Filippo Brunelleschi:
The First Modern Engineer
Filippo Brunelleschi
created many architectural
wonders, some of which lead
to revolutionary discoveries.
Filippo Brunelleschi created
an ingenious solution to build
the dome of Il Duomo, the
Cathedral of Florence. He
used iron chains and an
octagonal design. Then he
added ribs to the dome,
giving further support to the
dome. The Cathedral of
Florence was not his only
commission, as he also is
known for building the Chapel
of the Pazzi family, the
Foundling Hospital in
Florence, and many others
such as the Ridolfi Chapel.
Brunelleschi also is known for
discovering the technique,
linear perspective.
Brunelleschi discovered linear
perspective when he was
painting two famous panels,
the Florentine Baptistry and
the Palazzo Vecchio. The first
baptistry panel had a hole
drilled in the center so a
viewer could see the striking
similarity between the
painting and the real
baptistry. Many artists soon
adopted this new technique.
Raphaels School of Athens
also utilizes this technique as
seen in the picture above.
In the modern
world we also see linear
perspective all around us.
When watching television,
you notice the people in the
background appear to be
much smaller than the
people in the foreground.
This is the same with video
games, characters get
smaller the farther away they
appear. A modern invention,
Virtual reality also uses this
same concept when creating
a virtual world around you.
Filippo Brunelleschi was
indeed, the first modern