperature differences. One distinguishes free convection where


M Vollmer

Figure 1. Whenever an object is placed in an environment of different temperature, there will be

a net energy transfer due to thermal radiation due to emission as well as absorption of radiation by
the object.

the current of the fluid is due to temperature and, hence, density differences in the fluid. In
forced convection, the current of the fluid is due to external forces/pressure. Theoretically,
convective heat transfer is modelled using dimensionless numbers such as the Nusselt number,
the Prandtl number, the Grashof number and the Rayleigh number [1]. These depend on the
Reynolds number which defines the kind of flow (laminar versus turbulent). Therefrom it
follows that Conv depends on viscosity, thermal conductivity etc and also nonlinearly on the
temperature difference, i.e. Conv Tx. The exact power x depends on the flow conditions,
e.g. for free convection around a horizontal plate, it changes from x = 0.25 for laminar flow
to 0.33 for turbulent flow [1].
Typical values for free-convective heat-transfer coefficients of gases above solids are cited
to range between 2 and 25 W (m2 K)1, the exact value depending on flow conditions, wind
speed and moisture of the surface; for liquids they can be in the range 501000 W (m2 K)1.
Here, we neglect any effects of latent heat associated with convective heat transfer.
2.3. Radiation

The emission of thermal radiation by an object is usually expressed as the product of a material
property, the emissivity and the blackbody radiation due to the object temperature T (e.g.
[1, 2, 2729]. For many objects (in particular all studied in this work), the emissivity can be
assumed to be independent of wavelength, i.e. having a constant value 0.85.
In any realistic situation, an object of temperature Tobj is surrounded by other objects
of background temperatures Tsurr. For simplicity, we assume an object (figure 1) which is
completely surrounded by an enclosure of constant temperature (if the surrounding consists of
objects with different temperatures, one needs to compute the respective view factors to find
the net radiation transfer [1, 2]).
In addition to the emission of radiation from the object there is radiation from the
surroundings incident onto the object. This finally leads to a net energy transfer from the
object with the surface area A to the surroundings

Q Rad = A Tobj
Since any quantitative analysis concerning the heat transfer is much easier for linear
temperature differences, it is customary to approximate the radiative contribution also with

Newtons law of cooling revisited


a linear equation. This makes sense, if temperature differences are small (Tobj Tsurr, i.e.
T  Tsurr, Tobj), since in this case

= kappr (T ) (Tobj Tsurr ),
Tobj Tsurr
. Using Rad = kappr , equation (3) can be rewritten as
where kappr (T) 4TSurr

Q Rad = Rad A (Tobj Tsurr ),


which is of the same type as the heat-transfer equations for conduction and convection.
3. Conduction within solids: the Biot number

In the experiments described below, information about the temperatures of solid objects will
be gained from the surface temperatures of these objects. It is important to know how these
surface temperatures are related to average temperatures in order to correctly model the cooling
Consider a solid, which is between two fluids of different but constant temperatures T1
and T2. Assuming steady state conditions the heat flows due to conduction, convection and
radiation will lead to a spatial temperature distribution within the object. It is possible to get
some idea on this temperature distribution within the solid by using the so-called Biot number
Bi =
The Biot number is a dimensionless quantity, usually describing the ratio of two adjacent
heat-transfer rates. In the present case, it describes the ratio of the outer heat flow from the
surface to the surrounding, characterized by the convective heat-transfer coefficient Conv at the
surface, and the inner heat flow within the object characterized by the conductive heat-transfer
coefficient cond = (/s). For Bi  1, the outer heat flow is much larger than the inner heat
flow. Obviously, this will result in a strong spatial variation of internal temperature within the
object. This is typical for walls of buildings. If however, Bi  1, the internal heat flow is much
larger than the heat loss from the surface. Therefore, there will be temperature equilibrium
within the object, i.e. a homogeneous temperature distribution within the solid and the drop at
the boundary of the object to the surrounding fluid is much larger [1].
As an example of time-dependent effects, we discuss the situation of the cooling of
objects. Consider e.g. an initially hot one-dimensional object of temperature Tobj which is in
contact with surroundings of lower temperature. Figure 2 gives a schematic representation of
temperature within the object as a function of time for different Biot numbers. The temperature
drops outside the boundaries were omitted here for clarity. For the Biot numbers <0.1, the
temperature differences between the exact solution and the one assuming equilibrium within
the object only leads to 2% deviation [2]. Hence, whenever Bi < 0.1 [1], one may assume
constant temperature throughout the solid.
For larger Biot numbers, the conduction heat transfer within the solid proceeds more
slowly than the convective heat transfer from the surface boundary. Therefore, the outside
parts of the solid cool faster than the inside and a spatial temperature profile results. In this
case, the surface temperature does not resemble a useful measure for the inside temperature
or even an average temperature of the solid. Figure 2(b) shows that for small Biot numbers,
Tsurface still resembles a more or less reasonable approximation for the average temperature
Taverage. For very large Biot numbers, the convective heat transfer dominates, the surface
temperature drops very rapidly and then stays low, while the internal temperature drops only
very slowly.


M Vollmer



Figure 2. Schematic temperature distributions within solid objects upon cooling as a function of
the increasing Biot number (Bi = 0, Bi = 0(1), i.e. of the order of unity, Bi  1). For finite
object temperature, there is an additional temperature drop at the boundary to the surrounding
fluid, which was omitted here. The intermediate situation (b) depicts also the differences between
surface, centre and average temperature of a sphere.

Table 1 gives a summary of Biot numbers for some objects used in our experiments (see
below). For small objects of metal the condition Bi < 0.1 is usually fulfilled. The same holds
for cans/bottles filled with water for both the liquid inside and the walls of the container. This
means that we can simplify the models by assuming thermal equilibrium within the objects,
i.e. by describing the cooling process with average temperatures of the objects. In the case of
bottles/cans, any internal convection of the water would increase , hence decrease Bi further.

4. Simplified model for cooling of objects for Bi  1

Consider a homogeneously heated object, which can be described by a small Biot number, i.e.
an average temperature is sufficient to characterize the cooling of the object. If the object is
just placed in air, we assume typical values for heat-transfer coefficients for free convection
(solids to gases) in the range 225 W (m2 K)1. Supposing an initial temperature Tinit of the
objects, energy conservation requires that any heat loss will lead to a decrease of the thermal

Newtons law of cooling revisited


Table 1. Some material properties of objects and respective Biot numbers.



Metal cubes
Soft drink
can (0.5 l)
Light bulbs
Bottle (0.5 l)
in fridge

Aluminium, paint
Aluminium with
water inside
Glass with
water inside

(W/(m2 K)1)

s in m

(m K)1)

2060 103
1 103
3.3 102 radius 0.6
1 103
3 103
3.3 102 radius 0.6

Cond = /s
(W (m2 K)1)
11 0003670
>220 000


energy of the object, i.e.


= Q Conv Q Rad ,


where m is the mass of the object, c is the specific heat (here assumed to be independent of T)
and dTobj/dt denotes the decrease in the (uniform) temperature of the objects due to the losses.
Conduction within the solid is only important for establishing a homogeneous temperature
profile within the objects; the heat transfer from the object to the surrounding air is due to
convection and radiation.
Using equations (2) and (3) for the heat losses would lead to a nonlinear differential
equation which cannot be easily solved analytically. However, if the radiative cooling
contribution can be used in the linearized form (equation (5)), equation (7) turns into a
conventional linear differential equation

= total A (Tobj Tsurr ),

where total = C + R = C + kappr .


Here C accounts for the sum of conduction and convection. total in addition includes the
linearized radiative heat transfer. The solution for t0 = 0 is usually written as
Tobj (t) = Tsurr + (TInit Tsurr ) et/

with time constant

c V
total A


Here, is the density of the object material, c is the specific heat and the volume-to-surface ratio
V/A is proportional to the size of the object. Equation (9) predicts that the difference between
the initial temperature TInit and surrounding air temperature Tsurr drops exponentially (this
dependence is denoted as Newtons law). Many experiments seem to support the applicability
of this simplified theory for temperature difference.
We briefly summarize the assumptions which led to equation (7), i.e. to Newtons law of
(1) The object is characterized by a single temperature (Bi  1).
(2) For small temperature differences T (T  Tobj, Tsurr with absolute temperatures in
K) the radiative heat transfer may be approximated by its linearized form (equation (5))
where the heat-transfer coefficient is constant (does not depend on temperature). Below
we will discuss in detail how small T may be.
(3) The convective heat-transfer coefficient is assumed to stay constant during the cooling


M Vollmer

(4) The temperature of the surrounding stays constant during the cooling proceeds, this means
that the surroundings must be a very large thermal reservoir.
(5) The only internal energy source of the object is the stored thermal energy.
It is quite easy to experimentally fulfil requirements (1), (4) and (5). The convective heat
transfer (3) assumption is more critical. In experiments it can be kept constant using steady
airflow around objects, i.e. for forced convection. If experiments use free convection, C may
depend on the temperature difference. In the following theoretical analysis, we will however
focus on the influence of the linearization of the radiative heat transfer. In particular, we will
discuss the question, whether the linearization of equation (3) (to give equation (5)) does also
work over extended temperature ranges.
5. Modelling with the correct radiative heat transfer and arbitrary temperature
differences for the cooling of objects for Bi  1

The cooling of objects can be studied by theoretical modelling using the complete nonlinear
heat transfer.

= Con A (Tobj Tsurr ) A Tobj
Equation (10) was numerically solved for a specific example of painted aluminium cubes of
40 mm size since such cubes were used in one of the experiments. They may serve as a
theoretical model system with simple geometry.
The cooling, as described by equation (10), depends on three parameters, first the
cube size (in general this relates to the energy storage capability of the object), second the
convective heat-transfer coefficient and third the emissivity of the object, i.e. the contribution
of the radiative heat transfer. Figure 3 depicts the results while varying these parameters
independently in semi logarithmic plots. Newtons law would be represented with a straight
The variation of cube size (a) in particular the variation of the slope of the plots directly
relates to the fact that the time constant for cooling is linearly proportional to size. The other
parameters for convection and emissivity lead to curved cooling plots, i.e. deviations from
the simple exponential behaviour (straight line) for all investigated sizes. The variation of
the convective heat-transfer coefficient (b) does have a strong impact on the linearity of the
plot. The larger conv, the more the plot follows a straight line. Similarly, the variation of
emissivity (c) shows that very small emissivities (e.g. < 0.2), i.e. small contributions of the
radiative heat transfer, clearly favour Newtons law, i.e. exponential cooling. In practice,
cannot be varied in such wide ranges. Polished metal cubes will have -values of the order of
0.1, whereas those painted with high emissivity paint will have emissivities around 0.9. For
experiments, intermediate values for the total radiative heat transfer may be realized by only
painting a few sides of the cubes and leaving the others polished.
The numerical results of figure 3 were of course expected as they are a direct consequence
of equation (10) which already explains the conditions for having either linear or nonlinear
behaviour. If the convection term is large and the radiation contribution small, linear plots are
expected and vice versa, whereas changing the size (ratio of mass and area) only has an effect
on the timescale of the cooling process.
The degree of deviations from a straight line is depicted for three different convective
heat-transfer coefficients (3 W m2 K, 10 W m2 K and 30 W m2 K) for 40 mm size cubes
and = 0.9 in figure 4. The initial temperature differences were assumed to be 700 K with
regard to ambient temperature.

Newtons law of cooling revisited




Figure 3. Numerical results of equation (10) for Al metal cubes. (a) Variation of cube size from

1 to 100 cm for fixed Conv = 10 W (m2 K)1 and = 0.9. (b) Variation of the convective heat
transfer coefficient Conv from 1 to 100 W (m2 K)1 for fixed size (s = 4 cm) and = 0.9. (c)
Variation of the emissivity for fixed Conv = 10 W (m2 K)1 and cube size s = 4 cm. In (b) and
(c), numbers from top to bottom refer to curves from top to bottom.

It is quite obvious that all plots show deviations from straight lines (broken lines), which
nicely fit the low temperature data. The larger the convective heat transfer, the smaller the
deviations. For low convective losses of only 3 W m2 K, deviations can already be expected
for temperature differences as small as 40 K. In contrast for very high convective losses of 30
W m2 K, simple exponential cooling seems to work quite well for T < 100 K.
The results demonstrate that there is no general number for T describing the range of
validity of Newtons law. Rather, the respective temperature range depends on the experimental
conditions and how close one looks for deviations. Plotting data only for small temperature
differences can lead to the impression that the straight line works quite well since deviations
are not as pronounced as for the high temperature range.
The results from figure 3 can be used to consider the two extreme cases for the cooling of
objects, one where radiation dominates and another where convection dominates the cooling
process. Results are depicted in figure 5. The smallest imaginable realistic value for the
convective heat transfer is in the range of 1 W m2 K; the largest respective radiative heat
transfer occurs for black bodies, i.e. setting = 1.0 as may be realized by metal cubes covered
with high emissivity paint. In this case, the cooling curve already starts to deviate from
Newtons law for T 30 K. In contrast, polished metal cubes with low emissivity reduce
radiation losses. The convective losses may simultaneously be enhanced by directing fans


M Vollmer

Figure 4. Theoretical cooling of Al metal cubes with size 40 mm and = 0.9 for different

convective heat transfer coefficients. Newtons law would be a straight line such as the broken
lines, which closely describe the low temperature data, but show deviations for larger temperatures.



Figure 5. Extreme cases of cooling of Al metal cubes (s = 4 cm): small convection with large

radiation heat transfer (a) and large convection with small radiative heat transfer (b).

with high air speed onto the objects. In this case, very high values of up to 100 W m2 K seem
possible. As a result, no deviation from the straightline plot is observable, i.e. Newtons law
would hold for the whole temperature range of T = 500 K.
In order to further understand the relevance of the nonlinearities during the cooling of
objects, we now consider the relative contributions of radiation and convection heat transfer.

Newtons law of cooling revisited


Figure 6. Relative contributions of convection and radiative cooling for Al cubes of 40 mm size
with = 0.9 as a function of temperature. The initial temperature was 993 K, i.e. T = 700 K. For
small convective heat transfer coefficients, radiative cooling is dominant throughout the cooling
process, whereas for larger convection, there will be a change of the dominant cooling contribution
at a certain temperature.

Quick estimates for special cases are possible using equations (2) and (3). Even close to
room temperature, radiative losses are surprisingly large. This must be noted since many
people argue that radiation losses can be neglected close to room temperature which is just
wrong! Let us assume a background temperature of 22 C, i.e. Tsurr = 293 K. At 300 K, a
blackbody ( = 1) will then emit about 41 W m2 which is of the same order of magnitude as
typical convection losses of 63 W m2 (for con = 9 W (m2 K)1 or 14 W m2 (for con =
2 W (m2 K)1).
A small radiative or a large convective contribution reduces the nonlinear effects in
equation (10). This can also be seen in figure 6, which depicts the relative contributions of the
convective and radiative heat transfer for the 40 mm Al cubes by assuming = 0.9 and three
different values conv1 = 3 W m2 K, conv2 = 10 W m2 K and conv1 = 30 W m2 K, for
convective heat transfer.
For very small convective heat transfer of 3 W m2 K, radiation dominates the total energy
loss of the object from the beginning to the end. This easily explains why one necessarily
expects strong deviations from Newtons law already for small temperature differences in
this case. For larger convection coefficients like 10 W m2 K or 30 W m2 K, there is a


M Vollmer

cooling time, i.e. transition temperature difference, where the dominant cooling changes from
radiation to convection. For 10 W m2 K this happens at T = 137 K (after 840 s in a T(t)
plot)) and for 30 W m2 K it happens at T = 415 K (after 112 s). Qualitatively it makes
sense that the higher this transition temperature difference, the larger the range of validity
of Newtons law of cooling. For the convective heat transfer of 100 W m2 K and = 0.1
(see figure 5), convection would dominate radiation right from the beginning, which easily
explains the linear plot.
From the theoretical analysis, it is clear that radiative cooling should lead to deviations
from Newtons law of cooling above critical temperature differences, which in some of the
discussed cases were below 100 K. This raises the question of why many experiments reported
the applicability of Newtons law for a temperature difference range of up to 100 K. The answer
which is proposed here is simple: if one waits long enough, any cooling process can probably
be described by a simple exponential function.
To my knowledge, this statement has not been proven theoretically for the cooling
of objects involving nonradiative heat transfer. The idea behind it may be motivated for
convective cooling of simple shaped objects irrespective of the size or Biot number by the
following argument. The cooling of objects such as spheres, cylinders, or plates of any size
(not just small objects), which start at a given initial temperature and which are in contact
with a fluid (radiative heat transfer is neglected) can be described by a series expansion of
exponential functions [2]. It is found that for sufficiently long times, a single term in the series,
i.e. a single exponential function, describes the temperature distribution within the objects. If a
suitable average temperature is defined, the single exponential function will therefore describe
the cooling process.
With this result from pure convective cooling in mind, theoretical cooling curves involving
nonlinear radiative heat transfer were analysed by using series expansions of exponential
functions as fit functions.
Figure 7 (left) depicts the theoretical temperature plot for Conv = 10 W m2 K, = 0.9
and 40 mm Al cubes of figure 5. These theoretical data were fitted (figure 7 (right)) using a
third-order exponential fit of the form
T (t) = T0 + A1 et/1 + A2 et/t2 + A3 et/t3 .


The agreement of such a simple fit is extremely good as can be seen from figure 8, which depicts
the difference between the theoretical plot and the third-order exponential fit. Disregarding
the first 10 s, deviations are below 1 K.
The fit includes three functions with different amplitudes and time constants (the constant
term of 0.07 is practically zero and unimportant for the discussion). The first one has the
smallest amplitude (162) and a time constant of only 78.7 s. The second contribution has
an appreciable amplitude (253) but also a relatively small time constant of 297 s. The
third contribution has an amplitude slightly larger than the second one (281) but decays with
a much longer time constant of about 1010 s. Due to exponential decay an amplitude is
suppressed to less than 1% after five time constants. Hence, the first contribution already
contributes less than about 1 K after 400 s of cooling. Similarly, the second contribution
becomes less important with time. For times longer than 1500 s it only contributes less
than 1.7 K. This happens at a temperature difference of about 65 K, which means that for
longer times, i.e. smaller temperature differences, a single exponential provides a very good
approximation to the cooling curve. Hence, if we assume that it is a general property of the
combined convective and radiative cooling that the resulting T(t) curve can be approximated by
a superposition of exponential functions with different time constants, one does indeed expect
that after the exponentials with small time constants have died away, a simple exponential

Newtons law of cooling revisited




Figure 7. Computed cooling curve for combined convection and radiative cooling. For temperature

differences below 100 K, a simple exponential fit, i.e. Newtons law, is a reasonable approximation
(a). Such cooling curves can usually be approximated by a second- or third-order exponential fit
(b), the first contribution of which will be dying off before T decreases below 100 K.

Figure 8. Difference between theoretical cooling curve computed from equation (10) (for = 0.9,
40 mm size Al cubes and Conv = 10 W m2 K) and the third-order exponential fit (parameters
T0 = 0.072 K, A1 = 281.06 K, 1 = 1009.72 s, A2 = 253.27 K, 2 = 297.04 s, A3 = 162.25 K and
3 = 78.68 s).

will dominate and describe the cooling curve. This means that Newtons law of cooling is
always an appropriate description for adequately long times. Unfortunately, the adequate time
interval and the respective relevant critical temperature difference depend on the experimental
conditions and must be evaluated each time. One example: cooling water with T < 50 K in
beakers usually follows Newtons law.
We finally note that when using a simple exponential and explaining this with equation (9),
one usually assumes a single coefficient for the heat transfer which is very often misleadingly
called the convective heat-transfer coefficient, although it represents a combination of
convection and radiation.
6. Experiments

A number of different objects were studied experimentally for variable conditions. First,
liquids in bottles or cans were cooled in fridges, freezers or air convection coolers. With these


M Vollmer

Figure 9. Set up for cooling cans and bottles of liquids in a freezer.

everyday objects and situations, relatively small temperature differences could be realized.
These were expected to be accurately described by Newtons law of cooling. Second, we
studied metal cubes as were treated in the theoretical analysis as model systems due to their
simple geometry. Experimentally, we could realize temperature differences up to 140 K.
Third, in order to achieve higher initial temperature differences, we used halogen light bulbs
for temperature differences of up to 300 K. All temperatures were measured using IR imaging
(see [29]). The fridge and the metal cube experiments could also easily be measured using
conventional thermocouples; however, the much faster drop in temperature in the light bulb
experiments requires fast contactless temperature measurements such as with an IR camera or
a pyrometer. Nowadays rather cheap and small IR camera systems are available (some cost less
than 3000 for 80 80 pixels), therefore all experiments may be suitable for undergraduate
student laboratories.
6.1. Liquids in refrigerator: T  50 K

The daily life experiences of cooling are often related to fridges or freezers. As two examples
we measured the cooling of cans and bottles filled with water (or other liquids) as a function
of time for different cooling methods, using first a conventional fridge with a low temperature
of 6 C, second a () freezer with a low temperature of 21 C to 22 C and third an
air convection cooler set to a low temperature of 5.5 C. As an example, figure 9 depicts
the experimental set-up for the freezer. The Biot numbers for cans and bottles (see table 1)
were below 0.1; therefore, we assumed the surface temperatures to be a useful measure for
the average temperatures of the objects (it was shown that the actual average temperatures and
the ones assuming Bi  1 only lead to deviations of 2% between the real average temperature
and the one based on the approximation for geometric forms of sphere, cylinder, prisms and
cube [2]).
The cooling power of the systems is expected to be quite different. The conventional fridge
and the freezer both have objects surrounded by still air, since the temperature differences are
usually too low to generate natural convection. Hence, the heat-transfer coefficients and the
cooling time constants of both should be the same. However, the refrigerator has a smaller
temperature difference than the freezer; therefore, the cooling power of the freezer is larger and
the effective cooling times (times to reach a certain low temperature upon cooling) are smaller

Newtons law of cooling revisited


Figure 10. Cooling curve of bottle (0.5 l) and can (0.35 l) in the freezer as a function of cooling time.

The temperature difference between can/bottle and freezer temperature decreases exponentially
close to the point where freezing starts.

than with the refrigerator. The air convection cooler should have the fastest cooling since
the convective heat-transfer coefficient increases strongly with airflow velocity. Therefore,
also the time constant should decrease. As samples we used glass bottles and aluminium
cans. Temperatures were measured with IR cameras [5, 28, 29]. Therefore a (blue) tape
was attached in order to ensure equal emissivity values for all samples. The containers were
filled with water slightly above room temperature and placed into the refrigerator, freezer and
air convection cooler. During temperature recordings with the IR camera, taken every few
minutes, the cooling unit doors were opened for at most 20 s each (thereby we introduce a
small error since the ratio of open door to closed door is around 6%7%, this will lead to a
slightly longer cooling time constant). As an example, figure 10 depicts the resulting cooling
curve for the freezer.
Due to the small temperature differences, it is expected that Newtons law should be a good
description. Indeed, a straight line works well down to around 0 C, where the phase transition
from water to ice imposes a natural limit. Theoretically, it is also possible to understand the
differences (factor in time constants: about 1.2) between cans and bottles (more information,
see [6]).
The user of cold drinks is usually not interested in time constants, rather the time after
which a certain temperature of a drink has been reached. Figure 11 depicts the experimental
cooling curves for the 0.5 l bottles (linear scale). The initial temperature was about 28 C. The
fridge has the longest cooling time, whereas the air convection system cools fastest, e.g. in
about 30 min from 28 C to below 13 C. Obviously, from daily experience, a still faster way
of cooling would use forced convective cooling with liquids rather than gases, due to the much
large heat transfer between solid and liquid compared to solid with gas. Putting bottles in a
cold water stream has the additional advantage that a major problem of freezers is avoided: in
freezers one is not allowed to forget the bottles, they may turn into ice and burst.
6.2. Metal cubes: T 140 K

One of the simplest geometries for experimentsbesides spheresis cubes. Aluminium metal
cubes of 20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm and 60 mm side lengths were heated up in a conventional oven
on a metal grid (details, see [5]). The cubes were partially covered with a high temperature


M Vollmer

Figure 11. Cooling curves of (0.5 l) bottles for a regular fridge, a freezer and an air convection

cooler. The typical timescale for cooling from 28 C to below 14 C (which may be a suitable
drinking temperature) is about 2 h for the fridge, about 3/4 of an hour for the freezer but less than
1/2 h for the air convection cooler.

stable paint to achieve the required high emissivity. Specifically, three sides were covered with
the paint, while the remaining three were left as polished metal (due to the extremely small
values for the Biot number, we still assume a very fast thermal equilibrium within the cube
and describe the total radiative cooling to first order using an average value for the emissivity
of around 0.45; later experiments performed with all six sides covered with the paint justified
this approach). Sufficient time for the heating was given such that all cubes were in thermal
equilibrium within the oven at a temperature of 180 C. The IR-imaging experiment started
after opening the oven and placing the metal grid with the cubes onto some thermal insulation
on a table. The time needed to do this usually led to a strong cooling effect already such that
the maximum temperature differences in this experiment were around 140 K.
Figure 12 depicts two snapshots of the cooling process.
The smallest cubes cool best as can also be seen in the temperature profiles as a function
of time (figure 13). A thorough discussion on time constants and size effects in this experiment
can be found in [5], here we want to focus on the question whether Newtons law can be used
to describe the results.
For the metal cubes, the Biot numbers follow from the values of heat conductivity
220 W (m K)1, size s = between 20 mm and 60 mm and typical values for heat-transfer
coefficients for free convection (solids to gases) in the range 225 W (m2 K)1. We find /s
between 11000 W m2 K and 3667 W m2 K giving Bi  1, i.e. we can expect a temperature
equilibrium within any of the metal cubes. This means that the measured surface temperatures
should quite well resemble the average temperatures.
Using the theory outlined above for the metal cubes, the best fit to the experimental data
was used to find a value for the convective heat-transfer coefficient (which was assumed to
be constant during the cooling process). The radiation losses do not involve any additional
parameter since is known. Figure 14 depicts the result for the 40 mm cube. The value
Conv = 9 W m2 K for the best agreement with the data lies in the typical range for convective
heat-transfer coefficients.
Previously it was stated [5] that the cube temperatures as a function of cooling time can
be fitted extremely well with a simple exponential function. After considering the validity

Newtons law of cooling revisited


Figure 12. Two thermal imaging snapshots during the cooling of paint covered aluminium cubes
of different sizes and visible image, showing the cubes on a grid and thermal insulation on the lab

Figure 13. Temperature as a function of cooling time for the aluminium cubes of various sizes.

of Newtons law, the cube data [5] were reanalysed to find out whether any deviations from
Newtons law could be observed.
The possibility of fitting cooling curves of cubes with a simple exponential to high
accuracy is indeed true. However, Newtons law will only be fulfilled if the constant term in
the exponential fit is zero. This is, however, not the case. As an example, figure 15 depicts
the cooling curve of the 30 mm cube as a function of time. Similar to figure 14 for the 40 mm
cubes, it can be nicely fitted with a theoretical fit using the full radiative heat transfer (which
is however not shown in the plot).


M Vollmer

Figure 14. Comparison of measured temperatures (experiment) with numerical calculations of

T(t). Geometry (size 40 mm), Tinit, and material properties (av = 0.45) were given, the
only free parameter was the heat transfer coefficient Con. The best-fit results from a value of
9 W m2 K1, which lies in the interval for typical values. Experimental values and theory with
9 W m2 K1 lie so close to each other that they more or less form a single line in the plot.

Figure 15. Left: experimental cooling curve of 30 mm Al metal cubes (thick black line), linear

fit to temperature data T < 30 K (straight line) and simple exponential fit (dots within black).
Right: deviations between measured values (thick black) and linear fit (straight line) as a function
of measured temperature.

In order to point out the deviations from Newtons law, a straight line along the low
temperature data (red broken line) starts to deviate from the measurement already at around
T = 40 K. The (yellow) dots, which coincide nicely with the measurement, resemble a simple
exponential decay fit (like equation (11) with A2 = 0 and A3 = 0); however, the constant term
T0 which should be zero for Newtons law (since we already plot the temperature difference)
is around 8.8 K. This leads to the curved line in the semi-logarithmic plot, i.e. Newtons law is
not fulfilled. However, quite surprisingly, a simple exponential fit with an additional constant
term provides a good description of the cooling curve!
The deviations between measured temperatures and a simple fit to the low temperature
data (T < 30 K) is also shown in figure 15. The absolute values of the deviations depend on
the chosen temperature range of the fit. The fit would still look fine for T = 40 K, maybe

Newtons law of cooling revisited


Figure 16. Examples of investigated light bulbs. Samples were placed in front of a room
temperature cork board (top, left). Analysis of IR images (top right)reveal that halogen light bulbs
reach maximum temperatures >330 C (bottom) with small relative temperature variations. The
heating and cooling of the halogen light bulb covers a temperature difference range of more than
300 K.

even at 50 K. In the case of figure 15, deviations already amount to more than 15 K at T =
100 C. For temperature differences below 50 C, deviations are below 2.5 C. These numbers
would decrease if the upper temperature difference for the fit increased.
6.3. Light bulbs: T  300 K

The Al metal cubes could not be heated to the high temperatures needed to observe really
large deviations of T(t) from the simple exponential law. In order to study higher temperatures
experimentally, we used light bulbs. Several light bulbs of different power consumption
and size were tested. Experiments were performed with small halogen light bulbs (near
cylinder diameter 11 mm and height 17 mm). Their Biot number is much smaller than unity
(table 1). Figure 16 shows the lamp and an IR image of the halogen bulb while hot as well as
measured surface temperatures during a heating and cooling cycle.
In the following analysis, the maximum temperatures in a small area around the top of
the light bulb were used (a test using average rather than maximum temperatures within the
indicated area showed that the general form of normalized T(t) curves as in figure 16 changed
very little).


M Vollmer

Figure 17. Cooling of the halogen light bulb. Deviations between measured temperatures and
expectations from Newtons law occur for T > 100 K as indicated by the straight line (left).
The data could be fitted by a double exponential function (solid line, right). For the smallest
temperatures, the signal (dots) is very noisy. This is due to the fact that the temperature range
of the camera was fixed to 80500 K during the measurement, hence data below 80 K must be
considered with care.

For the measurement in figure 16, the halogen light bulb was powered until an equilibrium
temperature was reached, then, the power was turned off and the cooling curve was recorded.
Compared to the metal cubes, the cooling of the light bulb occurs much faster due to the small
amount of stored thermal energy in the mass of the light bulb. The smaller the system, the
smaller the respective time constants (see [5] and figure 13).
Experimental results for the cooling of the halogen light bulb (figure 17) are nicely
represented by a simple exponential function for small T values, but deviations occur for
larger T values. Theoreticallyin comparison to the cubeswe expect larger natural
convection heat-transfer coefficients due to the larger temperature difference. Therefore,
convection will start to dominate much earlier during the cooling process. Therefore, Newtons
law seems to be fulfilled for higher temperature differences of up to about 100 K. However,
deviations for larger temperatures are clearly observed.
Similar to figure 7, the cooling curve can be approximated by a higher order exponential
function. Since deviations are less pronounced than in the model for figure 7, a second-order
fit with time constants of 16.7 s (initial part, amplitude 37.7) and 77.3 s (slower decrease with
amplitude 259.3) provides already reasonable results.
7. Summary and conclusions

Nonlinear radiative heat transfer in cooling processes of objects with small Biot numbers
does lead to systematic deviations from simple exponential cooling curves. Three related
questions were investigated theoretically as well as experimentally: (i) what is the magnitude
of deviations? (ii) is it possible to define a range of validity for Newtons law of cooling? and
(iii) can these deviations be easily observed experimentally?
The first and second questions are connected to each other. Theoretical studies which
assumed a constant convective heat transfer revealed that the magnitude of the deviations
does sensitively depend on the ratio between convective and radiative heat-transfer rates. If
radiation dominates, deviations from Newtons law become obvious already at low temperature
differences, of say 30 K. If, however, convection dominates over the radiative heat transfer,

Newtons law of cooling revisited


Newtons law may be valid for a much larger range of temperature differences of 500 K (and
may be more). In conclusion, there is no single limit of validity, rather it is necessary to
discuss the relative contributions of convective and radiative heat-transfer rates.
Therefore, it is easily possible that Newtons law may be observed for temperature
differences as high as, e.g., 200 K, in particular, since in some experimental studies fans were
used to achieve high convective heat transfer. It is also logical that in many low temperature
experiments like with water in flasks, cans, or bottles and T < 50 K, it is found to be a very
good approximation.
However, it is also easily possible to experimentally detect deviations from Newtons law.
For the experiments performed for this study with Al cubes, it worked quite well for up to
40 or 50 K. For higher temperature differences, deviations were clearly present. Similarly,
the high temperature region was investigated with halogen light bulbs, with which T up to
300 K could be realized. Here, Newtons law provided a reasonable approximation up to about
T = 100 K, whereas deviations were obvious for larger temperature differences.
In conclusion, Newtons law of cooling does successfully describe cooling curves in many
low temperature applications. At a first glance this is indeed surprising, in particular when
considering the fact that even around room temperature, radiative heat loss is of the same
order of magnitude as convective heat loss. At a closer look, however, this result was to be
expected: the range of validity of Newtons law does more or less just depend on the ratio of
convective to radiative heat transfer.

The author is grateful to G Planinsic who initiated the thinking about Newtons law of cooling
by the cheese cubes behaviour in various ovens and K P Mollmann as well as F Pinno for
helpful discussions in the field of heat transfer and IR imaging.
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