The Invisible Man Characters
The Invisible Man Characters
The Invisible Man Characters
Critical Essays
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Griffin, the Invisible Man. He arrives at a village inn and takes a room. Wearing dark glasses and
bushy side whiskers, and having a completely bandaged head, he causes much curiosity in the
village. Later, it develops that these are a disguise for his invisibility. Getting into trouble over an
unpaid bill, he escapes and begins to terrify the people with his mysterious thefts. Wounded, he
flees to a former acquaintances rooms. He reveals that, to get money for his experiments in
invisibility, he robbed his father of money belonging to someone else; as a result his father
committed suicide. Going thoroughly mad, he sends his former friend a note announcing that he
plans to kill a man each day; his friend is to be the first victim. After a grotesque struggle, the
Invisible Man is held by two men and struck with a spade by another man. As he is dying, his
body slowly becomes visible.
Dr. Kemp
Dr. Kemp, a physician. Griffin knew him when both were university students. To Kemp, Griffin
reveals his story. Later, he says that he plans to use Kemps rooms as a base for his reign of
terror, and he threatens Kemps life. Kemp goes to the police, with whose aid he finally succeeds
in destroying Griffin.
Mr. Hall
Mr. Hall, the landlord of the Coach and Horses Inn, where Griffin takes a room.
Mrs. Hall
Mrs. Hall, his wife. The Halls are the first to be puzzled by unexplainable activities on the part of
their guest. Unintimidated, however, Mr. Hall swears out a warrant for Griffins arrest after the
lodger becomes abusive because of ill feeling over an unpaid bill. After a struggle, Griffin at last
unmasks and escapes in the ensuing horror and confusion.
Colonel Ayde
Colonel Ayde, chief of the Burdock police. Kemp goes to him with his information about Griffin.
Ayde is wounded by his own revolver, which Griffin has snatched from his pocket.
Marvel, a tramp whom Griffin frightens into aiding him. Griffins turning on Marvel is the
occasion for some eerie scenes of pursuit.
Mr. Wicksteed
Mr. Wicksteed, who is found murdered. A weird manhunt for Griffin follows.