Artefacts Original
Artefacts Original
Artefacts Original
Domain: Professional Knowledge
Standard 1: Knowledge Of child Development theory and Research
G1.3 Teachers know and understand the impact of culture, family, genetic inheritance,birth order and life experience on development and how to apply
this understanding to program planning, implementation and evaluation.
As a teacher I understand the impact of culture and family therefore I have chosen this artefact. I
believe it is a great way to introduce and share childrens ethnicities and cultural backgrounds
through musical sounds. Additionally I had incorporated instruments that children used while
listening to the sounds. Musical sounds such as Australia - Waltzing Matilda, Mexico - La
Cukaracha and Vietnam - Chu Ech On, allows children to feel pride in their own heritage which
shows children music from other countries and cultures. This was an effective approach
encouraging, supporting participation and inclusion.
G2. Teacher know and understand the learning strengths and interests of the children they teach and
This was clearly shown through the implementation of collaging. I had noticed most of the children were very interested in arts/crafts and
the seasons. I had incorporated this knowledge into my planning and created a collaging table which allowed children to paste collected
Autumn leaves on to paper.
Children were also interested in boats and objects that sink/float therefore we had organised a tub with water and object allowing the
children to experiment with different objects.
(Artefacts below)
G10.2 Teachers plan for all the children using a range of teaching and learning activities, environment, resources, materials and
technologies to provide meaningful learning opportunities that are appropriate to the learning styles and interests of the children.
Annotation: During kindergarten placement I have collected a range of unit planners. Through these unit planners
you are able to clearly see effective planning and learning based on childrens interests. For example, learning
experiences dotted down are purely childrens interests, such as the role poly car set, puzzles, train set and painting
easels. Additionally, the unit planners demonstrate a great use of resources, materials and technologies that provide
meaningful learning opportunities for children. An evident example is children are to follow rules and familiarise
themselves with the routine within the homer corner or children engage in interactions using verbal or non verbal
language through puzzles and trains sets.
Annotation: During kindergarten setting there was a ac couple children that were diagnosed with
mild autism. During group time it was difficult for them to sit still distracting other children and the
educator. Therefore implanting this sensory cushion, supported this child with their additional needs
with resources. The sensory cushion helped the child engage within group time.
G11.3 Teachers provide feedback to parents/guardians about the developing knowledge and skills of children
in ways which are meaningful and encourages the parents/guardians involvement in their childs learning.
Standard 12: Evaluate and reflect on teaching and learning with a view to improvement
G12.1 Teachers reflect on own teaching approaches and strategies and adapt these to support and enhance
childrens learning.
Artefact: Reflection Book
Annotation : The reflection book is an effective resource that holds observations taken of children in
a group setting as well as an individual setting which then forms the basis for planning, promoting
and assessing the childrens learning.
Group goals are set, as are smaller objective for the different learning outcomes. This document is a
constant work in progress, highlighting how the program is developed based on childrens interests
and developmental needs. I believe that offering a program that interests the I find that they will
continue to be motivated and enthusiastic about their learning.
The reflection book is a clear indicator that monitors childrens engagement in learning and maintain
records of their learning process. It is also a document that provides clear feedback to parents/
guardians about the developing knowledge and childrens skills. In addition to this the reflection
book acts as an tool where teachers/educators are able to reflect on their own teaching approaches
and strategies then further make these changes within the childrens learning.
An evident example showing a reflection of a cooking learning experience, making Anzac biscuits.
G14.1 Teachers provide a learning environment that engages and challenges the children they teach
and encourages them to take responsibility for their own learning.
Annotation: This is a clear indicator demonstrating that educators have provided a learning
environment that engages and challenges the children whilst taking responsibility for their own
learning. Additionally this learning experience was created based on childrens interests.
G13.2 Teachers facilitate opportunities for children to be active participants in the learning process
and to demonstrate enthusiasm and enjoyment in learning.
Annotation: This artefact is a clear indicator creating learning opportunities for children to be active within their
learning process. Whilst participating within this science experiment children demonstrate enthusiasm and joy,
additionally enhancing their imagination and creativity.
Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace 2009, Belonging, being and becoming: the early
years learning framework for Australia, Council of Australian Governments, Australian Government Department of Education,
Employment and Workplace, viewed 18 May 2016.