May 8 2016 Worship With Logistics
May 8 2016 Worship With Logistics
May 8 2016 Worship With Logistics
May 8, 2016
Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
* Please stand.
**Hymnal Supplement
Welcome to worship
JT on piano
Gathering Music
Greg and Pam from center chancel
Welcome, Announcements & Worship Theme
E/JT piano and organ
What a fellowship
Greg from center chancel
*Call to Worship
E/JT piano and organ
Thou true Vine, that heals373
(Children may come forward during the
last verse.)
Pam and Greg
Time with our Children
Blessing of
the Children
Jordyn Cronin, Finley Gibbel, Zion Good,
Carson Gottshall, Gwen Hoover, Cole Melhuish,
Silas Newton, Kherington Powell, Layla Soe
JT plays traveling music as children return to
seats and
Ferry Family moves forward
Parent/Child Dedication
The Grace of Community
Pastor Pam
Elizabeth on Drums, JT on piano with boom mic
God make us your family
Pam from floor
*Invitation to Christian Ministry & Parting
E/JT piano and organ
A Mighty Fortress is our God
arr. Luther
If you wish to listen to the postlude,
feel free to move to the front of the sanctuary.
If you would like to use this time to greet your
feel free to move toward the narthex.
Pastoral Team:
Greg Davidson Laszakovits, Pam Reist, Josh Tindall
Keyboardist Elizabeth Tindall Handbell Director Ron
777 S. Mount Joy Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Church: 717-367-1000 Pastors Cell: 717-475-6513