Week 6
Week 6
Week 6
Week six explored number sense, numeration and mental computation. Prior to working through
the week 6 content, I had a very vague idea of what these actually were, and now, post lectures
and tutorials, I am confident to teach children strategies for mental computation and the different
concepts and skills relating to place value.
Number Sense is an INFORMAL understanding of number and numeration is the FORMAL
understanding that is taught in schools (Jamieson-Proctor, 2016).
Mental computation refers to working out a problem mentally which is to do it 'in your head'.
For students to use mental computation they must be able to:
decide what operation to perform
select a strategy for carrying out the operation
perform the operation(s)
make sense of the answer
- Place value was explored by both Romina and Reys.et.al in depth. Place value is the spot we place
a number to determine its actual value.
- PV is based on the Base 10 system.
- There are many concepts that relate to PV:
PV is multiplicative
PV system is symmetrical around the ones place
The decimal point separates the whole from the fraction part of the number
The number of digits required equals the base number 10 digits in Base 10, 5 digits in Base 5, 2
digits in Base 2, the largest digit is 1 less than the base number 9 in Base 10, 4 in Base 5, 1 in Base
2, M-1 in Base M
When operating on numbers, trading happens when the base number is reached 6 + 4 =? Need
to trade 10 ones for 1 ten (Jamieson-Proctor, 2016).
Then there are 8 steps to teach the PV concepts and skills.
3. Teaching Strategies
The teaching strategy of discussion can be used to facilitate student centred learning in the
classroom and students can learn through discussion about place value with their peers.
Discussion is great as students can learn through each other.
A place value chart is a great concrete/visual
resource to use for teaching children about
number sense and place value. A place value chart
can also be used in the classroom to provoke the
teaching strategy of discussion and will aid in
answering childrens questions.
4. Misconceptions
A common misconception amongst children is that they confuse numbers like 68 and 86; where they have
the same digits. This misconception might occur because the numbers sound the same, have the same
digits and if you are not focusing they might even look the same.
To address this misconception, models, place-value charts, and explanations can be used to show the
children how numbers are completely different and that the order of the digits is crucial.
Children often struggle with place value and it confuses them as place value involves lots of different
aspects (Reys et al., 2012)
5. ACARA Links
(Acara, n.d.)
Place value is critical to the childrens understanding or sense making of the number
An in depth understanding of place value is necessary for computation algorithms for
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Two types of materials that assist the children in understanding and developing place
value: ungrouped materials (beans, cubes, straws etc.) and pre grouped materials (formed
into groups prior to children using them).
Place value models can either be proportional or non-proportional.
Experience is crucial for children in counting piles of objects, trading for grouped tens,
hundreds, and thousands and discussing results.
By helping children to use computational methods when appropriate and effectively, you
will also be assisting them to develop their number sense.
Mental computation is computation done all in the head and without any tools such as
calculator, paper, and pencil.
Teachers need to decide how much time to dedicate to different computational methods
as 80% of all mathematical computations in everyday life involve mental computation and