New Types of Tourism and Tourism Marketing in The Post-Industrial World

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Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce A P STR AC T

Agroinform Publishing House, Budapest



Lszl Arva and Zsuzsa Deli-Gray
Abstract: At the end of the 20th century in the most developed countries economy and society went through profound transformation. The
emerging post-industrial society can be characterised by the dominance of service industry, more leisure time of the population, higher
disposable income and more conscious consumers. These conscious consumers are more and more quality orientated and reject
undifferentiated mass products. New customers of tourism and hospitality industry are not only more affluent so less price conscious and
more quality orientated but they are also seeking activity, participation, fantasy, and experience. These new types of tourists are interested
rather in aesthetic aspects of life and are seeking highly differentiated, personalised experience. In the following article the authors,
professors of the French ESSCA business school overview theoretical aspects of new, post-Fordist tourism demand and present examples of
the new tourism and hospitality products having emerged in the developed countries during the last years.

Key words: tourism, tourism marketing, post-modern marketing, consumer behaviour, product development, new types of tourism

1. Shift from Fordist to Post-Fordist Tourism

Consumption and Production
In order to be able to understand those new forms of
tourism which emerged during the last decades, starting from
the new types of educational tourism through the youth
music festivals till the new types of entertainment centres at
the highways, we have to overlook the new developments of
tourism consumption theories briefly.
After summarizing the latest findings of tourism
consumption theories, based on the works of Miles (1998),
Saunders (1981) and Bourdieu, Shaw and Williams (2004)
described the development of tourism consumption in the
developed countries from Fordist type consumption to post
Fordist consumption patterns.
Fordist type consumption was the product of the post
WWII economic development, with longer paid holidays,
wide use of cars, and increasing purchasing power. This
tourism can be called mass tourism and according to Shaw
and Williams (2004) its characteristics are the following:
o collective consumption by undifferentiated tourists
o Collective gaze of tourists focused on signifiers
designed to concentrate tourists seasonally polarized
o Demand for familiarity by tourists
o Undifferentiated product similarity of facilities and
o Rigidity of production highly standardised, large
scale, dependent on scale economies
o Low prices importance of discontinuing and price
o Large numbers of tourists to a circuit of mass

The Fordist type of tourism consumption was the result of

the trente gloriouses, the thirty-year-long rapid economic
development in Western Europe and in the USA between
1945 and 1975. The first and second oil crisis (19731977)
and consequently, the introduction of new technologies
computers, IT technologies, satellite communication and
new production methods Toyota just in time system,
foreign investments and multinational company structures
speeded up the process of creation of the Global Village
(McLuhan, 1962). In this global village information
spreads at speed of light and the IT based technologies make
the development of tailor made, specialised products for a
differentiated market easier. With the spread of foreign
investments and the development of the multinational
companies, income differences also have started to grow
rapidly and this contributed to differentiation of tastes and
demands. The formerly homogenous middle class has
become more differentiated and Bourdieus definitions
(1984) new bourgeoisie and new petit bourgeoisie have
This new bourgeoisie and new petit bourgeoisie are
important taste makers, they are highly educated but their
life-styles are different from that of the traditional
bourgeoisie. The new bourgeoisie is active mainly in service
industry and rich in economic and cultural capital, as the
new petit bourgeoisie has much more modest economic
capital but their educational level is very high (Shaw, G., and
Williams, A.M., 2004). Representatives are mainly
professors, teachers, journalists, and civil servants.
The emergence of the new bourgeoisie and New Petit
Bourgeoisie contributed to the appearance of the postindustrial or post-Fordist mentality and post-industrial or
post-Fordist consumption patterns.


Lszl Arva and Zsuzsa Deli-Gray

It is important to note that philosophers and sociologist

are referring to this complex post-industrial attitude as postmodernism, stating that the modernist philosophical and
artistic movement of the 20th Century are greatly the off
springs of the industrial, mass society with its mass
consumption attitudes (see in the works of Lyotard (1984),
Brown, (1997) or Shaw and Williams (2004)).
After the book of Urry (1995) Shaw and Williams
summarized the pattern of post-Fordist or post modern
tourism in the following table:
Characteristics of
post-Fordist consumption

Tourism examples

Consumers are increasingly

dominant and producers have
to be much more consumer

Rejection of certain forms of mass

tourism (holiday camps and cheaper
packaged holidays) and increased
diversity of preferences

Greater volatility of consumer


Fewer repeat visits and the proliferation

of alternative sights and attractions

Increased market segmentation

Multiplication of types of holiday and

visitor attraction, based on lifestyle

Growth of consumers movement Much more information provided about

alternative holidays and attractions
through the media
Development of many new
products, each of which has
a shorter life

Rapid turnover of tourist sites and

experiences, because of rapid changes
of fashion

Increased preferences expressed

from mass forms of production/

Growth of green tourism and forms of

refreshment and accommodation
individually tailored to the consumer
(such as country-house hotels)

Consumption as less and less

functional and increasingly

De-differentiation of tourism from

leisure, culture, retailing, education,
sport, hobbies

New types of tourism demand have profoundly changed

tourism supply and tourism marketing activities as well.
Differentiated product development and differentiated
marketing became more important and generation of
experience became important practically in all tourism
products. At the same time, visitors are not only passive
consumers of experience but would like to participate in the
generation process of the experience actively.
In the next pages we will present examples of these newtyped tourism products and new types of tourism marketing
activities from Hungary, by describing some new types of
motorway highway stations, new forms of festival tourism
and new forms of educational tourism.

2. Analysis of new tourism products

2.1. Motorway highway stations
Post-modern tourism experience can perhaps be
illustrated the in the best way by the example of new types of
motorway service stations in Europe.
The development of highway service stations started in
Europe after the WWII with the highway construction boom

in Germany, Italy and France. Traditionally highway service

stations have offered the travellers gasoline and some snacks
in small rapid restaurants in the vicinity of the filling stations.
Sometimes smaller motels were built in the area mainly for
long distance truck drivers.
As in the 60s personal cars became more widespread in
the middle class and as people could enjoy longer holidays,
more and more families started to travel by cars to the seaside
or to the mountain ski resorts. This was the time of mass
family tourism and highway service stations started to get
adapted to the changing demand.
The first step of adaptation was generally the enlargement
and modernization of the cafeteria at the filling station in
order to attract other clients than the long haul truck drivers.
The next step in Western Europe, mainly at the end of the
eighties and at the beginning of the nineties was, that
separate catering and hospitality centres appeared at the
highway service stations, generally approximately 100150
meters from the filling stations. In these catering and
hospitality centres everything was about to serve the middle
class travellers. Restaurants, grill bars, coffee shops,
souvenir shops, business lounges and even smaller
conference rooms are waiting for the travellers in the new
catering and hospitality centres, which in Austria are mainly
operated by the Rosenberger, the March or the Italian
Autogrill companies. In these catering and hospitality
centres also smaller, 3 star hotels with 510 rooms can
generally be found. The hotel facilities are also aiming the
families and business voyagers instead of the truck drivers.
The choice of food and beverages are much greater in these
centres than in the old-fashioned quick restaurants at the
filling stations or in the traditional road side inns. They are
targeting the typical demanding, well off new middle class
travellers, let they be on business trips on family excursions.
In Hungary similar centres have just been built beside the
M1 highway at Mosonmagyarvr and at the Budapest MO
periphery highway. They are all operated by the Swiss
March group.
Though these new catering and hospitality centres are
relatively new establishments, targeting new middle class
travellers, this is not the last word of the development of the
catering and hospitality centres beside the highways.
The new, we would say post-modern catering and
hospitality centres at the highways are different from the
traditional catering and hospitality centres not only in their
appearance but in their marketing philosophy as well. As the
traditional centres do not want to be anything else than high
quality and efficient places beside the highways, where
middle class travellers can have a shorter or longer stop-over,
and where they can eat, refresh or perhaps spend a night or
can have shorter company meetings, the new post modern
centres want to give special experience to the travellers.
Typical example of these post modern catering and
hospitality centres are operated by the Austrian Oldtimer
company. The Oldtimer catering and hospitality centres are
highly visible from the highways. These centres there are
four ones in Austria today are rather eccentric

New Types of Tourism and Tourism Marketing in the Post-Industrial World

architecturally, and catch the eyes of the travellers. Beside one
of the Oldtimer centres there is an oversized pirate ship, where
children can play if they wish. The internal setup of these
centres is also unique and rather eccentric, too. In these centres
travellers can also find restaurants, coffee shops, conference
rooms and small hotels, just like in the more traditional
catering and hospitality centres, but the internal decoration of
these facilities is different. Some old furniture can be found
here; there is an old motorbike and at the corner an armoured
cavalier is watching the guests. The walls are covered by
wooden sculptures in the famous Hundertwasser style.
The Oldtimer Centres are close relatives of the
Disneyland castles and their aim is also the same: to create
special experience for children and for the adults who have
kept the child in their hearts. Naturally these centres are not
only passive spaces of the childhood nostalgia as in case of
special Oldtimer car meetings, special country music
festivals and other events.
Children play a special role in the marketing philosophy
of the Oldtimer centres. The marketing managers of the
Oldtimer company have realized that more and more middle
class families travel on the highways with children. Business
travellers travel by airplanes or express trains but families
generally prefer cars as it is easier to carry all the equipment,
toys and sport gears needed for the children than by airplane
or by trains. And as the children are the apples of the middle
class families, naturally they will have a short stop-over
where the children wish and they prefer pirate ships,
wonderland and the armoured cavaliers of the Oldtimer
The Oldtimer Centres are typical examples of Disneyfication of tourism and catering creation of experience in
the everyday activities, even in the middle of the highways,
between Vienna and Graz.
The slogans of these centres are: activity, participation,
fantasy, entertainment and fun.

2.2. New types of educational tourism

Students travelled to faraway places even in the Middle
Ages in order to be able to learn from the best professors of
their time. Universities were founded in the peripheral
countries in Europe only later, and never became as
important as the traditional Western Universities in
Heidelberg, in Berlin, in Paris.
Till the emergence of new educational tourism
universities had practically only one unique marketing tool
to attract foreign students: to invite the best known professors
to their cathedras.
Today higher educational mobility has a completely
different new aspect. Educational mobility today is getting
more and more as much a tourist activity as an educational
one. In our days according to the OECD more that 4 million
students study abroad at colleges and universities all over the
world. Half of the students arrive from the newly
industrialized countries and they are sons and daughters of
the new middle class, who can afford to travel to the


developed countries. The proof of it is that the majority of the

students arrive in the USA, Western Europe and Australia.
Naturally, one of the major aims of the foreign students
arriving at the universities of the developed countries is to
learn, but the emphasis from the big names of certain
professors has shifted to the general judgement of the
universities which is mainly measured by the university
ranking list, produced generally by the great journals and
But besides learning other aspects are also getting more
and more important for the students arriving from abroad.
These aspects are the following:
o the general level of development of the country where
the university is working
o ambience of the university town
o tourist attractions in the vicinity of the university
o sporting facilities and other entertainment
possibilities of the university
o general ambience of the university.
As priorities of students regarding to their university choice
are changing, the marketing activities of the universities also
have to develop. In case of ESSCA, Ecole Superiuere des
Sciences Commerciales dAngers, the leading business school
of France, besides providing high level academic programmes,
which is the highest priority, internationalization and
organizing programs for the students getting more and more
important. That is why ESSCA has created filials in Budapest
and Shanghai where students who have started their studies in
France can continue their studies and can get acquainted with
completely different general and company cultures.
Internationalization makes it necessary to have partnership with
other universities from where students and professors arrive at
ESSCA, and naturally students of ESSCA also can spend one
or two semesters in these partner universities.
Beside the internationalization it is extremely important to
provide facilities for students for their after-learning hour
activities. Sport halls, entertainment centres are also provided
for the ESSCA students. As after-class entertainment is
regarded very important, special evenings are organised for the
students by the university where they can present their home
culture for the students of other nations.
For universities it is very important to have foreign students
as in the developed countries their number is generally
declining because of the well known demographic trends. To
attract students they need well designed marketing activity,
where, beside the traditional academic values, tourist aspects
have to be taken into consideration as well. Naturally it is a
great danger to overemphasize tourist aspect against the
traditional academic values as even today the core product of
the universities should be knowledge, but the auxiliary tourism
products around it is getting more and more important.

2.3. New musical youth festivals in Hungary

Before 1990 different musical groups organized summer
camps for their fans and similarly folk music and folk art
camps and events were also organised sporadically. At the

beginning of the 90s two independent initiatives emerged to
organise summer youth festivals, where not only the fans of
one type of activities or of one music style could find their
interesting programs but these several-day-long festivals
could attract youth having completely different interest. The
idea was to organise a festival with highly differentiated
products for highly segmented customers.
As we have mentioned this idea came to the mind of the
group leader of the successful Hungarian pop group, named
Sziami, Peter Muller and independently from him to the
avant garde composer, Istvan Marta.
Though the target group in each case was the same,
realization of the product was different: Peter Muller
started to work out a Music Festival in the heart of Budapest,
Istvn Mrta wanted to organize his festival in the
countryside. In both cases the main target group were the
well off young people, interested in music, but in case of
Mullers project the stress was on pop music, in case of
Marta project folk music and amateur performances were
also part of the menu.
From Peter Mullers idea the famous Sziget Fesztival (Island
Festival) has emerged which has become one of the most
important music festivals of Europe with nearly 400 000 visitors
in 2009, and from Istvan Martas idea the also famous Kapolcs
Art Festival was born, which has also attracted tens of thousands
of young Hungarian and foreign visitors during the last years.
As both festival were highly successful regarding the
number of visitors, the Sziget Fesztival of Peter Mller has
generated increasing volume revenue and profit, Kapolcs Art
Festival was a financial disaster and in 2009 it seemed that it
would die away forever because of the financial problems.
What were the causes of these differences in profitability
of the two festivals? First of all, Sziget Fesztival as a product
has attracted largest number of visitors because besides the
local groups real big pop stars could be invited just because
of the solid and every year increasing revenue of the event.
On the other hand Kapolcs Art Festival could never get rid of
a certain flair of amateurism, as the events were dominated
by less widely known performers and ensembles.
But it was more important that in case of Sziget Fesztival
the whole process was organised in an excellent way, while
the process of the organisation was more haphazard and
occasional in case of Kapolcs Art Fesztival.
In case of Sziget Fesztival, the events were organized in
the hearth of Budapest, at an easily accessible place, on an
island. It is important that to this island the visitors can enter
only through a limited number of entrances, across bridges,
so entrance fee can be easily collected. Companies were also
eager to sponsor the event as very large number of visitors
gathered at a relatively limited place where their information
had a large chance to reach the young people participating at
the festival.
In case of Kapocs Art Fesztival, events were scattered
around a dozen of villages, and the entrance of visitors could
not be controlled and entrance fees could not be collected as
there were altogether more than 7 big roads and numberless
side roads where anyone could enter the festival sites.

Lszl Arva and Zsuzsa Deli-Gray

Revenue of the festival entered into the owners of the
restaurants, hotels and even gardens where visitors had to
pay for tent places. Sponsors were not happy with the
participation of large number of villages in the festival as
relatively small number of visitors presented at each site.
Regardless of the differences in financial performance of
the two festivals, both are good examples of the new types of
festivals aiming the demanding and relatively well off new
middle class youth as target group. It is also important that in
both cases the festival offers good opportunities for young
people to meet each other, and this aspect of the events
perhaps has attracted as many visitors as many big names of
pop music, who performed at these festivals.
In both festivals regardless of the relatively large
number of participants the programmes are highly
differentiated for the different audiences. For the participants
active participation and interaction are very important

3. Some conclusions
As in service industry generally, in tourism the changing
demand is generating new products, and/or changing the
faces of the old products. New bourgeoisie and new petit
bourgeoisie with their new post-modern attitudes demand
products which are radically different from the old style mass
tourism products. These new customers are more informed,
have higher disposable income, need more freedom in their
choices, reject passive gaze and are more active. As they
are spending a lot of time in front of the computer, they are
not only more informed but at the same time they live in a
virtual world as well, so they need more fantasy some
Disneyland effects are always welcome by these customers.
Tourism marketing also has to get adapted to the new
consumer behaviour.
Old products are reappearing in new forms and
completely new products are developed in order to meet the
changing needs of the new customers.
The life cycle of products is getting shorter, market
segmentation is getting more difficult and the market
segments are getting smaller. Products are more targeted.
In the previous examples we could see that activities,
which had formerly no or insignificant tourist elements like
education , today have a lot of tourist aspects. We saw that
traditional, even a little boring services like highway-side
service stations can be transformed into Disney-like fantasy
land entertainment centres, universities get tourism aspects
and single product music festivals are changing into multi
product, week long festivities.
The slogans of new tourism marketing are:
Personalization and

New Types of Tourism and Tourism Marketing in the Post-Industrial World

These are the basics of tourism product development in
our days and these could guarantee the satisfaction of the
new, affluent, informed and educated customers in tourism.



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