Bruene Coupler

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Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.

3 October 18, 2009

The Bruene Directional Coupler and Transmission Lines

Gary Bold, ZL1AN.

The Bruene directional coupler indicates forward and reflected power. Its operation is
invariably explained using transmission line concepts, which leads some to wrongly believe that
it must always be connected directly to a line. There are also many misconceptions about
what happens on a transmission line, and in particular, what happens at the source end. This
document addresses these misconceptions.
Unfortunately, many derivations require complex exponential notation, phasor representations
of voltage and current, and network theorems. There isnt any alternative if rigor is to be
Section 1 gives some background on the Bruene coupler.
Section 2 explains its operation when terminated in a resistance.
Section 3 works a simple numerical example on a matched transmission line and load.
Section 3 repeats this calculation for a mismatched line and load.
Section 4 explains the correct interpretation of the powers read by the Bruene meter.
Section 5 explains that a mismatched source always generates additional reflections, and
shows how the steady-state waves on the line build up by summing these reflections.
Section 6 develops the theory of section 6 further, and shows how the final waves build up in
the mismatched line example given in section 4.
Five appendices follow:
Appendix A develops the general theory of line reflection where both source and load are
mismatched, and the line may be lossy.
Appendix B works a simple example to illustrate appendix A.
Appendix C explains what happens upon reflection from a Thevenin source.
Appendix D shows, using the Poynting vector, that power always travels from the source to
the load at all times, everywhere on the line.
Appendix E quotes experts explaining that the output impedance of a non-linear output
stage cannot be defined, and is never used in design.

The Bruene Coupler

Warren Bruene, then W0TTK, a long-time Collins design engineer, published the original article describing
the directional coupler that bears his name in QST in April, 1959.1 This was used in the Collins 302C
Wattmeter in 1960.
This is not the only form of directional coupler used in SWR/power meters. Strip-line and resistance-bridge
detectors are also common, though less so now, due to the ease with which suitable small toroids can be
obtained, and because the Bruene coupler can be permanently inserted in the line, and is not frequency
The operation of the Bruene coupler is traditionally derived as if its inserted in a transmission line, using
the concepts of forward and reflected waves, which are assumed to exist on the line before and after
it, and which flow through it. But the coupler also works when connected to the input of a line, where
there is no line on the input side, or when connected to a transmatch, or even to a pure resistance which must always be done to calibrate it. There are no standing waves inside a transmatch or resistance,
and the coupler itself doesnt contain a transmission line, so there must be an alternative way of explaining
its operation. This we now do.

Download Bruenes QST article from

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

The Practical Bruene Meter

If you look inside a typical modern meter using the Bruene principle, you probably wont see the circuit
almost always used to explain its operation (Bruenes original version), which was published in Break-In
September/October 2006,2 youll see a version of the more practical circuit of figure 1, top.

Figure 1: Top: Practical Bruene directional coupler. Middle: Simplified to aid in derivation of power
estimation equations. Bottom: Even further simplified.
Figure 1 differs in that theres only one voltage-sampling capacitive divider, which is connected to the midpoint of the secondary of the current-sampling toroidal transformer. The forward and reverse (diode
and smoothing capacitor samplers) are not connected in bridge configurations, but to voltage summer
circuits. VL and IL are the instantaneous (AC, signal) voltage and current on the sampling wire that
runs from the input to the output, through the toroid. This wire is not a transmission line. The output
is connected to a pure resistance RL . The inductor labelled RFC holds the relatively high impedance
midpoint of the capacitive divider at DC ground, necessary because the diode rectifying circuits are also
referenced to ground. In some meters it is omitted. Often its parallelled by a resistor which doesnt affect
the derivation below.
Figure 1, middle, shows that portion of the circuit involved in deriving the reverse voltage. The transformer secondary has been replaced by its equivalent circuit, a voltage generator proportional to, and in
quadrature with, the line current, in series with half of the secondary inductance.
Figure 1, bottom, shows an even further simplification, retaining only the elements necessary to derive the
Neglecting the loading effect of the diode detection circuit (the calibration resistance R cal is much higher
than the 2R connected across the secondary), we see that the midpoint of the resistance 2R must be, by
symmetry, at the same voltage as that of the secondary centre-tap, set by the capacitive voltage divider.
Hence we can isolate it from theforward components by substituting half of the terminating resistance,
R, terminated by the mid-point voltage Vc . Then the current through R is given by

SWR Meters; How they work David Conn, VE3KL, Break-In, September/October 2006, pp 8 - 10. Reprinted from
The Canadian Amateur, July/August 2005.

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

R + jL/2
but L R
(we choose this)
so IR
VR = RIR = R
(VL , IL are related by the load resistance, RL )
but IL =
2M R
therefore VR = R
= VL
using Kirchhoffs voltage law, Vm = VC VR

2M R
= VL

C1 + C 2
but C2 C1

C1 2M R
so Vm VL



The AC voltage Vm is rectified, smoothed and indicated by the voltmeter. To calibrate, we make RL = 50
and adjust C1 to make the two terms inside the bracket equal, so that Vm = 0. Physically, this means that
the voltage derived from the current-sampling toroid is exactly equal and opposite to that derived from the
voltage-sampling capacitive divider, so that their algebraic sum is zero.
The corresponding voltage at the detection point of the forward circuit is given by the same equation,
except that the terms inside the brackets add instead of subtracting, because the voltage induced by its
half the current transformer is in the opposite phase. That is,

Forward voltage is Vm VL

C1 2M R


If the terminating resistance is now changed in value, keeping the line voltage V L constant, the line current,
IL will change, and Vm will rise. You can see this from the second term inside the brackets of equation 11,
which is inversely proportional to RL . Similarly, substituting any reactive impedance will cause unbalance
because the current-derived waveform phase will change from 180o . Thus, all that zero reflected power
tells you is that the impedance seen at the meter output is exactly 50 , resistive. And this is true whether
youre connected to a transmatch, a transmission line, or a pound of butter.
If the meter is connected directly to a transmission line, it still just sees an impedance, the input impedance
of the line. But this impedance has a value which is very restricted. Its somewhere on a constant SWR
circle drawn about the centre of a Smith chart normalized for the line characteristic impedance, which is
the resistance which has been used to calibrate for zero reflected power. The forward and reflected
readings dont allow you to determine this input impedance value, but they do allow you to determine
which SWR circle theyre on, and thus the SWR.
Both the propagating wave and impedance terminated treatments of the coupler given above are
equally valid.
Its interesting that (as Bruene points out in his original article) the detected voltage decreases as the
number of turns on the toroid secondary increases. This is because a toroids mutual inductance, M is
proportional to the number of turns, n, while inductance, L, increases as n2 . However, you cant reduce
n arbitrarily to achieve greater sensitivity, because this progressively limits the lowest operating frequency,
which is proportional to L.
Now consider what happens on a transmission line itself, in matched and unmatched situations. For
simplicity, we invoke a lossless line of length /4 having characteristic impedance of 50 , and purely
resistive loads. For a lossless line, z0 is also resistive, and is sometimes called Ro .3

The results are valid for lossy and reactive loads as well, but the algebra becomes tedious.

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

Example 1: A Matched Line

Figure 2 (a) shows a lossless line having characteristics impedance zo = Ro = 50 .4 Its terminated in a
pure resistance RL also of 50 , and is fed from a source that develops a voltage Vin = 5Vrms at its input.

Figure 2: (a) A lossless line

The input impedance of the line is resistive, and the same as Ro , or 50 . The input power, and the output
power passed to the load, Pload , are the same, and are given by

Pin = Pload =

= 0.5 Watt


In conventional terminology, there is no reflected wave. A single forward wave propagates down the
line and its power is completely absorbed by the load. The amplitude of this wave is equal to the input
voltage, 5 Volt.

Example 2: A Mis-matched Line

Figure 2(b) shows the same line, now terminated in a pure resistance of 100 . The line is now mismatched,
and acts as a quarter-wave impedance transformer. Such a lines impedances obey the equation
Rin RL = R02
so Rin =
= 25 .


and the input power developed in this resistance by the same input voltage will be

Pin =

= 1 Watt


Again, all of this power is passed to, and is dissipated in the load.5 We can calculate the voltage across
the load from the power dissipated in it, using conservation of energy.


Pin RL = 1 100 = 10 volt.

Pload = Pin =


so VL


The characteristic impedance of a lossless line is always real, purely resistive.

The power delivered to the load is higher, even though the line is mismatched in the second example, because we
are applying the same voltage across a lower input resistance.

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

Because the line is now not terminated in its characteristic resistance, it will now have a standing wave
ratio, SWR, which we calculate using the voltage reflection coefficient, , given by 6

and SW R =

Ro + RL
= = 2.


In conventional (and correct) treatments, the resulting voltage variation on the line is now interpreted
as the sum of a forward wave, of amplitude Vf , and a reverse wave, of amplitude Vr . These propagate
independently, and each behaves as if travelling in a matched line of characteristic resistance R o , which
makes them both simple and useful. They are related by Vr = Vf . The maximum and minimum voltages
on the line are given by the constructive and destructive interference of these waves, so that

Vmax = Vf + Vr = Vf (1 + )
Vmin = Vf Vr = Vf (1 )


In this special case of resistive termination where RL > Ro , the load voltage will be at a SWR maximum,
and the voltage a quarter wavelength back, at the input, will be at a minimum. We can use these values
to find Vf and Vr . Adding the equations above,

Vmax + Vmin = 2Vf

10 + 5
Vmax + Vmin
= 7.5 volt
so Vf =
= 2.5 volt.
and Vr = Vf =


Before considering the significance of these results, we calculate the powers that each wave apparently

Power Calculations on the Mismatched Line

Directional coupled SWR meters are usually calibrated in terms of forward and reflected power, though
they do not measure power directly. They detect the voltages and currents of these two waves, and deduce
the powers indicated by assuming that each propagates in a line of characteristic resistance R o , the same as
that of the calibration, zero reflected power resistance. This is why the scales are nonlinear, and roughly
follow a square-root law, modified by the practical conduction characteristics of the rectifying diodes used
in the AC (signal) to DC rectifiers.
The power in the forward and reflected waves, Pf and Pr respectively, are given by


Pr =

= 1.125 Watt
= 0.125 Watt


The derivation of , also called v is done in all standard texts, including mine, Electromagnetism Gary E.J. Bold,
Physics Department, University of Auckland, latest edition, $15 (NZ), chapter 11. This text also gives a simplified,
traditional treatment of the Bruene coupler. To be rigorous, we should use the magnitude of , or ||, but here is real
and positive, so Ive left the magnitude signs out.

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

The difference of these powers is 1 Watt, the same as the power that we have independently shown to
be dissipated in the load, using conservation of energy. This can be shown to be always true, for any
line length and terminating impedance, although the algebra becomes tiresome for the general case. This
justifies the conventional rule
To find the true power passed to the load, subtract the reverse power from the forward
The forward power would be better called total or forward plus reflected power, and some authors
have advocated this. The only reason that directional couplers are calibrated in power for both waves is
to allow this subtraction to be done.
This relationship holds even in extreme practical cases, where a 100 Watt transmitter operating into a
very mismatched line may indicate 900 Watt forward power and 800 Watt reflected power. Nothing in the
system is generating 800 Watt. It is only the difference in the powers that has any significance.

Formation of Forward and Reflected Waves

Its often assumed that the forward wave is directly generated by the voltage applied to the line, and the
reflected wave, with amplitude related to the load impedance is derived from this, and carries power
back towards the source.
However, in example 2 the amplitude of the forward wave, Vf , is constant at all points on the line, and has
been shown to be 7.5 volt. This is greater than the voltage applied to the line input! Therefore this wave
cannot have been excited directly by the input voltage alone. In fact, both of the forward and reflected
waves are superpositions of (in principle) an infinite number of counter-travelling waves. The proof of this
was commonly performed in formal University courses 50 years ago7 and still exists in some texts.
We first consider a simplified situation, where the source voltage is derived from a zero-impedance source,
so that V1 remains unaltered by any change in the line input impedance. The general development of the
relationships derived here is given in appendix A of this document.8
Consider a voltage V1 suddenly applied at one end of a (possibly lossy) transmission line, causing a wave
which travels towards the load. Since it doesnt know about the load until it gets there, it travels through
the appropriate characteristic impedance of the line. Let its complex amplitude when it reaches the load
be Vf , where9

where R, L, C and G

= V1 e`
= the complex propagation constant of the line,
= (R + jL) (G + jC)
= the standard line constants, quantity per unit length
= the physical line length.


Satisfying boundary conditions at the load zL means that a reflected wave is now generated, with complex
amplitude Vr at the load, where

I was shown this proof, when a student, in Radiophysics III in 1960 by Professor Kurt Kreilesheimer.
the general proof is performed in some texts, see for example Theory and Problems of Transmission Lines, Robert
Chipman, Schaums outline series, McGraw-Hill, 1968, chapter 8. It applies only to a linear source, but well consider
the implications of this when we come to it.
As is usual in these calculations, we represent wave amplitude and phase changes by a complex exponential representing a rotating phasor in the complex plane, which enormously simplifies the algebra. Complex algebra does not
mean complicated, but the representation of a network quantity by real and imaginary (or quadrature) components, carrying information about both amplitude and phase. The actual wave amplitude and phase can subsequently
be found by just taking the real part of the resulting expressions. This is explained in all more advanced texts. See
for example Linear Steady-state Network Theory Gary E.J. Bold, Physics Department, University of Auckland, latest
edition, chapters 2 and 3, $15 (NZ)

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

Vr = 2 V1 e` = 2 Vf
and 2 = the voltage reflection coefficient at the load,
zL z o
zL + z o
Vf = V1 e` = the amplitude of the reflected wave arriving at the load.


This is the standard treatment, and generally the mathematics stops here, because 2 is found to completely
determine the SWR and impedance at any point on the line. What happens now to the reflected wave
when it eventually reaches the source end can be, and usually is, ignored.
But electromagnetic wave theory, derived from Maxwells equations10 says unambiguously that there must
be a reflection whenever any impedance discontinuity is encountered, and such a discontinuity must occur
when the reflected wave again reaches the source, unless the input is fed from a linear source having an
output impedance zs = zo , exactly the same as the characteristic impedance of the line. This would be a
complex-conjugate match, and cannot in general hold, since all transmitters work with all lines, and all
are unlikely to have exactly this impedance. More about this later.
The reality of source reflections are well known to engineers who send short pulses down lines. This is
why professional signal generators have an output impedance of 50 , resistive, to match the characteristic
resistance of the line between source and load, removing the possibility of reflection here. The reality of
such reflections is easily demonstrated using an oscilloscope and pulse-generator.
If the source is mismatched, the second reflection now occurring on this first reflected wave at the line
input can also be characterized by a reflection coefficient 1 , and another forward travelling wave will be
generated, of complex amplitude V10 , where
V10 = 1 2 Vf e`
zs z 0
where 1 =
zs + z 0
and zs = some, as yet undefined, source impedance.


Now there are two forward waves. When this one reaches the load, its amplitude will be
Vf0 = 1 2 Vf e2`


this second forward wave generates a second reflected wave, having amplitude
Vr0 = 1 22 Vf e2`


This process continues indefinitely. Summing, the total forward and reflected waves at the load end will be

(Vf )t = Vf 1 + 1 2 e2` + 21 22 e4` + . . .

(Vr )t = Vf 2 1 + 1 2 e2` + 21 22 e4` + . . .


(Vr )t
(Vf )t

= 2



Equation 44 is identical to that given by considering only the first forward and reflected waves, and again
depends only on the load.
We see that the value of 1 doesnt matter, because all terms containing it cancel. This is fortunate, because
the source impedance, zs in equation 38, in a class B or C amplifier is undefined. The hf transmitter output

These 4 vector equations were derived by Heaviside from Maxwells original ones, which were incomprehensible to
almost everybody. They are derived in all advanced electromagnetic texts, including mine. They explain all electromagnetic phenomena. There is no doubt about their validity.

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

stage driving the line contains transistors operating in a non-linear manner, and linear circuit theory, in
particular Thevenins theorem, which predicts the existence of an output impedance, doesnt apply. The
transmitters output state varies over an operating cycle, and it is not clear to me what interpretation to
put on even an instantaneous output impedance at some discrete time. But whatever it is, it wont
matter, because a reflected wave equivalent to some value of 1 will always be generated. This occurs
in matching terms in both forward and reflected waves, evaluated at the same time, which are divided to
form equation 44. The problem of this output impedance is discussed in appendix E.
The only observable effect of this summation of forward and reflected waves is to change the input
impedance of the line. For a lossless line, this is given by the (standard) equation 11
zin = Ro

jRo sin(`) + zL cos(`)

jzL sin(`) + Ro cos(`)

where Ro = zo = line characteristic impedance,

zL = the terminating impedance, possibly complex,
` = physical length of the line,

= phase constant = LC = ,
= 2f = angular frequency of the source,
c = phase velocity on the line.


We also see that the total forward wave has an amplitude which is the sum of an assemblage of sub-waves,
and is not in general equal to the applied voltage alone. This is shown by the mismatched-line example 2
above, where the line is energized by a source of 5V, and the amplitude of the forward wave is 7.5V. This
amplitude is a result of the summation shown in equation 42. Similarly for the reflected wave amplitude.
We were only able to compute the actual magnitudes of the forward and reflected waves in this (carefully
chosen) example because the positions of the maximum and minimum (load and source) of the resulting
total wave on the line were known.
Furthermore, we see, and will next show, that these amplitudes are the total amplitudes under steady-state
conditions, that is, after the initial wave build-ups have reached their asymptotic values. Actually, these
asymptotic values are never, strictly attained, because even though both 2 and 1 are always less than
one, so that each subsequent forward and backward wave becomes progressively smaller, neither wave
component ever becomes zero for a lossless line.12 However, after a sufficient number of reflections, each
will become vanishingly small. For a lossy line, and all lines are actually lossy, some power will be
dissipated in the line.
This derivation shows that the standard forward and reflected waves take a finite, though small, time to
form, since energy has to travel up and down the line to create the wave assemblages that are summed.
However, this process can be pretty well considered instantaneous at hf , since typically a maximum of
10 or so line-lengths are travelled before contributions become vanishingly small - about half a microsecond
on a typical 10 metre length of coax having a velocity factor of 66%.

Formation of Waves in Example 2

We now show that in the mismatched example considered, the steady-state, final amplitudes of the forward
and reflected waves deduced agree with the summation of the multiply reflected waves that progressively
build up as shown in the previous section.
For simplicity, again assume that the line is energized by a 5V source, having zero internal impedance z s
- that is, reflections cannot alter this input voltage. This is a special case of a time-independent, linear
source, chosen to make the calculation simpler, and to show that the results hold even in this extreme case
(complete reflection at the source). The reflection factor at the line input, 1 , defined just as that at the
load end, 2 , is

derived, again, in all standard texts.

This is analogous to the exponentially changing voltage across a charging capacitor, which never actually reaches its
final value either. However, we normally assume that it has done so after about 5 time constants have elapsed.

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

1 =
while 2 =

0 50
zs z o
= 1
zs + z o
0 + 50
as before.


This value of 1 means that waves arriving back at the source will be completely reflected, but undergo a
phase change of 180o . The first forward wave will start with an amplitude of 5V, the same as the source.
The first reflected wave resulting from this will have an amplitude of 5/3V, and travel back towards the
source. At the source, it is completely reflected, but with a phase change of 180 o . However, since it has
travelled a total distance of /2 (a quarter wave down and a quarter wave back) it will arrive 180 o retarded
in phase. This phase retardation cancels with the phase change at source reflection, so its reflected
amplitude is in phase with that of the initial wave. The sum of these two waves will therefore be
Vf 1 + V f 2 = 5 +



This second forward wave also undergoes a load reflection, then a source reflection. Its contribution will
be Vf 3 where
Vf 3 =

Vf 2 = Volt


This series of reflections continues indefinitely, until, in practice, the contribution of further reflections
becomes vanishingly small. Summing, the total forward wave amplitude will be
(Vf )t = Vf 1 + Vf 2 + Vf 3 + . . .
5 5
= 5+ + +
+ ...
9 27

1 1
+ ...
= 5 1+ + +
3 9 27


The series inside the brackets can be summed to infinity using the rule for geometric progressions, 13 giving
1 1/3
= 7.5 Volt

(Vf )t = 5
(Vf )t






which is the same as that deduced earlier from a calculation involving the SWR and maximum and minimum
voltage values. A similar calculation shows that the amplitude of the reflected wave is also correct, 2.5
Volt. This confirms that
the forward and reflected wave amplitudes deduced from the SWR are indeed the steady-state,
asymptotic values,
these arise quite naturally from assuming that the amplitude of the first forward wave is the same as
that of the source voltage, and adding further reflections from both the source and load.
Appendix A shows that such a summation also gives the correctg steady-state wave amplitudes when the
source impedance, zs has a finite value, that is, for any general linear Thevenin source. In this case the
open-circuit voltage of the source is reduced to a lower value at the line input because of the lines loading

If a series can be written as S = 1 + r + r 2 + . . . where r < 1, the sum to n terms is S =

second term in the numerator, r n , becomes vanishingly small, and the sum becomes S =


1 rn
. As n , the

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009


effect on the source. The derivation also holds for a lossy line of any length, terminated in any impedance.
However, in these general cases the algebra becomes unwieldy since 1 and 2 are in general complex, so
that subsequent reflections may have any phase angles, and complex algebra is necessary for the summation.
To check your understanding of this, energize the mismatched line of example 2 with a Thevenin source
having an open-circuit voltage of 15V and an output resistance of 50 . You should find that the final
voltage at the line input and power dissipated in the load are the same, 5V and 1 Watt respectively, but
now 2 Watt is dissipated in the source. Only one forward wave, of amplitude 7.5V should exist, and one
reflected wave, of amplitude 2.5V. Thus, even though the line is matched at the source, more power is
wasted to generate the same power in the load!


Standing Waves: General Case, Linear Source.

Figure A shows a linear Thevenin source generating open-circuit voltage v s having output impedance zs
connected to the input of a line having characteristic impedance zo , terminated in a load impedance zL .
All these impedances may be complex, and all may be different.
The line is mismatched at both ends, so reflections will occur at load and source. Consider the source to
be switched on at t = 0. Then, since no energy has yet been injected into the line, its input impedance
will be zo . By the voltage division theorem, the voltage at the input of the line will be v1 , where
v1 = v s

zo + z s


Appendix figure A. A completely general situation, where both source and load are mismatched to a general
(lossy) line.
This generates a forward wave, having amplitude v1 , which propagates to the end of the line. When it
reaches the load, let its amplitude be vf 1 . A reflected wave is generated, of amplitude vr1 where
vf 1 = v1 e`
vr1 = 2 v1 e


This first reflected wave travels back down the line to the source, where the mismatch causes it to be
reflected with reflection coefficient 1 .14 This reflection generates a second forward wave. The reflected
voltage adds algebraically to the initial input voltage v1 at the source. The current drawn from the source
must now also change to accommodate this changed voltage. In effect, the source has become aware of
the load from the information carried by the reflected wave, and the input impedance of the line must also
The second forward wave propagates to the load, where its amplitude is vf 2 . A second reflected wave is
generated, of amplitude vr2 , where


vf 2 = 1 2 v1 e3`


vr2 = 1 22 v1 e3`


An explanation of what happens upon wave reflection from a Thevenin source is given in Appendix C.


Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

This process continues, generating a sequence of multiple forward and reflected waves, which continually
diminish in amplitude, since the magnitudes of both 1 and 2 are less than 1. Summing all the forward
waves, we get the total forward wave amplitude at the load, vf . Similarly for the total reflected wave, vr .
so vf

= vf 1 + vf 2 + vf 3 + . . .



v1 e
+ 1 2 v1 e
+ v1 21 22 e5` + . . .

v1 e` 1 + 1 2 e2` + 21 22 e4` + . . .

= vs



e` 1 + 1 2 e2` + 21 22 e4` + . . .
zo + z s

similarly, vr = 2 v1 e` 1 + 1 2 e2` + 21 22 e4` + . . .

vr = 2 vs
e` 1 + 1 2 e2` + 21 22 e4` + . . .
zo + z s


Equations 69 and 71 represent the steady-state, asymptotic values of the wave amplitudes existing on the
line when a sufficient time has elapsed for subsequent reflections to be vanishingly small. Note that they
are now referenced to the value of vs , the open circuit source voltage. The ratio of these is

= 2


since all other terms are the same, and cancel. This shows that even in the general case, where both
source and load are mismatched, only the reflection coefficient at the load is required to specify the ratios
of the steady-state forward and reflected waves, and thus the SWR. This also allows these waves final,
steady-state amplitudes to be calculated directly.

Example to Illustrate The Derivation

Figure B shows the mismatched quarter-wave line used in example 2 in this paper, but now fed from a
linear Thevenin source having an output resistance of 25 . To facilitate comparison with earlier results,
the source voltage, vs , has been set at 10V. Since we energized the line in this first example with 5V, and
the input resistance of the line was found to be 25 , we set the open-circuit source voltage at 10V so
that final conditions on the line will be the same. That is, using the symbols of appendix A, the final,
steady-state input voltage on the line will be
v1 = v s

= 10
zo + z s
25 + 25

= 5V


Appendix figure B: The lossless, quarter-wave line used in the first illustration fed from a linear Thevenin
The final value of the forward wave can be found in terms of the initial conditions by immediately applying
equation 69. Rather than doing this, we will follow the progressive buildup of the forward wave to its final
value. Again, switch on the source at t = 0. The line initially contains no energy, so its input impedance
is not yet 25 , but 50 , the same as Ro . Hence the initial line input voltage will be


Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

vf 1

= 10
50 + 25

= 6.6666 V.


A first forward wave of this amplitude will be generated, and travel to the load. Note that this amplitude
is not the same as the final, steady-state amplitude, which we determined to be 7.5V.
This wave will be reflected from the load with reflection coefficient 2 = 1/3 and travel back to the source.
The reflection coefficient at the source, 1 , is negative,

1 =

25 50
25 + 50


But the returning wave, having now travelled forward and back, half a wavelength, has reversed its phase,
so the amplitude of the second forward wave, and the sum of the two forward waves, will be
vf 2 = 1 2 v1 e2`
where e


so vf 2
and the sum vf 1 + vf 2

= 1


(2 line lengths travelled)

6.6666 (1) = 6.6666
= 0.7407V.


= 6.6666 1 +
= 7.407V


We see that the forward wave amplitude has increased closer to its final value, but its not there yet.
Adding in all subsequent forward waves, the final forward wave amplitude will be


= 6.6666 1 +
= 7.5V

+ . . . = 6.6666

9 81




Equation 80 is seen to express the summation represented symbolically in equation 69, and again the result
has been obtained using the geometric progression formula. The final forward wave amplitude is thus
the same as we deduced from simpler arguments in section 4. A similar calculation shows that the final
reflected wave amplitude is also correct.

Reflection from a Thevenin source

What happens in reflection from the source, which contains an impedance and a voltage generator, seems
to be more perplexing than reflection from an impedance alone.
The sources used in the examples above are linear, Thevenin sources. Such a source has two components,
an impedance in series with an ideal voltage generator.15 Thevenins famous theorem states that
Any circuit consisting of an arbitrary number of voltage sources and linear impedances connected in
an arbitrary fashion, with any two nodes designated as the output terminals, may be represented by
an equivalent source having just two components, found as follows:

Thevenins theorem was historically proved by Gauss, forgotten, and re-discovered by Thevenin and others.
Thevenins original, and most other, proofs are somewhat contrived, and may appear incomprehensible. The simplest and yet completely rigorous proof requires matrix algebra. The only place I know that it appears is in my text,
Theoretical and Computer Analysis of Systems and Networks, Gary E.J. Bold and Sze M. Tan, any edition, chapter 3,
section 6, University of Auckland Physics Department, $20 (NZ)

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009


The source impedance, zs , is that impedance measured or calculated between the output terminals
when all voltage sources inside are replaced by short circuits.
The voltage source is that voltage measured between the output terminals of the original network
when all external loads are removed.
The voltage source thus obtained (the circle with containing the sinewave with accompanying arrow) has
zero impedance, which is what is meant by an ideal source.
But reflection of any type of wave can only occur when the wave encounters an impedance discontinuity.
Thus reflected waves on the transmission line do not even know that the source voltage generator exists,
because it has zero impedance.
This may seem strange, because the voltage source is certainly there, so should it not add or subtract
somehow with the wave? Yes, but we are working with linear circuit elements, and this means that the
two processes of wave reflection from the impedance, and subsequent modification of input conditions on
the line by the voltage source should be considered separately and then combined.
The impedance element generates the reflected wave. The voltage source element adds its value to that
of the reflected wave. This process is used in appendices A and B, and is shown to give the correct results.

The Direction of Power Travel.

The forward and reflected voltage waves definitely travel backwards and forwards on the line, and so
it seems that power must be also. But we have seen that the reflected power is just reversed and sent
back towards the load, so that the indicated forward power is actually the forward plus reflected power.
We now show that at any time, at any point in the line, the direction of power transfer is always towards
the load, and its value is constant anywhere on the line.16
The voltage and current on a coaxial cable give rise to an associated electromagnetic wave inside it. Such
a waves power transfer direction is unambiguously defined in terms of its constituent electric and magnetic
field directions.17 Figure 3 (a) shows a cut-away section of a coaxial cable, showing both currents and
fields. The current is at this moment, and at this point, flowing into the page in the centre conductor
towards the load, and out of the page in the outer shield. We will designate this as the positive current
direction. The electric field, vector E, can be deduced from Gauss Law.18 Here, it is shown pointing
radially from the centre conductor to the outer conductor, implying that the centre conductor is positively
charged. The electric fields magnitude is given, in terms of the charge, by
E =
where =
r =

the charge per unit length on the centre conductor
the permittivity of the dielectric,
radial distance from the centre.


This electric field vector is related to the instantaneous voltage between the conductors by 19

where a =
b =

the radius of the inner conductor
the radius of the outer conductor.


I have not seen this proved anywhere else. If you have, let me know? Somebody has surely done it before!
The equivalence of the EM wave and voltage/current viewpoints is treated in some advanced texts, see Communication Circuits, Lauwrence Ware and Henry Reed, Wiley, third edition, chapter 15.
Gauss Law is explained in any electromagnetic text, including Electromagnetism, Bold, Op. cit., chapter 4.
The voltage is found by integrating the electric field from the inner to the outer conductor. This is where the
logarithm to the exponential base e came from.

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009


Figure 3: (a) Field lines in a coaxial cable. (b) Field lines in a twin-wire cable.
We see that the magnitudes of the electric field and line voltage are proportional to , so V is proportional
to E. We will also designate the voltage giving rise to this field as the positive voltage direction.
The magnetic intensity field, H, is caused by the current in the centre conductor. Lines of equal magnetic
intensity form concentric rings around the centre conductor, inside the cable as shown. Their directions
are given by the right-hand screw rule20 and their magnitude can be calculated using Amperes circuital
Law as
where I = current in the central conductor
r = radial distance from the centre.
H =


Two such alternating E and B fields are always associated with an electric field. The magnitude and
direction of power travel are given by the Poynting Vector21
P = EH
where P = the vector instantaneous power in the wave
= the vector cross product.


The magnitude of P is given by the product of the magnitudes of the E and H fields. The direction is
found by the right-hand screw rule, and is that in which a right-hand (normal) screw would travel if rotated
from the first vector towards the second.
Figure 3 (b), top, shows the field vectors of figure 3 (a) directly above the conductor. E is pointing
upwards, H points to the right. The E to H rotation would cause a right-hand screw to travel into the
page, so this is the direction of power transfer for this current/voltage combination, shown by the dashed
line with arrow. However, these vector fields are both alternating sine waves, so they periodically reverse
their directions. Half a cycle later the E and H arrows will both be negative, as shown by figure 3 (b),
bottom. The cross-product rotation shows the power transfer vector to be still in the same direction. We
will designate this combination of voltage and current as that of the forward wave.
If the current was travelling in the opposite direction in figure 3 (a), out of the page, the direction of the
H vector would reverse. This situation is shown in figure 3 (c), top. Figure 3 (c), bottom, shows the
situation half a cycle later. Now the power transfer vector has also reversed its direction, and comes out
of the page in both diagrams. This combination of voltage and current gives the reflected wave.

the rotational direction a right-handed screw must be turned to progress in the direction of the current.
John Henry Poynting published the first, unwieldy derivation of this vector in 1884, but Oliver Heaviside published a
simpler one, that normally given now in texts, in 1885. Heavisides nevertheless requires one inscrutable vector identity.
See Electromagnetism, Bold, op. cit., chapter 9.


Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

The total voltage at any point in the line, vt , is the sum of the voltages in the forward and reflected waves,
whose magnitudes are related by the voltage reflection coefficient at the load, 2 . The maximum and
minimum values of the total voltage will occur when vf is respectively in phase, and in anti-phase with vf .
(vt )max = vf (1 + 2 )
(vt )min = vf (1 2 )


In example 2, section 4, these conditions will occur at the load and the source, respectively. Since is
always less than 1, these total voltages will be in phase with the forward voltage.
The same argument holds for the currents in the forward and reflected waves, since the line current is
related to the line voltage by Ohms Law, via zo . For simplicity, we assume that zo is real, as for a lossless
line, and we have normalized the lengths of the current and voltage vectors to be the same. 22 The total
current at these two points will therefore also be in phase with the total voltage. Figure 4 (a) shows these
voltage and current phasor relationships at the source.

Figure 4: (a) Voltage and current at the source, where the total voltage is minimum. (b) Voltage and
current one eighth wavelength towards the load.
Hence the E arrows and H circles at the source and load will point in the directions shown in figure 3 (a),
and the Poynting vector shows that direction of power travel is unambiguously towards the load at these
points. At no time is power flowing in the other direction. In particular, no power flows from the line into
the source.
At other points on the line, the situation is more complex, but we illustrate what happens at a point where
the power calculation is geometrically straightforward. Figure 4 (b) shows the situation an eighth of a
wavelength towards the load, where the diagrams have been rotated to keep the reference phase of the
incident waves vertical, and voltage and current phasors superimposed. The reflected voltage phasor has
now rotated 90o clockwise, or in the retarded direction, while the reflected current phasor has now rotated
the same amount the other way.
The total voltage and current are no longer in phase. We can calculate the power, P , developed in the line
from a geometrical argument. It is well known that power is also given by the product of the magnitudes
of the voltage and current, and the power factor.
That is, P = |Vtotal |.|Itotal | cos
where = the angle between the total current and voltage phasors.
and cos = the power factor.
so P


|vf |(1 + 2 )1/2

|vf |(1 + 2 )1/2

|vf |2
1 + 2 cos

|if |(1 + 2 )1/2 cos

|vf |
(1 + 2 )1/2 cos

although these results are true for any line. The algebra just becomes more tedious.


Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

(1 + 2 )1/2

sin(/2) =

and cos = 1 2 sin2 (/2) = 1

so P

Checking, for example 2, P

1 + 2

1 2
1 + 2
1 2
|vf |2
1 + 2
1 + 2

|vf |2
1 2

1 2 = 1 Watt,

cos() =



which is the same answer as obtained earlier by power conservation. In fact, this relationship holds all along
the line, but is tedious to show in the general case. Since 2 is always less than one, the total voltage on
the line will always have its largest component in the direction of vf .23 It follows that the electric field will
also have its largest component in this direction. Similarly for the magnetic field.
It follows that the average power vector P, evaluated over a complete cycle, will also always point towards
the load, wherever, and whenever it is evaluated.
We now confirm that the total power carried by the electromagnetic wave inside the line is the same as
that computed from the voltage and current phasors. The electromagnetic power inside the line will be
the value of vector P integrated over the area of the line between the inner and outer conductors. Because
both The E and H wave magnitudes vary with radius, an integration is necessary. Let V and I be the
instantaneous magnitudes of the total voltage and current on the line. Consider the contribution to the
power, dP , of the field in an annulus around the line centre, at radius r, and infinitesimal width dr.
substituting for E and H, dP
Integrating, the total power P
but from equation 86, V
where V
therefore P

= EH.2r.dr

Z b
2 a r



= the total voltage across the line at this point.
= VI


Thus the total instantaneous power carried by the electromagnetic wave inside the line is the same (as
expected) as the power given by the product of voltage across, and the current through, the line. This
relationship holds at any point, at any time, on the line, though V and I will vary along the line, and are
related by equation 45, through V = I zin .24
To summarize, this appendix shows that
The direction of power travel on the line is always from the source to the load. No power travels in
the other direction, even though the reflected wave does travel from the load to the source.
The magnitude of this power is invariant along the line, and can be calculated either from the voltage
and current on the line, or from the power carried by the electromagnetic wave inside the line.
strictly speaking, we should use the magnitude of 2 , but in the examples worked 2 is always real, so we will stick
with this. The result in the general case can be shown to be the same.
although zin has been quoted as the input impedance at the end of the line, in fact this same relationship gives the
impedance at any point in the line. See any text on transmission line theory for verification.

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009


RF Transmitter Output Impedance

An output impedance can only be defined for a linear system, that is, one which obeys Thevenins
theorem. The final stages of transmitters are not linear in this sense. They are often called linear amplifiers,
because their output signals are (within distortion limits) linearly enlarged replicas of their input signals.
But the circuitry inside them is non-linear.
Its also stated on many websites and frequently published in Ham literature, that the matching unit is
either adjusted to present a conjugate match to the transmitter output stage, or sometimes that it is
50 . This implies that the amplifier has an output impedance, and that it can be measured. But both
of these statements must be false, because
The maximum power theorem shows that if a conjugate match exists between a source and a load,
then equal amounts of power are dissipated in the source and load.
It follows that the efficiency of such an amplifier would be 50%.
But the efficiency of a class B amplifier is readily shown to have a possible maximum value of 78%,
and class C efficiencies can be even higher. Thus these cannot be conjugately matched.
The confusion was heightened by Walt Maxwells book Reflections, in which a conjugate match between
the amplifier and its load seemed to be implied. Much heat, but little light was generated on various Ham
reflectors discussing this. Confusion increased when a section on Conjugate matching written by Walt
was withdrawn from post-2001 editions of the ARRL Handbook.


The True Facts

I am not an rf design expert, but here are comments by two who are, and who have extensive experience.
First, an extract from a reflector post explaining the reason for the conjugate matching section withdrawal
by R. Dean Straw, N6BV. Dean was Senior Assistant Technical Editor, ARRL, Editor; The ARRL Antenna
Book; Editor, transmission line chapter, The ARRL Handbook. Dean stated:
I was trained at Yale University (1967, BS Engineering and Applied Science)as an electronics engineer. I
worked for 25 years in industry, both as a bench engineer and as a manager, in technical marketing and
engineering. I have been the editor of The ARRL Antenna Book since 1993, when I first joined HQ staff.
At Dayton, when Walt Maxwell asked me directly why I had removed the extensive section on the conjugate
match that he had written in earlier ARRL Handbooks, I told him the following:
1. I am a RF engineer. I have designed and worked with HF and VHF power amplifiers ranging from
250 mW exciters to 250 kW military SSB transmitters.
2. Never, not once, did I consciously use the concept of the conjugate match to design and develop
any of the above-mentioned transmitters.
3. The output matching networks used in any transmitter I have worked on have been designed using
straightforward network equations. The goal was to transform an output load resistance, usually 50
ohms, with a specified level of SWR, to the plate, collector or drain load-line resistance needed to
develop the specified output power, at a specified level of Intermodulation Distortion (IMD) and at
a specified level of harmonic content.
4. I know of no professional (or amateur) design engineer who has ever consciously used the concept of
conjugate matching to design a transmitter and, believe me, I have asked many of them over the
years this direct question because of the continuing Maxwell/Bruene battle.
Summary: Dean states that in rf amplifier design, the concept of conjugate matching is never used.
Secondly, from Jerry, K0CQ, who is a professional rf engineer of ferocious competence, well known on
reflectors. He placed the following on the Ten-Tec reflector in 2001:


Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009

The output resistance of the active device varies wildly over the RF cycle. What I see is that the tuner or
Pi network is adjusted to accept the feedline input impedance, whatever magnitude and phase angle, and
to transform it to the proper load for the active device.
Its given the more maddening appearance of there being a conjugate match because of the way RF
solid-state devices are measured. Commonly, they are installed in a test jig, then the universal matching
network is adjusted for maximum power output (a side effect on conjugate matching of no time-varying
components) and then the test jig is split and the Z shown to the active device is measured and its
conjugate impedance declared the output Z of the device. (Italics mine, ZL1AN)
It is NOT. The impedance measured is the load that allows the active device to produce maximum power
(within distortion and efficiency and gain limits).
For circuit designers, it is convenient to say the output impedance of the device is r + jX and the load
must be r jX to be a conjugate match but thats an improper statement of fact. Its plain wrong, but
it makes circuit designers produce output networks that supply the appropriate load for the device.
Summary: This, perhaps, gives a reason why the concept of conjugate match is so deeply imbedded.


Typical QRP Output Stage Design

A tutorial paper by Paul Hardin25 showing the design of a typical QRP output stage is on the web at

This paper is actually about the design of harmonic rejection filters, but the first equation in it indicates
how design of a typical single-ended QRP output stage proceeds. Design starts by finding the equivalent
resistance RL , which, if used as a load to the stage, would result in the required power being developed
when the collector voltage swings completely over its possible range. R L is given by

RL =
where RL


(Vcc Vsat )2
the resistance required,
the power supply voltage,
the saturation collector-emitter voltage of the transistor,
the output power required


Since this is an inductively coupled load, it behaves differently from a simple resistive load. The quiescent
voltage at the collector will be Vcc , and the collector will swing up and down around this, and can therefore
swing approximately over twice the voltage range as it could with a simple resistance. The reason for this
is that the voltage developed across an inductance is proportional to the rate of change of current through
it. This reverses direction during the cycle. The collector is tied to one end of it, the other is tied to V cc ,
which is fixed. Hence the collector voltage must swing around Vcc .
Equation 116 is derived assuming that the collector voltage will swing between 2V cc and Vsat .
Example: If Vcc = 12 V. Vsat = 0.5 V, Po = 5 Watt,

RL =

(12 0.5)2
13 .

The real load seen at the input of the feedline is always assumed, by convention, to be 50 , since this is
the input resistance that a standard transmatch, adjusted for SWR = 1:1, would give. A 1:4 bifilar wound
toroidal step-down transformer would transform this down to 12.5 , which is close enough.

This was presented as a compendium paper at the 2002 Atlanticon QRP Forum (Timonium, MD)

Bruene Coupler and Transmission lines. Version 1.3 October 18, 2009


Paul then shows how a variety of progressively more sophisticated 50 to 50 low pass output filters can
be designed to place between this transformer and the matching system.
The essential point is that design starts by determining the required load seen by the transistor. nowhere
is any assumption made about the output impedance of the transistor. The transistor is just an active
device that pulls the voltage across the transformer primary through its maximum swing.

A Bruene power/SWR meters operation can be explained from two points of view. If it is connected
directly to, or in a transmission line, its readings can be interpreted as powers in forward plus
reflected and reflected waves. Alternatively, it can be considered as measuring the departure of
the impedance seen looking out from its output terminals from a pure resistance of 50 . This holds
whether its connected to, or in, a line, or directly to a lumped impedance.
On a transmission line, unless the source can be replaced by a linear source impedance matched to
the line characteristic impedance, reflections always occur at the source.26
But rf output stages operating in class B or C are non-linear, and cant be replaced by Thevenin
sources for input-end reflection coefficient calculation.
Regardless of whether the source is matched or not, the SWR is determined only by the reflection
coefficient at the load.
The first forward wave has the same amplitude as the initial line input voltage. But this is not the
same as the final, total forward wave amplitude. Similarly for the reflected wave.
The final, steady-state amplitudes of the forward and reflected waves result from the summation of
(in principle) an infinite number of reflected waves.
Steady-state conditions on the line require time to build up. That is, energy has to travel to and fro
on the line a sufficient number of times for reflections to become vanishingly small.
All line conditions, including the way in which the waves build up, can be deduced even for a lossy
line, a mismatched load and a mismatched linear source, provided that the reflection coefficient of
the source is correctly included, and we use the Thevenin equivalent representation of the source.
Electromagnetic theory shows that all power travels from the source to the load, anywhere on the
line, at all times. This power is the same at all points on the line. No power flows in the other
The output impedance of a class B or C rf amplifier is not 50 . It cant even be defined. But it
doesnt matter. The concept of output impedance is never used in rf design. Instead, the method
of appendix E is used, with empirical adjustment (as described by Straw) used to fine-tune operation
for best harmonic rejection and acceptable distortion.


in general, if the line is lossy, its characteristic impedance will be complex, so a (complex) conjugate match is
required. Of course, this is unlikely to be the case for any real transmitter!

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