New Types of Tourism and Tourism Marketing in The Post-Industrial World
New Types of Tourism and Tourism Marketing in The Post-Industrial World
New Types of Tourism and Tourism Marketing in The Post-Industrial World
Key words: tourism, tourism marketing, post-modern marketing, consumer behaviour, product development, new types of tourism
Tourism examples
beginning of the 90s two independent initiatives emerged to
organise summer youth festivals, where not only the fans of
one type of activities or of one music style could find their
interesting programs but these several-day-long festivals
could attract youth having completely different interest. The
idea was to organise a festival with highly differentiated
products for highly segmented customers.
As we have mentioned this idea came to the mind of the
group leader of the successful Hungarian pop group, named
Sziami, Peter Muller and independently from him to the
avant garde composer, Istvan Marta.
Though the target group in each case was the same,
realization of the product was different: Peter Muller
started to work out a Music Festival in the heart of Budapest,
Istvn Mrta wanted to organize his festival in the
countryside. In both cases the main target group were the
well off young people, interested in music, but in case of
Mullers project the stress was on pop music, in case of
Marta project folk music and amateur performances were
also part of the menu.
From Peter Mullers idea the famous Sziget Fesztival (Island
Festival) has emerged which has become one of the most
important music festivals of Europe with nearly 400 000 visitors
in 2009, and from Istvan Martas idea the also famous Kapolcs
Art Festival was born, which has also attracted tens of thousands
of young Hungarian and foreign visitors during the last years.
As both festival were highly successful regarding the
number of visitors, the Sziget Fesztival of Peter Mller has
generated increasing volume revenue and profit, Kapolcs Art
Festival was a financial disaster and in 2009 it seemed that it
would die away forever because of the financial problems.
What were the causes of these differences in profitability
of the two festivals? First of all, Sziget Fesztival as a product
has attracted largest number of visitors because besides the
local groups real big pop stars could be invited just because
of the solid and every year increasing revenue of the event.
On the other hand Kapolcs Art Festival could never get rid of
a certain flair of amateurism, as the events were dominated
by less widely known performers and ensembles.
But it was more important that in case of Sziget Fesztival
the whole process was organised in an excellent way, while
the process of the organisation was more haphazard and
occasional in case of Kapolcs Art Fesztival.
In case of Sziget Fesztival, the events were organized in
the hearth of Budapest, at an easily accessible place, on an
island. It is important that to this island the visitors can enter
only through a limited number of entrances, across bridges,
so entrance fee can be easily collected. Companies were also
eager to sponsor the event as very large number of visitors
gathered at a relatively limited place where their information
had a large chance to reach the young people participating at
the festival.
In case of Kapocs Art Fesztival, events were scattered
around a dozen of villages, and the entrance of visitors could
not be controlled and entrance fees could not be collected as
there were altogether more than 7 big roads and numberless
side roads where anyone could enter the festival sites.
3. Some conclusions
As in service industry generally, in tourism the changing
demand is generating new products, and/or changing the
faces of the old products. New bourgeoisie and new petit
bourgeoisie with their new post-modern attitudes demand
products which are radically different from the old style mass
tourism products. These new customers are more informed,
have higher disposable income, need more freedom in their
choices, reject passive gaze and are more active. As they
are spending a lot of time in front of the computer, they are
not only more informed but at the same time they live in a
virtual world as well, so they need more fantasy some
Disneyland effects are always welcome by these customers.
Tourism marketing also has to get adapted to the new
consumer behaviour.
Old products are reappearing in new forms and
completely new products are developed in order to meet the
changing needs of the new customers.
The life cycle of products is getting shorter, market
segmentation is getting more difficult and the market
segments are getting smaller. Products are more targeted.
In the previous examples we could see that activities,
which had formerly no or insignificant tourist elements like
education , today have a lot of tourist aspects. We saw that
traditional, even a little boring services like highway-side
service stations can be transformed into Disney-like fantasy
land entertainment centres, universities get tourism aspects
and single product music festivals are changing into multi
product, week long festivities.
The slogans of new tourism marketing are:
Personalization and