Chem 20 Course Outline q1 2015
Chem 20 Course Outline q1 2015
Chem 20 Course Outline q1 2015
Mr. Malec
Quarter 1 2015
Chemistry is the study of matter and its
changes. Chemistry 20 is an academic
program that helps students better
understand and apply chemical concepts
found in natural events they experience
and technology they use in their daily
Recommended Prerequisite
For success in Chemistry 20 a mark of 65% or better in Science 10 is recommended,
however, you can take Chemistry 20 as long as you achieved 50% or higher in Science
Major Goals
Science education will:
Encourage students at all grade levels to develop a critical sense of wonder and
curiosity about scientific and technological endeavors
Enable students to use science and technology to acquire new knowledge and
solve problems, so that they may improve the quality of their own lives and the
lives of others
Prepare students to critically address science related societal, economic, ethical
and environmental issues
Provide students with a foundation in science that creates opportunities for them
to pursue progressively higher levels of study, prepares them for science-related
occupations, and engages them in science-related hobbies appropriate to their
interests and abilities
Enable students, of varying aptitudes and interests, to develop knowledge of the
wide spectrum of careers related to science, technology and the environment.
Course Overview
Chemistry 20 consists of five units of study:
Review Unit: Chemistry Review
Unit 1: Chemical Bonding Explaining the Diversity of Matter
Concepts, models and theories are often used in interpreting and
explaining observations and in predicting future observations. The
major focus of this unit is to relate theories about bonding to the
properties of matter and to develop explanations and descriptions
of structure and bonding through scientific models. Students learn
about the diversity of matter through the investigation of ionic
compounds and molecular substances.
Unit 2: Gases as a Form of Matter
Students expand their knowledge of the nature of matter through
the investigation of the properties and behaviour of gases.
Unit 3: Solutions, Acids, and Bases
Students gain insight into the nature of matter
through an investigation of change in the context of
solutions, acids and bases.
Unit 4: Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Changes
Students focus on chemical change and the
quantitative relationships contained in balanced
chemical equations. They are required to use
stoichiometric principles and mathematical
manipulation to predict quantities of substances
consumed or produced in chemical reaction systems.
Unit Exams: 35%
Chapter Tests: 20%
Class Work: 15%
Final Exam: 30%
Reference Materials
The main resource utilized in Chemistry 20 is the Nelson Chemistry textbook.
Attendance Policy/Procedure
The first time a student is inexcusably absent it is the responsibility of the teacher to
contact home and determine the reason for the absence and deal with it accordingly. If
the student is inexcusably away a second time, the teacher will contact home again to
determine the reason for the absence. If the student was skipping for a second time, the
teacher will refer the student to the appropriate administrator. The administrator will
determine an appropriate consequence and contact the home. If the student was to be
inexcusably absent again and the students name does not appear on the end of the day
Excusable Absent List then the teacher would send the student to the appropriate
administrator the next day. The administrator will determine the reason for the absence
and take appropriate action (in most cases - removal from class/school for the Quarter).
If the teacher cannot contact the home to verify an absence after several attempts, or if no
phone number is available, then the teacher is to give the name of the student to the
appropriate administrator.
After a student goes on an attendance contract and is absent, he/she should be admitted to
class only if in possession of a re-admit slip from an administrator. If the student is
withdrawn, the teacher will be notified.