Operation Management HW #3
Operation Management HW #3
Operation Management HW #3
Operation Management
Mr. Leopoldo Lopez.
1. Based on the descriptions and analyses in this chapter, would Boeing be better described
as a global firm or a transnational firm?
Boeing would be better described as a global firm because it has expanded its operations
to many countries in which operation decision are decentralized to each country enhancing
responsiveness. For example the Boeing 787 is built all over the world with a huge financial risk
of over 5$ billion. Moreover, Boeing has its supplier builders in other companies from many
different countries
2. List six reasons to internationalized operations.
1. Reduce costs (labor, taxes, tariffs, etc.)
2. Improve the supply chain
3. Provide better goods and services
4. Understand markets
5. Learn to improve operations
6. Attract and retain global talent
3. Coca cola is called a global product. Does this mean that Coca-Cola is formulated in the
same way throughout the world? Discuss
Coca Cola Company works locally, tailoring their drinks to local tastes. Some flavours
are more popular in one country than another, and often are different ingredients available
in different countries.
4. Define mission.
The mission of a company is a broad statement of what it wants to achieve. It is written
in such a way that it identifies its customer, its social-corporate behavior, opportunities, its
good or service, produced, etc.
5. Define strategy.
A companys strategy tells us how an organization expects to achieve its missions and goals.
6. Describe how a mission and strategy have different purposes.
A mission statement identifies its customer, social-corporate behavior, opportunities, good or
service produced, etc. while a strategy tell us how this company is going to reach its
customer, take advantage of its opportunities, and sell its goods or service.
7. Identify the mission and strategy of your automobile repair garage. What are the
manifestations of the 10 OM decision at the garage? That is, how is each of the 10
decisions accomplished?
4. Location strategy: being located in the same building where it sells autos helps this
garage to get more customer. Also, location relative to suppliers is very important.
5. Layout design: Centro Autonica automobile repair garage has building created a
building to meet the capacity needs, personel levels and counts with tools to provide a
good service.
6. Supply chain-management: this company has the advantage of being authorized
dealer of Toyota autos and parts. So,
7. Inventory: this company acquires enough inventory to meet customer demand.
8. Scheduling: it schedules its services through appointments.
9. Maintenance: Taller Autonica give maintenance to its local and tools. Also, it has
Improved and increased training of maintenance personnel
8. As a library or internet assignment, identify the mission of a firm and the strategy that
support that mission.
Microsoft Mission.
At Microsoft, our mission is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to
realize their full potential. We consider our mission statement a commitment to our
customers. We deliver on that commitment by striving to create technology that is
accessible to everyoneof all ages and abilities. Microsoft is one of the industry leaders
in accessibility innovation and in building products that are safer and easier to use.
Microsoft strategy.
Accessibility, as part of overall usability, is a fundamental consideration for Microsoft
during product design, development, evaluation, and release. Microsoft endeavors to
integrate accessibility into planning, design, research, development, testing, and
9. How does an Om strategy change during a products life cycle?
The Operation management strategy changes its emphasis according to the stage of its
production. During the introduction of the stage the emphasis is on developing a product that
meets the requirement of the market. During the growth stage, the emphasis shifts on
establishing and maintaining a production process that develops and preserves the demand of
the product. Then, in the maturity phase the concern of the company is to preserve their
market share by offering a reliable product at competitive prices. Finally, in the decline stage,
the firm focus on pruning line to eliminate items not returning good margin, reduce capacity.
10. There are three primary ways to achieve competitive advantage. Provide an example, no
included in the text, of each.
Differentiation. Apple is a company that has differentiated itself from others by
implementing OS and IOS on its devices. OS and IOS are unique software that are simple
to manage and include a wide variety of application.
Low cost strategy. Alcatel is cellphone manufacturing company that achieve competitive
advantage by using low cost strategies. Alcatel sells cellphones at lower prices than Apple
and Samsung, it offers cellphone with almost the same characteristic than its competitors
but at a lower price. Because of its affordable prices, Alcatel reaches many customers.
Response. T-Mobile is known for being highly engaged with customers across its social
media platforms, and for having a pleasant customer service.
11. Given the discussion of the Southwest Airlines, in the text describe, define an operation
strategy of that firm.
First, Southwest Airlines has highly engaged workers. This company has achieved that by
keeping a strong relationship with them. Moreover, it has reached its customer by
focusing on low cost strategy. This company offer quality services at very affordable
prices. Southwest airlines has made this business profitable by reducing operation cost
without reducing its quality.
12. How must an operation strategy integrate with marketing and accounting?
In order to accomplish integration between operation strategies and marketing and
accounting a company must maintain a consistent communication strategy, design its plan
according to its resources, keep a strong relationship with its employees, and a culture of
discipline. The company must use an operation strategy that helps to position itself in the
market, and that allows to keep control of its cash inflows and outflows. In order to be
profitable, the company must use all of its resources to successfully integrate marketing and
accounting to its operation strategy.