Excel Usage

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How to Use

Essential Training for
Data-Driven Marketing

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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Basic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
VLOOKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
IF Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Pivot Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Data Visualization. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Final Touches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Additional Resources. . . . . . . . . . 27

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Ever find yourself elbows deep in an Excel worksheet with seemingly no
end in sight? Youre manually replicating columns and scribbling down
long-form math on a scrap of paper, all while thinking to yourself, There
has to be a better way to do this.
Truth be told, there probably is you just dont know it yet. In a world
where being proficient in Excel is often regarded as no more impressive
than being proficient at breathing, there are still plenty of tips and tricks
that remain unknown to the majority of office workers.
Mastering Excel specifically for marketing is another beast in its own
right. More than likely, youve already been tasked with analyzing data
from an NPS survey, performing a content topic analysis, or pulling in
sales data to calculate return on marketing investment -- all of which
require a bit more Excel knowledge than a simple SUM formula.
Heres where this guide comes in. Whether youd like to speed up your
chart formatting, finally understand pivot tables, or complete a VLOOKUP
(I promise its not as scary as it sounds), well teach you everything you
need to know to call yourself a master of Excel -- and truly mean it.
Since we all know that reading about Excel may not be the most
captivating topic, weve tried to cater the training to your unique learning
style. At the start of each advanced topic, youll find a short video to dip
your toe in the water -- a perfect solution for those pressed for time and
in search of a quick answer. Next, the deep dive. Read along for a few
extra functions and reporting insight. Finally, for those who learn best
by doing, weve included Test Your Skills questions at the close of each
chapter for you to complete with our Excel practice document, included
in the zip file download of this offer.

One final note: All of the screenshots included in this guide were taken
in Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011. There are many versions of Excel,
particularly differing between Macs and PCs. Nevertheless, all of the
functions explained can be used with either version.

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Sometimes, Excel seems too good to be true. Need to combine
information in multiple cells? Excel can do it. Need to copy formatting
across an array of cells? Excel can do that, too.
In fact, if you ever encounter a situation where you need to manually
update or calculate your data, youre probably missing out on a formula
that can do it for you. Before spending hours and hours counting cells
or copying and pasting data, look for a quick fix in Excel -- youll likely
find one.
In the spirit of working more efficiently and avoiding tedious, manual
work, lets start this Excel deep dive with the basics. Once you have
these formulas and key commands ingrained in your fingertips, youll
be ready to tackle each of the advanced Excel lessons head on.







NOTE: Remember, all formulas in Excel must begin with an equals

sign (=). Use parentheses to ensure certain calculations are done first.
For example, consider how =10+10*10 is different than =(10+10)*10

=AVERAGE(cell range)


=SUM(cell range)


=COUNT(cell range)

NOTE: Series of specific cells are separated with a comma (,). Cell
ranges are notated with a colon (:). For example, you could have
=SUM(4,4) or =SUM(A4,B4) or =SUM(A4:B4).

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Inserting Rows or Columns

As you play around with your data, you might find youre constantly
needing to add more rows and columns. Sometimes, you may even
need to add hundreds of rows. Doing this one-by-one would be
incredibly laborious. Luckily, theres always an easier way.
To add multiple rows or columns in a spreadsheet, highlight the same
number of pre-existing rows or columns that you want to add. Then, right
click and select Insert.

The concatenate function, as with most features of Excel, is all about
saving time. Use this function to join multiple strings of text into a single
cell. The formula looks like this:
Check out how weve used this function to combine the root domain and
subdomain into a single column.
You can also add additional text before, after, or between the cells youre
combining. Here weve added http:// into the URLs. For the formula
syntax, just remember to add quotations around any additional text.

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Text to Columns
If concatenate combines cells, Text to Columns does the opposite. Lets
look at another URL example. This function makes it incredibly easy
to divide subdomains, subdirectories, and UTM parameters. Instead of
using a formula, youll need to locate the Text to Columns option under
the Data menu.
Next, a Wizard dialog box will appear. Be sure delimited is selected.
This tells Excel you want to separate the text into a new column where
there is a comma or a tab. Since a forward slash (/) separates the
different parts of a domain, youll need to add this to the other option
in Step 2.
Lastly, choose the destination of your returned data in Step 3. And
youre done!

If you have any basic Excel knowledge, its likely you already know this
quick trick. But just to cover our bases, allow me to show you the glory of
Autofill. This lets you quickly fill adjacent cells with several types of data,
including values, series, and formulas.

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There are multiple ways to deploy this feature, but the fill handle is
among the easiest. Select the cells you want to be the source, locate
the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the cell, and either drag the fill
handle to cover cells you want to fill or just double click.



























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Paste Special
Often, youll want to transform the items in a row of data into a column
(or vice versa). It would take a lot of time to copy and paste each
individual header. Not to mention, you may easily fall into one of the
biggest, most unfortunate Excel traps: human error.
Instead, let Excel do the work for you. Go ahead and highlight the
column or row you want to transpose. Right click and select Copy.
Next, select the cells on your spreadsheet where you want your first
row or column to begin. Right click on the cell, and then select Paste
Special. When the module appears, choose the option to transpose.
Paste Special is one function I find myself coming back to time and time
again. In the module, you can also choose between copying formulas,
values, formats, or even column widths. This is especially helpful when it
comes to copying the results of your pivot table (well get there) into a
chart you can format and graph.

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Dollar Signs
Have you ever seen a dollar sign in an Excel formula? It isnt formatting
numbers into currency. Instead, it makes sure that the exact column and
row are kept consistent even if you copy the same formula in adjacent rows.
Excel is smart. When you refer to cell A5 from cell C5, for example, it
defaults by notating its relative location. So in this case, youre actually
referring to a cell thats two columns to the left (C minus A) and in the same
row (5). When you copy this relative formula from one cell to another, itll
adjust the values in the formula based on where its moved.
But what if you want that reference to stay the same, no matter where
you copy the formula? Change the relative formula (=A5+C5) into an
absolute formula by preceding the row and column values with dollar signs


If you havent already, download our Excel Practice Document to test
your skills of the Basic Functions chapter. Insert a column after Last
Name. Then combine the First Name and Last Name column using
the concatenate function. Call your new column Author and delete
First Name and Last Name.

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Have you ever had two sets of data on two different spreadsheets that
you want to combine into a single spreadsheet? Yes, you could always
open the two Excel documents and copy and paste cell by cell. But
what happens when your spreadsheet contains hundreds of rows?
VLOOKUP is your answer. In short, this function uses a unique
identifier -- like an email address or SKU number -- to match data from
two different sources. For example, you might have some data from
HubSpot and some from Salesforce that you want to combine together.
Excel looks for a unique value in the leftmost column of a spreadsheet
and fills a value in the same row from a column you specify in your
other spreadsheet.
Before you use the formula, copy and paste your data so they are in
two different sheets in the same Excel document. Well refer to Sheet
1 as the location where you want the final combined data to end up.
Sheet 2 is the location of the data you want to transpose into Sheet 1.
Then, youll have to be absolutely sure that you have at least one
column that appears identically in both Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. Sort your
data (Data > Sort) in ascending order by this column and scour your
data sets for discrepancies and extra spaces.
Heres what the formula looks like:
=VLOOKUP(lookup value, table array, column number, [range lookup])
With values included, it becomes something like this:
If you think that looks like a mix of random numbers and letters, youre
not alone. Lets break down each component.
Lookup Value: This is the identical value you have in both

spreadsheets. Choose the first value in Sheet 1 that youre trying to

find a match for.

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Table Array: This is the range of columns in Sheet 2 you want Excel

to pull the data from. Be sure youre highlighting both the column of
data identical to your lookup value in Sheet 1 and the data thats only
available in Sheet 2 that you want to transpose. When you highlight
this selection, Excel will enter a value like this into the formula:
Column Index Number: This value tells Excel which column in Sheet
2 holds the new data you want to transpose into Sheet 1. Note, this is
notated as a number, not by a letter. So the data in Column B would
be referred to as 2 for the column number because its second from
the left.
Range Lookup: Enter FALSE to ensure you pull in only exact value
Theres no need to memorize this formula. You have easy access with
the Function button to the left of the Formula Bar. Locate VLOOKUP and
enter the values into the dialog box.
With your formula complete and working properly, use Autofill to copy
the VLOOKUP down the rest of the column.
Keep in mind, VLOOKUP will only pull back values from the second
sheet that are to the right of the column containing your identical data.
This can lead to some limitations. But never fear, the INDEX and MATCH
functions in the next section provide a handy workaround.

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Like VLOOKUP, the INDEX and MATCH functions pull in data from
another dataset into one central location. Here are the main differences:
VLOOKUP is a much simpler formula. If youre working with large data

sets that would require thousands of lookups, then using the INDEX
MATCH function will significantly decrease load time in Excel.
INDEX MATCH formulas work right-to-left, whereas VLOOKUP
formulas only work as a left-to-right lookup. In other words, if your
lookup column is to the right of the results column, then youd have
to rearrange those columns in order to do a VLOOKUP. This can be
tedious with large datasets and lead to errors.
Lets take a look at the formula. You might notice the INDEX MATCH
formula is actually the MATCH formula nested inside the INDEX formula.
=INDEX(table array, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, match_type))
With actual values this becomes:
=INDEX(Sheet2!A:A, (MATCH(Sheet1!C:C,Sheet2!C:C,0)))
Lets do another breakdown of these variables.
Table Array: The range of columns on Sheet 2 containing the new

data you want to bring over into Sheet 1. In the example above, this is
just column A of Sheet 2.
Lookup Value: This is the column in Sheet 1 that contains the identical
values in both spreadsheets that you are trying to match. In the
example, this is Column C of Sheet 1.
Lookup Array: This is the column in Sheet 2 that contains identical
values in both spreadsheets that Excel is searching. In the example,
this is Column C of Sheet 2.
Match Type: This tells Excel whether you want to return an exact
match or the nearest match. To avoid unnecessary complexities, just
remember to always use 0 here to get exact matches.
Enter this formula (or locate the INDEX and MATCH formulas with the
Function button) into the first cell of the column where you want the
combined information to live in Sheet 1. Autofill down.

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Lets look back to our Excel Practice Document. In the first exercise, you
were introduced to a spreadsheet of blog post data, including views and
author. Youll notice weve included a second sheet with lead counts for
each blog post. Choose either the VLOOKUP function or INDEX MATCH
to add lead numbers to each blog post. Insert this new Lead column to
the right of Views in Sheet 1.

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At its most basic level, Excels IF function lets you see if a condition you
set is true or false for a given value. If the condition is true, you get one
result. If the condition is false, you get another result.
Before we dive in, lets take a look at the this functions syntax:
=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])
With values, this could be:
=IF(A2>B2, Over Budget, OK)
In other words, if your spending (whats in A2) is greater than your
budget (whats in B2), this IF function will make it easy to see. You can
then filter the data and only see the line items where youre going over
The real power of the IF function, however, comes when you string
multiple IF statements together, or nest them. This allows you to set
multiple conditions, get more specific results, and ultimately organize
your data into more manageable chunks.
Ranges are one way to segment your data for better analysis. For
example, you can categorize data into values that are less than 10, 11 to
50, or 51 to 100.
=IF(B3<11,10 or less,IF(B3<51,11 to 50,IF(B3<100,51 to 100)))

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The power of IF functions expands beyond simple true and false
statements. Use the COUNTIF function to avoid manually counting how
often a certain value or number appears. Heres the formula:
If you were looking for any occurrence of the subdirectory marketing in
a URL in the D column, for instance, the formula would become:
There are just two variables in this function:
Range: This is the range that you want Excel to search for each

instance of a specific value. If you are focusing on just one column,

you could use D:D to indicate that both the first and last column are
D. If you were looking at columns C and D, use C:D
Criteria: This is whatever specific number or piece of text you want
Excel to count for. Only use quotation marks if you want the result to
be text instead of a number.

Ready to make IF function a bit more complex? Lets say you want to
analyze the number of leads your blog has generated -- but you only
want to count leads from blog posts you wrote, not your entire team.
With the SUMIFS function, you can add up cells that meet a certain
Heres your formula:
=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2,
criteria 2],...)
Thats a lot of criteria. Lets dive deeper into each part:
Sum_range: This is the range of cells youre going to add up
Criteria_range1: This is the range that is being searched for your first

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value, also know as...

Criteria1: This is the specific value that determines which cells in
Criteria_range1 will be added together. Remember to use quotation
marks if youre searching for text.
As you can see in the formula syntax, you can add as many different
criteria to the formula as you like.

The final member of the IF function family are the OR and AND functions.
As their name gives away, these functions check multiple arguments
and returns either TRUE or FALSE depending on if at least one of the
arguments is true (this is the OR function), or if all of them are true (this is
the AND function).
Lost in a sea of ands and ors? Dont check out yet. In practice, OR and
AND functions will never be used on their own. They need to be nested
inside of another IF function. Recall the syntax of a basic IF function:
=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])
Now, lets fit an OR function inside of the logical_test:
=IF(OR(logical1, logical2), value_if_true, [value_if_false])

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In plain English, this combined formula allows you to return a value if one
of two conditions are true, as opposed to just one. Ultimately with AND/
OR functions, your formulas can be as simple or complex as you want
them to be, as long as you understand the basics of the IF function.


Now that youve added the leads for each blog post in the previous
application, lets add up the total number of leads for a single author:
Lydia Lee. Put that calculator away -- use the SUMIFS formula to find
your total.

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Lets think back to back to the example of calculating leads from a list of
blog posts. Like the previous scenario, youre interested in calculating
total leads generated by a single author. But instead of just wanting
your own leads, now you want to compare the totals for each member
of your team.
So, does this mean a bunch of SUMIFS formulas? Of course not. Once
again, Excel gives us a much easier way. Allow me to introduce you to
my absolute favorite tool of Excel: pivot tables.
With pivot tables, you can segment your data in a new sheet without
altering the original organization. Pivot tables are flexible, allowing you
to summarize large amounts of data (e.g. our spreadsheet of leads) and
extract relevant information without using formulas.
To create the Pivot Table, go to Data > Pivot Table and a Wizard dialog
box will appear for you to make a few choices. Excel will automatically
populate your Pivot Table, but you can always change around the order
of the data. Here, you have four options to choose from:
Report Filter: This allows you to only look at certain rows in your

Column Labels: This will be the headers in the new pivot table
youre creating. Feel free to add multiple labels to further analyze
your data.
Row Labels: These will be your rows in the new pivot table youre
creating. Important to note, both the Row and Column Labels of
your Pivot Table can contain data from your original columns (e.g.
Author can be dragged to either the Row or the Column label -- it just
depends on how you want to see the data).
Value: This section allows you to calculate the data specified by the
Row Labels and Column Labels. You can sum, count, average, max,
min, count numbers, or do a few other manipulations. In fact, by
default, when you drag a field to Value it always does a count.

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Often, the easiest way to understand pivot tables is to see one made.
Lets walk through how you would create the Pivot Table for our blog lead
example. For Report Filter, you would leave it blank since we want Excel
to pull data from all of the rows in our data set.
For Row Labels, you would drag down Author. This populates the rows
of your Pivot Table with each author name going down. Now we need the
total number of leads for each of these offers. To do this, drag Leads to
the Value box of the wizard. Finally, click the i next to Leads and make
sure Excel is calculating a sum. And there you go -- a fresh pivot table
calculating leads by author without tainting your original data.


Ready to master the pivot table? Highlight your data and create a table
that shows the total number of leads for each author. (Hint: Dont forget
that Excel defaults the Value to count, not sum!)

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Now that youve mastered all of those formulas and functions, its time
to put your analysis to good use. With the help of a beautiful graph,
your audience (whether its a potential customer or your boss) will be
able to synthesize and retain the content more effectively. Who knows?
You might find just the edge to convince your boss to adopt inbound
marketing or give you an extra sliver of budget.
Regardless of what you use the data for, you need it to be convincing.
But if its not properly visualized, it can do more damage than good. In
this section well cover how to create a basic graph and a few common
visualization errors every data-driven marketer should avoid.

Create a Basic Graph

One of the first decisions youll have to make is what type of graph
to use. Bar charts and pie charts help you compare categories. Pie
charts compare part of a whole and are often best when one of the
categories is way larger than the others. Bar charts highlight incremental
differences between categories. Finally, line charts are used to display
trends over time.
To begin, highlight the data you want to morph into a chart, then choose
Charts in the top navigation (or Insert > Chart if you have an older
version of Excel). Then choose the graph most appropriate for your data.

Top Data Visualization Mistakes

Using non-solid lines in a line
chart: Avoid distracting dashed
and dotted lines. Instead, opt
for solid lines and colors that
are easy to distinguish from
one another. Consider filling in
the space below the line with
a color to make it even more

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Arranging data non-intuitively:

Always have a reason behind
how your order your data. For
a bar chart, order categories
alphabetically, sequentially, or
by value. For a pie chart, place
the pie pieces in decreasing
order starting at 12 oclock,
going clockwise.

Misrepresenting data: Keep

visual representations of data
accurate. For example, scale
bubbles by area, not diameter.

Making bars too wide or too

thin: Keep the width of your
bars consistent. A good rule
of thumb is to make the space
between the bars half of the bar

Making it hard to compare

data: Choose the right kind
of chart. When comparing
data series, choose a stacked
bar chart as opposed to two
different graphs.

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Using 3D charts: Simply put,

avoid 3D graphs if possible, as
they often distort perception.

Making the reader do more

work: Make it as easy as
possible to understand data by
aiding the reader with graphic
elements. For example, add
a trendline to a scatterplot to
highlight trends.

Using the default colors: The

colors that come default in
Excel are pretty drab. Spruce
up your graph by including the
HEX color codes of your brand.


Using the pivot table you created in the last assessment, lets create a
chart to show each authors lead performance. Choose the type of chart
carefully: bar, pie, or line. Add a title and use the data visualization tips to
make your research ready to present.

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With your charts made and trends identified, are you ready to present
all of your hard work? Likely, there are a few final touches to ensure
your data is organized and intuitive for whoever gets ahold of your
spreadsheet. Below are just a few tricks to make your data look worthy
of the design-savvy marketer you are.

When youre looking at very large data sets (as marketers often do), you
dont usually need to be looking at every single row at the same time.
Sometimes, you only want to look at data that fit into certain criteria.
Thats where the filter tool comes in.
Filter allows you to pare down your data by category. And did I mention
that its among the easiest of Excel tools to use? Navigate to the Data
menu and select Filter. Thats it! Now click the arrow next to the column
headers to choose which criteria you want to see and whether you want
your data to be organized in ascending or descending order.

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Removing Duplicates
As you explore all of the benefits of the filter tool for your large data set,
you may begin to find duplicate content. This is particularly frequent
in spreadsheets of contacts. These data sets are full of mistyped
email addresses, multiple contacts for the same company, and name
variations. In situations like these, automation for removing duplicates
becomes quite handy.
To remove your duplicates, highlight the row or column, go to the Data
tab, and select Remove Duplicates. A pop-up will appear to confirm
which data you want to work with. Select Remove Duplicates again,
and youre good to go.

Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting allows you to change a cells color based on the
information within a cell. For example, if you want to flag certain numbers
that are above average or in the top 10% of the data in your spreadsheet,
you can do that. If you wanted to color code commonalities between
different rows in Excel, you could do that, too.

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To get started, highlight the group of cells you want to use conditional
formatting on. Then choose Conditional Formatting from the Home
menu and select your logic from the dropdown. If you dont see the
rule you need, you can customize it. Then choose the color that will
correspond with your rule.

Format Painter
As youve probably noticed, Excel has a lot of features to make
crunching numbers and analyzing your data quick and easy. But if you
ever spent some time formatting a sheet to your liking, you know it can
get a bit tedious.
Dont waste time repeating the same formatting commands over and
over again. Use the format painter to easily copy the formatting from one
area of the worksheet to another. To do so, choose the cell youd like to
replicate, then select the format painter option (paintbrush icon) from the
top toolbar.

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For our final knowledge check, lets switch back to Sheet 1 of your
practice document and analyze our view-to-lead conversion rates. Insert
a View-to-Lead column after Leads. Calculate your conversion rate
for each blog post and format the column as percentages. Then, use
conditional formatting to highlight any rate that is above 2% in green.

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Youve done your part and learned everything you need

to be an Excel master. Now let us take off some of the
load. Take your pick from our library of Excel templates
to simplify your most crucial marketing tasks.

8 Marketing Budget

Blog Editorial Calendar


Social Media Content

Calendar Template

Take control of your multifacet- Plan and optimize your blogging

ed budget with these templates
with these templates.
in Excel and Google Sheets.

Easily plan your content and

manage your social media networks.

Determine Your SMART On-Page SEO Template


Leads Goal Template

Prepare for SMART Marketing

with this Goal-Setting Excel

Plan your SEO in advance for a

more scalable solution.

Determine the dollar value of

your leads to build a service
level agreement.

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