Application-Form Participants
Application-Form Participants
Application-Form Participants
The deadline for sending us the participants application forms is 15th of February 2016.
Date of issue:
Date of expiration:
Parent/Friend/Volunteers coordinator/eYE.
5 very good
4 good
3 so-so
2 poor
1very poor
Please fill in the following application form. All required filds are mandatory.
The deadline for sending us the participants application forms is 15th of February 2016.
Please fill in the following application form. All required filds are mandatory.
The deadline for sending us the participants application forms is 15th of February 2016.
I do understand that participating in this project means to attend all the working
session within the Youth Exchange Find Your Way 2, implemented by Asociaia pentru
Dezvoltare Activ (Active Development Association) ADA, between 17 th and 27th of
March 2015 in Bacau, Romania. [Arrival day in Bacau: 16th of March 2015; Departure day
from Bacau: 28th of March 2015]
I commit myself to get involved in the promotion and dissemination of the project
I commit myself to send, by post, after the activity, all the required return documents
that will prove my travel route and I understand that the reimbursement of the travel
costs will be done after the activity.
I agree that my personal data, mentioned in this form, to be processed in accordance
with Regulation (EC) No 45/20014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regards to the processing of personal
data by European Union institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.
I agree that the photos and videos taken during the project (training sessions, study
visits, Living Library, or all the other activities related to the project) in which I appear to be
used for the promotion of the project.
[Participants name]
[Participants signature]